How do you avoid bingeing?



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited November 2015
    Yes I agree too. Binge eating is a real and complex issue and is much more than pigging out from time to time on healthy food.

    Yes and no. Bingeing is bingeing, whether the food is healthy or not, whether one binges on fat, protein, or carbs. I've been to therapy for it, and it seemed complicated. But when I removed myself from the stress that was causing it, i.e. living with my dad, it suddenly became, mostly, simple. On the other hand, I still binge, lightly, and I recognize it as something I'm not in complete direct control of. But when I identify the cause, it becomes simple again. I don't try to seize control of it. I modulate it into something mild and occasional.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    No time to read all the replies. I avoid a binge by never eating carb laden foods. If I am having a hungry day I grab chicken leg out of the fridge or hard boiled egg or cook up a hamburger patty. If you really are hungry you need to eat but do not mix up hunger and boredom or stress eating. Just keep quick to grab good for you foods in the fridge at all times.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I gave away all my big clothes, so I need to keep fitting into my smaller clothes.

    I don't want to go back to where I was, so I remember where I came from and keep my eyes on maintaining my goal. This helps keep me motivated to avoid the extra calories or carbs.

    If I do slip up, I just get right back at it to immediately correct my habits in order to ensure my long term success. No hoping or wishing or magic, just doing, forgiving and remaining consistent. We can all do this !
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I'm a woman

    I'm so sorry. I always thought you were a guy! Please tell me you at least wear glasses so I'm not completely off base from what I pictured you to look like.

    Hah, it's a common misconception, so no worries. :)

    And yes, I do wear glasses. These ones, in fact (in Ebony) - :)
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited November 2015
    macchiatto wrote: »
    if I feel like I want a big meal I plan a bunch of low-calorie foods that have a higher volume, that way I can 'eat and eat and eat' and not knock things way out of my macros.
    Can you give me some examples of what one of these meals would look like? I'm guessing lots of of green leafy veg. .. What else?

    I do that too. My meals are usually things like chili, stew, pureed thick soups, stuffed peppers, zucchini boats, stir fry. I freeze almost all of them in individual portions so my entire family can grab and go or heat and eat at any time. I aim for the meals to be around 200-250 calories each and SUBSTANTIAL.

    For example, some meals I have from the freezer are: sausage vegetable soup, white chicken chili (with extra peppers and zucchini instead of beans), Thai curry beef (this has broccoli and jicama), Chicken pot pie soup (radishes instead of potatoes), chicken cacciatore with mushrooms, turkey cheesy enchilada stuffed peppers (stuffed with zucchini and cauliflower).

    I pretty much just make sure my foods are 50:50 vegetable/meat, and that includes burgers, meatballs, nuggets, meatloaf, and so on. We also do a fair amount of vegetable rice and vegetable noodles. Recipes here
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    When I crave (which is what leads to binges for me), I eat something with a really strong flavor. Example: aged sharp cheese, tart olives, pickles, etc.

    Usually that kicks the sugar craving.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    A binge for me used to be grabbing a burger (or two) at the drivethrough on the way home, then cooking and eating dinner, then having a dessert or junkfood of some kind in the evening. All with softdrink.

    Now, a binge is a small 40g tub of cream cheese, a fist full of ham (about 100g) and a few olives when I know I can't really afford the extra calories. Happens sometimes, not going to sweat it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I gave away all my big clothes, so I need to keep fitting into my smaller clothes.

    I don't want to go back to where I was, so I remember where I came from and keep my eyes on maintaining my goal. This helps keep me motivated to avoid the extra calories or carbs.

    If I do slip up, I just get right back at it to immediately correct my habits in order to ensure my long term success. No hoping or wishing or magic, just doing, forgiving and remaining consistent. We can all do this !

    HA! This practice above is part of what helped me right now. I had decided that since I was going on vacation and having Thanksgiving with others that I was going off plan. My mind was exhausted and I was to the point of not caring about a lot of things (my mental hiccups, admittedly). So I went full on carb-junkie crazy for most of those 10 days. I knew Monday, coming back to work, that was it, I was back on plan, no excuses.

    My only limits were - I couldn't grow out or my jeans, and I didn't want to gain more than 10 pounds (15 max). I kept to both of those. I gained like 9.5 pounds or something, and I could still wear my jeans that were almost too loose before going off plan, even if they were significantly snugger. Other than that, all bets were off. I will not even GO into what all I ate. It was ridiculous. But, so satisfying. But I'm also SOOOOO relieved to be back to my "normal."

    I'm back on plan, so far no carb flu or anything (it's amazing what 9 months worth of fat adaption makes possible within our bodies!!), no major cravings, 3 pounds down so far, and just trucking on. Plus, my spirit is renewed, as well as my belief that this is possible, etc.

    As far as other cravings? I do my best to find low carb substitutes, but sometimes you just have to have the leaded real thing. I always attempt to eat something really fatty first. Sometimes, I'm so sated by the fat that the craving for whatever it was fades. I do the put it off negotiating thing - you CAN have that, but only one portion and only after you eat dinner - or whatever. It works most of the time. Also, not considering it a cheat or anything negative. FHS, it's just food. I know to most of us we label it poison because of how it affects us, but it is just food. Not guilt tied up in a bow. I am not perfect. I am going to eat crap that is bad for me. And I'm going to roll with it and just try to make a better decision any time I can, make my next bite a LC bite, etc. Sometimes I'll IF after a craving. Sometimes I'll extend an overnight fast and delay breakfast. Different things - but those are for the aftermath.

    I find that I binged like crazy (like 3 candy bars for breakfast, followed pie as a snack before a carb filled lunch ate least one day, soda a few times, etc.) during the Thanksgiving holiday, but while it felt kind of like I got it out of my system, I know I didn't. If I gave in right this moment, I could easily end up back there. But I read something, well, a few somethings, that really helped me deal with it. The brain chemicals and such in a binger are actually literally wired differently. The other thing was that I always had the mindset of binging until I got sick or got it out of my system would help delay future binges. While I may have been able to get sick (I never threw up, but some times I didn't feel well for a long while), realizing that I would never "get it out of my system" completely, that I could binge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, and never get it out of my system, well that was like a light bulb went off above my head.

    I don't know why exactly. Just like realizing that my coping mechanism was the opposite of what I wanted to do helped somehow. Hope some of this - any of this, helps someone else.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I'm a woman

    I'm so sorry. I always thought you were a guy! Please tell me you at least wear glasses so I'm not completely off base from what I pictured you to look like.

    Hah, it's a common misconception, so no worries. :)

    And yes, I do wear glasses. These ones, in fact (in Ebony) - :)

    That's too funny! Since I know you from the PCOS group, it never would have occurred to me that you might be a guy. ;)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @Queenmunchy that all sounds amazing! Thanks for the ideas and recipe link!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    @Knit glad you've found your groove again! Maybe you just needed a break to get it out of your system.

    I ate at a German buffet recently that served breaded schnitzel and apple strudel. I skipped lots of the carbier items, but still felt I overdid the carbs. I was much hungrier afterwards and it's taken me a few days to get back on plan.

    My lesson is that I feel better when eating Keto, so It isn't an attraction for me to binge on carbs anymore. I can only handle so much before I feel unwell and gain weight, so it's just not worth it.

    The most important thing for us is to forgive ourselves and get right back at it. We can do this !