Prepping for the Holidays (October Challenge) Week 1 Check-In (10/1 - 10/7)



  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    Yesterday was a major fail: I gave in to pasta cravings (seems to occur about once a month). Getting back on track today with yoga, cream in my coffee, and carbs will be under 50g.

    I did manage to hit my water goal yesterday.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited October 2015
    Friday, 10/2, Check-In:
    1. Water: 80/80oz
    2. Calorie goal under (Sun-Fri schedule): check.jpg
    3. At or under carbs: 45g/50g
    4. Exercise as planned: :-1: Chronic Fatigue episode. :disappointed: I'll catch up this weekend sometime.
    5. Hit electrolytes: check.jpg
    6. Logged food:check.jpg

    Earned 5 pumpkins.

    Daily Pumpkins collected: 5

    Weekly Pumpkin Count: 11/12
    Monthly: 11/12

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Ok. I'm joining a few days late, but here goes.

    SW: 138.2
    GW: 136.2

    1) Daily calorie goal minimum 5% deficit
    2) Exercise 3+ times a week
    3) Maintain 6000+ daily step average
    4) Maintain electrolyte/water balance
    5) Resist high carb seasonal treats
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member

    Saturday, 10/3, Check-In:
    1. Weigh-in: 143 (dehydrated weight) check.jpg
    2. Water: 82/75oz check.jpg
    3. Calorie: 1275/1312 check.jpg
    4. At or under carbs: 7g/30g check.jpg
    5. Steps: 7,143 / 7,500
    6. Exercise: Walking across parking lots for steps even though it was raining check.jpg
    7. Logged food check.jpg
    Earned 6 pumpkins.

    Weekly Pumpkin Count: 14

    SO close with the steps thing. Wish I had walked around the house and tidied up more at the end of the day instead of passing out in the recliner. :P

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited October 2015
    Saturday, 10/3, Check-In:
    My Saturday is an intentional brief diet break. I let calories go and allow carbs to go up a little for the day. It's not a good habit so I'm not rewarding myself for it. But I seem to do better overall having it. Sometimes I get in an extra exercise day if I feel like it. It monsooned on us all day, and I was not in a mood for HIIT. So it didn't happen.
    [*] Water: 80/80oz
    [*] Hit electrolytes: check.jpg

    Daily Pumpkins collected: 2

    Weekly Pumpkin Count: 13
    Monthly: 13

    Don't worry, my obsessive normal resumes on Sundays. :wink:

  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Oct 4.
    I have not checked in since the 1st. I kind of lost it on the second. Yesterday was ok. Now I need to get accountable and sign in every day. I do not weigh every day because I find the small fluctuations demotivating. I will weigh again on Tuesday. I know I need to add some exercise. That will be part of my goal for next week. As it is I decided to keep it simple and try for no more than three goals in a week.

    Starting weight (on Tuesday) was 161.2
    goal weight is 157.2 for the month of October.

    My goal for today is

    1. Log foods
    2. Hit my fat macro.
    3. Drink 80 oz fluid.

    Hopefully this will work. In the past I would get hung up at 160, I wouldn't get below that weight for weeks, get discouraged and give up. I'm really trying to break that pattern.

    Wishing you all a pleasant Sunday
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    Batlady49 wrote: »
    Its October 2nd, at midnight but I want to join this group for the month. I will start tomorrow as its to late to do the 2nd over! B)

    My Current weight 200 lbs
    My desired Goal for this month is 195 lbs

    My goals this month is:
    1. Drink my 80 oz of water a day minimum <3
    2. Stay under 40 grams of carbs per day-- doc allows up to 60, but I want to cut back. <3
    3. Cook my own food more. I just bought a little convection table top oven. It will be great to help bake more quickly. <3
    4. Loose 5 by OCT 31st
    5. Create menus, shopping lists for each week and prepare as much on one day that is easy to reheat!

  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    How do I get the check marks and pumpkins???
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    pondsbb wrote: »
    SW 146
    GW 140

    Go back to tracking calories and carb
    Try new holiday type recipes
    If I loose 3 pounds this month I'll consider it successful

    This week I have tried a pumpkin pie recipe which I didn't care for. It was ok but nothing to jump for joy over. I froze the leftovers and will eat it eventually.
    Have not been successful tracking so far. Will have to bear down on that starting tomorrow. We are mid flood in my area and the stress from it all is causing me to ignore tracking.

    Daily Pumpkins collected: 2

    I tracked calorie and carb today. I stayed within calorie range. Did not try any holiday recipes.
    Gosh I hope I collect enough pumpkins for a pie.... at least.

    Weekly pumpkins...3em7od5ymabaq.pngem7od5ymabaq.pngem7od5ymabaq.png
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Check in - Friday through Sunday. I'm horrible about tracking and keeping connected on weekends. I didn't track everything Friday or Saturday, but I exercised add planned (insanity Friday, horseback riding Saturday) and got my water in. 2 pumpkins each day.

    Sunday: exercised (11 mile run), got in my water, went over on carbs (net 35). Am under my within 100 goal on calories, but ate over 1800 today -I earned lots from running. I'm counting it as a win. So, 3 pumpkins today.

    Last week total: 8/12 earned
    Today: 3/4 earned
    Month: 11/16 earned
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hey @Batlady49, the pumpkins...a are some emoji type art that some people have access to. You add them yourself. :-) that's why I'm still "old school" lol!
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    To get the pumpkin hit quote on the bottom of someones post that has a pumpkin in it.

    Instead of posting the quote go down and read it. You will see some lines with image BB codes in it. Copy and paste the whole lines into your own post. The codes look something like ...
    (img) line goes here (/img)
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Try quoting just my post above. You copy and paste it rather than posting it. That should give you one pumpkin
    For more just paste how many you need.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Sunday, 10/4, Check-In:
    1. Weigh-in: 143.8 check.jpg
    2. Water: 90/75oz check.jpg
    3. Calorie: 1378/1312 (though I did earn back 130 exercise calories, I still won't count this)
    4. At or under carbs: 3g/30g check.jpg
    5. Steps: 7,684 / 7,500 check.jpg
    6. Exercise: Parking Far away, three trips to the grocery store, Yoga, Foundation training check.jpg
    7. Logged food check.jpg
    Earned 6 pumpkins.

    Weekly Pumpkin Count: 20

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    Ok - catching up from the weekend:

    Friday: 4 pumpkins. It was a good day
    Saturday: 2 pumpkins - not enough steps and not enough water. Even though we went hiking, I didn't make it to 12,000 steps, just over 10,000.
    Sunday: 2 pumpkins - not enough steps and not enough water. We did clean the yard and part of the basement yesterday so did work some odd muscles I haven't worked in a while!! :)

    Today my weight is up 1.5 lbs and my rings are tight...water is on the agenda today :)

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Friday-Sunday Check in
    1. Stay under 25-30 net carbs a day most days of the month (see #3)- 3 pumpkins
    2. Plan meals for the following week on Saturday or Sunday and stick to meal plan-3 pumpkins
    3. Two special occasion days take place this month and my goal is to go no higher than 50 net carbs-N/A
    4. Try to add exercise in 3-4 times per week as joint pain permits-no pumpkins
    5. Try at least one new keto friendly recipe per week to keep things interesting -3 pumpkins (I made creamed spinach, egg roll in a bowl, and some cocounut raspberry muffins)

    12 pumkins so far!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Sunday, 10/4, Check-In:
    1. Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    2. Calorie goal under (Sun-Fri schedule): check.jpg
    3. At or under carbs: 42g/50g check.jpg
    4. Exercise as planned: Don't always exercise on Sunday, but catching up for Friday. 2 full hours of turbo cleaning (moving furniture, sweeping, vaccumming, mopping)check.jpg
    5. Hit electrolytes: check.jpg
    6. Logged food:check.jpg

    Earned 6 pumpkins.

    Daily Pumpkins collected: 6

    Weekly Pumpkin Count: 18
    Monthly: 18

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited October 2015
    Remember that the "week" is running Thursday - Wednesday, so Wed will be the last day to count for Week 1.
    Everyone looks like they are doing pretty well. I had to pause over things since it's Sunday, which is usually the "beginning" of my logging week. :lol:



    For these two images, you can either hit quote and cut and paste the image url plus its tags to use, as mentioned above. Or you can right click the image and select "Copy Link Location" or the equivalent your browser uses and then paste that where you want them.

    Have a fabulous day, everyone! :heart:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    edited October 2015
    1- water 80-100 oz /day
    2- PLAN & log all food
    3- less then 20-25 carbs net
    4- plan and do exercise
    5- hit macros
    6- stop eating at night after 8 pm

    Thursday 10/1 5/6
    1- water 80-100 oz /day em7od5ymabaq.png

    2- PLAN & log all food em7od5ymabaq.png

    3- less then 20-25 carbs netem7od5ymabaq.png

    4- plan and do exercise :'(
    5- hit macrosem7od5ymabaq.png

    6- stop eating at night after 8 pmem7od5ymabaq.png

    Friday Oct 2 3/6
    1- water 80-100 oz /day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2- PLAN & log all foodem7od5ymabaq.png
    3- less then 20-25 carbs net :'(
    4- plan and do exercise :'(
    5- hit macrosem7od5ymabaq.png
    6- stop eating at night after 8 pm :'(

    Saturday oct 3 2/6
    1- water 80-100 oz /day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2- PLAN & log all foodem7od5ymabaq.png

    3- less then 20-25 carbs net :'(
    4- plan and do exercise :'(
    5- hit macros :'(
    6- stop eating at night after 8 pm :'(

    Sunday oct 4 1/6
    1- water 80-100 oz /day em7od5ymabaq.png
    2- PLAN & log all food :'(
    3- less then 20-25 carbs net :'(
    4- plan and do exercise :'(
    5- hit macros :'(
    6- stop eating at night after 8 pm :'(

    Had a bad week end- back on track today