Yes...I think need you to draw me a picture :(



  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Twibbly - I like the picture, kind of puts it into better perspective than I had. LIke I said, I needed a picture. :wink:
    And I think some have said it before that they don't count calories that first few weeks of starting/going cold turkey right?
    I've got to do this. I've got to. I'm so fed up.

    That and be patient, hang in there during the first weeks when you're going so low on carbs. Maybe you'll feel really bad, but that's a sign stuff is turning around for you and it will pass. I felt so much better after the second week and I still feel like that. I'm even getting used to it a little ;)

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    pootle1972 wrote: »
    Half measures.......playing/pretending to diet. Low carb will help enormously with mood and once into it hunger....binge eating is something you'll have to work on as it has nothing to do with hunger more about self loathing.

    Last Full Measure--see Gettysburg Address, civil war trilogy last book of 3 by Shaara, and half measure in dieting is like instructor in Karate Kid, "Karate yes or Karate no, if Karate maybe "GGESH" just like chicken" So don't half *kitten* the diet or you end up like chicken crossing street. That is all. Carry on.

  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I tried to moderate for 5 years. Yep, 5 years of moderate carbs on a doctor-monitored diet and you know what I got? Another 90lbs heavier. I really wish I'd been able to do LCHF before WLS, but a few health issues wouldn't allow me to just do it. If you can just go LC, do it. Keto flu may be awful for you, but it might just be worth it to find your sweet spot. Mine is 20g a day and it took me basically a year to find it, but a year of some successes is better than a year of weight gain.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat. We're pretty much bailing the water out without plugging the hole.

    Oh, and I found you a picture:

    Have you asked them if you can take your anti-anxiety pills again? Or searched for alternatives? I've never been on prescription drugs, but mine improves vastly when I eat LCHF, then skyrockets when I fall off. I found some supplements that help, but LCHF has worked the best.

    That is a very accurate pyramid for my diet. It works well for me.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You, OP, have to choose what you put in your mouth each day. I recommend the same advice as the consensus here. Once you are fully adapted you will wish you hadn't waited so long to start. Best of luck!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    You can do this: if we can, you can - I agree with you: eat as much as you want during the transition, but don't half-*** the carbs, keep them low. Whenever you get a carb craving in the first few weeks, stuff some fat in your mouth. I felt pretty stupid having brie with butter on top (as per Jimmy Moore) but it sure as heck stops you wanting anything else in a short time frame. Then you'll likely be full, you'll see water weight pouring off and it starts to create a positive feedback loop which encourages you to keep going. Soon you'll be saying to your vegetarian friend how much you've lost eating meat and butter and it will annoy the heck out of her - revenge is sweet!

    For me, carbs make me want to eat more carbs - I can eat beyond fullness and just keep going. Even though nuts aren't carb heavy, the few carbs in there combined with the lovely salt are a bit addictive too, so maybe stay away from the nuts until later on. Also, I have found I am a lot less depressed and anxious on this diet and moods are pretty stable too. That's been a great side effect, also no brain fog/concentration problems at work after lunch. it's all good. I have been stalled at my current weight for a good while, but I don't want to throw it all in because of the many benefits of LCHF.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    <----was in exactly your boat a few weeks ago. Couldn't seem to get on the wagon properly until I got some tough love on here. Kicked my butt into shape! My deal was that I wanted it but not enough. I'd do ok for a bit then cheat. Only "a little". Or when no one was looking. But the only person I was cheating was me. I needed to get my head in the game before my eating habits would follow. I'm only a couple of weeks in so I still get cravings. But I refuse them. It is getting easier as time goes on - something I never believed until I actually felt it. I refused the most delicious looking cake at work just half hour ago. And I don't feel deprived at all.

    Are you drinking enough? I have to drink an awful lot of water now. And I'm not nearly as hungry as I was. In between meals I'm totally fine. I also find it a heck of a lot easier to get up in the morning! I had to find a few meals that I could have and stick with them. Gets a little boring but I'm not brave enough just yet to be adventurous with it. But they worked. I think it's an all or nothing situation, particularly for me.

    Stick with it. Get your head in the right place. Make sure you're doing this for you. Don't tell yourself you "should". Do it because you want to. And listen to the folks on here. They are amazing. I know they make it look easy but they've been where you are and know the tricks and tips to make it fit you. Believe that you can do it and when you struggle, yell for some help or encouragement. I'm still learning and still yell for help when I'm feeling a bit low or craving hard.

    I can't quite believe I'm actually replying to this as it is very similar to what I wrote a little while back....which just shows you it's possible. Feel free to message/add me. You can do this!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Half-measures aren't working for you. You need simple. You need effective.


    I love you.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited September 2015
    Also, for those of you dealing with stress/anxiety and want something that isn't an SSRI or similar, have a look at Phosphatidyl Serine. It's a naturally-occurring compound that lowers cortisol to reduce stress and anxiety. You can take it daily or as needed. Works wonders for getting through tough times and can help get you through the starting time of low carb, until the diet itself improves your mood.

    Oh, and if it's not obvious, I agree with wabmester. Go carnivore, at least for a month. It's easy (in fact, for some, it's easier than low carb), it's simple (at the very base -- meat and water), and it will break your carb addiction. Then you can add other foods back in, if you want (you don't have to, if you don't want to).
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    I agree with all the recommendations. Start out not counting calories. Get used to not eating anything with sugar or bad carbs. Just eat meat, dairy and fats. Once you cut out the bad carbs you wont have bad carb cravings as bad. May take awhile but if you fill up on the meats and fats you wont be hungry to eat bad carbs. Make a list of what foods you normally eat and then work on how to adjust them. For example if you love to eat a breakfast sandwich with bread, egg, ham and cheese. just toss the bread and eat the rest. Eat 2 or 3 if you need that to feel full. Start there. Cut the cravings then in a few weeks start to modify it to fit a realistic calorie intake. Good luck.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I posted this picture on another thread for fun. Might be helpful.

    Puleeze, forget the sandwiches and the anxiety pills! If you follow the advice in this group, you won't be looking for either one.

    A couple of thoughts to help you get started.

    Plan to start each day the same way for a week. Start simple as some have said.

    For breakfast have two eggs any style, add cheese and spinach one day for an omelette, the next day- 2 fried eggs, next day-scrambled with heavy cream. Add to your eggs 4 to 6oz of meat , try bacon, steak, the leftover bison burger meat from the night before. Top it off with heavy cream in your coffee or bulletproof coffee.

    You will feel a lot better tackling the rest of the day. Be consistent and patient. Carbs around 20-40g/day. You might later go less carbs once you learn more about this woe, but keep it below 40g and those cravings will lessen.

    From your rant, it sounds like you should be starting in the grocery store. You look with bleak desolation at the fridge. If you want to eat something, then you should. However, it should be helpful to a healthy way of eating.

    Plan your meals in advance with fresh chicken or turkey thighs and breasts, not deli meats. Plan meals with real fresh steaks, loins, tips, real fish fillets, nothing from the freezer section loaded with breading. A small amount of fresh non-starch veggies, such as sprouts, kale, spinach, drowned with butter, coconut oil, or MCT oil. You won't be hungry and your mood with drastically improve.

    Yup! Cut out all sugars, breads, rice, pasta, then add in meat, fish, chicken, fresh veggies, cheese, cream, water, coffee, tea, seasonings! That means getting more fresh eggs, heavy cream, and meats. Did I mention, meat? LOL. Explore new things, bison burgers, veal, cook a roast in the crockpot. I had a great 6oz. sirloin drowned in butter last night. Cooked to perfection, even if I do say so myself. I'm getting to be a real great cook since I started this. :) No more nuking something prepackaged!

    Also, it does require planning 3 solid meals in advance for the day from your shopping cart that you just brought home which contains solid fresh foods. Throw out anything that comes in a can or pre-packaged, toss out chips, crackers, cookies. As most everyone has said, in a nice way, changing your life "half-arsed" B) is not changing your life. If you think about it, it's really just the same thing, only rebranded. We've all been on a diet before, only to see it go up in flames. If you want an overhaul, Only YOU can put your head in the game. Using your old ideas of a "diet" (i.e., not eating as much, skipping meals, just having a salad! ) is going to lead to frustration.

    Read the older posts from this group. You will get a lot of great cooking ideas and some solid resources as to how to change your metabolism and your moods. Stick with it and you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly life can change for the better, how much food you will really enjoy eating, and all while losing weight. And you will feel and look great! No kidding!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    <----was in exactly your boat a few weeks ago. Couldn't seem to get on the wagon properly until I got some tough love on here. Kicked my butt into shape! My deal was that I wanted it but not enough. I'd do ok for a bit then cheat. Only "a little". Or when no one was looking. But the only person I was cheating was me. I needed to get my head in the game before my eating habits would follow. I'm only a couple of weeks in so I still get cravings. But I refuse them. It is getting easier as time goes on - something I never believed until I actually felt it. I refused the most delicious looking cake at work just half hour ago. And I don't feel deprived at all.

    Are you drinking enough? I have to drink an awful lot of water now. And I'm not nearly as hungry as I was. In between meals I'm totally fine. I also find it a heck of a lot easier to get up in the morning! I had to find a few meals that I could have and stick with them. Gets a little boring but I'm not brave enough just yet to be adventurous with it. But they worked. I think it's an all or nothing situation, particularly for me.

    Stick with it. Get your head in the right place. Make sure you're doing this for you. Don't tell yourself you "should". Do it because you want to. And listen to the folks on here. They are amazing. I know they make it look easy but they've been where you are and know the tricks and tips to make it fit you. Believe that you can do it and when you struggle, yell for some help or encouragement. I'm still learning and still yell for help when I'm feeling a bit low or craving hard.

    I can't quite believe I'm actually replying to this as it is very similar to what I wrote a little while back....which just shows you it's possible. Feel free to message/add me. You can do this!

    Seeing posts like this make me so happy and literally bring tears to my eyes... I'm so happy others are finding their footing!! So amazing. Makes my own struggles (and yes, we all have struggles of some sort, dietary or otherwise) seem a little less impossible to defeat now. Thanks for that reminder. I needed it today.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Seeing posts like this make me so happy and literally bring tears to my eyes... I'm so happy others are finding their footing!! So amazing. Makes my own struggles (and yes, we all have struggles of some sort, dietary or otherwise) seem a little less impossible to defeat now. Thanks for that reminder. I needed it today.

    You were that tough love I was talking about girl!! But you know that anyway. Honestly, without your support and encouragement (and boot up the butt) I really don't think I would've gotten to here. So major shout out to you!!

    I still don't feel at all "qualified" to reply to these sort of posts but knowing that's exactly where I was not that long ago compelled me to write. Having support I think is key to making it so I want to give back what you gave me. I truly hope @farmers_daughter takes the help offered and kicks this in the *kitten*! We can all do this, especially if we stick together.

    /End mushiness!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Here's my food pyramid.


    But seriously, if things are difficult to moderate, just cut them out. I can't have sweetener, or I will have a LOT of sweetener. Whipped cream? Even if it's no sugar added, I'll only be happy when I've had a mound the side of my head. Strawberries? For miles. They may be keto things but for me they're just trigger foods.

    I think simple is better. Make a meal plan, make it easy and convenient. Make whatever you can ahead of time, and don't change it. If you're really hungry anything will sound appetizing. Otherwise, drink some water. Stick to it. Maybe don't track at all as long as you're sticking to your plan.

    Put any thoughts of going off that plan out of your mind. Just not even something to consider, not gonna happen. Keep posting here for support and cheering. *\o\* *\o/* */o/*
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @InADarkRoom! So proud of how far you have come with this woe. I can remember feeling excited once I felt like I could actually offer advice to others. OP can get there too! I'm routing for you too!