Determined December: Week 1 Challenge Check-In (12/1-12/7)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    We celebrate one of my children's b-days tomorrow...

    No kidding. My 3rd kid will be 7 tomorrow. I get to make her a big ol' cake. rolleyes_2011.gif Tomorrow is a fasting day for me...urgh.

    I gained 50 or 60lb with each of mine, too. So awesome, right? Sigh...

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »

    I feel ok about the holiday food for the most part. I'm sure one or two days will not be great, but as long as I fall back into line (however crooked it may currently be), I think I'll be alright.

    Yup. If you go right back the next day on-plan, you should be alright.
    I kept to no cheats last year until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The day after Christmas I was back on-plan. By the New Year the water weight was long gone.

    ryry62685 wrote: »

    My goal for December is continue to make healthy choices everyday that improve my life. I’ve found any metric driven goals tend to unleash the obsessive side of my brain in an unhealthy way so the best way I’ve found is just the question “Did I honor myself and make healthy decisions to improve my life today?” is the best way for me to succeed so that’s what I’ll be doing.

    Cheers to everyone.

    Great idea. :+1:
  • laura1fx
    laura1fx Posts: 4 Member
    December Basics Challenge

    SW: 168.1 (12/01/15)
    Short-term GW: 163 (by 01/01/2016)
    GW: 125

    December Goals:
    • Kick-start my weight loss and hopefully lose 5lbs by the end of December
    • Carbs under 50g total
    • 1200 calories/day
    • Get back to regular exercise (minimum 5 days/week)
  • angierosso
    angierosso Posts: 19 Member
    Who has recipes for carbs under 50g total for the day. Just fruit and vegetables comes much higher. What are you eating to keep under the 50g? Please help.
  • Couchpotato39
    Couchpotato39 Posts: 691 Member
    1. Stay under 50 net carbs daily
    2. Exercise 3X's per week
    3. Lose 4 lbs by year's end
    4. Log daily
    5. Enjoy the holidays but don't go nuts, especially over sweets
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    December goals:

    1.Under 30 net carbs. Christmas Eve/Day 50 net.
    2.Light exercise at least 4 days a week as RA permits.
    3. Try one new recipe each week.
    4. Stop oversleeping on work days!!!
    5. Lose 2 pounds.

    As a general goal for the month: try to be more positive. A lot of my family passed near the holidays so it's easy to be down and negative. I want to try to be more in the spirit of the holidays this year!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited December 2015
    angierosso wrote: »
    Who has recipes for carbs under 50g total for the day. Just fruit and vegetables comes much higher. What are you eating to keep under the 50g? Please help.

    For example, what I'm eating today:
    2 cups keto coffee (3tbsp half&half, 2tsp unsweetened cocoa, 1.5tsp CO for each cup)
    4 slices of bacon
    6oz can salmon with 2tbsp mayo, 1 tsp mustard, and 1 drop of sucralose
    pork rinds and avocado dip (avocado, sour cream, garlic powder, and mayo)
    1serving pumpkin cheesecake mousse (pumpkin, cream cheese, heavy cream)
    Diet soda
    5oz steak, tbsp of bacon fat, 200g of cabbage fried in the fat

    That comes to a total of 25g total carbs.
    I generally stay away from fruit. Some days I add in more cheese or sour cream. Or more veggies. OR maybe a coconut flour muffin but I still stay under 50.

    Check out my diary for ideas.
    You can also check out the recipe section (scroll to the bottom) in the stickied Launch Pad thread at the top of the group homepage.

    You could also visit the Diet Doctor website and/or Reddit's r/ketorecipes
    Basically you can google keto plus any kind of recipe and find applicable things. Sorry I can't help more right now. It's afternoon crunch time.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Well I missed a great thread. My goal is to stay the course. I will taste Christmas and enjoy the day of but stay the course before and after. I am so happy I found LCHF friends and menus. I am going to reach my goal of being in the "health" weight for my 5ft9in self. That is one of my goals for the New Year of 2015. Now to get ready to set goals for 2016.

    SW 203
    CW 172
    Health weight goal is 169

    Wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    My goals for December 2nd thru 21st.

    Average 1300 - 1400 calories per day
  • marlamp10
    marlamp10 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, message board newbie here. I've been on MFP for years, just never gotten around to the community. But I'm so glad to see this group--have been looking all over for an active one.

    I've done lowcarb off and on for years, but this is the first time that I've tried a keto plan. I started on October 3, and have lost about 9 lbs to date (it was looking like 10 lbs the day before Thanksgiving. . . ). I handled Thanksgiving okay, didn't eat much most of the day and had low carb dishes integrated into the meal. I did eat small pieces of two wonderful desserts that my guests brought. But I journaled everything and managed to stay within 60 carbs for the day, which was pretty darn good. And my leftovers are from the lowcarb dishes, so it's all good.

    But I can sure use the Challenge to stay on track through the December.

    My goals are:

    * 1400 calories or less
    * No more than 20 net carbs
    * At least 72 oz water per day (I'm definitely having hydration issues)
    * At least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week. Going to be a busy month

    I'm going to try not to focus on weight loss as a goal during the holidays, but concentrate on just doing this consistently and not giving up. I'm loving it so far. . . and I even still managed to stay in ketosis after the big meal. Can't really beat that.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    December Basics Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 157 (11/24/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday!

    December 1 - good day: Wise food choices, 5 miles walking + yoga!! tree5.gif
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    angierosso wrote: »
    Who has recipes for carbs under 50g total for the day. Just fruit and vegetables comes much higher. What are you eating to keep under the 50g? Please help.

    Yesterday I had:
    Coffee w/ butter, mct oil, and heavy cream
    Oscar Mayer P3 with chicken, cheese, and cashews
    Beef roast cooked in the crockpot with a ranch and a gravy mix served with broccoli topped with butter and parmesan
    One square of 90% dark chocolate and 1 TB of cashew butter

    That came to around 22 carbs.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited December 2015
    Tuesday Summary 12.1

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW 148.5
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned?: No
    At or Under Carb Level: 45g a bit hi
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes
    Planned Day Ahead: All set for today

    Oops. Slipped up last night and drank some lovely scotch instead of working out. Went to a housewarming party. Did great on the food, but the booze is the bain of my WOL. Onward.
  • laura1fx
    laura1fx Posts: 4 Member
    Start weight: 168.1 (12/01)
    CW: 164.7 (12/02)
    Short-term GW: 163 (by 01/01/2016)
    Goal weight: 125 and only go down from there.

    Tuesday, 12/01 Results:
    Water: 133/128 oz
    Logged Food: Yes
    Exercise as Planned?: No, unless you count being stuck in traffic as exercise. :s
    At or Under Carb Level: 48/50g total
    At or Under Calorie Limit: No, 25 calories over. :'(
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited December 2015
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, December 1:
    (+1) Write: I didn't get far, but sitting down to do it is the key! (Worth total of 2)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,263/5,000 Steps (fitbit charged in the evening but not enough for 737 steps)
    (+1) Exercise - Parked far away IN THE BITTER COLD RAIN. YEAH!!
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: While everyone else was enjoying the caramel apple mug cakes I made them for dessert last night, I enjoyed my coffee and didn't stress about it. My husband MADE me take a bite because he wanted me to taste how good they were, but it didn't make me want more!
    5 of a possible 11

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday!

    @carlsoda, even a sun salutation first thing in the morning is a lovely way to start your day! Good luck!!!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I just found this thread and I am so glad that I did.
    <20 net carbs daily
    <1500 calories
    Goal: 155 by Dec 31st
    SW: will post in the morning
    Exercise 2 miles on days off work minimum
    Log all food and exercise daily

    SW: 168 :neutral:
    Christmas Goal: 160

    DEC 2: 165.6 -2.4
    Carbs: 19 net
    Water: ☆
    Calories: over
    Exercise: nope
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    December Challenge Check-in:

    SW: 168 - yeah for no-gain November!
    GW: 165 - still trying to lose a few pounds during the holidays.

    The Basics for me:
    Under 40 carbs
    Under 1450 calories
    Logging and measuring daily
    Hitting 10,000 steps per day
    80 ounces of water per day

    This month I need to start planning my exercise and event schedule for next year, as I'm turning 50 in November 2016 and want to have several 100 mile bike rides, a half marathon, Spartan Race and a few other things on my calendar throughout the year. I will need to hit the ground running (literally) in January to be able to accomplish those things. Being a few pounds lighter will make it so much easier as well.

    Happy December everyone!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member

    1) Carbs- under 30 +1
    2) calories- under 1500 +1
    3) water 80 oz +1
    4) work out +1
    5) vitamins +1
    6) log it +1
    7) Steps 5,000 +1 over 10,000 +2
    8) No scale & NO alcohol + 1

    SW 206
    CW 175
    GW 145

    Goal for this month is to stop treading water i keep fluctuating over several lbs and i am Fraking done with it- i know what to do and i am gonna do it - KCKO !!!
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I turn 55yrs old this month. I have been planning to run a 1/2 marathon for oh 5yrs!! Started training when I was 50 yrs. Got really run down visited my daughters school UF and caught mono. It has taken a very long time to build my immune system back. But this was the year to mark the 1/2 off my bucket list and it seems I have fractured my thigh bone while running on the treadmill :/ so my new goal trash the bucket list. I am healthy. I am strong. I am going to stay that way.
    The ARC Trainer rocks and it does not hurt my leg. Have a good workout friends.
    Lutz Fl