Any bike riders out there up for a mini challenge?

ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
So I notice there are a lot of ppl on here that run or walk. But what about riding a bike? I am recovering from knee surgery and go to physical therapy 3x/wk. It's been a really difficult recovery for me as I was a runner played softball and beach volleyball. Dr says no running, and if I walk no longer then 30 mins. Still no lifting weights. PT suggested riding a bike and swimming. Dr agreed I could do both. I choose to ride the bike as I am sooo not ready to be seen in a bathing suit!! (I know that's silly but there it is). My PT challenged me to set a certain number of miles to ride for the month and treat it like I was training. So that's what I am doing.

My challenge is 200 miles for the month of August.

Anyone up for it? You can determine your own amount or join in mine.

I would also luv if anyone would like to help keep me motivated and accountable, even if not doing the 'mini challenge'. I need all the support I can get!


  • Alex_or_Ben
    Alex_or_Ben Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I do the stationary bike a few times a week. I did 9.1 mi today. How did you do?
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    I only did a short ride last night since I'm trying to get back into riding. Love the challenge. Have to convert from km to miles since I'm in Canada. Did 6.2 km last night which is about 3.9 miles.
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Hey I did 10.75 mi today. Woo hoo only 189.25 miles to reach my goal!! LOL

    It was very therapeutic for me. Let's keep it going!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    I ride a stationary recumbent bike and watch Season 4 of Grimm! 13.15 miles today. I just started riding again the middle of last month. I'll just have to see how it all goes...I have whinny knees and, all of a sudden, a whinny hip! :#

  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    That sounds great. I caught the cycling bug some months ago, and worked my way up to 48 miles yesterday. My knees are also sub-par (I am rehabilitating from a backpacking injury), so for now I'm stuck with cycling and swimming as well. For this month: doing my first 'broken' century this coming weekend, and the Heatstroke 100 at the end of the month. It's an addiction now!
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    @CompM Wow impressive. Maybe I'll get there one day....for now 1 day and 1 mile at a time.
    Good Luck and I'm cheering you on.

    8/3 - 8.86 mi -- today was hard and I really jist wanted to quit. :/
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    @shangates92 ...but you didn't quit!! Good for you! Nice job getting it done!

    I'm glad Grimm's season 4 is long!! Managed 12.0 miles today. ...25.15 to date...

  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    I stationary bike. Did 12 miles today.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,394 Member
    I'm game but the next week I'm not going to be able to make it to the gym!
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks shan. It starts 1 mile at a time! No quitting, you got this! :)

    14 mile easy spin on the road finishing with some rolling hills.
  • FitNFabulousByFifty
    FitNFabulousByFifty Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Shangates92! I will be a support to you in your quest! I'm new to cycling. Started a little over 2 mo ago, (first week found out the front breaks worked REALLY well and had to heal from injuring both wrists, elbows and shoulder that I had surgery on back in Nov. - thankfully just needed time to heal) I've been back to riding about 14 days now and am just now reaching 10 miles a day. I LOVE it! I don't really have a number goal yet, just to not quit or get hurt - ha! But I am happy to be a support!
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    50 minute pace ride on the road. Was supposed to be longer, but the lightning came in.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Managed 12.0 miles today. ...37.15 to date...
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Only managed 8 miles today (got called in to work early). Proud that I did it but mad at myself because I ate crappy today!! But I guess that belongs in the confession thread........

    Miles to date: 27.61
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    @cpanus You finish season 4 yet?? LOL
    @GrandmaJackie Jump in whenever your ready
    @FitNFabulousByFifty thank you!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    @shangates92 ...episode 12 today...I think there are 22 episodes all's getting pretty good! Good job on the 8 miles...maybe it was enough to burn what you overate?? :# Tomorrow is a new day! :)
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    I'buying a new bike this weekend to upgrade my 30 year old mountain bike. I'm very excited. My Mom and Dad surprised me with bike money yesterday. Otherwise it would totally be out of reach. I have a bunch of test riding to do to see if the bike I envision works for me. So excited!!! But I haven't done any riding yet this week though. :-((
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    @mommyknits No worries once you get settled w/your new ride just jump on in. Happy to have you join.

    So I wasn't able to ride yesterday as I was in some pain. But I have PT today and hopefully will be able to ride later....I actually missed nit being able to ride. excited to be able to ride today as I wasn't able to yesterday. But I did manage to stay on point with my calories...woo hoo. Little victories
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    @mommyknits That's great! What type of bike are you excited about?
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    21+ miles yesterday, easy road spin today and tomorrow for recovery.