APPETIZING AUGUST - Food Related August Challenge

toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
Appetizing August

This is the food related challenge. The idea is to try new LCHF foods and recipes or try a new regimen. Food choices will be up to each participant. Participants can do a single month-long challenge posting each week or change it up each week. The choice is yours!

Some ideas could include but are not limited to:

A. Try this ingredient (i.e. Sunflower Lecithin, Capella Flavors, Hemp Hearts)
B. Try this recipe (i.e. Cheeseburger Pie, anyone?)
C. Swap x in your diet for y (i.e. try almond milk instead of HWC in your coffee, try a different ground meat in place of ground beef)
D. Switch meal order (i.e. Breakfast for Dinner)
E. Change number of meals per day
F. Try meatavore, vegan, etc
G. Tweak macros each week
H. Your ideas!!!

Participant Expectations:
Post in the thread for the challenge you are undertaking at the beginning of you challenge, each week, and a final recap at the end of the month

The thread will be continuous throughout the month

Initial post:
What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. Which item from the suggested list)
What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety to diet, jumpstart metabolism, reduce inflammation)

Weekly posts:
What did you do/try this week?
Were your goals and expectations met?
What worked or did not work? (i.e. I tried x and y happened, I used x instead of y and it was z, I lost xx lbs this week!!!)

Final post:
Let us know how your experiment went overall


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Dear Challengers,

    Poking my nose in here for some housecleaning.
    I sticked the first post, August Adventures which briefly outlines the available challenges for this month. Inside I posted links to the respective challenges. Having 3 posts stickied up there is a mess, so I hope you all don't mind. As long as the respective challenge threads are active they'll show in the discussions. And if they get bumped down once the challenge gets underway, challengers will be able to find them quickly in the stickie.

    Carry on.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Thank you!!
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Dear Challengers,

    Poking my nose in here for some housecleaning.
    I sticked the first post, August Adventures which briefly outlines the available challenges for this month. Inside I posted links to the respective challenges. Having 3 posts stickied up there is a mess, so I hope you all don't mind. As long as the respective challenge threads are active they'll show in the discussions. And if they get bumped down once the challenge gets underway, challengers will be able to find them quickly in the stickie.

    Carry on.

    Thank you, baconslave!
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    @toadqueen, you are stuck with me! . I am under major restrictions as far as physical movement, so no exercise for me. . I will think about what I am going to do and what my expectations for this challenge are and post it soon. . :-D
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? to try new LCHF recipes

    What are your goals and expectations? diet variety while still losing and toning

    Hi all , I'm in for both challenges. I look forward to getting to learn from everyone.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? Try at least 1 new recipe/ingredient per week and post my results/experience.

    What are your goals and expectations? Hopefully I will come up with some new amazing recipes!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? Eat breakfast more days than not. This month I've been very successful with 16:8 intermittent fasting, but sometimes, especially after lower calorie days, I'm hungry in the morning. I want to add breakfast back in and see what difference if any it makes in my weight loss and energy.

    What are your goals and expectations? I have no idea. I hope to continue losing at least one pound per week on average, but other than that this is just about learning and tweaking.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    I am going to use this challenge to try new recipes... some for eating right away and others for make ahead and freeze meals.

    My goal is to stock my freezer for my upcoming surgery and to get a bit of variety into my diet.

    This is actually a challenge for me as I tend to eat very simple, basic foods and I don't make the keto recipes.

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? My mom left me a bunch of old cookbooks. (40s and 50s) As I've been cleaning out I just started to open them up and to my surprise, I found that many of the recipes are high fat, low carb. Using lots of butter, lard, cream, unflavored gelatin, shortening, many ingredients that the newer cookbooks do not include. My challenge is to organize all these books and pull out a few recipes that might spark some ideas for this WOE.

    What are your goals and expectations? Find some new and interesting ideas to prepare my proteins and recipes that I can also freeze for my lunches. I cook on Sunday for my week's worth of lunches. I need to be inspired!!
    Goal --2 new ideas for Chicken, 2 for Meat, and 2 for Fish.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am doing both this and the Active August Challenge. Like @azcowgirrlup I have major health restrictions so I may have to drop out of that one.

    Initial post:
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. Which item from the suggested list)

    I'm doing a blend of couple of the suggested list items: A trying new foods (the whole month) and F different eating styles (by weeks)
    Week 1 is a new food: Duck week and a new recipe: Hollandaise sauce. I'll be eating some carbs.
    Week 2 is liquid week: broths, protein shake, egg yolks
    Week 3 is meat week: like the May challenge that I missed; 0 carb
    Week 4 is food variety week: try different fats, make my own walnut butter, make my own ricotta or Farmer's cheese

    What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety to diet, jumpstart metabolism, reduce inflammation)

    I need to add variety to my diet, test food sensitivities, keep inflammation to a minimum
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month?
    I want to come up with AMAZING foods that taste and look like high carby favs from my past life.

    What are your goals and expectations?
    I love the keto foods (truly) but there is a nagging fear that I may one day not be able to deal with a greasy burger so I want to have options in my pantry to keep things interesting. I ordered the blanched almond flour from amazon everyone recommends along with a supposedly good sugar substitute. I'm wary of the SS but really can't make something like cheesecake with liquid Stevia drops-- just not practical. Sorry got carried away! My goal is to increase the variety in my diet so that I don't even notice I'm eating LC.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    My mom left me a bunch of old cookbooks. (40s and 50s) As I've been cleaning out I just started to open them up and to my surprise, I found that many of the recipes are high fat, low carb. Using lots of butter, lard, cream, unflavored gelatin, shortening, many ingredients that the newer cookbooks do not include. My challenge is to organize all these books and pull out a few recipes that might spark some ideas for this WOE.

    That's fantastic!
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    I have been on a low carb (under 20-30 gr.) for the past nine weeks. I am already pretty active with cycling and weight training. My problem is I keep losing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds. It seems that I have an unsatiable appetite and go over my TDEE most of the time due to overeating cheese. So I have decided to try the zerocarb for the month to see if it will make a difference.

    Initial post:
    What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. Which item from the suggested list)

    Mainly F; different style of eating: zerocarb (beef, lamb, occasional chicken thighs, limited bacon and eggs and of course black coffee)

    What are your goals and expectations? (i.e. add variety to diet, jumpstart metabolism, reduce inflammation)

    I am getting a little OCD with the carb count and my obsession with cheese !! So I would like to simplify my life and just eat to live and not have to overthink it.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. Since I need to make some freezer meals and portioned meals, I would love to stay in challenge if it's OK.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Yes. It is okay. You can try new recipes throughout the month. You may want to as you recover and will likely not have much of an appetite or be restricted. I pray the surgery goes well.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. Since I need to make some freezer meals and portioned meals, I would love to stay in challenge if it's OK.

    Good luck on your surgery.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    pondsbb wrote: »
    My spinal surgery is scheduled and approved for August 11th. Since I need to make some freezer meals and portioned meals, I would love to stay in challenge if it's OK.

    Good luck on your surgery.
    toadqueen wrote: »
    Yes. It is okay. You can try new recipes throughout the month. You may want to as you recover and will likely not have much of an appetite or be restricted. I pray the surgery goes well.

    Thank you! I am a quivering puddle of stress / nerves / fear, you name it. I hope its going to be easy to get back into keto. :-)
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    Today I am going to make an 8 serving breakfast casserole to freeze in individual portions. No recipe yet, I am going to wing it. :-D
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    I LOVE spicy food. I made a very bland breakfast casserole to freeze in individual portions. Oh gosh, it's just eggs and cream and cheese.. Hubby liked it and I didn't, but it will be good for me.
  • simbartes
    simbartes Posts: 64 Member
    1. I want to try BPC. I've never had the nerve. I restrict my calories and its calorie count is so high that is scares me senseless
    2. I want to replace soy milk (which I drink so little of that it goes off and I have to buy more every few weeks, even though I know I won't drink that much of it). I'm thinking of going straight to heavy cream because I really only use it in coffee and tea.
    3. I want to try some substitutes for bread, so I can have burger buns or a sandwich. It's okay if it doesn't taste exactly like bread, so long as it tastes good.
    4. I want to try those egg recipes that you make in a muffin tin you see everywhere online. They look delicious.

    I've brought the muffin tin already, and heavy cream.