Any bike riders out there up for a mini challenge?



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    12.75 miles on the recumbent bike today and watched S4E13 of GRIMM!!
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    Hubby bought the bike rack today. I'm so eager to hit some of the trails and great riding places around here. It's supposed to rain tomorrow but if it mellows for the afternoon, I'd like to try riding around this Island. It's a quiet circular route, just under 10km. There's a little small ferry that takes a few cars and pedestrians and cyclists over on a regular basis. I bought this book with 45 local rides. I want to get to all of them eventually. :-))
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    56.3 terrible, terrible miles.

    Bike racks rule. For some reason, I automatically like drivers of cars with one mounted. :)
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    So I can start riding again. Yay! I won't make goal this month but I'll get in what I can and I guess next month try again!!
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    So I was able to get in about 8.13 miles a slower pace but all good.

    So 1/2 way thru the month and I am at
    87.85 miles
    112.16 to make goal
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    I only set the small goal of 50km for August. As of last night I hit 36.8km. So I have 13.2km to go. It will be interesting to see how much I can accomplish when school is back in September, my daughter's dance schedule back in full force and the evenings with daylight getting shorter. I have a feeling that most of my riding will happen on weekends.
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Only managed a short ride today (about 30 mins) before the storms came in. That would be the storms that we weren't going to get. Literally the noon news said 'sunny and hot the rest of the day'. What do they know?!
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Funny thing...our storms rolled away early. Did you all volunteer to take them from us?
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Lmao...apparently so.
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished my 15-miler outside due to @shangates92 graciously accepting the terrible storms in time for an evening jaunt. >:) Power's out just a few blocks from my house, and limbs/mud washouts EVERYWHERE.

    My steed needs a bath in the morning.
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    No ride outside again today...thanks @CompM but did a spin class only made it about 45 mins, and no jumps or standing for long. But felt good. Need to log those miles........
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    Only 4.5 km away from my August goal of 50km. I should get it done before the weekend. Let's see how far I can surpass it and then I'll have to set a new goal for September. Most of my rides, once school and "real life" starts again will probably have to be on weekends. Sigh.
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I hope you don't mind me jumping, in on this post. I have taken up cycling more since I got a better bike. My bike believe it or not came from the garbage. I think it was tossed in due to it being very uncomfortable. My husband fiddled with the handlebars and he put another seat on it that we had. I have to admit that my seat isn't right yet. It's wearing me in not the other way around. When I get back home I will have to get to a bike shop and investigate seats. I was doing over 30 k most days. The last few weeks about 22k.a day. Since August 1st I have done
    317.21k....which is 197.11 miles. I really love biking here. We have some very big hills around here. They really take the stuffing out of me. The pavement is in perfect shape, that really makes a big difference compared to the roads back at my house.
    By the way mommyknits, I love your bike! Have fun everyone!

  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    @ruperthumphrey don't mind at all! Everyone is welcome. Great job on the riding....especially on a 'garbage' bike.
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome @ruperthumphrey! Congrats for 'adopting' a bike. It needed a good home :)

    Today, 24 miles + 19 min. warmup, 10 min. cooldown, 30 min. easy ride with a friend.
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I had a rest day today. We finally got some well needed rain.
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Rest day, thank goodness. My legs and glutes feel alternately like spaghetti noodles and hot sauce. Sometimes both. Scheduled a massage for after Saturday's long ride.
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    Other than Bootcamp tonight, I think today is a bit of a rest day. I won't have time to fit in a ride before dark and I'm feeling really tired today.

    I knew my distance goal for August was small.... at 50km.... but I needed to start small. I reached it with my ride yesterday.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,428 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day. Today I've managed 12.15 miles on the recumbent bike. I'm hoping to get back on it this evening but ya never know...
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    22.5 miles today! Sun was out and it was hot and steamy.

    @cpanus welcome how's Grimm? New season is coming up

    @mommyknits congrats on reaching your goal.