Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Hotel gym and nothing smaller than 5kg plates. If I'd been in 'my' gym I'd have done 67.5 kg squats (using my fractional plates) so it was either 60kg or 70kg. I decided to go sensible, on 60!
    Similarly, did 5x5 OHP on 20 kg and 1 x 5 deadlift on 60.
    Hey, I'm away for the weekend, I think that's pretty good going. Followed by walking 10 miles round town...
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a long shift today but got to leave a little earlier than usual, so that was kind of nice. Made it to the gym by 10 pm instead of 11 and that made it easier to get some jogging in after lifting.

    33 - Upper Power

    bench 3x3 @ 105 - heavy but managed, plus much better than when I could barely get 1 set before vacation when this was my "working weight". Still going to be hard to increase from here.
    db incline bench 3x8 @ 35 - so heavy. Finally tried the 35's and managed but it was a challenge.
    bent row 3x5 @ 100 - didn't use the fixed weight bar this time, tad challenge by end.
    lat pull 3x8 @ 80 - still tough
    OHP 1x3 and 2x4 @ 80 - challenging but managed a little better this time
    bar curl 1x5 @ 50 and 3x12 @ 40 - 50 was too much so back down to the 40 still
    skull crusher ez curl bar plus 10 3x10 - challenging still

    22 minute jog plus warm up and cool down.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Gym was fairly quiet this morning and so I was able to get a really solid workout done.

    SQ 1X10 @40 KG 3X10@45 KG then 5x5 @52.5kg am ready to add a bit of weight next time.

    DL 1x5@ 62.5kg really pleased with this.

    OHP 5X5 @ 25KG getting better!!

    Cable Row 3x5 @ 40kg 3x5 @ 33kg

    Plus step ups, press-ups and Swiss ball stuff.

    Thoroughly beat by the end of it...really rewarding!

    Only trouble was I had a wardrobe malfunction when my bra strap pinged while I was squatting. After trying to reach round and fix it myself without success some guy came over and just did it....haha. It was like yeah, normal every day occurrence...just like picking up a water bottle someone has dropped or something. Problem fixed then each back to our own programme!!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    edited November 2015
    kimiuzzell wrote: »

    Only trouble was I had a wardrobe malfunction when my bra strap pinged while I was squatting. After trying to reach round and fix it myself without success some guy came over and just did it....haha. It was like yeah, normal every day occurrence...just like picking up a water bottle someone has dropped or something. Problem fixed then each back to our own programme!!


    My first reactionary that this was really funny, but actually, it's really pretty inappropriate and I think I'd freak out if some guy touched me like that, and punch him!

    Sounds like you were ok with it, though, so that's fine!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Yup.... :o it was a case of just making sure all awkwardness was avoided by making it seem a perfectly routine *thing*.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Yup.... :o it was a case of just making sure all awkwardness was avoided by making it seem a perfectly routine *thing*.

    if it's done right, that's actually pretty nice. neutrality instead of a creepy-vibe thing.

  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Friday trainer day. Did a lot of core and rhomboid and glute stuff

    Deload since I'm coming back from a cold. Seems to be a man cold because im so sad about it.
    Squat 115 3x5
    Bench 80 3x5
    Dead 155 1x5
    PU BW 4-5-4
    SL hip thrust BW 3x12
    Ab stuff
    Banded rows and lat shrugs

    Go lightheaded towards the end. Not eating + lots of sudafed apparently makes for a poor training sess. Who would have figured?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i had a looooovely, deserted-sunday-afternoon afternoon in the gym. am never going to figure out what the rush patterns are. i was in there for three hours at least and i had the rack one hundred percent to myself the whole time.

    in consequence, did far too much stuff.

    squats: not a traditional workout. i'm doing mad obsessive focus on abdominal bracing, and 95 was too heavy for that. i know i started with the bar, warmed up in 10lb increments until i tried 95 and quit after only two reps. after that i backed down to 90 and did my 5x5 there . . . i'm pretty sure. thing is, after that i just kept taking off 5 of 10 pounds and doing another set of five each time, so i kind of lost track after a while. i did a whole bunch of squats, i know that. my BUM had a pump when i went outside for a while to get away from their music choices.

    ohp: same kind of thing. i did get 60 pounds, but it was heavy and i could only hold form for a few reps at a time. so i did it in 5x3 instead of 3x5. after i'd done that i calculated how much actual weight 5x5 would have been (1500lbs). subtracted 900 for those 15 reps that i'd already done, and that left me with 600 to do. i did them in sets of 3x5@50, which took me a little over. the warmups were 5lb increments from 2x5@45. press went well, for whatever reason. and i can say: after you press 60lbs, 50 feels like nothing for quite a while. so i got to really dial in tight on the form for thos sets.

    in between ohp work sets, prepped my lats and back with sets of 12 on the cable pulldown machine. it seemed to help a lot, and i went heavy enough with strict enough form to feel like i could just call that my 'rows' for this workout, and have done with it.

    did a bunch of stretching afterwards but i don't think anything is going to save me from the results tomorrow.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session:
    Leg press 3x8 12.5kg
    Glutes 3x12 37.5kg
    Front squat 1x12 30,35,40,45, 2x5 50kg
    Bench 1x12 25, 3x8 30kg,5/4 32kg
    Lat pulldown 3x12 33kg
    Seated row 3x12 33kg
    Skullcrusher 3x12 8kg
    Db bench flyes 3x12 8kg

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Just another day with a regular shift. Spent a good part of it putting up new sales tags as we had to do both weekly and monthly but also did a fair amount of photo orders, in particular christmas cards. It's that time and we'll be pretty busy until christmas with all of the picture orders that come in. Decent gym session though had a math issue on deadlift, well more of just a weird distraction fail. I was going to do 200 and after 185, I was adding the other weights and actually thought "make sure to get the 5 before adding the 2.5" as I was getting the clip thing off. And well, I ended up doing a lopsided set of three with the left weight more than the right. No idea what distracted me either but fail. Fixed it and got the sets in at least. Tuesday I meet with trainer guy for caliper body fat assessment just to get a general idea as December is back to focus more on nutrition and seeing where I can get the scale to move down to as I work towards my June goals.

    34 - lower power
    squat 4x3 @ 170 - It was heavy but I managed.
    deadlift 1x3 @ 195, 3x3 @ 200 - okay, though lockout felt a bit off tonight. My right elbow was bugging me so I kept to the same switch grip instead of mixing up which one is under instead of over.
    sumo deadlift 2x5 @ 155 - fine though still unsure on sumo but it's getting better I think. Keeping to both overhand on the grip too, so not bad as these are after the heavy regular ones.
    leg press 1x8 and 2x10 @ 225 - decent so increased reps on the last two sets.
    leg curl 3x9 @ 70 - tried 80 but too much struggle so brought it back down to 70, these are hard to increase on.
    standing calf 3x8 @ 90 - eh, calves...

    So much to do still. Have just under 30k on NaNoWriMo and one day to write so guessing I won't hit 50k but still can make progress. I get the next two days off so yay, laundry, writing and maybe some online stuff. It's almost December and still so much to do.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited November 2015
    My final workout in November, not sure what was going on, felt extremely weak on squat and OHP and deloaded on both, and then pulled deadlift with no problem whatsoever!

    Squat: 2x5 67.5kg, 1x5 60kg
    OHP: 1x3 32.5kg, 2x5 30kg
    Deadlift: 1x5 75kg (this was supposed to be 80kg, but given my attempts at squat and OHP I left it at 75, I'm definitely trying 80 next time)

    Edit: Oh, and the bra strap thing, I would have FREAKED THE F** OUT. Like seriously. I think my husband probably would have marched down to the gym too!!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    ooh, we've hit the same weight on the squat, @StephieWillcox ! Hope you feel stronger next time.

    Squat: 5x5 67.5kg
    Bench: 5x5 32.5kg - I felt pretty good with this, it was really hard but doable
    rows: 5x5 40kg (I suppose that's how to write it - using 20kg dumbbells, one at a time)

    pull ups - 2x10 using the machine on '12'. I can manage about 3 without help but didn't feel up to the struggle!
    hip abductors x 10
    glute bridges x 10

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @Ariadnula Wahey! Although I failed miserably and I was only trying to do 3x5 :)

    I think I need to eat before I go to the gym, I eat breakfast at 7:30 and hit the gym at 12:15ish, that's a long time without food
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    So I've just finished my third workout on 5x5 on Saturday. I've only been doing the prescribed lifts for each workout day so far, but it looks like most everyone on here does some to a bunch of other lifts in addition to the 5x5 stuff. For those who do extra credit lifts, when did you start doing them? I was thinking I would give the 5x5 workouts about a month at the bare bones of 3 types of lift per day. Then, if I'm comfortable with what I'm doing (form is good, etc.) I might start adding 1-2 extra credit lifts per workout. Does that seem reasonable, or should I wait longer (or less long) to try that?
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Hi @BethAnnieT ! I've been doing 5x5 for a couple of months. Mostly I just stick to the compound lifts - to be honest, with all the rest periods, I don't have time for more! And theoretically they are enough

    Having said that, I'm looking to work in some other stuff, maybe from Strong Curves, to keep things interesting. Maybe on my non-gym days, as the things I'm looking at only need body weight or dumbbells and I have those at home.

    So, after that ramble, I think you're right to just do the 5x5 lifts for now and focus on getting form right and increasing weight. And resting between sets. Man, I seem to spend my whole time on rests!
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    I took last week off to try to let the knots in my back un-knot and rest my elbow. I feel so much better!

    Yoga today, still had to take it easy on certain poses due to my elbow/wrist. Bah. Back to SL tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Squats-1 X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-5X5X 80

    Since Thursday I have not had time to exercise due to houseguests. Except, Friday my 12 and 10 year old grandson's wanted to see what I did with my equipment. They thought that it would be easy to lift my 45 pound barbell out of its rack. It wasn't going anywhere! So I showed them my squats and they were very excited and could not believe it. When I loaded my barbell for the DL with the 45 pound weights they were amazed. I put 150 pounds on and said go ahead and try to see if you can move it. It just rolled a little bit. They were in awe as I was able to lift it five times. I am now their hero!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    Hi @BethAnnieT ! I've been doing 5x5 for a couple of months. Mostly I just stick to the compound lifts - to be honest, with all the rest periods, I don't have time for more! And theoretically they are enough

    Having said that, I'm looking to work in some other stuff, maybe from Strong Curves, to keep things interesting. Maybe on my non-gym days, as the things I'm looking at only need body weight or dumbbells and I have those at home.

    So, after that ramble, I think you're right to just do the 5x5 lifts for now and focus on getting form right and increasing weight. And resting between sets. Man, I seem to spend my whole time on rests!

    Thank you! I think I'll wait a while before I add anything. I'm mostly scared I will overload myself (task-wise, not weight-wise) and then not want to go to the gym anymore. I like the idea of 5x5 being so straightforward. It makes it more approachable. On my off days I do volleyball, spin class, and hot yoga, so I'm kind of tired all the time anyway. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    it looks like most everyone on here does some to a bunch of other lifts in addition to the 5x5 stuff. For those who do extra credit lifts, when did you start doing them?

    sometimes it's just boredom or triviality, like hte way you'll toss in a few extra items while you're standing in the checkout lineup. i'll literally see someone else doing something and just plain go 'hey that looks cool!' and start to copycat them because it looks cool and i wanna do it myself.

    but aside those ones, the majority of my accessory stuff came to me after i'd been doing the main lifts long enough to expose weaknesses. so i'm into side planks and one-sided suitcase carries right now, because my current obsession is with keeping a stable spine during squats and i'm all about the obliques. i'm into the lat work and the pulldowns/chins/band pulls because i want my mid-upper back stronger as well.

    your own personal accessory set will probably start to present itself to your mind as you keep progressing with strong lifts and picking out the little sub-factors in each of the lifts that you want to support. that was my experience, anyway.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    They were in awe as I was able to lift it five times. I am now their hero!

    Ha, that's great!