Thankful to Weight Watchers

mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
I have been on and off diets forever. Did Weight Watchers years ago, lost weight, gained it all back. Have been learning, reading, researching low carb, keto, LCHF, Paleo, Primal, for the past three years or so. Have lost and regained weight because I begin to feel "deprived", so I go off the diet, then back on, etc. You get it...
So, after some conversations with a friend who has had amazing success with Weight Watchers since February, I made the decision to go back there. Told myself I could just do WW for awhile, lose some weight, (get to eat some of the things I've been missing on LCHF!), then when I get tired of that, I'll switch back to LC.

I went grocery shopping, figured up my points allowance, and began officially counting points on Monday. Had my food all planned out for the day. I was HUNGRY! I have not felt hunger like that in ages! It made me flash back to how much I hated that hunger feeling and the struggle of standing in the kitchen wanting so much to eat something, but not having any more points left for the day. I honestly had forgotten what that felt like. But, it was the first day. It would be better on day 2...

Day 2: I was excited to get to eat an egg (fried with spray instead of butter, but still) on a "diet" english muffin (sprayed with spray "butter"), with a slice of bacon, for breakfast. Took the first bite and YUCK! That english muffin was nasty! How did I used to think these things were good?? And what was that funny taste? Maybe the spray butter? Oh, well. For lunch I had a whole can of Progresso Chicken Corn Chowder soup, with 5 saltines, and some blueberries. Didn't taste too bad! About 3.5 hours later, I was still at work when my blood sugar plummeted. Got shaky, felt STARVED! No food available except the bag of chocolates I have had in my office for 3 months for my staff. I have never been tempted to eat it. But I ate about 8 of them (Little Hershey nuggets), before the horrible starved feeling started to diminish. At this point it was not yet 4pm and I was out of points for the day. AND I felt like crap. AND the majority of the food that I had eaten over those 2 days tasted NASTY. (And created a lot of trash! Everything required a package that had to be thrown away when I was done with it.)

I wanted a steak. I wanted buttered broccoli.

HUGE turning point for me. So, thank you, WW! I have questioned which WOE I will live on for the rest of my life for the LAST time. There is no comparison. I choose LCHF. I choose to eat delicious, REAL food. I choose to feel satisfied and/or full, all the time. NEVER hungry.

WELL worth the $39 it cost me (for the online WW membership) to realize this. Finally.

I can't wait to stop off at the meat market after work tomorrow! :blush:


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I didn't expect this to end well. :lol:

    Glad you've realized what works for you.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    That was a good story. I'm glad that little break helped you realize what works and what doesn't for you as an individual.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    WW was another failed diet for me too. I was so hungry on a low fat diet that it was the most miserable feeling of my life. It was so inconvenient having to eat all the time. I made my docs give me every hunger suppressant medicine that was available at the time, at least 4 different ones, maybe more. NONE of them worked or had terrible side effects.

    I am keeping this post as a reminder for me to not forget what it was like....Thank you for posting,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    95 pounds down, 29 to go.
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    I lost most of my weight on WW but like you so readily explained you feel hungry.

    I can say doing this LCHF I no longer feel hungry.

    I do "plan" cheat with a half potato or small amount of corn every now and then. It hasn't seemed to throw me off too bad.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    WW worked for me about 15 years ago. I lost 55 lbs in less than 3 months but then fell and broke my arm and gained most of it back. I was also mostly eating LCHF - I just did not know it at the time. Lots of yummy hamburgers, eggs, and bacon. I did also eat fruit then but can't now because I am fructose intolerant.

    @pondsbb I find a little starch now and then does not mess me up too much either and I am quickly able to get back on target. I do usually retain water though and it takes days to come back off, usually after a day or two of water fasting.
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member
    I was always hungry on WW and the last couple times I tried I was barely losing any weight. I'd rather stick to hflc.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I've been on and off WW more times then I would care to admit. I lost 98lbs in 2000, only to gain 170 back when I broke both arms simultaneously. The only thing I truly miss about WW is the meetings and community feeling at the meetings where I can share what is and isn't working for me. That's truly why I am so THANKFUL for this site and in particular this board. Although I don't feel comfortable enough answering people's questions yet.... it will come in time with experience, I feel the community aspect here that I was missing. I feel "safe" here. I had contemplated returning to WW for the community feeling, and then found you guys and gals. So Thank YOU!!!!
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    WW's online worked for me when I was just out of college, early 2000's. Lost 50 lbs in 4 months, went to a size 8.... I sort of ate what I wanted, counted points for it, and if I was over, worked out till I collapsed, all cardio. In the end, it just wasn't sustainable for me and I gained it all back and then some. I personally don't remember ever feeling deprived on WW's or that hungry past the initial week of settling in, which no matter what diet I do, I always starve that first week as I adjust.

    I really really dislike their new point system though and I just can't make it work for me. Plus, I disagree with fruits and veggies being free. One, a banana has loads of sugar and calories and if you eat boatloads of them all day, you won't lose weight. I don't get their logic on not counting them. At this point in my life, I really don't want to count anything. I just want to eat till I'm full and be satiated and happy. LCHF does that pretty well and most days I eat less calories than when I did CICO or WW's and feel full off less. As of this morning, I am officially 10 lbs lighter!

    I didn't do the WW's meeting as we're a small town, but their online community at the time was very helpful and nice. I enjoyed that a lot and like carimiller, am very happy to find this group and others to help keep me on track.

  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    The part of WW that did not work for me was the low carb limbo. I still am not at a point where I can exist in that in between world. I was not nearly as hungry on the original WW. But with the latest version I felt like I was starving all of the time. The original WW did not incorporate carbs into the points as much as the "eat as many fruits and vegetables" as you want WW. I was eating well under 1200 calories a day. Basically, the only way I would hit 1200 is if I ate a ton of fruit and avoided carbs altogether. The fruit just made me want more carbs. Cyclical hell. I never made it longer than 2 weeks and I would cry almost every day. Now I only cry every other day hahaha... not really. I feel completely satisfied the majority of days. Guess what WW? Bacon is effing delicious!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    When I did WW, I'd save all my "flex points" for the weekend and whatever loss I had during the week was gone by Monday. :neutral: NOT AT ALL like LCHF! I'm hardly ever hungry (and if I am, I can eat), and the weight continues to come off.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Lol. Awesome story, and a fairly inexpensive lesson. ;)
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have many negative things to say about WW and the entire concept.

    I did it twice and both the experiences were demoralizing and made me feel dirty. It was just like an AA meeting, only food was the bad thing. Consumers are given a sales pitch to buy crappy whatever bars and prepackaged junk to help them. One subjects themselves to stepping on a scale and having some "leader", either praise or chastise you. "You will do better next week, Dear" , or "Good Job, you get a star in your book this week". OMG! No Thanks, I'm an adult! It's all about the scale.

    There was little or no teaching of real knowledge. The instructors had no awareness of physiology or anything remotely based on scientific studies for discussion. I found the leaders nothing more than sales'gals' and glorified cheerleaders. (With apologies to the cheerleading community and the women spraying cologne on you at Macy's.) The first time I went, I became pregnant after a few weeks into it. I asked for advice about proper nutrition during my pregnancy. They said they had to cancel me, because pregnant women weren't allowed to lose weight. I said, I didn't want to lose weigh during this time, I just wanted to be accountable and learn how to eat healthy and maintain proper nutrition. She said, "Sorry, It's our policy" That was in 2001... Seriously? I went back in 2013 to a different location and again, I just couldn't take the entire vibe.
  • JennyToy1
    JennyToy1 Posts: 26 Member
    i had success with the old Fit n Fiber (was that was it called) but when i started my current weight loss journy i actually started at WW. i was able to lose my first 30 there but after that it was just too much food and i didn't see success. Instead of paying for a plan i had to tinker with i just moved on with my own plan.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I just realized my success with WW in 2002 was just using the point system that my friend shared with me. I never actually joined or participated in any of their meetings. I went to one meeting in the 1980s and felt like an alien - very uncomfortable.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I didn't expect this to end well. :lol:

    Glad you've realized what works for you.

    Ha! Me either.

    Love this story!!
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Ahhh yes the pain of the low fat carb dense diet. I'm one of those people who would "start again on Monday" almost every week. I could never make it past a couple of days on a low fat calorie restricted diet without feeling I was going to die of hunger, and end up stopping at the drive through on the way home for 2 burgers, a large fries and a coke.
  • dtobio
    dtobio Posts: 55 Member
    That pretty much sums up my experience with Weight Watchers. It has its good points like anything else but I don't miss convincing myself that it's a lifestyle change. I'd much rather have heavy cream than a tub of fat free cool whip any day! So glad you found something that works better for you!
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    I have done very well with ww in the past, only to put it all back on and more!! Vowed never to go down that route again as it does nothing but make me obsess about food more. Also hate how commercialised it has become, totally different feel from when I first went to a ww class 30 years ago. Saying that my late mum lost over 7 stone with ww and kept it off for over 20 years, so I definitely works for some people.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    edited July 2015
    I know a woman that loses 100 pounds every other year with WW. You can guess what happens on the other years. However, WW has been touted as the best weight loss program for keeping weight off. I'm with @giftbouquets though, obsessing about what I'm eating doesn't do a lot for me long term.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I was always hungry. Did it. Lost weight but always, always about will power. And I love veggies! Ate lots and lots of veggies. Always hungry. Life style? Worked for 2 years because I am stubborn but no. Just no.