Fireworks! November workouts going off like a rocket



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So tired but I'm back. :smile: After vacation had two days that equaled 19 hours total at work but decided on day 3 of being back, it was time for the gym. So, even after an 8 hour freight shift, I went to the gym. Had been over a week and I missed lifting. Decided to do the lower hypertrophy day since before my max tests I last did the upper hypertrophy. This way also I'll be doing upper on Saturday as I think I have my schedule figured out. Did a slight de-load but not on all of them as with hypertrophy day I'm at lower weights anyways, but I did feel my legs a bit more than usual during, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

    24 lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x8 @ 75 - fine, slight de-load though not much, but felt it a bit in my quads
    bar lunge 3x8 @ 65 - same as before, slow but manageable
    good morning 3x10 @ 65 - in between lunge sets, nothing unusual here
    leg curl 3x10 @ 60 - minor decrease but felt good, also extension was occupied so slightly out of order
    leg extension 3x8 @ 65 - decrease too and tad challenging but managed
    seated calf 3x10 @ 90 - kept the same and easy enough

    Now to find a little more protein, try to write a couple hundred words, then sleep time.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    This morning I managed to get a fabby workout in....the gym was busy but the Gods of the squat rack were on my side and I managed to do both SL and NRoL4W routines today (one with heavier weights than the other!).

    SQ - 5x5 @ 47.5kg. I struggled with 45kg so was going to stick to that but managed 47.5kg with better form and no real issues, so will stick with this next time although I really want to do the 50kg - it sounds soooo much better!
    OHP - 5x5 25kg. I failed last time with 27.5kg on each set, so back to 25kg today and hope to go back up again soon.
    DL - 1x5 @ 57.5kg. Happy with my form so looking forward to going up to 60kg next time - I can use the 20kg (45lb) plates for the first time!!

    Then lowered the weights and did:

    DL - 2x15 @35kgs
    dumbell shoulder press - 8/7/8/7 using 2 8kg weights as a superset with wide grip lat pulldowns 26kg
    Lunges - 2x15 @25kg By this time I was not in the squat rack and getting the bar back over my head when I had finished was not exactly refined!
    swissball crunch 2x 12 with 10kg plate
    glute bridges - 2x 12 with 10kg plate
    press ups 2 x8

    I'm definitely noticing a difference in my shape, strength and loving my motivation to get up early in the mornings to work out - up until now, I've been a strictly AFTER work kinda gal.

    Oh, and got my first comment from one of the guys today. He said I was a machine hahaha!!!
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Yoga today. Ahhhhhhhhh.

    Weather turned cool last night and I'm looking forward to an real autumn day, today, so I'll the dogs and I will enjoy walks. They're old and don't move like they used to, but it will be nice to be outside and not swarmed by mosquitos.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Just back from the gym - today's session took me FOREVER, already considering switching down to 3x5.

    Squat warm up: 1x5 20kg, 30kg, 1x3 40kg
    Squat: 5x5 52.5kg
    OHP warm up: 1x5 20kg
    OHP: 5x5 28.5kg (I found the little 0.5kg plates, woohoooo)
    DL warm up: 1x5 40kg, 50kg, 1x3 60kg
    DL: 1x5 70kg

    Deadlift was hard today due to squats being tough (another reason for me to think about 3x5). Also think I psyched myself out a little bit because it looked like a hell of a lot of weight on the floor so my first pull wasn't great. Switched to a mixed grip for the last 2 reps and it felt an awful lot easier.

    Was pleased with OHP - after being stuck at 27.5kg for 3 sessions I blitzed 28.5kg in one. Thank you to whoever told me to tighten everything pre lift, it really helped me get that bar up there.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    It's Friday! I've been forgetting to check in, so I'll do it here. Happy to say I'm still rolling along, but it's getting hard.

    Monday: Treadmill

    Tuesday: Rest

    Wednesday: Squat 5/5/5/5/3 130lb (first failure) -- Bench 5x5x80 -- Row 5x5x80

    Thursday: Treadmill

    Today: Squat 5x5x130 (barely made it, form isn't great) -- OHP 4/5/5/2/3 x 85 (ouch) -- Dead 1x5x140

    Because I do my workouts in the morning and I hate getting up, I'm usually crunched with time. Failing on the OHP wanted me to wait 5 minutes between lifts. I don't have 25-30 minutes to spend on just OHP. I may have been able to do it if I rested, but I seriously doubt it. When I picked the bar off the rack I was like, "Whoa! This is heavy, how am I going to even get this over my head?!" Obviously I didn't consistently get it over my head, but I didn't wait 5 min. either. I also "cheated" on a couple of them and sort of bounced before thrusting the bar up. So I think OHP is going to be backing off a bit. I don't mind though, 80 was hard enough - I'm fine with it, I didn't expect to nail the 85 once, let alone 25 times, LOL.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Yay for your Ohp progress in particular. This is my most troublesome element but I too have been tightening up and it definitely makes a difference. Plus, gotta be good for the core too!!

    I need to try the mixed grip for DL....but I just keep forgetting and struggling instead!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Less than stellar workout, but I pride myself here in saying I went in, did the work and did not die. Lol

    Bench 122.5x 4/4/3/4/3

    That 3rd set I attempted a 4th rep and got stuck midway, so had to do the roll of shame. A first when not going for a PR, and a second in all my lifting career. I was considering asking for a spot on my last set, but i waited like 2 mins to see someone come close that wasn't busy and I had no luck, so I went for it. I might've had another rep there if I did have someone behind me, but hey, post deload, TOM and exhausted lifting = not too bad all things considered. I'll nail it next workout ;)

    I was also warming up for the next lift in between sets.

    Pendlay Rows 100x5x5
    Not a lot to say about this one. Was originally gonna jump to 105 but resigned myself after the 3 reps @95 felt really heavy.

    Moving on to the GBB stuff:
    8 min AMRAP (25lbs KB)

    -1 arm KB russian snatch x5/arm
    -trx assisted pistol squat x5 per leg
    - split stance kb 1 arm row x10/side

    got through 3 rounds and up to 4 rows per side.

    10 min AMRAP
    - KB wide stance sumo deadlift (35lbs) x20, 15, 10, 5, 10
    - Wall walks x2, 3, 4, 5, 3

    The wall walks were excruciatingly tough! Last time I did them I was 15lbs lighter and not still a bit injured. I think it's a good addition though, as I could feel my entire upper body was engaged, including that area I injured. No pain. Just felt weak, lol.

    I need a bath now O_o

    Congrats on everyone progressing on their OHP. I think I'm going to add it back in on a regular basis soon. ^^
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Less than stellar workout, but I pride myself here in saying I went in, did the work and did not die. Lol.

    OMG I feel like that every day hahahaha.
    Good work, though, seriously. That sounds like a tough workout!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squat - 65kg, 4/5/4/4/5 (3rd time failing... time to deload)
    Bench - 30kg, 5x5
    Row - 42.5kg, 5x5

    Bummed about having to deload on my squat, but my shoulder has been f*cked lately so it may be for the best until I get some treatment for it.


    No Yoga. :disappointed: My studio doesn't have a Vinyasa class I can go to on Friday's and I've decided to stop doing Bikram until my shoulder is fully healed (too many backbends).

    Went to the gym instead and did some ab work and cardio....

    Alternating crunches and scissors - 3x20 of each
    Plank - 3x1min

    Cardio - 5km (31min) + cool down (5min)


    REST DAY!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Today's workout. Now I have about 7 hours of painting to do.

    Squats- 5x65/75/85/95/105, 5x5x110
    Sumo Squats- 5x5x95
    OHP- 5x45/50/55, 4x5x50
    DL - 1x5x140

    I'm so weak at lifting the OHP. I tried for 55lbs and lost my form so dropped down to 50 lbs. Anyone have any advice on other lifts or exercises I can do to increase my strength to be able to increase the weight of this lift?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Oh I wish I could give some input on those Ohp issues as it might mean I had cracked it myself ...!!

    Today's workout for me:

    SQ 2X12@ 30KG 5/5/5/4/5@50KG. Really narked I missed that one rep! Will try for the full set next time.
    BP 1x5 @30 KG and 5X5@35KG
    Row 5X5@35KG.... Down from 37.5 last time as I felt my back curve last time.

    Someone posted a clip on the difference between motivation and discipline watched that today. At the gym it was definitely discipline that saw me through today rather than motivation!!

    I think I will stick with the same weights for a session or two, concentrate on form and push on from there. Slowly but surely I will get there!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Felt good when I woke up, finally got a whole night of sleep! But I guess TOM + deficit starting to catch up to me. After the 4/3/3/3 today my squats looked like this:

    seeing as I wasn't getting anywhere, I switched the weights and went for an AMRAP @ 145 and got 8 reps

    Time for a deload, I guess. Gonna work my way back up from 160 and start using my fractionals after 180 now.

    The GBB workout went like this:

    EMOTM x6
    -> Double KB Manchild (Squat clean thruster) with 2x25lbs. Got 3, 4x4 and 5 on the last minute

    6 min AMRAP
    - Pike Press x4
    - KB goblet drop lunge x6/leg (started with 25lbs for 2 rounds, then dropped down to 20lbs)

    I got 5 rounds and 3 lunges per side. Legs were shaky and tiiiired

    The finisher, which I have aptly names Snatch me if you can is a race to
    - 50 alternating single arm power KB snatch /arm (used 25lbs)
    - EMOTM after the first minute, do 10 sit-outs

    Cap: 10 minutes. Time? 9:52
    So yeah, 100 snatches and 90 sitouts (45 per side)

    Towards the 35th rep I was basically just digging into my dignity more than anything. According to my hair, I basically went super saiyan (if you know Dragon Ball). I kid you not.



    Happy to be getting an off day tomorrow. Although a part of me is considering going in just so I can switch back to doing Squats while rested. Lol. We'll see.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    love the faces, krok :smiley:

    i had trainer day yesterday. i absolutely never understand WHY, when trainer day is actually so much lighter than the workouts i do by myself . . . i end up feeling so drained after them. no wonder i'm paying him. there has to be something that he's doing right.

    so what i did was bench at 70, which went perfectly fine and was light enough to let me pay real attention to form. and deadlift, which i got at 135, so yay for the big plates again. i think i did around 15 of them at that weight, broken up. i need to stay here and work harder at certain things with deadlifts before i move up. specifically upper back, traps, and hip hinging/abs.

    and then 3x5 sets of rows at 75 for accessory. and that was the entire workout except that i sneaked in two or three sets of 5 ohps with the bar when i was done with deadlifts, though.

    oh. and he has a personal-improvement challenge that you can do every month if you like. this month is either static wall handstand time, or goodmornings done with the resistance band. i like the idea of both but i chose the gm's. too shy to let the guys all see me with my upside-down face turning purple and my eyes bugging out.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Oh...I wanna play handstands at home!

    I'm still super setting stuff to keep the time down

    Squat 120# 5-5-4 last one failed to keep my chest up and kind of collapsed in the middle.
    Row (DB) 55# 3x5

    OHP 65 5-4-4
    SLDL 20# dbs 3x8

    Chin up: BW 5-5-4
    TRX ham curls 3x8
    Some accessory band work for lays and rotator cuff

    Tomorrow cardio.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    heheheh, very nice @krokador

    Went to gym after work. Thighs are still achy from Thursday's lifting so tomorrow should be fun as time for back squats, but tonight was upper body and I did a little jogging. Looking forward to Monday and Tuesday as those are my days off, the first since I got back from vacation. Need to do laundry and write as I'm very behind in NaNoWriMo.

    25 Upper Power

    bench 3x4 @ 95 - heavy but managed
    db incline bench 3x10 @ 25 - easy enough
    bent row 3x5 @ 90 - used the fixed weight barbell, not bad
    lat pull 3x8 @ 70 - felt tad heavy, didn't de-load much but this has been hard to increase
    ohp 3x3 @ 75 - okay
    bar curl 3x8 @ 40 - eh, curls
    skull crusher 3x8 @ bar + 10 - heavy and a slight struggle

    Then walk warmup/cool down (5 minutes each) and 20 minute jog on treadmill.

  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Just back from a weekend away, eating and drinking too much with friends. Great fun, but time to get back to the gym!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 64.5 kg - easy peasy!
    OHP: 4/3/5/4/3 @ 22kg - hmm. Not easy peasy
    Deadlift 5 @ 60 kg. I need to increase but I'm scared!

    I have a day off tomorrow so I plan to head back to the gym and do all the stuff I don't get to do now that 5x5 has taken over my life! Kettlebell swings, snatches, Turkish gets ups, bit of ab work, bit of cardio...
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Just back from an hour's skiing on the dry slope. Loved it, and felt really good to get my ski legs back!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Just back from an hour's skiing on the dry slope. Loved it, and felt really good to get my ski legs back!!

    What is a dry slope?
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Had a great session tonight. Managed to have a rack to myself for nearly half an hour.
    DL 1x10 40kg, 1x8 50kg, 1x5 55kg, 2x 5 60kg feels sooo good to be DL again
    Front Squat 3x8 30kg, 1x8 35 kg, 2x8 37.5kg
    Bench 5x5 30kg, 2 x 3 32.5kg this is going to take time me thinks
    Lat pull down 1x8 26kg, 1x8 26+ half, 3x8 33kg
    A press 2x10 9 kg, 2x10 10kg
    Single arm bench rows 3x12 kg don't seem to be able to get form right using barbell to do bent over row
    Preacher curl 12.5kg barbell 3x12 arms fair burned with these.

    Starting to get my confidence back :smiley:
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Just back from an hour's skiing on the dry slope. Loved it, and felt really good to get my ski legs back!!

    What is a dry slope?

    Well, we don't have mountains where I live (in fact, we are one of the flattest places in the UK) and we certainly don't get snow very often! So, we have man-made ski slopes, with artificial surfaces. Sort of like carpets made out of brush bristles! Of course, it is not like the real thing, which we have to go to the Alps for, but it does mean we can ski all year round rather than having to wait for our "once a year" holiday! Not dependent on weather, and you still get a proper ski workout. We've got a fun park for the snowboarders and freestyle skiers to do their tricks, we've got a mogul field to practice our technique on, and we've got three different slopes there - nursery, intermediate and the main slope. It's a bit harder than snow because the artificial surface gives more resistance than snow, as you would expect, but that makes it a more efficient workout, and makes snow even easier when we eventually get there!