Introduce yourself to the 50+ pounds to lose community!



  • cpw2109
    cpw2109 Posts: 43 Member

    I'm Carl. Been a yo-yo dieter for years. Lost some weight some years ago, but since stopping various sports/exercise (due to injury, operation and rehabilitation), I put weight on.

    I started my most recent (and last!) weightloss journey around a month ago. I'd not stepped on any scales for over 2 years. I used a set of scales at the gym (having recently got back into powerlifting) and saw that I was off the scale - which went to 20st. So, I weighed on a friend's scales and they showed 20st 10lbs. Even that didn't spur me into action. Around a week later, I went to a local fairground with my girlfriend and our son. She took a photo of me, on a ride with him (he's 14 months old and amazing). The photo was horrible. I look like some kind of honey monster and I wasn't happy with how I've allowed myself to convince myself that, because I can move heavy weights in the gym, I am allowed to carry a significant amount of bodyfat. My girlfriend says she doesn't see me like that, which is nice of her. But, I don't want to be so overweight that I can't do things with my son.

    So, taking 20st 10lb as my starting weight, I decided that I want to lose a good chunk of, er, chunk. I'm taking it bit by bit and focusing on smaller goals - initially, for my weight to start with a 'teen'. Then to aim for half stone losses and to celebrate being in a new 'stone' bracket, as well as celebrating losing entire stones.

    So far, so good. As I said, start weight: 20st 10lb (290lb), current weight (at my most recent weigh in - last Friday) 19st 8lb (274lb), so a loss of 16lb (or, 1st 2lb).

    I've made a significant change to my eating habits. I've stopped eating fast-food breakfasts (and fast-food in general), I've stopped snacking, I've stopped snacking on rubbish food - biscuits were a particular downfall, I've stopped drinking calorific drinks - sachets of latte/hot chocolate at ~100kcal per drink.

    My usual diet during the day (at work) is...

    Breakfast - 2 eggs on a thin bagel, Vitamin supplement
    Lunch - soup (home made, if possible), satsuma, apple
    PM snack - protein supplement (MyProtein Impact Diet Whey, 1 scoop, with water)
    Drinks - 2 or 3 black coffees - no sugar, water

    Then for dinner, I'm having whatever the family have - but, I make sure that I measure and account for everything and that I'm within my calorie allowance and also that I'm there or thereabouts with my macro split.

    I also batch make some small portions of sugar-free jelly (orange, with mandarin segments is a favourite).

    My long-term aim is to get to around 14st - so quite a lot to lose, from 290 to 196lbs. But, I'll be happier once I get to around 16st - 224lbs.
  • rustyquinn
    rustyquinn Posts: 41 Member
    Hello. I'm Lynn

    I'm 5"10 and 258lbs. I just restated Nov 16/15. I need to lose 100lbs to be in my wt range..... That was hard to admit..... I'm actually 100 lbs over weight.... Huff...puff.... I'm on an exercise bike. but it's sinking in. I have a long journey. I want to lose it healthily.... Catcha later......
  • Want2bSlimmer
    Want2bSlimmer Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    My name is Helen & I'm from Wales, UK.
    I've had a MFP account for ages but not used it much until now!
    My weight loss ultimate target is to lose 80lbs, at the moment I'm 238lbs which is the heaviest I've ever been!
    Over the last year I've gained 28lb through lack of exercise as I have arthritis which has worsened, reducing my mobility. Thankfully my joints are now stable & I'm back to the gym & slowly finding my weight loss mojo again!
    Looking forward to getting to know you all & sharing the weight loss journey x
  • benjaminkjames
    benjaminkjames Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there. I'm Ben.
    I started my journey at over 340lbs at the start of May this year. It's now November 27th and I'm down to 286lbs. I've also signed up with some friends to a group race thing which involves running 20 Miles and 200 obstacles. I'm starting running practice for it tommorow! So yeah I'm on a 100lb and over journey but I'm already half way there and I'm setting myself these targets to hit.
    I've also come off my anti depression medication that I had been on for over 6 years and I do not feel down hardly at all anymore.
  • Mondoweft
    Mondoweft Posts: 49 Member
    My name is Beth, and I am a mother of 2 in Canberra, Australia. I am having a second go at losing the weight, the first time was derailed by family issues. I have a huge amount to lose, but I get discouraged by that so have split it down to 10kg mini goals. I hope to hit my first goal sometime in the next fortnight.

    SW 135.6kg (298lb)
    CW 125.8kg (277lb)
    GW 55kg (121lb)
  • julesderamos
    julesderamos Posts: 36 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jules. I have been on an up and down journey. I have lost close to 15 pounds or close to 6 kg. I still have a lot to get rid of and want to take my time. I am adjusting many things in my life right now and making sure I do it the proper way. Feel free to send me friend request letting me know you are from this group.

    Have a nice day, morning or evening wherever you may be at this moment!

  • cgavin64
    cgavin64 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Cheryl. I started my weight loss journey most recently on 10/6/15. I've gotten off to a good start but still have 58lbs to get to my ideal weight. I know I can do it but also know it will be a challenge. Looking forward sharing my challenges and ways to overcome them, hope to hear some of yours as well.
  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    I gained weight with very baby and then never got it off. Hubby foiled my attempts and I became his eating partner. I started in August with exactly 100 lbs to lose. I am down 38.8 lbs now. I have 1.3 lbs to lose to get into the one hundreds. I'm hoping next week's thursday weigh-in I'm down to 199.9 or below. I moved 6 yrs. ago way up north to hibernate all winter (8 months). Then 4 yrs. ago I got diagnosed with Cancer. Been a long haul but I'm finally healthy and healed enough to take it all off. I want to lose 60 lbs by my 60th birthday in Feb.. I'm living away from my hubby so he won't see me till my birthday. I just couldn't do -50+ weather, 60 mph winds and several ft. of snow this winter. My disabled son said he could use help this winter so I moved in with him. My husband can't foil my weight loss so I have 5 months before I move back to take it off. Hopefully when I move back home he will be more supportive.
  • bernadettemariev
    bernadettemariev Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, My name is Bernadette. I'm half way to my goal weight. Down 58, 57 to go. The first twenty pounds took 2 years to accomplish, I didn't get serious about changing my eating habits until April. Since then I've lost 38 lbs. It's taking a while, but I'm hoping to adopt eating habits that will last for the rest of my life and not just while I'm losing weight. I'm tired of losing and gaining over and over again. :/
  • TheOneandOny
    TheOneandOny Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Grace. I had originally lost over 55lbs and then life took the breath right out of me and I was left being unable to do any exercise for over 1 year straight (wasn't even allowed to walk at the grocery store to get groceries) and anyways ended up gaining over 60 lbs has definitely been a very trying time and I love the quote at the top of this page. As I look back at the pictures from 1 year ago I look on them with envy now, I want to get back down, and I am motivated to do it. Last time I lost my weight was via weight watchers, and I do not have the funds to continue doing that so I thought I would try to do MFP again. I have currently lost 4 lbs from my all time high weight. My goal: to get down to a healthy weight and to love myself every step of the way there; I want to be able to take pictures with friends and love the photo and not just sit there and cry when I see them.

    My thing to remember: I have an amazing body, and I want to unlock it's potential again. My body is not to blame for it's current state, and trying to blame anything will not help. I just need to take it one day at a time, and when I fall down, pick myself and start over immediately (not the next day or week).
  • stephaniemcmahon2
    stephaniemcmahon2 Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2015
    My name is Stephanie I am 21 and from Australia . I have put on about 44 pounds/20kgs which is depressing... I weigh 227 pounds ( we use kgs here so 103kgs) and I'm 172 cms tall and want to get to around 165 pounds/75 kgs... so I have 28 kgs to loose 61 pounds to loose!
    Defiantly need some motivation I'm trying to eat very healthy but crave fatty food all the time literally all day..

    SW:103kg (227lb)
    GW:75 kg (165lb)
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Nice to meet all of you! :):):)
  • fsahira195
    fsahira195 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi... I started my journey in 2012.. I was 16 then n weighed 187 lbs .. worked my butt off n reduced to my current weight of 165 lbs.. my goal weight is to be close to 110 lbs .. I'm finding it hard to lose weight so joined this app.. looking forward to this :smile:
  • hsupra21
    hsupra21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys. I am Jenny. I have always been at least 30 pounds overweight since I was 15 years old. After having both of my kids I gained another 20 pounds and I am now 55 or so pounds above where I want to be. I have tried many different diets , exercise plans etc and just can't stick to it for a long period of time.
    I realize that my best shot is to be part of a support group. I am officially " under construction". This time next year I will be 55 pounds lighter with your help.
  • DocStar127
    DocStar127 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Tracy. I like MFP and used it in the past, but I never used the community to find support before. I hope this helps to keep me focused and motivated. I just turned 40, and my weight keeps creeping up. I weighed 192 lb with a BMI of 32 when I renewed my commitment to my health 2 wks ago. I have 60 lbs to lose to get to a healthy BMI. I am following a "nutritarian" diet, as outlined by Joel Fuhrman's book. I eat mostly beans, fruit, veggies, a small amount of whole grains, and nuts. I love the food and am cooking so much more now. I play tennis also. Good luck to everyone staying focused on your health during the holiday season!
  • disturbedlusha
    disturbedlusha Posts: 19 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi. Im lusha, Im 28 and have began my journey to live today. Since having kids i have just piled the weight on. I have for the last 3 years just focused on my kids and cooking and cleaning and let myself go. I knew i was big but i didnt realise how bad i was until i saw myself in a full length mirror in a store as the only mirrors at home are from the shoulders up. Then i weighed myself today and I am just wondering how i am still standing and alive. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I am hoping by this time next year i will have lost this much with all of your support. Thank u and feel free to add me as a friend. The more the merrier.
  • SarahStarr86
    SarahStarr86 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Sarah! I am currently 192 and have 60 lbs to lose. I have gained weight with both of my pregnancies that I never lost, plus put on an extra 10 lbs. I hope to be at least halfway there by my 30th birthday in June. Nothing fits anymore and I just feel terrible. I realized how bad it had gotten when a friend called us over for a game night and I automatically said no because I didn't want them seeing me like this...I'm totally self conscious. I need to lose this weight for my children and for myself. I can do this!
  • ashley9452
    ashley9452 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm Ashley!! I am currently 290 and I would like to lose 150lbs. I've gained weight from two pregnancies and getting married. My schedule is so busy that I never had the time to sit down and prepare my food. So I decided to change my lifestyle and make time to eat right. So far its been a week and I feel a lot better and more energy. I need to do this for me and my family.
  • Greenline30
    Greenline30 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you for starting this group
  • Greenline30
    Greenline30 Posts: 36 Member
    Strange my post got cut off. I'll try again. Hi I'm Gabrielle! I'll be turning 30 Jan 11 and I have 57 lbs to lose. I've already lost 10 lbs and I'm pumped to keep on doing the things I need to do to continue losing. XO!