September 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • Name: Mimi
    Height: 6'0"
    Highest known weight: 409
    Starting Weight (Jan., 2015): 402
    Starting Weight (8/30): 295 lbs
    Goal Weight (9/27): 279

    8/30: 295
    9/06: 291

    Loss/gain for the week: -4
    Loss/gain for the month: -4

    Successes/Struggles: On the last trip of summer. I made it through without falling off the wagon. YAY ME!!! Actually, I've had great losses with very little exercise during these trips. I may just have to luve a life of a vacationista (my word!). I do need to get my carcass moving again SOON!

    Goals for the Month:
    Miles: 15 of 175
    Steps: 38,000 of 400,000
  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    edited September 2015
    Name: Nassi
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest weight: 363.5

    Challenge Start weight (02 Sept): 363.5
    Challenge Goal Weight (30 Sept): 350

    9/7 354.4lb

    Weekly loss/gain: -9lb
    Monthly loss/gain: -9lb

    Struggles or successes:
    Success... actually sticking to my calories and losing weight! Fairly certain a few of those lbs are just monthly water weight fluctuations, but still very happy!
  • naughtynorman84
    naughtynorman84 Posts: 137 Member
    Hello all. I'm new to the group and will play along this month if it's ok to backdate things...

    Name: NaughtyNorman84
    Height: 6'2

    Original start weight (24 Aug 15): 349 lbs
    Challenge Start weight (01 Sep): 343 lbs
    Challenge Goal weight (30 Sep): 333 lbs

    07 Sep: 340 lbs
    14 Sep:

    Week: -3 lbs
    Month: -3 lbs
    Overall: -9 lbs

    Struggles and successes of the week
    Fine so far with food logging; I'm proud of a disciplined weekend which made up for a heavy Friday evening and bought me back under net calories for the week. But the resulting lazy day on Saturday meant I fell a few thousand steps behind the curve towards my monthly walking goal, when I had otherwise been well ahead. I will make up the gap this week.

    Exercise goals
    07 Sep: 65,167 of 300,000 steps
    14 Sep
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Name: Ted
    Height: 5'11"

    Highest Weight: 395 lbs
    Sept Challenge Start Weight (8/31/15): 324.6 lbs
    Sept Challenge Goal Weight (9/30/15): 315 lbs

    9/7: 319.2 lbs

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -5.4 lbs
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -5.4 lbs

    Success or Struggles of the week: Not sure what I did well but obviously happy with the results!

  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    Name: Jeanne
    Height: 5'7

    Starting Weight (8/31): 288.7
    Goal Weight (9/30): 279

    8/31: 288.7
    9/7: 285.7

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -2.0
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -2.0

    Success or Struggles of the week: I lost my goal for the week so yay! I am really struggling to maintain my workout schedule. I am finding myself with less and less time to actually go work out now that the summer is over. I either need to take time away from my family or sleep... I know it is going to be sleep, I just hope it doesn't affect my energy too much :(
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    Height: 5'11"

    Heaviest weight (6/2): 339.6
    Starting weight (8/30)299.8
    Goal Weight: (9/30): 290

    8/30: 299.8

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -3
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -3

    Success or struggles of the week: I missed a Jazzercise class, and my Fitbit died on Friday. I replaced the battery, but I have to manually sync it every time. Also, a bit of sugar-craziness on Sunday, not a binge but enough to make me a little ill. (an apple fritter and a bowl of cap'n crunch - either one would have been ok, but both?!) Putting my big-girl panties on today, metaphorically, and getting back to it.
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    Name: Jeanne
    Height: 5'7

    Starting Weight (8/31): 288.7
    Goal Weight (9/30): 279

    8/31: 288.7
    9/7: 285.7

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -2.0
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -2.0

    Success or Struggles of the week: I lost my goal for the week so yay! I am really struggling to maintain my workout schedule. I am finding myself with less and less time to actually go work out now that the summer is over. I either need to take time away from my family or sleep... I know it is going to be sleep, I just hope it doesn't affect my energy too much :(

    Congratulations! You actually lost 3 pounds!
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    lokihen wrote: »
    Congratulations! You actually lost 3 pounds!

    Haha thanks! Yes I did. I don't know where my mind was this morning!
  • amartin0614
    amartin0614 Posts: 28 Member
    Is is too late to join this? Hope not...

    Name: Alex
    Height: 5'6

    Heaviest Weight: 354.3
    Starting Weight (8/31): 338
    Goal Weight (9/30): 328

    8/31: 338
    9/7: 339.5

    Weekly Loss/Gain: +1.5
    Monthly Loss/Gain: +1.5

    Success or Struggles of the week: I thought I did amazing this week, and was very surprised to see a gain. Didn't think one off-plan night the night before weigh-in would have such a dramatic impact... but it did. Lesson learned for the rest of the football season.
  • jadedpanther
    jadedpanther Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Height: 5'7

    Highest Weight (8/17/15): 349
    Sept Challenge Start Weight (8/29/15): 338.8
    Sept Challenge Goal Weight (9/30/15): 328

    9/5: 337.4

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -1.4
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -1.4

    Success or Struggles of the week: It was my lady time, so I expected some water weight. I went out of town labor day weekend for our 5 year anniversary. So much football...I loved it! I was happy to stick to my calories 2 out of 3 days... but day 3 was pretty bad. I really need to get back on the ball for the rest of the week in advance of this next weigh in.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Name: Kai
    Height: 5'6"
    September starting weight: 313.2
    September goal weight: 306.0

    8/30: 313.2
    9/6: 312.8

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -.4
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -.4

    Success/struggles of the week: my success was that some coworkers and I went to an all you can eat buffet for lunch on Friday and I only made one trip to the buffet. My struggle is my weigh in this morning. I feel like my body betrayed me.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Name: Samantha
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (7/04): 313.20 lbs
    September Starting Weight: 305.0 (Note: I have started weighing with the Wii Fit again which is a little bit of an adjustment for the better. But it is more consistent overall than my digital scale.)
    Goal Weight (9/26): 299.0 lbs Approx. 1.5 lbs/wk (Would love to visit the two hundreds again.)

    8/29:305.0 lb.
    9/19: Birthday week (Trying to not splurge too much that week/day)

    Loss/gain for the week: Up .4 lb. TOM so not too worried. Hopefully better next week
    Loss/gain for the month: Up .4 lb

    Struggles or successes of your week: My wife baking and grazing on craft service. My cravings for sweets was big this week.
  • naughtynorman84
    naughtynorman84 Posts: 137 Member
    Loving everyone's dedication this week in this first week of the autumn, regardless of outcome!
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"
    Original Weight (12/26/14): 360.0
    Starting Weight (8/29): 262.4 lbs.
    Goal Weight (10/1): 250.0 lbs. Approx. 2.5 lbs./wk.

    8/29: 262.4
    9/3 : 261.4
    9/9 : 259.4

    Loss/gain for the week: 2.0 lbs.
    Loss/gain for the month: 3.0 lbs.
    Total Loss (since Dec. 2014): 100.6 lbs.

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Weighed in Saturday, and was at 259.0, then weighed in today (doctors appointment) so I'm going to post todays weight for the "official" weekly weigh-in. I know that my muscles are probably full of water from my run last night, because they feel sort of full/heavy; but I'm okay with leaving a higher weight in this week and letting it catch up whenever it's ready.

    Got my bike up and running Saturday morning, then cranked out 16 miles. After not riding for a month and a half (due to a mechanical failure took me too long to fix) it felt great to be able to just go again.

    Month to Date Exercise (Monthly Goal):
    Cycling - 15.9 miles (100 Miles)
    Jogging/Running - 8.64 miles (25 Miles)
    Hiking - 0 Miles & 0' elev. climb (5 Miles)
    Total - 24.5 miles (125 Miles)
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    Name: Jen
    Height: 5'10"
    Heaviest Weight : 355
    Starting Weight (8/31): 304 lbs
    Goal Weight (9/30): 298 lbs

    9/2: 303.8
    9/9: 303.2

    Loss/gain for the week: -0.6
    Loss/gain for the month: -0.8

    Struggles or successes of your week: Whine, moan, complain!
  • ShannonTourne
    ShannonTourne Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Shannon
    Height: 5'7"

    Highest Weight: 387
    September Challenge Starting Weight (09/09/2015): 355
    September Challenge Goal Weight (09/30/2015): 345
  • amartin0614
    amartin0614 Posts: 28 Member
    Name: Alex
    Height: 5'6

    Heaviest Weight: 354.3
    Starting Weight (8/31): 338
    Goal Weight (9/30): 328

    8/31: 338
    9/7: 339.5
    9/12: 330.3

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -9.6
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -8.1

    Success or Struggles of the week: I know a 9.6 loss seems unhealthy, however I believe it is my true 2 week loss. Last week I did amazing, then went to a football party and drank. I weighed in the next morning and had gained. After speaking with a few friends this week who have undergone their own weight loss journey's, they have convinced me that the worst day to weigh in is after a party due to water retention from drinking and sodium. So, since I plan on moderately enjoying the football parties this season, I have changed my weigh in days to the morning of football, not the morning after.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Name: Kai
    Height: 5'6"
    September starting weight: 313.2
    September goal weight: 306.0

    8/30: 313.2
    9/6: 312.8
    9/13: 308.2

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -4.6
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -5.0

    Success/struggles of the week: Staying emotionally calm was a great success for me. My struggle was with tracking. I had that voice in my head telling me it was too difficult to figure everything out so why bother.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Name: Cheesy
    Height: 5'10

    Heaviest weight: 330 lbs
    MFP Start Weight (5/26): 318 lbs
    Sept Start weight (9/3): 292.2lbs
    Goal Weight (9/30): 275 lbs

    9/3: 292.2
    9/4: 293.4
    9/11: 283.6

    Weekly Loss/Gain: -9.8
    Monthly Loss/Gain: -8.6

    Success or Struggles of the week:
    A bit late in entry...

    WOOSH-- all water weight gain from past few weeks, not a new low but I'm back in the vicinity! :)

    Success = 6.6k daily step average, that's a new high for me!
  • naughtynorman84
    naughtynorman84 Posts: 137 Member
    Name: NaughtyNorman84
    Height: 6'2

    Original Start weight (24 Aug 15): 349 lbs
    Challenge Start weight (31 Aug): 343 lbs
    Challenge Goal weight (30 Sep): 333 lbs

    07 Sep: 340.0 lbs
    14 Sep: 338.4 lbs

    Week: -1.6 lbs
    Month: -4.6 lbs
    Overall: -10.6 lbs

    Struggles and successes of the week
    Good week logging, maintained my streak and managed to cope with quite a heavy weekend: we'd arranged for three different groups of friends to come over for dinner on Friday and Saturday and a Sunday lunch yesterday. Despite that I even managed to bring my total calories a few hundred closer to my overall monthly goal. I absolutely crushed my exercise goal for the week, going from ~4k behind the curve towards my monthly target last Monday to 25k ahead today. My legs are quite heavy this morning from the weekend's exertions, so I wonder (hope!) that perhaps there's a bit more of a loss hidden in there this week once that washes out.

    Logging goals
    07 Sep: 15 days
    14 Sep: 22 days
    Monthly Total/Net Calories:
    07 Sep: 15,893/11,104 of 14,420
    14 Sep: 31,086/17,146 of 28,840

    Exercise goals
    Steps: week (month)
    07 Sep: 66,844 of 70,000 (66,844 of 70,000)
    14 Sep: 98,370 of 70,000 (165,254 of 140,000)

    Onwards and downwards! Glad to see many others that've s posted so far have had a good week.