Ranting about naysayers



    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    GreenA..I am cracking up at the "sound of candy wrappers in bed…alone...in the dark…...…incredible denial !!!! but funny as all get out!

    At the worst point in 2009 I was such an incredible sugar junkie (it was fueled by a cancer I didnt know I had!!!)..
    I could buy a 3 pack of Cream Horns--like 500 calories each.....buy three 3packs actually..and eat one pack in a night..feel sick and woozy from the sugar..then do it again the next day… 1500+ calories of total SUGAR….finally the store stopped carrying them..and I quit looking for them. they are still my number one trigger.

    GaleH..I really admire your taking action..it is so true that sugar and carbs can destroy our ability to fight off infection, clog the liver, fog the brain….UGH…

    I NOW have a new apt to see the VA kidney doc..and the nutritionist too..she wants me to tweak my diet..BUT she also lost 46 pounds on LC…..so I told her I was NOT going to eat the VA healthy Plate way AGAIN..it doesnt work..she agreed. so we will see what lecture I get in Sept from the RD.

    Protecting my one kidney is the most critical issue I have…. LC seems to be working, I may have to lower fats ( new meds making me hungry) but I am NOT adding"whole grains" to my diet..blah!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited August 2015
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I don't know why people are so stupid. Even my elderly Dad knows that if you don't eat sugary foods, pasta, potato, bread and rice you feel much better and lose weight. He did low carb 30 years ago, it's not a new concept.

    It makes common sense. Especially for the diabetics. I don't get the resistance, either.

    I know for people like my mother, they've gotten into the mindset that they are so damned miserable that they feel entitled to indulge in the "few joys they have left!" Even if it makes them worse. (...)

    My mum too! She says "I'm too old to change". Which is not true, cause she has changed some significant things past years. It does not matter what I tell her, it's like she feels hopeless or something. Cause she rather prefers to slowly not being able to live on her own due to sarcopenia and emerging dementia, than to try change things. She even says she can't eat many of the things I suggest like spinach and fish oil, because they might "interfere with my medications". Taking pills is evidently more important.

    I got into a discussion with a friend the other day. She had gestational diabetes twice now. And has participated in a study bout it, so she was measuring BG and was informed about the diagnose on a course. Still, she says: "Eating fat raises cholesterol and can cause heart disease". It got a bit heated, but we agreed to disagree.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I worked with a guy that ate pasta and rice and chicken gravy biscuits

    He was diabetic using insulin shots

    Thought the shots made it ok to eat a bunch of carbs
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    That's my parents too @KittensMaster, they believe that since they take medication they can eat what they want. My mother worries about feeling deprived. She doesn't see it as the drug/poison it is! Probably never will.
  • Meeezonajourney
    Meeezonajourney Posts: 101 Member
    The doc I work for shares office space with an endocrinologist. I overheard someone say "I can't wait to get my insulin pump then I can eat whatever I want". Alrighty then!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    We have been taught there is a pill for every health issue that we may develop. The masses buy it.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    It makes common sense. Especially for the diabetics. I don't get the resistance, either.

    As I know from my mother's diet (she is a diabetic who lives alone), she eats the way she does from habit, laziness, and convenience. It is too much trouble for her to cook for one, and she got into the habit of fast food (when she had a car, that is). Now it is mostly microwave meals and cookies (That woman can eat two dozen choc chip cookies in one day!) She pretends she buys the sweets for the grandkids, but they are mostly adults and do not go by to see her very often at all! When I visited her last year, she stuffed the pockets of her robe with those individual candy bars and sat there eating them while watching tv. Then she refilled the pockets and took them to bed with her. I heard her in her bed unwrapping them! Ironically, my mother got onto her mother for doing the exact same thing! I tried to offer her better foods while I was there, but she refused to eat them. She just filled up on fries, candy, cookies, and her KFC or BK sandwiches.
    My sister and I are convinced she will not be happy until she is on insulin.

    This reminds me of my sister, who is on insulin now. sigh.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    Perhaps carb addiction issue is at play in some of these extreme examples?

    Last year for pain management I was really considering letting the doctors put be on Enbrel knowing full well the real risk of cancer from doing so. I wanted to try adding coconut oil and removing sugar and all grain from my diet to manage my pain level. After two months I still was eating food containing sugar and grains because I really could not taper off of them. Then I went off of them cold turkey and 30 days later had my pain managed.

    I expect most people are not even aware of addiction to carbs is even possible. There was no hope for me after 40 years of abusing carbs until I understood I was an addict in denial.
  • mebeep
    mebeep Posts: 38 Member
    All this talk about moms who won't listen got me thinking how great full I am my mother is listening. In fact she's lost 11. Lbs so far and dramatically lowered her bp! So happy for her!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    mebeep wrote: »
    All this talk about moms who won't listen got me thinking how great full I am my mother is listening. In fact she's lost 11. Lbs so far and dramatically lowered her bp! So happy for her!

    That's great! I'm so happy for you and your mother. It's great to see people we love taking care of themselves.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    One of the main reasons I chose this WOE was the fact that my mom, a die hard sugar/carb addict for many, many years, died from liver cancer. I am totally convinced, after much research, that her high carb diet caused fatty liver disease which in turn caused her cancer. I will never go back.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn that is what I did after the death of my parents when it was clear I was a child of mortals. It just took years for me to act on what my head was telling me to do. I am glad you were able to act in time to make a difference. The programming from our homes is strong be it right or wrong training.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited August 2015
    mebeep wrote: »
    All this talk about moms who won't listen got me thinking how great full I am my mother is listening. In fact she's lost 11. Lbs so far and dramatically lowered her bp! So happy for her!

    So happy to hear!!! My mother LISTENS...she just doesn't understand that she CAN do it, too, and affordably, if she chooses... Or doesn't believe it. She's been in autoimmune H@LL for so long, she just can't even see the sun rising...

    And true carb/sugar addiction is definitely a part of it. Even on diabetic meds, for years and years, she couldn't kick her "leaded" Dr. Pepper habit for diet or water...
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    While enduring two hours of Extreme Weightloss with my inlaws last night, the questions started in earnest. This morning they threw down the gauntlet - they want to try this woe and have a competition to see who can lose the highest percentage of weight by vacation time next summer! Where the heck did that come from?!! I'm still simply stunned!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Everything turned out great then! That's wonderful, congratulations, all your examplary work and talk has been successful!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited August 2015
    Awesome to see families joining in!! My husband joined me in March and I'm still working on my parents. Offered to shop AND cook for us all. Who on earth turns THAT offer down??

    I think my mother (who isn't fat but has a carb gut bulge along with fibro, IBS, etc.) wants to, but my father is.. I dunno. Thinking it would be inconvenient in the summer? He just started cutting back on kibble for the dogs, though, replacing it with beef. While they eat Ben & Jerry's every night.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    While enduring two hours of Extreme Weightloss with my inlaws last night, the questions started in earnest. This morning they threw down the gauntlet - they want to try this woe and have a competition to see who can lose the highest percentage of weight by vacation time next summer! Where the heck did that come from?!! I'm still simply stunned!

    Awesome. It spreads! MWAHAHAHAAA!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    My motivational wall of inspiration just became richer! Nice advice!

    What I did after the death of my parents when it was clear I was a child of mortals.

    I am about hope and have always been.

    If you start to sound super geeky about the science, most people will get immediately bored, but they also start to think that you might just know something after all.

    A silent example demands attention, much as the whispering adult gets more attention from out of control children than the screaming one.

    You can't help stupid.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    I got into very LCHF without knowing what it was trying to manage my arthritis pain without Rx meds. After 30 days I knew LCHF was working to manage my pain better than any meds over the last 40 years. I would still do it today if it did not manage my pain at ALL.

    The fact that eating LCHF (stopped eating 50 carbs or more daily) within 6 months totally cured my 40 years of life defining IBS (those with IBS knows what that means) would be grounds for doing LCHF until they put me in a coffin.

    Speaking of family a group of Hawkins cousins got together for the first time in like ever. They had a lot of questions about my eating life style. One knew about ketosis from Atkins talk/experience years ago.

    Going from needing a power chair for theme parks or any event where there was a lot of walking and standing involved to being able to walk, sit and get back up on my own power is amazing to myself and 99% of others.

    I think the more 'alive' we become the more people will come to see how we really do become what we eat. Those of you who are managing diabetes and other illnesses with LCHF really do impress me.

    The fact MD's are now putting bariatric surgery patients on very LCHF to make the surgery a 'success' speaks volumes in favor of LCHF because that support is coming from the AMA.

    It lets people know to try the required LCHF diet first because if they can not loose weight on the diet than bariatric surgery is likely to fail anyway. If before the surgery they are successful on LCHF then they may be able to skip the surgery and its side effects while regaining their health.

    My goal of improving healthcare quality in the USA is by not needing to use the healthcare system. :)
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I was inspired as my dad died of congestive heart failure. He drank and smoked as a diabetic, terrible diet and it killed him.

    I have a profound respect for diabetes and snapped hard into action and reversed my type 2 and lost 130 lbs

    Unfortunately my mother died of breast cancer and I saw how devastating and quick it can kill

    On diets, some learn and some don't.

    I am an example always, either a good one or bad one.

    So I really don't care about nay Sayers that deny the nose on their face. They are not in a teachable moment. Someone else may come along when they are.