Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    klrenn wrote: »
    @canadianlbs when is Sunday rush hour at your gym?

    urrrgh. it seems to start around 3 pm, and then just go until closing time. it's a busy rec centre and really that's great - all the errybodies all wanna get healthy and all.

    but what i most hate about sunday arvey is it's when all the SELFISH people come out. the ones just leave plates and equipment wherever they feel like it, like the whole place is their damned living room and their mom still cleans up their messes for them.

    forgot to mention the detestable crossfit showoff woman was in . . . i'll go update in the guy-in-gym thread.

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Sorry to be MIA for so long - still been lifting, just haven't been checking in!

    Last nights booty blaster:

    Squat 5x5x140lbs
    Bench 5x5x100lbs
    Row 5x5x120lbs

    Superset 3x8
    Hip thrust 120lbs
    Romanian deadlift 120lbs

    Anyone else here on instagram?? I've developed an insta-obsession lol - my username is in my profile!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Dang psych! Nice work!
    Most I follow your post?
    All 3x5: (so far am enjoying this framework)
    Lots of warmup sets too lazy to post...
    Squat 85 (up 5#'s)
    OHP 50 (also up)
    DL 130# (up again)
    Improved range of motion on all lifts since I began in March=makes these lifts much harder!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Dang psych! Nice work!
    Most I follow your post?

    lol oh hun!! I've been lifting for almost 2 years straight now - over a year on Stronglifts alone! I've had a lot of time to build up my numbers!!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Deload week. I was looking forward to it last week, but actually running the numbers on what the weight was going to be was kinda disappointing. I did some more reps than usual to entertain myself.

    Squats 1x10 45/95/115/135lbs


    R Deadlifts 3x10 95lbs - threw these in for fun.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    edited November 2015
    Today's workout:
    Squats 5x5 130 lbs
    Ohp 5x5 70lbs. These actually felt really good! After failing at that weight last workout I was surprised.
    Deadlifts 2x5 165
    And I was introduced to skullcrushers.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    100 rest-day air squats: done.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session
    Db front squat 14 kg on shoulders 3x8
    Plie squat 20kg 3x8
    Front W barbell 30kg 3x8 hadn't intended to do these then a rack was free AND a lovely young man showed me how to squat properly didn't quite have bar high enough on shoulders and needed to look up and it was so much easier too

    Deadlift 40kg 1x10
    50kg 3x8
    Bench press sucked only managed 30kg 3x8
    Incline bench 10kg 3x8
    A press 10kg 3x10
    OH press 9kg 3x10 struggled
    Bench single arm rows 12kg 3x10

    Knackered now should sleep well :smile:
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Birthday done and dusted so back to it this morning before work:

    SQ 45kg (which I think is the 100lb equivalent - woo hoo!!) 5x5 but form dropped on the last one of each set so may well stick to this weight next time too.

    BP - 32.5kg 5x5 - tough, but doable.

    Row - 37.5kg 5x5. Form went to pot in the last set which was incredibly messy so, again, may well stick to this weight next time too.

    Plus some additions - press ups and stuff.

    all in all, still progressing, still feeling stronger. Now, just to get through my working day!!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I meant to post my workout from yesterday, but will have to do so today. I was supposed to run Friday and Saturday but ended up biking 8 miles on Sunday, then a swing class with hubs.

    Yesterday's workout:

    Squat: 5x6 @ 140 lbs.
    overhead Press: 5x5 @ 55 lbs - still arching my back.
    deadlifts: 1x5 @ 185 lbs. - still heavy but managed my 5 reps.
    cardio: 4 mile run
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    edited November 2015

    Squats: 5x5 @ 63.5kg - I was getting a slight pain/ strain in my left quad. Which suggests, if nothing else, that I'm unbalanced! I'll need to look at that...
    Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 60kg - I've got a bit scared of these, but that really wasn't too hard, so I'll go up next time
    OHP: 3/5/5/4/4 @ 22kg - obviously getting a bit hard, so I'll do the same weight next time
    Dips: 2x10
    Hip raises: 2 x 8 with a 16kg kettlebell
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I painted all day yesterday and am really wore out today. It was in effort to do the weightlifting.

    Squat- 5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 110
    Sumo Squat- 5X5X 95
    BP- 5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR - 5X5X 85

    After this I will be painting all afternoon and evening again. I think that should count as exercise!
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Today with DH. Had to bench first, while waiting for the squat rack. Then someone zipped in front of me on my way over, so lost it to a gal doing deadlifts. Did two sets of rows, then grabbed the rack after she was done.

    Squats 140 lbs 5x5

    Bench 100 lbs 5/5/5/5/4 Dang it! Can't believe that I couldn't raise the weight one last time! I would have stayed here, anyway. Those last reps per set were sloooow.

    Rows 110 5x5 in two sessions.

    DH and I have been on the same squat weight for a while, but today he's heavier after my twinge-y knee de-load. On the second or third set, I lifted it off the pegs and was like "ooooomphhh, this feels heavier than the last set." Did two reps and was starting to wonder why I was having trouble getting out of the hole! Turns out, we forgot to change the weight for me and I was squatting 150, LOL! I was at that weight at the beginning of summer, so it wasn't crazy or anything. DEFINITELY heavy so I changed the weight back to 140.

    I put in a word for getting a power rack with one of the friendly trainers, who thought it was a genius idea. Most of the time, the rack is open or there are just a couple of people wanting it. But there are peak times where you're jostling for a position. It would be nice to have another piece of equipment to take some of the traffic.

    Also, I think I may have tendonitis in my left elbow. It's been aching at night and felt really tender off and on for a couple of weeks. It was bugging me today, so now it's a problem.

    Damn it.

  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Trainer day. Glute activation, Front squats, walking lunges, bear crawls, one legged RDL, chin ups, rows, more rows, core stuff. Feel dead. I never bother to notice the amount of weight when I'm not responsible for setting and racking it. It actually works better for me I can just do it and get out of my head and negative self talk.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Ugh. The women's gym I usually go to had a broken water main, so I had to go to a different one and it was PACKED! I had to do everything out of order and mixed up, just grabbing whatever I could. Still going to post in order though, so I don't miss anything.

    Squat - 3x5 at 125 lbs. Hard, but good. Form felt good.
    Bench - 3x5 at 75 lbs. Almost felt easy! Crazy.
    Rows - 3x5 at 85 lbs. Was supposed to do 80, but couldn't find any 2.5 lbs plates. First set felt great, but by the 4th rep of set 2 I wasn't sure I could finish! But I did :)

    Shrugs - 3x8 at 70 lbs. Good
    Skullcrushers - 3x8 at 40 lbs
    Barbell curl - 3x10 at 40 lbs
    Hyperextensions - 3x10 with 25 lbs
    Cable crunches - 3x10 at 55ish lbs (110 on dual pulley cable machine)
    Pull ups - 3,3,2 - ugh. Had to do them at the end instead of beginning of my workout, so they were disappointing.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Bench day deload, so pretty uneventful. However I did a 15 minute stretch/yoga pose warm up. My back has been angry since last week and this long stretch session really help me feel taller and less crunchy.

    Bench 1x10 50/65/75


    Rows 2x10 35lbs each hand.

    Shrugs 3x10 75lbs for fun.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Had session with trainer tonight I may not be able to walk tomorrow.
    She was teaching me some new lifts. I can do half a snatch but it's complicated, don't think I'll get my head (or coordination) around it.
    And cable fly was a mess. Again to much coordination.
    Can now do proper bent over row too.

    But on a good note she showed me how to deadlift from the rack bcos the 10kg plates to small top lift straight off floor.
    And squat looks good.
    Too tired to think straight now. But do have enough cals left today for a small bowl of ice cream so that's a win!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Feeling a bit head-coldy today, but nevermind, I persevered.

    Squat warm up 1x5 20kg, 30kg 1x3 40kg
    Squat: 5x5 50kg
    Bench warm up 1x5 20kg (nice and slow to check technique, heigh of safeties etc)
    Bench: 5x5 35kg
    Row warm up 1x5 20kg (again, very slow, pausing at the top, just checking everything was ok)
    Row: 5x5 40kg (I was supposed to be on 42.5kg but I'm still having form issues)

    Squat - no knee cave today so that was good, but wrist pain. I tried a thumbless grip and that definitely helped, but by the 5th rep of each set my wrists were under the bar, definitely something to work on.

    Bench & rows were both fine and I'm definitely putting the weight up next time. I keep confusing myself on the rows as to where I'm pulling to. Sometimes I pull to boobs, some times to belly button. I have decided to stick to belly button as that seems to be where most pull to - any input here from you ladies?

    Also on bench, I bench on boobs which makes a considerable difference to the height I'm benching too - espcially with an arch - is that right?
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Feeling a bit head-coldy today, but nevermind, I persevered.

    Squat warm up 1x5 20kg, 30kg 1x3 40kg
    Squat: 5x5 50kg
    Bench warm up 1x5 20kg (nice and slow to check technique, heigh of safeties etc)
    Bench: 5x5 35kg
    Row warm up 1x5 20kg (again, very slow, pausing at the top, just checking everything was ok)
    Row: 5x5 40kg (I was supposed to be on 42.5kg but I'm still having form issues)

    Squat - no knee cave today so that was good, but wrist pain. I tried a thumbless grip and that definitely helped, but by the 5th rep of each set my wrists were under the bar, definitely something to work on.

    Bench & rows were both fine and I'm definitely putting the weight up next time. I keep confusing myself on the rows as to where I'm pulling to. Sometimes I pull to boobs, some times to belly button. I have decided to stick to belly button as that seems to be where most pull to - any input here from you ladies?

    Also on bench, I bench on boobs which makes a considerable difference to the height I'm benching too - espcially with an arch - is that right?

    I pull and bench to my lower chest, right below my boobs, where my bra band is. The bar doesn't make it all the way up there on rows, but on bench it's nearly/just touching. Between the arch and lifting from the top of the shoulders, right below boobs keeps the bar path straight. Yes, it's a considerable difference in height for me, as well!

    From what I've read, rows are pulled in a straight line from the mid-point of the foot when your torso is horizontal to the floor. I've seen variations, but stick with the basic lift that's in SL.

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Bench & rows were both fine and I'm definitely putting the weight up next time. I keep confusing myself on the rows as to where I'm pulling to. Sometimes I pull to boobs, some times to belly button. I have decided to stick to belly button as that seems to be where most pull to - any input here from you ladies?

    Also on bench, I bench on boobs which makes a considerable difference to the height I'm benching too - espcially with an arch - is that right?

    Are you doing Pendlay rows or bent over rows?
    Pendlay rows you should pull to your bra-band. Bent over rows to your belly. The difference in back angle affects where you pull to. Pendlay rows are the SL standard. I do bent over rows because I don't have bumper plates and got sick of stacking.

    Bench, I pretty much do to boobs, but I don't have an issue with height there :p