September Daily Chat



  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member

    I am paying heavily for Sunday in hunger and cravings. Grrrr. When will I learn?
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Morning,

    Still doing Primal but moving closer to Paleo. (Still holding on to stevia, butter, occasional cheese.) Goal 115g Protein, 85-100g fat, 60-75g carb (total).

    I want to encourage everyone to keep on tryng. Paleolithic eating has saved my life and even though I have struggled for the last year, I know that I would be worse off if my good days were not paleo.

    Here is an appropriate quote that pleases me as a Spanish teacher. "It is better to be in the ring being stomped by the bull than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot." -Steven Pressfield
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I want to encourage everyone to keep on tryng. Paleolithic eating has saved my life and even though I have struggled for the last year, I know that I would be worse off if my good days were not paleo.

    Thanks. I love this advice. I just posted something similar under the Whole 30 August/September group called "Week 3". I have failed a lot and not followed all the paleo rules in the past, but overall, I have strengthened my willpower and relationship with food and it has all been worth it!
  • bbeettina
    bbeettina Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm on day 16 of the 21 day sugar detox and I am loving it. I have no cravings. I am never "hangry'. It has made a huge difference in how I feel. After the 21 days are over I'm planning to transition to Paleo. Although I have always eaten fresh home cooked meals about 90% of the time, I am a carb addict. I love pastas, breads, potatoes, rice. So although my meals were 'healthy' as in home-made not from processed, I still slowly but surely put on the pounds and ate huge portions of comfort food.

    Since cutting out carbs/sugar and increasing protein, fats and vegetables, my blood sugar levels have stabilized. I'm not starving and have no problems at all staying under my calorie limit..and I'm down 7 pounds.

    It's so nice to find a supportive group, there are some scary angry people out there on the forums!
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    Just started doing paleo two weeks ago when the doc suspected I might have an autoimmune disease. Still trying to figure out which one but I have to say I feel TONS better lately! It's really kept me going. Not to mention the 11 pound weight loss lol. I am not entirely strict as I've had some extra sharp aged cheddar but not a ton. Giving up cheese and alcohol has been the toughest for me so far as I have always been a big drinker. Looking forward to learning from this group and continue feeling better!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Yesterday I took the positive step of continuing the Primal Blueprint Certification Course. I signed up almost a year ago, did a few modules, then stopped as life got crazy.

    The certification will allow me to hold classes about the Primal lifestyle and paleolithic eating in my area. I also hope to run a support group. Once I finish the certification, I will receive many useful tools that will help me be a better advocate for this way of life.

    Have a great weekend!
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Wow MDA that is impressive. good luck with finishing. That is great!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Spent the weekend at a couples retreat at an alternative health center in our area. The meals were mostly vegetarian. We ate way too many gluten free carbs and way too little protein. We both gained weight and felt terrible. The couples seminar was excellent. :)

    I have been having a very hard time with a pinched sciatic nerve. The pain is now constant no matter what position I am in. I need to really clean up my food so that my chiro can adjust me properly. I'm so tight now, he can hardly get anything done. Anyone with advice on this?

  • kthor036
    kthor036 Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried Epsom salt baths? I take long, strong ones and they usually loosen me up enough so that my chiropractor can give me a proper adjustment. I have sciatic issues on occasion and know how painful it is. Feel better!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks kthor
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    edited September 2015
    I have sciatica and am a nurse. When I get a flair up usually from my job it might last 6 weeks. Sometimes for me the only help is NSAIDs therapy to reduce the inflammation around the nerve. You need Ibuprofen 800mg every 8 hours. Assuming you have a healthy liver and refrain from alcohol during this time. It may take as long as two weeks .
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm glad to find this thread. I did very well on Primal a couple of years ago and fell off the wagon like others. I really don't feel like I have many sensitivities although grains make me hungry. I couldn't do it if I couldn't have cheese. Just an ounce or so of something stinky like blue cheese or really creamy like brie really stops a craving for something very unhealthy after dinner or when I'm hungry and dinner is a while away. Also I enjoy Primal as they don't demonize a glass of cabernet now and then. After rationalizing and trying intuitive eating (where you eat exactly what you want and listen to your hunger) I realized nutrition is the most important thing for me. Of course I did learn a lot of good things about intuitive eating and am trying to pay more attention to eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm satisfied. Good luck to everyone. I am feeling very optimistic.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks mallowbar, my own RN at home said exactly the same thing. He always sends me to bed with 800mg.
    Welcome leighn62.

    Yesterday my chiro actually made some progress. I am going back on Friday.

  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited October 2015
    It's not September anymore,but lets close this out with a win and a shout out to ALL the chiropractors out here!! They do more than anybody even would realize to help s all!!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Yes, Hurray for chiropractors. Mine turned me on to Paleo.

    I am going to let someone else start the October chat. Have a great month.