Jenny's Progress :)



  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
    That's awesome Jenny. You are COMMITTED! It's a good feeling when you realize it. When you modify your wo for injury don't ever let it get you down worrying about setbacks. That's when you know you will succeed for sure because your mind is right.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    jennytree wrote: »
    That link is brilliant, thanks!

    So, most stuff I could without issue last night. My trainer wouldn't allow me do barbell squats :disappointed: (have to do what I'm told though :tongue: ) ), so lowered the weight and did front squats holding a DB into my chest without issue. Only time I felt any slight pain at all was lying back on the floor for glute raises and tricep dips. Didn't do burpees or pushups either but trainer amended to doing planks and switchkicks so delighted I got to get a proper workout in! I was on the verge of taking the rest of the week "off" (aka binging) so the exercise kept me motivated to stay on track :relaxed:

    Glad you are feeling well enough to do a good workout. Hang in there.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Week 7: 14th - 20th Nov

    Average calories consumed: 1,948
    Average calories burned: 2,243

    Weight: 181lbs

    Deficit is 13%. Up a lb from last week, but I feel great. Aside from the soreness in my sternum, managed to get some workouts in and keep *fairly* on track, food-wise.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    Yeah...I bet your injury is to blame for the scale bump. I'm glad you're feeling good! Are you taking Thanksgiving off or the whole week?
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    kmac1196 wrote: »
    Yeah...I bet your injury is to blame for the scale bump. I'm glad you're feeling good! Are you taking Thanksgiving off or the whole week?

    We don't do Thanksgiving here in Ireland, so I have no excuse for a break like you guys :D

  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Week 8: 21st - 27th Nov

    Average calories consumed: 1,989
    Average calories burned: 2,221

    Weight: 180lbs

    Deficit is 10%.

    Another week, another update! Down 1lb. Feel feckin awesome this week. Made a significant change with something in my life and my thinking is much more positive. I've just had to accept my body for the way it is now instead of wishing for something I don't have. The next 4-6 weeks are going to be busy for me, so I don't know if there'll be much of a cut going on but I'll see how I get on.
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Yay for you. Glad to hear you're feeling great!! Congrats!!!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Week 9: 28th - 4th Dec

    Average calories consumed: 1,884
    Average calories burned: 2,330

    Weight: 180lbs

    Deficit is 19%.

    Not quite so motivated this week. I'm not fully convinced I did my reset long enough, so results aren't showing, but I'll keep at what I'm doing until Xmas anyway.
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Why do you say that you didn't stay at reset long enough?
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Same thinking as most of us when we don't see instant results :smile: It's week 9, I've lost an inch around my hips and 3lbs and I guess I'd like to have lost a stone by now!

    Gonna stick with it though - I won't panic :smile:
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Oh yeah, I can certainly see why you would think that. I didn't realize it was week 9 for you with cutting! I too would be thinking the same. An inch lost is good. I can't really say much because I'm only trying to find my tdee right now so I have a ways to go. However, hang in there!
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    edited December 2015
    Week 10: 5th -11th Dec

    Average calories consumed: 2,450
    Average calories burned: 2,336

    Weight: 187lbs

    Deficit is non-existant :smiley:

    Up 7lbs in a week. Ouch! Work xmas party, eating at TDEE most other days and then had pizza last night. Oooooh yeaaaah!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I have done that more than once when I intend 1 serious weigh-in measurement day the next day after 2-4 weeks.
    Half-way through the pizza or Chinese food or whatever, I realize shoot, tomorrow was the big day, I just ruined a decently accurate reading.
    I'll usually do it anyway, and then find the next valid day to get better figures for actually using. I usually have 2 valid days a week. And measurements don't change much with sodium I've found, or big carb days.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    I have done that more than once when I intend 1 serious weigh-in measurement day the next day after 2-4 weeks.
    Half-way through the pizza or Chinese food or whatever, I realize shoot, tomorrow was the big day, I just ruined a decently accurate reading.
    I'll usually do it anyway, and then find the next valid day to get better figures for actually using. I usually have 2 valid days a week. And measurements don't change much with sodium I've found, or big carb days.

    I quickly weighed myself, then carried on with my day. I'll get a more accurate output this Friday after a few days of not eating so much carb stuff, hopefully!
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    I'm taking a week or two off from logging and training.

    I was getting to anxious about everything, so I think taking some time off will be a bit of a stress-relief exercise and I'll chill out next Monday. Realistically, I'll be eating a fair bit on Xmas day. I'll try get out for a walk or something on Stephens Day but I'll be drinking that night, so a hangover is planned for the 27th, then out again on the night of the 27th and will be in a complete state on the 28th. Once all that is over with, I'll be back on track again hopefully! I may spend January eating at TDEE again though and re-evaluate at the end of the month as every waking thought it about food and that's just not healthy IMO.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Jenny, you might want to check out this site, since you plan on doing some major drinking :)
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Howdy all!

    Figured I'd update on where I'm at.

    I found logging all food very stressful. I was on here 24/7 overthinking everything, and always scraping the last calorie or two out of my allowance to allow for some chocolate!

    I've been eating at around 1,800 calories for a few months now, so I'm going out on a limb and not logging every day. I mostly eat the same food every day during the week anyway, so I'm not too worried.

    Put on about 7lbs over Xmas, mostly due to a sudden increase in eating a f*cktonne of crisps! Hope to lose some of that this week.

    I'm also beginning to run - I aim to be able to run 5k by the end of February :) Still keeping up with my weight training too!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Good job! Keep us updated!
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey all!

    Wanted to update you all on what's going on.

    I am doing really well food-wise. I'm still hovering around the 1,800 - I don't log every day as I eat the same all the time BUT...

    ... I'm still putting on weight.

    I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia back in '08 sometime (when I was severely obese), and had been taking B12 injections since. My doc had advised me recently to lay off for a few months, and get a full blood check done. I didn't mention any symptoms at all to her.

    She rang yesterday with the results:
    - B12 is above average (yey!)
    - Thyroid function is low, not severely but have mild hypothyroidism. Going on Eltroxin with continued monitoring every few weeks for dosage levels. She asked if I had unexplained weight gain
    - Also on the lower end of average readings for iron, vitamin D and calcium

    So there ye are. I had thought the weight gain was down to the *type* of food I was eating, but perhaps not. I've no problem with maintaining, but the gain was really getting me down.

    Going to start my treatment, and not fuss about weight for another few weeks. The break from counting everything has done me the world of good, mentally. I know what to eat - and eating when I'm hungry is fab!

    If any of you have hypothyroidism I'd love to hear how you are coping with it whilst trying not to starve yourself :smile: