No-Gain November Week 3 Check-In (11/16-11/22)

baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
Welcome to the Week 3 Check-In thread for the November Challenge.

Here's a our little challenge blurb:
There's a statistic going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. It's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and looking in the mirror, unhappy with what extra weight we've gained. It happens to the best of us.

Last year was my first LCHF holiday. I checked the weight chart, and I lost 13lb (almost 6kg) between Oct 31st and my birthday (New Year's Day.) It's possible to not only NOT gain but to LOSE weight during the holiday season.

Planning ahead and keeping an eye on the basics are two of the most important focal points if we want to keep on the up and up in the face of all the junk and goodies rampant this type of year.

Some people choose to handle this time of year completely on-plan, supplementing low-carb recipes for all our bad-ol' favorites.

What I did last year was pick 1 or 2 events that were most important. For me it was Christmas Eve and New Year's Day (my birthday). I enjoyed those celebrations. Once the day was over, the indulgence was OVER. I brought home no leftovers to continue the nonsense. I picked specific things I was going to have, not ALL THE FOODS. I told myself that at bedtime, the day was over and when I woke in the morning, it was back to the routine. The rest of the days during that period, I planned ahead to stay on-plan. For those other events I didn't select, I either ate before-hand, or brought on-plan dishes to them. I lost 13lb between Halloween and New Year's.

You can pick either strategy, but this challenge, monitoring our plan Basics, are what makes the difference.

Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Any low-carb plan is welcome. Just post your monthly goals and beginning weight, or if you are just planning to maintain through the month, and check-in daily or weekly with how well you did.

The Basics:
Staying under carbs
Staying under calories
Logging and measuring
Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
Getting enough water
Planning ahead

This thread will be stickied to the top of the Group, with links inside to the weekly threads. So if the weekly thread gets buried in our busy little group, you'll be able to easily find in in the sticky.

Share recipes, problems, thoughts.
No-Gain November is possible.

Let's do this.

To give you and idea of possible check-in entries here's mine for yesterday:

Monthly Goals:
To lose those rotten, stinkin, stubborn, no-good, malicious last 2lb to goal weight.
By hitting the basics daily. I have one calorie UP-day, Saturday, where I'd like to log but I don't care how many calories I eat, as long as I keep my carbs under 50g. I only have adult beverages that day. Sometimes my carbs sneak over. I make sure I'm pristine all other days of the week, however. This arrangement works fine for me, for now. But if I don't continue to lose at least a fraction of a lb a week, then obviously I'll have to tighten the reigns on that.

Start weight: 153.4 (weight is up due to salty nuts, bacon, and sausage balls)
Goal weight: 150 and to stay there.

Sunday, 11/1:

Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
Logged Food: check.jpg
Exercise as Planned?: Cleaned house like a fiend for 3 hours check.jpg
At or Under Carb Level: 13/30g net check.jpg
At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Happy Monday. Thanks for Week 3 already!

    SW 11.1.15 151
    CW 150 (I've been down to 147.5, this month but I seem to have rebounded, not worried I'm sure it's H20 today)
    GW 146.

    Sunday. 11/15
    Water: OK
    Logged Food: Yes
    Exercise as Planned?: Walked - meh.
    At or Under Carb Level: 17g
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes
    Planned Day Ahead: Boo.. No.

    Seemed to be in a rut last week and this past weekend. I had a bad stomach bug last week, that threw me off.
    Back on the ride, back to basics this week. Plan to grocery shop tonight.
  • LaurenBraddy
    LaurenBraddy Posts: 65 Member
    Okay, I'm back after missing Week 2! We had a family destination wedding, and lets just say that not only did I fall off of the wagon, I let it get a few miles in front of me. I finally caught it and am back on track. Unfortunately, I don't see myself getting to my old goal weight with this setback, so I might need to reevaluate what is possible for this month.

    SW: 145
    OGW: 138 (For November, then still 10 to go)
    NGW: 140

    Current Weight: 143.8

    1. Log Daily - Check
    2. Stay under 15 g carbs 5 days a week - Check
    3. Stay under 50 g carbs 2 days a week
    4. Get my carbs from veggies, not booze - Nope
    5. Get 6000 steps a day 5 days a week - Not even close
    6. Get 12000 steps a day 2 days a week
    7. Drink more water - Nope
    8. Cook low carb and family friendly meals at least 5 days a week. - Check!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I'll report on today come tomorrow, once everything's locked in.


    Holy Bacon, you guys. Do you see what is happening with my weight? I dropped over four pounds last week by cutting out dairy. My calories were UP, and that only caught up with me today with a zero change. Normally 141.4 would TOTALLY be a dehydrated weight. Yeah I drank a little less Sat/Sun than on a weekday but always had some late in the evening so it's not like my cells were shriveled in the morning.

    The weight seems to be coming off my abdomen mostly (I noticed my six pack is back yesterday), but I swear my thighs look more slender, which is something I REALLY have been wanting. We'll find out when I re-myotape in two weeks.

    So adding dairy back will be my maintenance method (maybe only cream first, then only cheese, see what happens) when I get to my goal, which now somehow seems WAY more attainable than ever.

    Do I miss the cream and cheese? ...Ish? I dunno. I made an awesome little coffee concoction with butter, dark chocolate powder, cinnamon, and chili powder and I love it more than creamed coffee, I swear. I wish it were something I could pack up (with the aerolatte wand) and take to coffee shops when we camp out, but I've been happily drinking Americanos black for a couple months now, so whatever. I really thought the chocolate was going to offset as I added a second mug of my special coffee each day, then WHAM, almost a pound down one day. Then the next.

    Really it's more just remembering not to put cheese on things, or not to eat things I make for my family that have cheese in them. Same basic adjustment period as starting keto; it's about awareness and discipline.

    Which leads us to this affirmation...
    baconslave wrote: »
    And for my check-in...
    Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do to get where we want to be.
    And sometimes giving up things is the way to get things you want.
    So yesterday was my last loosey-goosey Saturday.
    The adult beverages and calorie nonsense is setting me back.
    The lack of tracking on that day is keeping me from making good choices.

    Thank for the inspiration from @glossbones

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I missed the two week check in too! Getting back to work threw a wrench in my schedule. I have managed to only have one night with leg cramps this month, so it's a big success for me!

    After a nine hour trip, each way, in less than 48 hours, I finally saw a new 1.1 pound loss on Sunday morning. Was back up today, so its just like @baconslave described. I can expect it to remain above the new low for a few weeks (or months in my case!) before seeing another drop.

    This is why I don't set weight loss goals.

    I have lost new inches too! Since October 4th I have lost a total of 5.25 inches! So, the scale doesnt really matter that much!

    I am enjoying seeing the successes that everyone is having! Heck, just being here is a success! Congratulations everyone!!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Goal re-cap:

    1. Under 30 total carbs daily
    2. Run 3+ times a week, with at least two interval runs
    3. Pre-planned meals with restaurant food only twice a week
    4. Restrict my shopping to 1X week large shopping trip and 2 small trips through the week

    I've been good with 1 and 2, with 3 and 4 suffering due to holiday season and work.
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    New week - I'm not even going to track the weekend, it was bad!

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net)
    3. Stay under 1360 calories without eating back FitBit adjusted exercise calories
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently ~204.8 (down 3 from start of November)
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food
    7. Continue C25K
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Keto diet on track. Slight downward movement on the scale. As I'm writing this, I'm vowing to keep a vigilant eye out for carb creep this week.

    Increasing movement was okay for the week. Two nights out dancing. Not alot of movement in regular lifestyle. I'm so resistant to this change! Just keep trying again for this coming week.

    My attitude remains mostly positive even while juggling a disappointing possible relationship and a god awful job search. Still trying to keep at joyful activities like painting and sewing projects to keep grounded. Seems to be working. This week I will make plans for my carbless but yummy thanksgiving meal.

    All good. Holding steady for the holiday season.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Well, I was planning on checking in half way through, but yeah....
    So, I am hoping to lose 2lbs this month and so far I'd only lost .4. But, of course, I've already regained that plus more mystery weight since then so, I'll just keep on keepin on. Cuz that's what I do. :)
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    edited November 2015
    Just found this thread today. Count me in!

    1. No sugar alcohol candies or chicken tenders, my new cheat foods.
    2. Convict Conditioning calisthenics every other day.
    3. Get down to 174.6 by Thanksgiving, which will put me at an even 50 lbs lost since April 15
    4. Back to the basics- bouillon broth every morning, take my magnesium, avoid wheat, and stay under 30 carbs a day

    I'm back on track this week after a mild bout of flu knocked me out last week. It's always been my policy that anything goes when I'm sick, so I did indulge in a few things I've been avoiding. Ben & Jerry might have come home with me once or twice.

    1. Bought some powdered chocolate Jif to satisfy my sweet tooth. It's sweetened with sugar, but still pretty LC considering. And my new favorite when I just want to snack- homemade pimento cheese and pork rinds. Yum!
    2. Missed a couple of workouts when I was sick, but back on track now. I think I might be ready to go up a level on a few of the exercises!
    3. Don't think I'm gonna make it there since I was derailed a wee bit, but I should be down 45 by then. Still good progress.
    4. I'm back to counting net carbs now, trying to stay under 20, and so far so good. That's where I started out, and I did well back then, so maybe giving myself the leeway of counting net carbs will keep me from backsliding.

    (And I don't know what I did to make my post look like one giant quote! lol)
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    petunia773 wrote: »
    New week - I'm not even going to track the weekend, it was bad!

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill - no, 7321
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net) 27/21 net
    3. Stay under 1360 calories without eating back FitBit adjusted exercise calories 1250
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently 204 (down 3.8 from start of November)
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth - yup did a decent job of that
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food - made three salads Sunday afternoon for yesterday, today and tomorrow's lunches. On Thursday and Friday I'll grab some pre-portioned leftovers from the freezer to eat. Took out pre-portioned Ziploc bag of spaghetti squash out of freezer last night for tonight's supper to smother it with No Sugar Added spaghetti sauce with hot Italian sausage, some mushrooms and covered in melty cheese! :)
    7. Continue C25K - set alarm for 5:00 this morning and succeeded in dragging my butt out of bed and did Week 2, Day 3 this morning! Should have no problem meeting my step goal today...sitting at 6632 already and it's not even 9:00 a.m.

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net)
    3. Stay under 1360 calories without eating back FitBit adjusted exercise calories
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently 204. (down 3.8 from start of November)
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food
    7. Continue C25K
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Checking in for 11.16.

    SW 11.1.15 151
    CW 150 - and waiting..
    GW 146.

    Monday 11/16
    Water: OK
    Logged Food: Yes
    Exercise as Planned?: Walked the quad with buddy.
    At or Under Carb Level: Noooo. I bought a lunch from work that wasn't the best choice- I forgot to plan.. Self-sabotage!
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes
    Planned Day Ahead: Not yet. Working on it.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    This cold is killing me. It needs to go. I felt so bad, I laid down on the couch and tried to sleep yesterday. Of course the kids would have none of that. They slammed every door, yelled everything they said, and dropped every heavy thing on the hardwood all afternoon. At least DH was nice enough to make supper for me. He set aside a keto-portion for me. :mrgreen: I missed my once-in-3-or-4-months Ladies Night. :disappointed:
    Feeling quite "bleh" today again. But maybe I won't need to huddle on the couch.

    Hoping I can at least muster up a little exercise today and keep the cals under my goal.
    I still feel drained and bleh. Though I might get enough energy to BEAT ME SOME KIDS. The teen and pre-teen are at each others' throats this morning. I haven't had to spank them in years. Today might be the day.

    Lost a little carb-water-weight this morning. Waiting for the rest of it to go. And telling my food-demon to go to H3LL!!! I do not need carbs or alcohol TYVM! Go hide in the choc ice cream container and freeze to death! :rage:

    As I told someone on my Friend list this morning: The voices don't ever stop trying to talk us into carbs. We just stop listening and tune them out. They can't have power over you if you don't let them. You heard that, Jess? Hmmm? :wink:

    Mon, 11/16:

    Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: None. Sick. Laying on the couch trying to die. And being jumped on by the 4-year-old :-1:
    At or Under Carb Level: 27/50g check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Nope. I was STARVING yesterday. I went 100 over due to cheddar-jack. Worth it. :-1:
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    November Drumsticks of Meatiness Collected!

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Beginning weight: 145.2 (that's 11/2's weight.. Nov 1's was a dehydrated fluke)

    Monday, 11/16:
    +1 Carbs: 16/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 141.4 (nc)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, movement while cooking three recipes after work
    (0) Steps: 4,500 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 105/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options (avoided the optional wasabi popcorn with dinner)
    Drumsticks Earned: 6/7

    Holiday Drumsticks of November:
    Week One:
    Week Two:
    Week Three:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Overall I've done well with sticking to my (updated) goals each day. Yesterday I I had an experiment day where I had 68 gm total carbs but only 23 net. I also ended up updating at maintenance rather than staying under my calorie goal like I have every other day. And this was the instructions morning my keto strip was negative. Good to know
    Back to my goal of staying under 50 total, 30 net.
    In terms of weight loss.
    SW: 150.6 (when I started keto 11/2. Start Weight for my Transformer DietBet on 8/31 was 153.4.)
    CW: 142, and I've already been able to go down a size in some of my pants and jeans, and tops are fitting better!
    Ultimate GW: 133 though I might adjust this as I get closer. I'm more concerned with clothing fit and body fat percentage and not looking pregnant, since my fat likes to congregate in my belly.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Grr my phone isn't letting me select the edit option but hopefully you all can figure out what the autocorrected words were supposed to be.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Beginning weight: 145.2 (that's 11/2's weight.. Nov 1's was a dehydrated fluke)
    Goal weight: 139.99999 (just wanna dip under 140!)

    Monday, 11/16:
    +1 Carbs: 16/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 141.4 (nc)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, movement while cooking three recipes after work
    (0) Steps: 4,500 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 105/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options (avoided the optional wasabi popcorn with dinner)
    Ooh, you know, I just realized I forgot to do the no-dairy line (I copied and pasted from last Monday, before I started no dairy).
    +1 No dairy products (except butter)
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/8

    Tuesday, 11/17:
    +1 Carbs: 30/30g
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 141.6 (+)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, a bit of manic pacing
    (0) Steps: 4,741 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 85/80oz
    +1 Skip the carby options (despite my carbs being higher than normal for the day, it was cumulative, not a wallop in one serving)
    +1 No dairy products (except butter)
    Drumsticks Earned: 7/8

    And we lost my grandma Monday night at bedtime so I figure I did pretty freaking well. It occurred to me to consider binging on something high sugar, but I dismissed the idea just as quickly, and just had an extra low carb coffee after dinner. My calories were high, but I mostly disregard calories.

    Holiday Drumsticks of November:
    Week One:
    Week Two:
    Week Three:
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Week 3:

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 158.6 (11/17/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    November Goals:
    Review basics and get back to following more carefully
    10,000 steps per day (work days); 5,000 steps per day (weekend)
    Keep at around 40 net carbs per day
    Log Food Daily
    Additional exercise at least 3 times a week (yoga, weight lifting, biking)

    11/16 - 11/18 - been doing well. Again during the work week it's easy to do everything I want to do. Weekends are so much harder. Maybe I'm just lazy by the time the weekend rolls in?? :) But one thing I noticed this week...on Sunday when I went to the brewery and had some carbs (not much but I had carbs I normally don't have), my tummy has been sore. It's finally starting to feel better and my body is letting go of water weight. So on Sunday I only had a few sips of beer, a piece of rye crisp at lunch and a lot of popcorn. Monday my weight was up a full lb (water) and by Monday night my tummy was getting sore. Not sure if it was gluten from the beer/rye crisp or the popcorn (it wasn't buttery at all just salty). It will be interesting to do a test sometime and just have some gluten and see how I feel. Love experiments!!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    Tues, 11/17:

    Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 30 min walk. check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 44/50g check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Finally, yes. check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

    November Drumsticks of Meatiness Collected!

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    glossbones wrote: »

    And we lost my grandma Monday night at bedtime so I figure I did pretty freaking well. It occurred to me to consider binging on something high sugar, but I dismissed the idea just as quickly, and just had an extra low carb coffee after dinner. My calories were high, but I mostly disregard calories.

    Sorry again, dear. :disappointed:
    You did a really great job coping though.
    P&PTs for you and your fam. :heart:
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Summary for Tuesday 11.17.

    SW (11.1.15) 151
    CW (today) 148 (this is a fluke, dehydration from drinks last night. I'm sure)
    GW 146.

    Water: OK
    Logged Food: Yes
    Exercise as Planned?: No, had a candidate interview..
    At or Under Carb Level: Almost. I bought salad lunch from work, then met Aunt at the 99 for dinner. Steak and broccoli - oh, and a martini and wine. :/ Old habits die hard... UGGG
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes.
    Planned Day Ahead: Not a well planned week for me.