Beginner need Advice!

Hey everyone,

I need some advice on beginner strength training! Iv'e been reading a lot online and watching youtube videos but it's all really confusing. Right now I'm swimming regularly for my cardio to try to shift all the weight I need to get rid of but feel like I need the strength training to help shape my body whilst losing fat. Last week I did my first body weight strength work out - squats, lunges, plank, push ups etc, but I was literally in SO MUCH pain in my thighs the following days, was walking completely weird and sitting on the toilet was an ordeal haha! I lost out on days that I could have been exercising because the pain was so bad. I'm so weak and found doing lunges really difficult, couldn't balance well and my knees really hurt!

Does anyone have any advice of strength exercises for a beginner? I also have the worst bingo wings so any exercises for that would be great - the fat from my arms doesn't seem to want to budge! I just want to avoid losing a lot of weight and still looking flabby.




  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The main thing I'd suggest is finding a program to follow. It's much easier when you have a guideline of what to do each time you do a strength training session instead of just doing random things. If you want to stick with body weight types, there are a few that are specific to that style. I believe the top ones that I've seen mentioned in the forums on a regular basis to look into are You Are Your Own Gym, Convict Conditioning, and Nerd Fitness. If you want to maybe go into lifting weights, then there are a number of beginning program options including New Rules of Lifting for Women (or they have other books in the series including a new one), Stronglifts, Ice Cream Fitness or Starting Strength.

    Soreness happens in particular in the beginning or after a break. When doing something new that your body hasn't done much before, it's going to make you more sore. However, that subsides over time. I rarely get DOMS (the delayed onset muscle soreness) but after going on vacation, the first time back to the gym my legs were sore for days. However, now I've done a few more sessions and back to normal. I don't do lunges much but I'm always cautious when I do them because I have bad knees. However, not every program will even have you doing lunges. Depends on what you find that works best with your goals, schedule and available equipment.

    With the arms, some of that may not go away. I've got a little bit of a bicep and still some bingo wings because there is a little fat and also some excess skin there. Skin takes longer to change and may not necessarily change on its own without surgery. I have the same issue with my stomach where I have a little excess skin along with some fat I'm working on reducing. Exercises can help the muscle but it won't be able to target any particular area as fat goes from wherever the body decides to reduce. My current program includes a couple tricep focused lifts and I feel them work hard, but it's not going to get rid of the "wing" so much as it's going to at least keep some muscle there instead of also losing that. Or that is the general idea of it, at least, with the lifting and the deficit as calorie consumption is the biggest factor for weight loss.

    Good luck and I hope you find something you enjoy to go along with the swimming.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Here's a great starting point for overall information on simplifying how to reach your health/fitness goals - and this post for a lifting program

    Novice Programs:
    *Starting Strength
    *StrongLifts -
    *New Rules of Lifting for Women -
    *All Pro's -
    *Strong Curves -

    DVD Programs that incorporate cardio and strength training:
    *ChaLEAN Extreme -
    *Jillian Michaels Body Revolution -

    Great website to find programs and information -

    Some free programs at and too.

    Enjoy! Good Luck!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    I reccommend a "program" also but in addition if you are just starting out and your workout leaves you debilitated then reduce your reps and don't do things like "work till failure". No pain no gain is a myth. I rarely get sore unless I really overdo it. You can do an effective, tough workout without feeling like you are killing yourself. Also, Epsom salt baths and foam rolling and make sure you are drinking water especially after foam rolling. Best wishes!!
  • katnoir1
    katnoir1 Posts: 128 Member
    I know it can be expensive, but having a personal trainer for at least one session when you first start out really helps. They can tailor a program to you and also make sure you're using the correct form (so that pain is really recovery and not an injury).

    Also, as someone who's been lifting for a while, I still get sore after most workouts, although I rarely ever have a day where I'm too sore to function. The best advice I can give is that rest is just as important as training - you need to have at least one or two rest days a week, and use those rest days to help you recover as best you can. I might have one rest day where I just do gentle yoga to stretch out my muscles, but I always have one day where I do nothing at all - maybe just an epsom salt bath or a rub-down with Deep Heat.
  • LeonorGuzmn
    LeonorGuzmn Posts: 4 Member
    Hello , my name is leonor and I live in Spain . I would like to know things related to fitness and nutrition. Forgiven the expression, I am learning the language. thank you.
  • gingerindie
    gingerindie Posts: 1 Member
    I've recently started properly strength training too.
    I agree with what was said above about finding a program
    I find with my other training, I get better results when I go in with a plan. I've been using this one. It's not overly complicated and it's effective

    I also watch youtube videos for inspiration and for small hints and tips I may not have come across or thought of before.

    Nikki Blackketter:
    Heidi Somers:
    Carly Rowena: rowena&sm=3
  • LeonorGuzmn
    LeonorGuzmn Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, you realize that exercises to increase muscle mass?