How much water do you drink?



  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    Why are you all drinking so much?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but if you read my original post, I'm THIRSTY!!! :)
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    Why are you all drinking so much?

    There's a method to my madness.
    The more I hit the water cooler, the more I have to pee.
    When I got to pee I have to walk to the restroom.


  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member

    LOL I have definitely been drinking more water since I got my FitBit, but it's also because I dropped my steel 24oz bottle and it developed a wobble, so I "temporarily" switched to a 32 oz nalgene bottle and have so far managed not to spill it down my front at work like I used to, and since my intake went up, I kept with it.

    Most LCHF don't make it past their first week "flu" without learning to make sure their electrolytes and hydration are under control.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    Why are you all drinking so much?

    There are charts for urine color to determine hydration that you can download easily. Here is one:

    For me, I use the urine color to check my hydration.

    Added to this, it is suggested that you need half your body weight in pounds (244 pounds, half of that is 122) in ounces (so 122 oz) daily water intake for optimal organ function and to remove excess toxins and burned fat (via water and CO2) from your body. I'm sure someone will have a link to a study.

    Also, for optimal LCHF/Keto, 100 oz of water is suggested quite regularly for similar reasons as above, because the lowering of carbs does not allow our bodies to hold in as much water, so we must regularly replace the fluids and electrolytes. Not all of us eat enough fluid-filled foods to do this without supplementing water.
  • ShootingStar72
    ShootingStar72 Posts: 183 Member
    I aim for 2 nalgenes per day at least (64oz). Because I love water, and because it help minimize the potential for re-occurrence of kidney stones. I don't want to be there again!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    So at 188, give or take, I need 94 oz water per day? Or 100 because of the LCHF/Keto thing? Blah. I'll still aim for 3-4 fills of my 32-ounce bottle (96-128 oz) per day.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    And, for the record, I'm still thirsty. :tongue:
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I drink anywhere from 70-128oz water a day, plain/filtered, I like it that way. I don't really have a set goal. I have a 30 oz mug I fill up at least 2x a day, sometimes 3, sometimes I grab a bottle of water or two on top of that, especially if I'm going out somewhere. One cup of green tea most days, the occasional powerade zero (which I may get rid of out of curiosity b/c of the artificial sweetener).

    As to why, the vague notion that more water is good at helping to prevent kidney stones, even on the days where I drink 128+ my urine isn't completely clear so I don't think I'm going overboard. The days when I drink the most are almost always heavy gym days.
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    My goal is min 128oz. 1/2 plain h2o, 1/2 electro. Most days I'm above and don't count coffee in that total. Especially if it's hot out. I have an app on my phone that reminds me to drink :)
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I have no idea, I just drink when I feel like it or get thirsty. Probably a few litres a day including coffee.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    lodro wrote: »
    doesn't it make more sense to up your electrolytes then? the only thing you do by drinking so much would be to flush them out

    I definitely supplement with electrolytes as well. There's no harm in drinking 8-12 cups a day (or more) to ensure you're adequately hydrated though. There is such thing as water intoxication from drinking too much, but it's not easily done.

    Ostensibly the whole "8 cups or you have dehydration" has no basis in fact.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    lodro wrote: »
    Why are you all drinking so much?

    There are charts for urine color to determine hydration that you can download easily. Here is one:

    For me, I use the urine color to check my hydration.

    Added to this, it is suggested that you need half your body weight in pounds (244 pounds, half of that is 122) in ounces (so 122 oz) daily water intake for optimal organ function and to remove excess toxins and burned fat (via water and CO2) from your body. I'm sure someone will have a link to a study.

    Also, for optimal LCHF/Keto, 100 oz of water is suggested quite regularly for similar reasons as above, because the lowering of carbs does not allow our bodies to hold in as much water, so we must regularly replace the fluids and electrolytes. Not all of us eat enough fluid-filled foods to do this without supplementing water.

    Is there a basis for this other than the highly suspect sunwarrior site?

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    lodro wrote: »
    Why are you all drinking so much?

    There are charts for urine color to determine hydration that you can download easily. Here is one:

    For me, I use the urine color to check my hydration.

    Added to this, it is suggested that you need half your body weight in pounds (244 pounds, half of that is 122) in ounces (so 122 oz) daily water intake for optimal organ function and to remove excess toxins and burned fat (via water and CO2) from your body. I'm sure someone will have a link to a study.

    Also, for optimal LCHF/Keto, 100 oz of water is suggested quite regularly for similar reasons as above, because the lowering of carbs does not allow our bodies to hold in as much water, so we must regularly replace the fluids and electrolytes. Not all of us eat enough fluid-filled foods to do this without supplementing water.

    Is there a basis for this other than the highly suspect sunwarrior site?

    I just picked the first image with a copyable url. that chart is used throughout multiple industries such as welding or any physical labor as well as in medical offices. I've been told that this chart is a fully embraced medical standard.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    I'm trying to get 100 oz in, but usually 64 oz water, 1 pot black coffee, 1 BPC, & 2 diet cokes per day. I'm definitely counting the steps to & from the loo, lol.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You got a beef against water @lodro ? Just curious. Ketosis makes us lose fluids through our urine that we must replace somehow. I prefer to drink it, rather than through an IV once I'm dehydrated. So I drink at least 100 oz of water, daily, OP.
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    I'm sooooo bad. I hate water!!! I try but, not very successful
  • amb312
    amb312 Posts: 55 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    I have no idea, I just drink when I feel like it or get thirsty. Probably a few litres a day including coffee.

    That's me. I don't have the energy to log my drinks.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    amb312 wrote: »
    minties82 wrote: »
    I have no idea, I just drink when I feel like it or get thirsty. Probably a few litres a day including coffee.

    That's me. I don't have the energy to log my drinks.

    If I logged water, I'd get thirsty & have to drink even more.

    >:) OR o:)

  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I'm not consistent with water at all. I've been drinking more lately since it's hot as balls lately where I live. And when working out I get thirsty of course. But otherwise I truly don't care about it.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Do those who check their pee, urinate into a cup every time they go?