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  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Does anyone have any tips on how to survive shift work when trying to keep on track? I find night duty particularly hard, as I am so tired that I want to eat just in order to keep myself awake. Does not help that I literally may not sit down for an entire 14hr shift, so anything I eat has to be grabbed as I run past and eaten on the go. I am on nights Christmas (boo!) an have a mix of hard boiled eggs and crackers in my 'snack bag' at present. Don't tend to go for nuts or dried fruit as they don't seem to fill me up enough to keep me going on a long shift.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    DrNadya- I am now a SAHM by way of layoff but I used to work 80+ hours a week (on call 24-7 for a VIP). I was typically working through most nights. I was also a single mom for a few years while working those hours. So, I've been there! Things get hectic!

    The only thing that worked for me was to suck it up and spend my free time meal prepping for the week. That way I had everything pre-portioned, weighed and ready to go. I'd load it all up in my huge lunch box (really a cooler!) and keep it near me at all times. I can't say I ever sat down and finished an entire meal at one time, but I would graze on everything I bought. I'm also not even going to lie and just straight up tell you that some days, I lived on protein shakes until I could get home to have a proper meal. Sometimes ya just gotta do what you can do!

    I feel for you though! Good Luck!
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    OK, random Q here, but what macros are people aiming for on their bulk? I am one of the generation who got brainwashed by the 'Fats are Evil' mantra, but thankfully never got sucked into the 'Carbs are Created by Satan' movement. As a result my macros are working out as:

    Carbs 55-60%
    Protein 20-25% (just over 1g per lb body weight)
    Fats 15%

    Total cals 2200-2400
    Net cals 1300-1700

    Maintenance 1500cal as I am 115lb and sedentary job
    TDEE around 1900 to 2200 as go to gym 1-2x daily

    I can see that my fats are too low, and carbs too high. Problem is I love my porridge, and I also drink over a litre of milk a day (on top of a high-dose calcium supplement as I have weak bones), and of course I have an instinctive aversion to fats after years of being told they were the root of all evils.

    What macros are others using for a bulk?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I go with specific values based on body weight rather than %s, and I consider them minimums rather than maxes. I aim for 150g of protein a day (a little more than 1g/lb bw) and a minimum of .35g fat/lb bw per day (that's only about 50 g, and I find that I need more for satiety, so I've set my actual goal to 70g/day). FWIW right now at my current intake that works out to about 25% for each of those macros. I let the rest of my calories come from whatever I want, but they're mostly carbs.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I'm aiming at the following:

    Carbs 50% - 275 g
    Protein 25% - 138 g minimum
    Fats 25% - 61 g minimum

    Protein and fats I treat as minimums.

    Total kcals 2200-2300, including lifting 4x per week. Any cardio is added extra to my intake.
    Maintenance 2000 kcal, including lifting and excluding cardio.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Here's what I'm doing:

    Carbs - 25% - 156g
    Fats - 50% - 139g min.
    Protein - 25% - 156g min.

    I'm at 2500 cals/day and my TDEE is around 2200 (including lifting 3x/week, boxing 1-3x/week, and light cardio 2-5x/week)

    I don't eat grains so it's practically impossible for me to eat more carbs than this. I used to eat around 50g/day, but I raised it because of the bulk.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    OK, random Q here, but what macros are people aiming for on their bulk? I am one of the generation who got brainwashed by the 'Fats are Evil' mantra, but thankfully never got sucked into the 'Carbs are Created by Satan' movement. As a result my macros are working out as:

    Carbs 55-60%
    Protein 20-25% (just over 1g per lb body weight)
    Fats 15%

    Total cals 2200-2400
    Net cals 1300-1700

    Maintenance 1500cal as I am 115lb and sedentary job
    TDEE around 1900 to 2200 as go to gym 1-2x daily

    I can see that my fats are too low, and carbs too high. Problem is I love my porridge, and I also drink over a litre of milk a day (on top of a high-dose calcium supplement as I have weak bones), and of course I have an instinctive aversion to fats after years of being told they were the root of all evils.

    What macros are others using for a bulk?

    Sorry - forgot to add my exercise:
    Lift 6-7x/week (back/arms/chest/legs/glute&hams/lift of choice)
    Cardio 30-60min most days, moderate intensity mostly
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Hey, what do you think, is it already time to make an "oh noes, it's time to cut!" thread? :laugh:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    LOL we do we have a "women who cut" group- because we would all just be flopping back and forth!!!!

    I'm thinking of extending my bulk back to it's original time frame...mostly for this new 6 week program- but yeah- the cutting- it will be soon!!!!

    Should be the women who are fu*king fabulous group- then it could include bulking and cutting ;)
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member

    Should be the women who are fu*king fabulous group- then it could include bulking and cutting ;)

    I agree!

    Plus it would be great to have both bulkers and cutters sharing the forum: People will be going through both parts of the cycle at different times, and cutters will have tips/experience that would help bulkers and vice versa.
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member

    I'm a recovering anorexic (doing well - food still SO hard) and have 5kg to gain to get to a healthy weight. Have been lifting weights and loving it. My bulking calories are 2250 for the moment and will see how that goes. NERVOUS!!! Would love some help, motivation to stay on track. I find it difficult to eat enough during the day and eat most of my food at night. NO not a binger or anything near it - just a habit I got into. Trying to beat it! Anyone have this problem too? Also dont eat enough fat :( and my satiety index is fecked - I never feel full!! Eating more doesnt usually fix this, so Im hoping that this little "bulk" might help.

    Anyone else here motivated but scared at the same time?
  • Bellchick91
    Bellchick91 Posts: 148 Member
    OK, random Q here, but what macros are people aiming for on their bulk? I am one of the generation who got brainwashed by the 'Fats are Evil' mantra, but thankfully never got sucked into the 'Carbs are Created by Satan' movement. As a result my macros are working out as:

    Carbs 55-60%
    Protein 20-25% (just over 1g per lb body weight)
    Fats 15%

    Total cals 2200-2400
    Net cals 1300-1700

    Maintenance 1500cal as I am 115lb and sedentary job
    TDEE around 1900 to 2200 as go to gym 1-2x daily

    I can see that my fats are too low, and carbs too high. Problem is I love my porridge, and I also drink over a litre of milk a day (on top of a high-dose calcium supplement as I have weak bones), and of course I have an instinctive aversion to fats after years of being told they were the root of all evils.

    What macros are others using for a bulk?

    Sorry - forgot to add my exercise:
    Lift 6-7x/week (back/arms/chest/legs/glute&hams/lift of choice)
    Cardio 30-60min most days, moderate intensity mostly

    What do you mean by "Net Cals"? Just curious! Im at 50% carbs, 18% fat and 32% protein - finding fat hard to up! And carbs actually...At 2250 a day!
  • PathyNM
    PathyNM Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Ive just joined this group. My name is Pathy. Nice to meet women who bulk!! :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So this group is a little dead- so I changed the name- because I know we filter in and out of here- but we are the EFFING FABULOUS GROUP!!!

    Bulking and cutting!!! WOOT WOOT