retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
Post your self challenges here for the month of September.


  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Oh yes! I am ready for this! I have been experimenting though out August, with different calorie amounts and exercise and IF and I have lost(repost?) 6.5#s, and I am sleeping better and I have less hunger. I still need to work on my emotional eating, but still not bad so my goals are:

    Continue logging in with mfp
    Continue IF
    Continue exercising @ moderate intensity @ least 4 hours a week.
    Continue calorie intake at MFP calories for .5# weight loss a week.
    Continue exploring reasons for emotional eating and DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT-I AM TOO OLD FOR THIS!

    Good luck to all ! <3
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I will break my low of 142 pounds. I think that I I am now to the point where a pound a month is about the best I can hope for.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Continue 5 miles total steps per day for bone density.
    Up weight/resistance training sessions to 30 minutes to build muscle. 3 times a week. Continue the ankle PT every day, which takes 18 to 28 minutes.
    Figure out the eating back calories thing.
  • patnj
    patnj Posts: 19 Member
    a) Go from 5000 to 10000 steps / day (Recovering from broken ankle - full weight bearing now for 14 days )
    b) Go for 1#/wk. ( 4 # down from today )
    c) Explore free weight regime at home
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Walk 5 miles a week.
    Do my Super Body workout 5 times a week.
    Meditate at least 5 times a week.
    Keep doing what I'm doing with diet.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    September Challenge

    Follow my strength training program, developed by my trainer, I meet with her later this week to determine what will be added and subtracted from what I am currently doing. Along with her program for me I will continue to attend Body Flex classes, at least once a week and also continue using the core exercise alternatives to crunches. The goal of all this is to increase my weights and to be down another inch around my waist by the end of September.

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Continue to improve my walking distance and speed. Also to continue with daily exercise bike and increasing the levels. I have been sedentary for so long Ive got to break the cycle! Hopefully will loose about 5 lbs this month.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I will need to stay on track while we are on vacation.
  • happygrandma52
    happygrandma52 Posts: 66 Member
    September Goals:
    Post daily.
    NO evening grazing.
    Get back to lifting weights 2 times per week.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Sept goals. 1000 minutes of sweating. Exercise that raises my heart rate to at least 130 bpm. That means I'm not counting walks with DH, not counting water aerobics.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm sticking with my goals that I did not do so well with in August:

    1. Getting in an average of 45 minutes of exercise daily --- a minimum of 30 minutes every day without fail and a total of 315 (or more) each week. (Did well with this in August and intend to keep it going strong.)

    2. Meditating daily.

    3. Using my self-hypnosis course faithfully each day.

    4. Reporting my actual accomplishment of above on a weekly basis.

    Happy September and for those celebrating, Happy New Year!
    ~ Kathy

  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    I think I will stick with my plan I worked on in Aug. I lost 3 lbs in Aug and another 1 lbs yesterday, so it is still working for me. I am really at goal weight, but want to lose a few more lbs to be slightly under. I am eating at 15% below TDEE and exercising about 40 min 3 times a week in addition to walking. I think the Intermittent Fasting has helped me a lot in this journey so I will stick with that as well. Good luck with all your great goals everyone!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi to each of you!! I am back again. B)
    I would very much like to do this challenge with you.
    Here are my goals:

    *I want to see at least a 6.3 lb decrease on my scale on September 30th!
    *Drink 13 glasses of water / day
    *Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me
    *Follow Paleo totally everyday
    *Plan menu's on Fridays
    *Declutter the office - completely
    *Upper body strength training every other day
    *Start walking 10 min 3 X a day, then increase as my leg will allow.
    *Mindful that July 16, 2016 is only 44 weeks away
  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    edited September 2015
    Great plan rebamae, you reminded me to make sure I am getting my water in each day, something I get lax on. I am also considering a new class, either yoga or Pilates as recommended by the PT I saw for my injured leg in Aug.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Reba, I keep forgetting to share this. For when there's swelling in the ankle, etc.... I was having uncomfortable swelling. The physical therapist told me to massage behind the knee and at the groin. It gets the lymph moving to help the swelling.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Welcome back, Reba! So what is on 7/16/16? ~ Kathy
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy MAGNIFICENT Monday to each of you B)
    And Happy Labor Day

    DH is going to be laboring today as they are getting the combine ready for corn harvest. The dryland corn will be ready to cut in a couple of days. Then the irrigated corn, then the dryland soybeans, then the irrigated soybeans. And between all of the harvesting the wheat gets planted.
    Fun on the farm :o

    I blew it last night and started grazing. I should have gone to bed when hubby did. A new day and a new determination.

    @seeingthelight if I may ask: what is IF?
    @grandmothercharlie How many more pounds do you have to lose? I thought you were at maintenance? No?
    @CrisEBTrue I hope you have a wonderful vacation. Where are you heading?
    When we went to Colorado I certainly did not stay on course.
    @lew0017 I can sit and make great plans - but the problem comes when I need to enforce those plans I fall flat, like last night
    @sharondtd Thank you for the help with the swelling. I am going to try that!!
    @mxchana We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary on 7/16/16!! Our plans keep changing as getting four families with 8 Grandchildren and 7 professions involved, we are having a difficult time with a date to celebrate. We are looking at the week between Christmas and New Years of next year.

    I need to get busy today as I have a busy week of appointments. If hubby is working then so should I

    Have a great day!!

  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Rebamae- IF in intermittent fasting. I try to eat from 11a-7 or 12n-8p then only water, black coffee or herbal tea. I don't know why it works but I am much more successful at not overeating if I follow this plan.

    The good things about this week:
    I read the bible every morning.
    I took my pills and supplements as prescribed. B/P and pulse are good.
    I lost .5#s.
    I stuck to IF 6 days.
    I was only over my recommended net calories by 166 for the week.
    I exercised 5 days, for a total of 1526 calories/372 minutes!

    As you all can see- I am calling being over net calories good-but LOL it was only 166 calories. I have been narrowing the gap between what I should be eating and what I really Do eat for 5 weeks and this is the closest I've come. Hopefully next week will be better- I would really like to lose a # a week. But then again, I am improving, I am getting stronger, and have less fat on my mid-section and any loss is a good one.

    No :'( just :) Sue
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Rebamae: Congratulations on your upcoming BIG anniversary!!! That's not a minor accomplishment!!!

    Vacation: On Thursday we're driving up to Illinois to see my mom, sister and her family. Mom will be 95 on October 31; we always go up in September, before the weather turns cold. Mom's in an assisted living place; she has a nice little apartment. She is still sharp, spunky and funny.

    Then at the end of the month, we are flying out to CA to see my mother in law. She's in a skilled nursing facility.
    She's 87; has Parkinson's and is on a feeding tube. My FIL died in May, so her existence is kind of bleak; pretty much limited to watching tv and little else. :/

    After a few days there, we are rewarding ourselves with a 2 week Panama Cruise. woo.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi everyone. Back again and cannot believe its Sept 8th! Goals for the month include the same as last. 5k steps per day. 20 min on exercise bike. 6 lg glasses of water. journal. TDEE. 16/8.