Today, I...



  • Karyn1415
    Karyn1415 Posts: 10 Member
    Today I stayed home with my kids. I did some meal prep and relaxed. My goal is to go to bed early tonight! My son is teething so we will see. I've been missing out on a lot of sleep so my energy levels have been really low. I drank way too much coffee today. Lol. :p
  • cmv2003
    cmv2003 Posts: 52 Member
    Today I am back from a wonderful weekend of camping at a family reunion. Really pleased that I was able to be flexible with my food and managed not to go over limit even though there was SO much food and alcohol!
  • gettinskinny8503
    gettinskinny8503 Posts: 11 Member
    Today...was the first day I stayed on track in awhile!! Yay! I worked all day and was tired and didn't want to cook. After work I managed to battle my urge to order pizza out and instead went to Panera and got a you-pick-2 autumn squash soup, and their new ancient grain and arugula salad, yum! Really thought about ordering a brownie but battled the urge. Hoping I can have another successful day tomorrow.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    (This is for yesterday) Today I got up early enough to run before it got too hot/humid. And I did grocery shopping for lunches for the week so I won't go out for lunch. I got so many steps on my Fitbit I got to have a little bit of a larger dinner :)
  • StrawberryDisco
    StrawberryDisco Posts: 27 Member
    Today I turned down diet soda and drank water instead (and got by on significantly less caffeine than I normally would). I also ate as much food as I needed at a restaurant and took the rest to go.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Today i jumped ont he scale and was very happy to se that i was able to drop even if it was a few ounces. After a long Family Wedding weekend i will take what ever loss i get.
  • I_can_do_this2
    I_can_do_this2 Posts: 294 Member
    As a means of measuring my progress (other than strictly by the scale) and providing inspiration, I buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller than I currently wear. I try them on every Monday. This is really helpful when the scale won't move - you can see the progress even though the numbers aren't there. This past weekend, I was able to wear my Size 12 jeans - for the first time in maybe 20 years. I felt like a super-model!! Woot! Woot! Now, I'm off to buy Size 10s.
  • SunshineGirl351
    SunshineGirl351 Posts: 69 Member
    Today, I pushed myself to go to the trails despite my reluctance not to. I had a pretty decent and refreshing workout as a result.
  • SunshineGirl351
    SunshineGirl351 Posts: 69 Member
    As a means of measuring my progress (other than strictly by the scale) and providing inspiration, I buy a pair of pants 1 size smaller than I currently wear. I try them on every Monday. This is really helpful when the scale won't move - you can see the progress even though the numbers aren't there. This past weekend, I was able to wear my Size 12 jeans - for the first time in maybe 20 years. I felt like a super-model!! Woot! Woot! Now, I'm off to buy Size 10s.

    That's a really good idea!
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Today, I am making sure I don't drink any sodas. That is my nemesis & I plan to kick that habit soon. I got my Crystal Light packets & I'm ready for a no soda day!
  • kimikats
    kimikats Posts: 529 Member
    Today I walked 2.12 miles which beat my previous distance of 2.0 miles, also beating both the time and pace!
  • harpstermelissa
    harpstermelissa Posts: 12 Member
    Today I made an appointment to get my blood work done. Last time they tried to draw blood, I had a panic attack. Hopefully, this time goes better!
  • SueCo1234
    SueCo1234 Posts: 38 Member
    Today I managed to do my workout plan and ate within plan - but realise the rest of this week is going to be tough to remain within planned net calories- Wednesday special lunch arranged in London, Thursday daughter's birthday and she has suggested she wants to go out for a meal and Saturday off for another meal with her and my son who is coming home for weekend to celebrate her birthday - mmmm - lots of exercising maybe and " must try harder" next week :(
  • cmv2003
    cmv2003 Posts: 52 Member
    Today I am going to be working till midnight. Feeling stressed as I was away all weekend and haven't had a chance to bring any prepared food with me. More than 11 hours to go, and the cafeteria here is not very inspiring :(
  • ambitiousdelight
    ambitiousdelight Posts: 162 Member
    Today I completed my Week 3 Day 2 of Couch to 5k!
  • gettinskinny8503
    gettinskinny8503 Posts: 11 Member
    Today I had the day off. The weather was gorgeous so I took a brisk 40 minute walk at the park and then came home and cooked a healthy dinner...chicken with fennel and cherry tomatoes, and roasted broccolini.
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    Today I walked over 15,000 steps. Which I the most I've walked since I got my fitbit. I will probably end the night between 16 and 17000!!
  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    Today I did well with my eating and I even made it to the gym even though I have had a severe headache all day
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Today I weighed heavy for the first time in many many moons, and today I just brushed it off. I did not sabotage myself and go eating everything in sight. Instead I took my measurements and am down 3 inches overall since 5 weeks ago. Not bad for a couch potato :) All is logged for challenge start weight.
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    Today (yesterday) I had more energy at work than I have had in a long time. I kept blowing through my tasks in record time and impressing my supervisor with how much that was getting done. Don't know if the vitamin c cough drops were adding to my energy or not but at least I am finally getting over the cold my son gave me.