
I confess.....

I ate at a buffet for breakfast and ate enough food (around 1300 of my 1570) to last me through until dinner.

The good part is, we decided to walk there and back (3.88 miles total) instead of driving. So even though I ate a lot this morning, by walking I earned myself another 558 calories to eat. Plus, we will more than likely I'll have a light dinner and still have some left over, so all is good.

Anyone else have anything they want to confess?


  • shauna913
    shauna913 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok yea...I confess that I gained 2 pounds before Sat's initial weigh in
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    shauna913 wrote: »
    Ok yea...I confess that I gained 2 pounds before Sat's initial weigh in

    It happens! All you can do is get back on track and take everything one day at a time, right?

  • rdtalon
    rdtalon Posts: 42 Member
    edited August 2015
    I put in my initial weigh in, then weighed myself the day after and found that I was three pounds heavier, lol.

    2nd confession:I have an mfp friend I am super jealous of right now, because he is even heavier than I am, but eating 1200 calories a day, and doing crazy amounts of exercise (like 2-3 hours of swimming). That would lose like 4-6 pounds a week.
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    rdtalon wrote: »
    2nd confession:I have an mfp friend I am super jealous of right now, because he is even heavier than I am, but eating 1200 calories a day, and doing crazy amounts of exercise (like 2-3 hours of swimming). That would lose like 4-6 pounds a week.

    I totally get this. My husband is losing weight as well. Hes eating 2400 calories a day, making sure he gets in 10,000 steps and we walk 2mi at least every night and he's lost 9 lbs in the last week alone! (I'm sure some of it's "water weight") but I'm still jealous anyways because I've been eating right and exercising for almost a month now and have lost almost 7 lbs. So he's lost more in a week than I have in a month. It kinda bums me out, But i realized that hes bigger than me so he may/will lose faster than I will.

    We all lose at different paces. Yea it sucks when someone else loses more then you faster than you, but in the end if we get to where we want to be, what does it matter how long we take?
  • jjacks1986
    jjacks1986 Posts: 19 Member
    weekend threw me off once more! had homemade pizza on Friday, white potatoes on saturday and a sunday roast on Sunday...All all companies by wine or martini :/
    need to plan my meals better for next weekend and keep the alcohol out of the house...
  • thefitpandaproject
    thefitpandaproject Posts: 94 Member
    I didn't log my food the entire week... I ate a lot of junk, although I didn't gain weight but I feel pretty guilty.
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    I confess that I'm getting upset because even though I stay under my calorie goals and have added 3 times/week really intense crossfit sessions, I haven't seen real changes in the scale for ages... It's taking me about two or more weeks to lose 1 kg (~2 lb).
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    Its taking me about 2 weeks to lose a kg too danielaica. I started the 5:2 mid-July and with the two lean 500 cal days and 1200 cal remaining days per week, I was secretly hoping to lose a little more. I figure its up to me to shock my metabolism- I've adjusted my twice weekly gym routine to interval training instead plus the odd 10 minutes of pretty intense, heart-pounding stair running in my apartment block. Bought a FitBit tracker and the FitBit scales as well.
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    @WicklowWanderer I'm not sure why this is happening. Some of my friends think it's due to muscle gain (muscle weighs more than fat) but I have a hard time thinking that I'm gaining that much muscle mass in two months :smiley: Might be sooome truth to it...
  • ewoksrule3
    ewoksrule3 Posts: 230 Member
    In two months, you may be having some muscle gain...if you are pretty close to your goal weight, I have heard that it is MUCH slower losing weight at that point, so you may just have to be forgiving and accept that the last little bit is going to take longer.
  • zahpay88
    zahpay88 Posts: 80 Member
    I confess...
    Yesterday, I ate 9 slices of cheese pizza, plus a whole package (4 bars) of King Size Almond Joys. The day before yesterday, I ate three fried chicken wings, two fried chicken breasts, and a biscuit and a half. I've gained two pounds in two days (water weight..I hope :/ ). I don't know if this is impressive or scary....I'm going with the latter.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    danielaica wrote: »
    I confess that I'm getting upset because even though I stay under my calorie goals and have added 3 times/week really intense crossfit sessions, I haven't seen real changes in the scale for ages... It's taking me about two or more weeks to lose 1 kg (~2 lb).

    Find some non-scale things to measure to encourage you that you are doing good things. Measure yourself and keep up with inches lost. Better yet, find some strength or stamina goals that you can see improvements how many push-ups or pull-ups can you do, or some other cross-fit move you are trying to conquer. That way you can be encouraged by how fitter and stronger you are getting!

  • ewoksrule3
    ewoksrule3 Posts: 230 Member
    Zahpay88 - we all have days like that! I am trying not to buy frozen pizza for a while, because I tend to eat the entire thing if I bring it home. Same thing with potato chips and dip....I'll eat at least half the bag, sometimes the whole thing. Try to find some things that you enjoy as a snack, but that you're able to keep yourself under control and only eat a reasonable portion size, rather than the snacks where you can't stop. For me, that's cheezits, or microwave popcorn, or things like pop chips. Yes, they're still snack/junk foods, but it allows me to still have a "treat" that fits into my calorie goals so I don't feel so deprived....and yet it doesn't give me the temptation to binge on my big temptors! I know some people stay away from those kinds of snacks altogether, but I find that if I cut everything out, I end up going crazy binging, whereas if I can find things that I'm able to enjoy but be moderate with, I don't have such a problem with the binge days.
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    Hi @MicheleStitches , thank you for the advice. I'll start measuring myself every two weeks and see how that goes. (Y)
  • FitNFabulousByFifty
    FitNFabulousByFifty Posts: 25 Member
    I confess that although I've been faithful to my new fitness of cycling..I've opted for chips vs fruit...multiple times
  • FitNFabulousByFifty
    FitNFabulousByFifty Posts: 25 Member
    oh! One more IMPORTANT confession....I have a habit of "strategic selfies" that are not quite accurate in that with the right angle and the right lighting....well, it changes things. In this particular photo, it was about a year ago also....ahhhh...better now....
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing!! Lets keep it going!!
  • zahpay88
    zahpay88 Posts: 80 Member
    ewoksrule3 wrote: »
    Zahpay88 - we all have days like that! I am trying not to buy frozen pizza for a while, because I tend to eat the entire thing if I bring it home. Same thing with potato chips and dip....I'll eat at least half the bag, sometimes the whole thing. Try to find some things that you enjoy as a snack, but that you're able to keep yourself under control and only eat a reasonable portion size, rather than the snacks where you can't stop. For me, that's cheezits, or microwave popcorn, or things like pop chips. Yes, they're still snack/junk foods, but it allows me to still have a "treat" that fits into my calorie goals so I don't feel so deprived....and yet it doesn't give me the temptation to binge on my big temptors! I know some people stay away from those kinds of snacks altogether, but I find that if I cut everything out, I end up going crazy binging, whereas if I can find things that I'm able to enjoy but be moderate with, I don't have such a problem with the binge days.

    Thank you so much for your response and great advice. Incorporating resonable amounts of my favorite foods into my diet can stop overeating. Again, thank you. :)
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    I had 4 sushis for lunch. It was 695 cal all up and really disappointed with myself. Pushing forward and telling myself I got my fix and now back on track.
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    tatho2014 wrote: »
    I had 4 sushis for lunch. It was 695 cal all up and really disappointed with myself. Pushing forward and telling myself I got my fix and now back on track.

    That's not bad at all for eating out, and sushi generally is quality nutrient. You didn't blow the calories on a huge bag of crisps/chips, for example. As I've done often enough!