Lab Results?



  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    Yes - insulin resistance seems to be the root of many evils. I really enjoyed watching & reading Dr. Jason Fung, both on and on Dr. Fung's site: The take-home message from Dr. Fung is that sugar consumption is the primary cause of insulin resistance. T2 diabetes was almost unknown (up until ~20 years ago) in high carb consumption countries such as China & Japan - because of lack of sugar in the diet.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    pedidiva wrote: »
    yes. See this talks about the cholesterol/triglyceride ratio

    Ha! I had read that article before...

    So, to show you my numbers/calcs:
    Total: 212
    Trig: 96
    HDL: 45
    LDL-Calc: 148
    LDL-Direct: 164

    So HDL/Total ratio is 0.21, which is just below the ideal of 0.24 but nowhere near the danger zone of 0.10.

    Trig/HDL ratio is 2.1333, which is just above the ideal range of 2, and nowhere near the 4/6 of high/too high...

    Does my IR impact these numbers further?

    To give a little perspective, my total was the same when tested back in 2009 (changed up and down since), but the "cholesterol composition" was SO different!

    Total: 212
    Trig: 203
    HDL: 36
    LDL-Calc: 135

    HDL/Total: 0.1698 (closer to 0.10 than 0.24)
    Trig/HDL: 5.6388 (between high and WAY TOO HIGH - and closer to WTH...SMH)

    Part of the trigs number I believe was related to the untreated hypothyroid (which hadn't responded to meds years before), and which I didn't know, but having high trigs is a one of the big things that can help diagnose hypothyroid if you're in normal range but at the low end...

    So definitely decreasing my risks!!!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I fear this same thing come November our workplace screenings, I'm just hope my cholesterol levels don't come back whack. However if they do, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get me that waiver that says "Go *F* yourself Company" my doc says I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    pedidiva wrote: »
    Exactly, Knit. The treatment for insulin resistance is a LCHF diet. Check out
    Have you watched Peter Attia on youtube or Tim Noakes? Very good.

    And yes, my endocrinologist is the one who finally tipped me over into the low carb camp because I'd been on the fence, terrified to try something else that wouldn't work and depress me, which he finally tested for the IR.

    My Fasting Insulin Levels:
    5/14: 9
    10/14: 7.6 (with Metformin, without low carb)
    4/15: 7.1 (with low carb, Metformin discontinued in January).

    So improving there, too. Now that I've isolated some of the AS as further culprits, I look forward to new bloodwork in October to show off more! Anecdotal observations (within a few weeks of going low carb, I noticed that shadowing fading that is a sign of overworking your pancreas - and that's when I knew this WOE/WOL was definitely for m!!!)

    I haven't had much internet access as far as watching videos, but it is definitely on my to do list!
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    wow, Knit WTG with the insulin levels. that's what we should really be following , IMO. Sounds like yur endo is on the ball!!
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Showed my test results to eye doctor yesterday as she has been watching my weight drop right before her eyes in the three months I have been going to her. Told her what PCP said and she flat out said SCREW HIM. I am thrilled with these results. And just like you said Knit, when losing weight it skews the results and the fact my ratio has come down so significantly is fantastic and she said NOT to do statins, not that I would, and wait and see how it all works out a year or so from now when the excess weight is gone and I am settled back into my body. She said I am doing fantastic in the short time she has been seeing me.

    I will send PCP the links to the videos and information. I already sent him one. Not sure if her really took time to read it. Maybe I can educate this little twerp so he does not do stupid *kitten* to the next patient that comes along and he sends them down the SAD path like he keeps trying to do to me. He is a fresh out of school youngster as I see him and wouldn't it be wonderful if I could educate him. BUT on the other hand doctors are bound to follow the book and when they step out of what they consider the medical line they can get their hands slapped with big law suite. So I get it why he has to do some of this but also feel he needs to understand some of what he is preaching is so wrong.

    It is his job to recommend statins because my readings really do look awful if you go by the book. I also have the right to refuse them.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited August 2015
    He's my third endo. First one retired and never really tested much. Replaced by a guy who told me my PCP was stupid for putting on me on thyroid meds (despite the fact that she had years and years of tests showing that my levels had dropped over 200%, even though I was still in "normal" limits) and I should quit them if they weren't working (had been less than 60 days, was natural stuff, my PCP later found that over 80% of her patients didn't respond to it - and through my own research I found a lot of that is due to the fact that type needs to be tweaked to find efficacy ranges - years later restarted on the synthetic stuff - blood levels responded immediately, added supplement to support and treat continued symptoms) unless I was ready to not be fat anymore (no plans or suggestions, just judgment).

    I hit the gold mine with this one though. He believes in treating the symptoms, even if bloodwork doesn't always support the full diagnosis because with women, hormone issues, PCOS, IR, and all manner of craziness occur that mask the true underlying issues.

    What's funnier to my is that my PCP kept telling my all my symptoms sounded like low thyroid but the tests never proved it...she never tested for insulin resistance, but when my endo did and she saw my current, already lower number, she FREAKED. *sigh*

    But, I'm definitely finding that after almost 7 months low carb, and almost 6 months keto, that I feel better than I ever have in my life, despite some physical issues surfacing now....
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    My Fasting Insulin Levels:
    5/14: 9
    10/14: 7.6 (with Metformin, without low carb)
    4/15: 7.1 (with low carb, Metformin discontinued in January).


    This is very interesting Knit - thanks for sharing this. This really shows the power of low-carb & its superiority over the medicinal route.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    pedidiva wrote: »
    It's the triglycerides that matter. The gold standard for heart attack risk is the coronary artery calcium score. It is a CT scan of the heart.

    I had this done (along with the battery of tests that go with it).
  • boohooboo
    boohooboo Posts: 51 Member
    i have something called common variable immunodeficiency, so i have to have blood drawn every six months to see whether i will still be annoying people for at least the next six months ;-) i had my blood drawn this week. while my immunoglobulins remain in the toilet (no surprise there), i did have two surprises. 1) after 5 weeks of LC, my serum glucose was in the normal range for the first time since i can remember. 2) my serum chloride level was lower than normal, which has never happened to me before. reading up, it looks like that means my electrolytes are off. short of eating salt, i am not sure what to do there.

    next month, i get to make the cardiologist happy (i hope) and have the lipid test -- you know, bloodwork for cholesterol, etc. kind of curious on that front to see what is happening. my triglycerides, cholesterol, and other things have been baaaaaad. we shall see what hilarity ensues...
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I get first blood work on Monday after 10 months of being in nutritional ketosis. I am wondering how my numbers will look. Thursday is a exam for life insurance so if they are messed up that could cost me premium wise. At least I will be under 200 pounds unlike 10 years ago.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    So today was doctor day on the above lab tests. He was actually very pleased. Felt testing the size of LDL is an expensive test and at this point my metabolic ratio is looking pretty good considering what it was last year. His earlier comments were made before he knew I had lost 44 pounds. And DANG that 45th pound is hanging in there tight as can be. BUT I measured my waist and it is 2 inches smaller from 2 weeks ago. Guess it is a Non Scale Victory. I do not have to go back for a year unless some thing unforeseen comes up. Feeling very pleased with myself.
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    Yay, Gale!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    So today was doctor day on the above lab tests. He was actually very pleased. Felt testing the size of LDL is an expensive test and at this point my metabolic ratio is looking pretty good considering what it was last year. His earlier comments were made before he knew I had lost 44 pounds. And DANG that 45th pound is hanging in there tight as can be. BUT I measured my waist and it is 2 inches smaller from 2 weeks ago. Guess it is a Non Scale Victory. I do not have to go back for a year unless some thing unforeseen comes up. Feeling very pleased with myself.

    So you should be! Good stuff!
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Some people think that TG/HDL ratio and LDL particle size are much better assessment tools. The reason Total Cholesterol and LDL are so intensely tested and monitored is to fit into an assessment calculator used to prescribe statins. Any enlightened Lipidologist knows that TC and LDL are only part of the picture.

    I don't see a widespread recommendation for LDL particle testing. There is no giant Pharmaceutical company with a drug to improve one's measurements. Pharmaceutical companies would fear that if there was a widespread acceptance of this testing their prescriptions for statins and profits would suffer.

    Pharmaceutical companies look for a technology to measure something they can make a widespread panel number in screening. They try to link this measurement to a disease state. They then find a patentable drug to control this measurement. They do extensive clinical studies DESIGNED to promote the efficacy of their drugs. Any studies with non-conclusive results-they spin and any detrimental studies-never see the light of day. They advertise extensively. "Ask your doctor if Webemakindo is right for you." Once a drug is approved by the FDA people within the organization work feverously to find "off label" uses for their drugs to maximize profits.

    Sorry if I seem so cynical but I had my 6 month lipid panel done two weeks ago and my TC was 212 and my primary wanted to prescribe me a statin based on the NEW statin calculator. I politely refused. Time to find a new primary.

    Like they used to say on Hill Street Blues-"Be careful out there."
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Showed my test results to eye doctor yesterday as she has been watching my weight drop right before her eyes in the three months I have been going to her. Told her what PCP said and she flat out said SCREW HIM. I am thrilled with these results. And just like you said Knit, when losing weight it skews the results and the fact my ratio has come down so significantly is fantastic and she said NOT to do statins, not that I would, and wait and see how it all works out a year or so from now when the excess weight is gone and I am settled back into my body. She said I am doing fantastic in the short time she has been seeing me.

    I will send PCP the links to the videos and information. I already sent him one. Not sure if her really took time to read it. Maybe I can educate this little twerp so he does not do stupid *kitten* to the next patient that comes along and he sends them down the SAD path like he keeps trying to do to me. He is a fresh out of school youngster as I see him and wouldn't it be wonderful if I could educate him. BUT on the other hand doctors are bound to follow the book and when they step out of what they consider the medical line they can get their hands slapped with big law suite. So I get it why he has to do some of this but also feel he needs to understand some of what he is preaching is so wrong.

    It is his job to recommend statins because my readings really do look awful if you go by the book. I also have the right to refuse them.

    Ditch him. It is not your job to educate or enlighten. Most doctors spew the party line, there is only one way and only one accreditation process. They live in that world and are supported by the system and they live there happily. They have invested a lot and aren't looking to rock the boat. Their attitude is... this is what we got...take it or leave it.

    I had recent interaction with my new to me, 60 year old primary who wanted to prescribe me a statin. I asked him why and he told me my cholesterol was too high (TC 212 TG 75 HDL 54) and proceeded to relay the pouring chicken fat down the kitchen sink drain analogy was happening in my arteries. Before I could stop myself I interrupted him in asking if he really believed that analogy being correct. Our interaction went down hill from there. I asked him as he was prescribing statins he must have studies that support lower LDL or total cholesterol linking lower incidence of CHD he could refer to. He told me that adolescents with total cholesterol of 600+ often did not live thru their 20's without use of statins. When I replied to him that they had a specific disease state, hypercholesterolemia, I asked if he was diagnosing me with that disease state. He denied the diagnosis. I asked him if he had any other study and he directed me to any good medical library would have studies for me to do my own research. I declined the prescription and he informed me I was ignoring good medical science.

    I am getting another primary where I feel I have some input in my medical care and in more often than not we see eye to eye. I don't think it will be easy but I think it is worth it.