I don't know if I can keep this up...

Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
Hey everyone. So I've been low carbing for months now...and haven't lost a pound. In the beginning I had lost a few and some inches, but that's where I've stayed. Hovering between 200 and 198.

I've given up on logging my food, because why bother when it doesn't seem to make a difference. Then my hubby joined LCHF which I thought would help because at least now I don't cook a starch with supper...no temptation. THEN, this month I'm doing SoberOctober for Canadian Cancer society. I'm a one...one bottle...one bottle per night kinda wine drinker, so you'd think not drinking for two weeks and low carbing would at least show a pound or two right? NO...NOTHING!!

I know I can't quit. For one, that would suck for hubby. I know he wouldn't stick with it without me and it works for him so I'd feel awful if I quit. For two, I keep in mind that at least I'm not gaining.

I'm really starting to think there's something wrong with me though. I don't know if I'm asking for advice or just needing to vent....I'm just so frustrated and sad.


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Wow. Frustrating. You'd think the 500+ calories of wine being gone would be enough to make you lose a few. So sorry!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Sending hugs. I'm swamped under at work at the moment, or I'd try to look through the diaries you did complete.

    Big things I usually look for:
    Enough water
    Enough salt
    Enough fats
    No carb/portion creep
    balance of carbs/fats
    Enough protein
    No cheats

    Things that might affect you:
    sweeteners - these stall many folks
    excess dairy - same
    processed foods - same
    hidden carbs - same

    Just food for though.

    I'm kind of in the same boat. Started low carb in January, down only 20 ish pounds overall, have dropped 3 pants sizes total, one in the last month (FINALLY)

    I had to add in some intermittent water fasting, and just mixing things up, getting rid of traditional fat bomb treats, etc...

    Just some thoughts. Feel free to shoot me a message and friend request if you like. My diary is actually filled out lately! Good luck.

    Remember that most times if you're fully on plan, your body may need to "fix" and "repair" certain things before It can get back to losing!!!

    Oh, and pictures help, too, because recomp can be present even without inches change!!! 14 pounds, 1 year, not much in inches difference, but worlds difference in image!


    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I sure understand the frustration..putting in serious effort, and the 'body' is not cooperating. I am now in month 9, fast loss the first 4 months, now just maintaining - some my fault, some due to medical issues, and changes in meds, plus being this weight for a long time. ( I think, who knows?)

    It may be your body is just taking its time for its own reasons that YOU have NO CONTROL over. So be it….you can OUT WAIT the complex chemistry…and just stick to it.

    I get so mad when strangers and NON LCers assume to tell me the standard CICO advice, "drop500 calories a day " crap..then insist I should have lost 15lbs when I was strictly LCHF and nope, I lost nothing…. some inches gone, so something happened!

    we are NOT a Bunsen Burner: add fuel- turn up heat..so while you MIND is fretting your body just does its thing and you are along for the ride. Unfair..but there it is.

    Venting is normal and healthy, and many are in the same boat..keep paddling.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I know that wine has some benefits, but in the amounts that you mention drinking on a nightly basis, I feel may have had an effect besides simply being extra calories on you. There really isn't anything good at all for the body when it comes to the actual alcohol content in the wine. I don't say this in judgement, I'm a drinker too. I have a couple of drinks every weekend, sometimes both Friday and Saturday nights. And I know that it has a negative effect on my efforts but it's something I have decided that I want to continue to partake in with limits.
    Anyway, I have heard others with various health concerns talk about not losing much weight and contributing it to the fact that their body is working more on healing than on weight loss. I can understand that idea, that makes a certain amount of sense to me. If you consistently drank a bottle of wine nightly, it's possible that there are effects from that your body is trying to deal with.
    It's just a thought.
    Stick with your new behaviors and see it through day by day. Focus less on weight loss and more on a healthy new way of life and maybe the frustration can be dealt with by creating a new way of thinking.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I'm not sure if some days you just forgot to log lunches or whatever but your entries are all over the place. Some days are right on calorie goal, some days only 300 calories. Some days up in the 90's for carbs, some days in the teens. Maybe just try really really hard for the next couple of weeks to be more consistent with your carb and calorie levels? One other thing I noticed that may be worth pointing out is that your fat seems to be a bit low most days. There's a few days where you've had a couple coffee with cream, some sausages and some wings. Your protein was WAY high and I think most of us find success with low carb high fat moderate protein. So maybe just tweek your macros and really try to hit them.
  • asyroyez
    asyroyez Posts: 50 Member
    I'd look for bodyfat% loss over weight loss... I've been hovering around the same weight but my bodyfat is decreasing (I can see it and measure it).

    Do you exercise? Doing some HIIT will speed up the metabolism.

    That wine has been feeding some not so good gut bacteria - cutting it out for a short while will not show positive effects right away, since your body had to work up to zero, and then develop an overall healthier gut (which promotes weight loss).

    Not seeing clear logging activity so can't really say much more.

    I think the common advice of "stick with it" is a bit misleading. Yes, certainly stick with something that's working. But if it's not? Just stick with it because you need faith in the LC gods? Lol... I say hell no. Don't stick with anything that isn't working. Find out why it's not working (or if there is a problem at all) and change things so that it is.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I hear your frustration. Just stick with it Sweetie, don't give up. You may need to do more tweaking.

    I had an initial fast weight loss, then I was stalled for 6 weeks, then barely lost got a few more weeks. It was only when I tried various experiments that I found out that my body likes to limit dairy, to butter, HWC and only a bit of cheese. If I eat too much cheese, nuts, Keto baked goods, fruit, even vegetables, my weight loss will stall. I also love to fast, so once I committed more firmly to IF and longer fasts, I have sped up my weight loss rate with increased energy along with it.

    Maybe try to determine what you might be able to change. Good luck !
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Go back to basics. You get out of it what you put in. I've discovered lately if I don't watch my protein I don't lose. I was the same weight for over a month, and I was consistently eating 100 to 110g protein a day. I've dropped that to about 80g and I'm losing again. Keep carbs consistently under 20g. Make sure your calories are where they're supposed to be. Don't have too much dairy, and try and avoid artificial sweeteners. When I first read "I drink a bottle of wine every night and I'm not losing weight" I thought "no wonder". I used to be a regular drinker, now it's only once in a while, maybe once a month. All of these things matter. Try setting your targets carb/protein/fat at say 5% 20% 75% and calories at whatever limit you need to lose weight (mine is 1900 but I'm tall, you might be less). Track your food religiously for a month, make sure you hit those targets and then report back your results. I bet you lose weight.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    For me there is no magic -- I am trying to lose on average about 1 lb per week, and to do that I have to eat approx 1500 cals per day, lower carb, moderate protein and fat, and exercise most days. I don't drink so that helps keep the calories/carbs lower. I am over 60, so it is harder now than it used to be, but still doable. I do try and log absolutely everything to keep myself honest w/ calories and macros. I just play around without the logging. For me there is never any magic, just the plan I describe above. But the results (and how good I feel) are worth it. Also my arthritis goes away!
  • AppetiteControlFreak
    Eating too many calories will break any diet

    I am a low carb person but I also totally believe in eating at a deficit

    Not always popular but...

    I would say count calories and eat at a deficit

    Use a good digital food scale and add in some cardio to burn calories too.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I know that wine has some benefits, but in the amounts that you mention drinking on a nightly basis, I feel may have had an effect besides simply being extra calories on you.

    ^^^^^ THIS!! If you are drinking a bottle of wine a night(!) this is your reason right here why you have not lost weight despite going low carb. Alcohol of any kind = fermented sugar. Drinking sugar in the amounts you indicated will without a doubt, no contest even kick you instantly out of nutritional ketosis so by drinking that bottle wine each night you basically undo all of your hard work for the entire day. :# That is most likely what is going on with you.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited October 2015
    Artemis68 wrote: »
    Hey everyone. So I've been low carbing for months now...and haven't lost a pound. In the beginning I had lost a few and some inches, but that's where I've stayed. Hovering between 200 and 198.

    I've given up on logging my food, because why bother when it doesn't seem to make a difference. Then my hubby joined LCHF which I thought would help because at least now I don't cook a starch with supper...no temptation. THEN, this month I'm doing SoberOctober for Canadian Cancer society. I'm a one...one bottle...one bottle per night kinda wine drinker, so you'd think not drinking for two weeks and low carbing would at least show a pound or two right? NO...NOTHING!!

    I know I can't quit. For one, that would suck for hubby. I know he wouldn't stick with it without me and it works for him so I'd feel awful if I quit. For two, I keep in mind that at least I'm not gaining.

    I'm really starting to think there's something wrong with me though. I don't know if I'm asking for advice or just needing to vent....I'm just so frustrated and sad.

    Yeah, I have about 5 friends that try to do low carb without logging and they all failed. Then they blamed the diet. Its not the diet, it was their execution of the diet. Also looks like you're calories are too high. The benefit of the Keto/Low carb diet is that you have lessened hunger that allows you to eat less calories. Less calories means weight loss. Since you're not tracking, you're probably not in deficit, therefore you're in maintenance mode.

    Lower your calories to 1300. Your carbs to below 40g @ day (do not subtract fiber). Up your fat.

    This way of eating is not a casual thing ~ if you want to lose weight. You HAVE to pay attention to the details, or it will fail...

    Start here first:
    Should You Use a Kitchen Scale to Weigh Your Food?
    Should a Person Have a Food Diary for the Keto Diet?

    And a bottle of wine a night, that sounds a bit much to me....

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    Current weight: 198.5, 115.5 pounds down, 19.5 to go. 13 months on diet

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Eating too many calories will break any diet

    I am a low carb person but I also totally believe in eating at a deficit

    Not always popular but...

    I would say count calories and eat at a deficit

    Use a good digital food scale and add in some cardio to burn calories too.

    Definitely agree with this.

    I had a peek at your diary and your logging is not consistent enough to say that you are definitely in a deficit... I would suggest logging more frequently and investing in a food scale.

    I know it's a pain in the butt, but if you aren't losing the first thing you should do is tighten up your logging.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I can say that by logging my food, consistently, several months helped me learn so much about what I was choosing to eat. Many things were eye opening in the beginning. Realizing what I was fueling my body with and changing it for the better (permanently) has helped me tremendously. It takes making the CHOICE FOR YOURSELF to do it. Best of luck to you! And yes, ditch the wine and use a couple shots of vodka instead. Zero carbs.
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    As every comment ahead of this one states - logging is the key to success. It might also help if you watched your calories for awhile. I frequently log my entire day in the morning and edit it as necessary, this keeps me honest and on program. You might also invest in some Ketostix ($6 at Walmart) to determine if you are actually excreting any ketones at all. While Ketostix are somewhat controversial, I believe that they help you see if you are going in the right direction.

    Oh, I also find that when I drink wine I retain fluid. Perhaps that's part of the problem
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Artemis68 wrote: »
    Hey everyone. So I've been low carbing for months now...and haven't lost a pound. In the beginning I had lost a few and some inches, but that's where I've stayed. Hovering between 200 and 198.

    I've given up on logging my food, because why bother when it doesn't seem to make a difference. Then my hubby joined LCHF which I thought would help because at least now I don't cook a starch with supper...no temptation. THEN, this month I'm doing SoberOctober for Canadian Cancer society. I'm a one...one bottle...one bottle per night kinda wine drinker, so you'd think not drinking for two weeks and low carbing would at least show a pound or two right? NO...NOTHING!!

    I know I can't quit. For one, that would suck for hubby. I know he wouldn't stick with it without me and it works for him so I'd feel awful if I quit. For two, I keep in mind that at least I'm not gaining.

    I'm really starting to think there's something wrong with me though. I don't know if I'm asking for advice or just needing to vent....I'm just so frustrated and sad.

    Just point of reference for everyone commenting on the drinking - SHE'S SOBER and NOT DRINKING this month, and dropping the booze is not helping! (YET)

    I agree with @Sunny_Bunny_ I think it was who said that healing from the overuse of wine is part of why she's not dropping YET, and the overconsumption of wine PRIOR is part of why she didn't drop before...
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Totally missed the part
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Just point of reference for everyone commenting on the drinking - SHE'S SOBER and NOT DRINKING this month, and dropping the booze is not helping! (YET)

    But drinking a bottle of wine A DAY prior to 14 days ago. That would take a HUGE toll on the body. I bet her body is just trying to heal and the weight loss will come.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Totally missed the part
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Just point of reference for everyone commenting on the drinking - SHE'S SOBER and NOT DRINKING this month, and dropping the booze is not helping! (YET)

    But drinking a bottle of wine A DAY prior to 14 days ago. That would take a HUGE toll on the body. I bet her body is just trying to heal and the weight loss will come.

    Which was the second part of my message immediately above yours.
  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks all for the responses. First off, I was being slightly fececious with the bottle a day...it wasn't meant to be taken quite so literally. But I still will admit to drinking way too much so the responses are still relevant. :)

    I've set my calories to 1700 but most often when I was logging I was lucky to get over 1000 calories. Eating LCHF I'm just not hungry. I will most certainly start logging again, just logging the last couple days a see some major carb creep.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Artemis68 wrote: »
    Thanks all for the responses. First off, I was being slightly fececious with the bottle a day...it wasn't meant to be taken quite so literally. But I still will admit to drinking way too much so the responses are still relevant. :)

    I've set my calories to 1700 but most often when I was logging I was lucky to get over 1000 calories. Eating LCHF I'm just not hungry. I will most certainly start logging again, just logging the last couple days a see some major carb creep.

    Adding a TBSP of butter here, a splash of coconut oil there, a slice of cheese there aren't that much more "filling" all the time, but can add caloric value to help you get closer to your macros... And yeah, carb creep sucks. 1000 is too low unless you have specific cause for that. Heavy cream in your coffee, a number of changes that are small...

    Water fasting can allow you to burn through a bunch of body fat and still allow for you to eat a good amount when you break your fast etc...