Determined December: Week 2 Challenge Check-In (12/8-12/14)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
edited December 2015 in Social Groups
Welcome to the Week 2 Check-In Thread.
If you are new, feel free to hop right in and join us!

Here's a copy of our challenge blurb:
baconslave wrote: »
There's a statistic going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. It's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and looking in the mirror, unhappy with what extra weight we've gained. It happens to the best of us.

Last month we focused on the basics in an effort to avoid gaining during a hectic time of year. There's lots of treats around. But many of us managed to hit our goals and not gain. Some of us even lost a few pounds, or gained insight into our own patterns when faced with pressure.

Planning ahead and keeping an eye on the basics are two of the most important focal points if we want to keep on the up and up in the face of all the junk and goodies rampant this type of year.

This month we are again going to focus on the low-carb basics. They really are so important to success. And keeping tabs on them reinforces good habits that will serve us through our weight loss journeys and beyond into Maintenance Land. We're shooting for Determined December. Some people choose to handle this time of year completely on-plan, supplementing low-carb recipes for all our bad-ol' favorites.

This may not be realistic for some. After all, there are many temptations in our faces this month. And a lot of celebrations. What I have done in the past was pick 1 or 2 events that were most important, enjoy them that day, and the next day was immediately back on track. No guilt, but no excuses. Every other time, I planned ahead. Eat before going to a carby event or bring plan-approved goodies. I actually lost weight in December of 2014. It can be done.

You can pick either strategy, but in this challenge monitoring our plan Basics are what makes the difference.

Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

I really can't parrot that cliché formula enough. Because it's true.

Any low-carb plan is welcome. Just post your monthly goals and/or beginning weight, or if you are just planning to maintain through the month, or have NSVs to achieve, check-in daily or weekly with how well you did.

The Basics:
Staying under carbs
Staying under calories
Logging and measuring
Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
Getting enough water
Planning ahead

This thread will be stickied to the top of the Group, with links inside to the weekly threads. So if the weekly thread gets buried in our busy little group, you'll be able to easily find in in the sticky.

Share recipes, problems, thoughts.
Determined December is possible!
We are DETERMINED to maintain, and maybe even lose, this year.
We are DETERMINED to not let December run rough-shod over us, right?
We CAN do this.

To give you and idea of possible check-in entries here's mine for yesterday:
Monthly Goals:
To lose that rotten, stinkin, stubborn, no-good, malicious last half pound to goal weight by hitting the basics daily. Carbs under 50g total.
Three 1,000-cal fasts per week, and four maintenance calorie days, until I can hit my goal weight, 150, and stay there for an entire month. This is going to take me on past this month, but we have to start somewhere, right? :wink:
Be sparing with the alcohol, Jess. And plan for calories to be preposterous on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day.

Start weight: 152.4 (Thanks for the lil' extra, TOM. Swell of you to think of me so fondly!)
Goal weight: 150 and to stay there.

Sunday, 11/29:

Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
Logged Food: check.jpg
Exercise as Planned?: 60 min Dreadmill walk check.jpg
At or Under Carb Level: 37/50g total check.jpg
At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg

Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member

    Tuesday, December 8

    Original Weight: 185-190 lbs in late June, 2015
    SW: 152.4
    CW: 147.8!!!!!!!! Lowest i have been since university! And I am sure it will bounce up again tomorrow. LOL
    GW for Dec 31: Under 150 (at least most of the time)
    Final GW: ~140lbs

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 25g of carbs on all days except possibly Dec. 9th (dinner theatre and school party), 18th (party), 24, 25, and 31(hosting a party). Carbs have been fine lately
    • If I eat over 25g of carbs in a day, it is not to exceed 35g. N/A
    • I can eat over my calories on a few days but will cut back on other days to make up for it, without going hungry. Calories have been between 1200 and 1500 lately.
    • Do at least one fat fast (~500kcal of mainly fat) per week. Not today.
    • Use IF with BPC to eat meals/solid food (that sounds really weird...) between 2pm and 7pm on the majority of days. Ate first meal of lunch at 3:00pm. I think I left food until too late in the day
    • Complete Round 1 of P90X just before Xmas. Took Saturday and Sunday off. Monday I did chest, back and abs. Today is plyometrics; I am still sore from last week so it should be amusing.

    So far so good. I had a couple of days of high calories (over 2000) with a couple of days of moderate calories (1200-1500) has resulted in a whoosh of weight loss. Weird how that works. I'll take it. ;)
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    December Challenge Week 2 Check-in:

    Reposting my original goals/motivation:

    SW: 168 - yeah for no-gain November!
    GW: 165 - still trying to lose a few pounds during the holidays.

    The Basics for me:
    Under 40 carbs
    Under 1450 calories
    Logging and measuring daily
    Hitting 10,000 steps per day
    80 ounces of water per day

    This month I need to start planning my exercise and event schedule for next year, as I'm turning 50 in November 2016 and want to have several 100 mile bike rides, a half marathon, Spartan Race and a few other things on my calendar throughout the year. I will need to hit the ground running (literally) in January to be able to accomplish those things. Being a few pounds lighter will make it so much easier as well.

    Current status: Still 168, so no gain, which is a good thing! I have been sick for the last week or so, still recovering and have been lazy on my food tracking and carb curbing. Back to plan today!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Today's check in.
    I survived my day off without slipping, in spite horrendous cravings! May go to bed a little early just to be safe. I'm losing weight again and going through extreme hot and cold flashes more than several times a day. Yuck. And Yay!
    Just went for a 45 minute stroll adding to my activity increase goal.
    Attitude is good. Fierce resistance today, and stayed strong. So, feeling good.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Reposting original goals:

    SW 8/3: 195 (day youngest child was born)
    CW: 159.0
    GW for December 31: 159 or below, shooting for 157
    My goals for December:
    Carbs: Under 80 net/day
    Calories: havent been tracking calories since during my pregnancy, not planning to start for a while yet
    Water: haven't been drinking as much water as I probably should; aim to get at least 64 oz a day this month
    Holiday parties/gatherings: stick primarily with low carb options, allowing a small serving of a dessert I especially like at each. And go easy on the booze.... That one usually gets me, but since I'll still be nursing the baby this year, it shouldn't be as difficult :)

    So this week wasn't bad:
    CW: 158.4
    I've stayed within my carb limits all except last Wednesday (child's birthday, a piece of chocolate cake put me slightly over), but stayed on track enough the rest of the time that I still saw a loss on the scale. Wasn't great about water everyday, but have definitely drank more than I had been... Just starting the day with a couple glasses makes it a bit more manageable. This week brings another birthday party, and my in laws are coming for dinner on Sunday (at least I control the menu!). Hoping to get closer to 157 before Christmas just so I have a little wiggle room. Pretty sure I can expect to regain a lb or two over that weekend :P
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/8:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 8,717/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Founder Pose, Walked the Mall, Errands at lunch, parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Mom commented on how I have such a wide array of patterned leggings. Realized I never would have worn anything that would draw attention to my legs in the past. Yesterday I was wearing almost-neon flower patterned leggings from uniqlo.
    8 of a possible 11

    Trees this week: 8

    December's Joy Trees:

    Last recorded weight: 143.0 lbs, Dec 9 (retaining water for my shark tank)

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    December Basics Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 157 (11/24/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday!

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!

    Week 2: Day 1 - good! tree5.gif
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Monday and Tuesday Summary 12.7 and 12.8

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW Don't want to know - More than 150 and I refuse to move the scale back up to the next rung.
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned?: No
    At or Under Carb Level: No
    At or Under Calorie Limit: No
    Planned Day Ahead: No.

    Gee Wiz. Holiday Parties are killing me. Went out last night with the girls for our Yankee Swap. Ate and drank too much --and not the good stuff. Had fun tho. Have another party on Sunday. Ug! I'm doing a Yoga class today, that should be interesting. The slacks I have on are screaming at me. I'm on the naughty list for now. :'(
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Monday: Pretty good stats on Monday, I must say. My weight was down to 174.4 (almost all of December's goal), although I'm sure it will fluctuate off an on throughout the month. My calories and carbs were in great shape and I drank some water, but maybe not quite enough. No exercise...I've been so tired I can't manage to pull myself out of bed in the mornings :(

    Tuesday: Just an 'ok' day. My calories were over by 350, my carbs were good, water sucked, no exercise. It was intended, but didn't pull it off.

    Wednesday: Off to a pretty good start. I had a small apple with my bacon, it wasn't on a whim - I planned it that way. I would rather have the higher carb foods come from fruits and veggies. I'm going to work hard for the water today. Again, I did not get up to work out. I'm not on my game this week with that. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the cold that's bounced around all my kids, my body has decided to revolt against me in other ways, and I'm just not in a good groove with it. I think I will make a concerted effort to get a workout in tonight, though. Hopefully the rest of the week, too. Something's gotta give, friends!
  • latoyamcdougal
    latoyamcdougal Posts: 6 Member
    December 9th, 2015

    I am a Newbie & Joining in!

    Original Weight: 212 Sept 1st, 2015
    CW: 188.2 Lowest I have been! Even before having my Twins in 10/2013!
    GW for Dec 31: 180 of below
    Final GW: Under 150

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 40g of carbs starting today except possibly Dec. 25th
    • On 12/25 I will not go over 100g Carbs.
    • Increase my Calorie intake as right now I am hovering under 1000 cals
    • Workout at least 3 times a day doing yoga, strength training and some cardio
    • Continue to meditate and do my morning mindset practices to keep my mind right!
    • Get my twins involved in the fitness to make it fun!

    I am the lowest I have been since having my twins in 2013 and I am SO PROUD! I have done low carb before with success and I am happy to be doing it again! Feel free to add me because as a Therapist I know the value in support and accountability!

    Thanks so much for having this available!

    Make today a great day!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Today's check in.
    I survived my day off without slipping, in spite horrendous cravings! May go to bed a little early just to be safe. I'm losing weight again and going through extreme hot and cold flashes more than several times a day. Yuck. And Yay!
    Just went for a 45 minute stroll adding to my activity increase goal.
    Attitude is good. Fierce resistance today, and stayed strong. So, feeling good.

    Yay! Good for you!

    Someone has already asked me about whether or not I'll be having one of these challenges in January.
    As long as I either need to lose weight, or maintain weight, or am trying to maintain AND build muscle, which is forever, I'll be doing one of these every month until people can't take it any more. I feel pretty strongly about how important mindfulness of the basics are. And I need to watch things myself. It's way too easy to start lying to myself without accountability.

    So the short answer is Yes.

    Tues, 12/8:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Lower body and Abs-45min check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 45/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! Higher day to build dem muscles check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Down 2.5lb over night...of course I had to go to the bathroom 5 times. :weary: Why will the universe not let me sleep?

    Lots of errands today. Blurg. TN drivers...ugggggh.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    December 9th, 2015

    I am a Newbie & Joining in!

    I am the lowest I have been since having my twins in 2013 and I am SO PROUD! I have done low carb before with success and I am happy to be doing it again! Feel free to add me because as a Therapist I know the value in support and accountability!

    Thanks so much for having this available!

    Make today a great day!

    Welcome and congrats!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    Wednesday: Off to a pretty good start. I had a small apple with my bacon, it wasn't on a whim - I planned it that way. I would rather have the higher carb foods come from fruits and veggies. I'm going to work hard for the water today. Again, I did not get up to work out. I'm not on my game this week with that. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the cold that's bounced around all my kids, my body has decided to revolt against me in other ways, and I'm just not in a good groove with it. I think I will make a concerted effort to get a workout in tonight, though. Hopefully the rest of the week, too. Something's gotta give, friends!

    Nothing wrong with a small apple. I had a Clementine yesterday. Hey, it fit in my carbs! It was soooo yummy.
    I know the feeling about the tired. I struggle with that most days. I force myself to workout though. I feel better and am in a better mood after. You don't have to kill yourself. Just move for 20 or 30 min. Take a walk, do a video. You really will feel better. The hardest part is doing it even though you are so tired. I do KNOW. Trust me. It's hard.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    Wednesday: Off to a pretty good start. I had a small apple with my bacon, it wasn't on a whim - I planned it that way. I would rather have the higher carb foods come from fruits and veggies. I'm going to work hard for the water today. Again, I did not get up to work out. I'm not on my game this week with that. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the cold that's bounced around all my kids, my body has decided to revolt against me in other ways, and I'm just not in a good groove with it. I think I will make a concerted effort to get a workout in tonight, though. Hopefully the rest of the week, too. Something's gotta give, friends!

    Nothing wrong with a small apple. I had a Clementine yesterday. Hey, it fit in my carbs! It was soooo yummy.
    I know the feeling about the tired. I struggle with that most days. I force myself to workout though. I feel better and am in a better mood after. You don't have to kill yourself. Just move for 20 or 30 min. Take a walk, do a video. You really will feel better. The hardest part is doing it even though you are so tired. I do KNOW. Trust me. It's hard.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Thanks so much for the kind words, they always help encourage me :)
    I've just barely been getting in my exercise per week, closer to about 1.5-2 hours a week and usually in bursts. I definitely need to work on that, I went for months working out consistently and I felt really good. Just gotta get back on board with it! I'm glad I have the desire, just not the drive with the tired's! I will get that sorted out!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    I suppose I'll join in, since it's good to see an active group around here. :)

    Original Weight: 224.4 12/4/2015
    CW: 220.8 this morning, 12/9
    GW for Dec 31: 215 (roughly 2 pounds a week)
    Final GW: 145-150 (haven't decided yet)

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 20g of carbs every day, including Christmas (I'm seriously done messing around)
    • Eat 1500 or less calories each day
    • Drink 128 oz of water a day
    -Not too worried about exercise this month; just trying to get carbs under control.
    -Eat at induction until I hit 200 lbs; then do two more weeks

    Today's check in/background:
    Last Friday, 12/4, I decided that this is absolutely ridiculous that my pregnancy weight has stayed around. I have been on Atkins induction ever since, eating less than 20g carbs per day (no net carbs). I gave birth on 8/30 and lost 15 pounds of my pregnancy gain within the first week, but I'm stuck at 15 above my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 50 pounds with MFP back in 2011. I consider those to kind of be the "glory days" of MFP because I had a lot more active friends and I'm trying to get in that groove again. I have the best luck with low carb and I focus a lot better when I'm on it. I just returned to work full time and I have to be on top of my game, holidays be damned. If I can do it now, the rest of the year should be a breeze!

    I've been a little tired and sluggish some days, but I honestly haven't had too many carb cravings. I think the tiredness might have more to do with being a new mom to a 3-month old, lol. I love eating fat and hope that this "honeymoon" period continues. :-D Today I was down 3.5 pounds and hope to see even more next week. Wednesdays are always a good weigh in day for me (kinda weird), so I'll stick with that for now.

    Sorry for the long intro and rant, but I had a lot of backstory! I hope everyone is having a fabulous day :)
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Last week was in keto mode Tuesday-Friday. Saturday and Sunday, I ate in maintenance mode. I had gained from 2 weeks going off the grid. Was at 165, yesterday weighed in at 157, so its slowly going down. I need to stay focused. The last two days were great but today I have bad cravings but I am going to stay active and out of the kitchen. My goals stay as follows:

    1. Drink 1 gallon of water
    2. Stay under 30 carbs or lower
    3. Exercise 5/7 days out of the week
    4. Log everything (last week I missed Monday and Sunday)
    5. Aim for purple keto sticks!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    December Basics Challenge

    SW: 159.2 (11/02/15)
    CW: 157 (11/24/15)
    GW: 155 (by 1/01/16)

    December Goals:

    Try a few new low carb recipes this month
    Walk 210 miles this month to achieve my yearly goal of 1,500 miles
    At or under 40 net carbs per day
    Daily Yoga challenge for December; whether it's 5 minutes or 1 hour, I will do yoga everyday!

    Week 1: Was a good week the only thing I didn't do was try a new low carb recipe. I have however been pinning some recipes to try (does that count??)!!

    Week 2:
    Day 1 - good!
    Day 2 - good day but didn't do my yoga. I had a bad headache all day so went to bed early. Feeling better today though!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @baconslave, I love this thread and thanks for keeping it going. I find the diary aspect of this so important to keeping me mindful each day of my progress and/or lack of progress. Otherwise it's just a blur at the end of the week. When I do my weigh-in on Monday, my results track on point with what happened during that week. There's no surprises with 'what am I doing wrong?"

    Do, review, make adjustments, repeat.

    To that, yesterday was a big rebound from Monday and Tuesday's fiascos. I went to yoga, exercised and back to basics with my LCHF. Dropped the gain today from my earlier missteps. Whew. Back on track.

    Wednesday Summary 12.8

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 149.
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned?: Yes
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes
    Planned Day Ahead: Yes.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited December 2015
    Starting Weight on 12/1: 142.8 lbs
    Write (+2)
    80 oz water (+2)
    No Alcohol (0, more of a guideline.)
    5,000 Steps (+1. +3 if I get over 10,000)
    Exercise (+1 for basic stuff. +2 for targeted exercise.)
    Affirmation NSV (+1)

    Tuesday, 12/8:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 128/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (+1) 8,717/5,000 Steps
    (+2) Exercise - Founder Pose, Walked the Mall, Errands at lunch, parked far away everywhere.
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Mom commented on how I have such a wide array of patterned leggings. Realized I never would have worn anything that would draw attention to my legs in the past. Yesterday I was wearing almost-neon flower patterned leggings from uniqlo.
    8 of a possible 11

    Wednesday, 12/9:
    (+2) Write: :):)
    (+2) 103/80 oz water
    (0) No Alcohol: didn't have any
    (0) 4,655/5,000 Steps (Bah, so close!)
    (+1) Exercise - Founder Pose. Didn't run many errands so parking far away had little impact (clearly, looking at my steps).
    (+1) Affirmation NSV: Had what I felt like was a blown breakfast, only to log it and see it had a total of 9 g carbs. Perspective!
    6 of a possible 11

    Trees this week: 14

    December's Joy Trees:


    Last recorded weight: 143.2 lbs, Dec 10 (retaining water for my shark tank)

  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Original Weight: 224.4 12/4/2015
    CW: 220.8 on Weds., 12/9
    GW for Dec 31: 215 (roughly 2 pounds a week)
    Final GW: 145-150 (haven't decided yet)

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 20g of carbs every day, including Christmas (I'm seriously done messing around)
    • Eat 1500 or less calories each day
    • Drink 128 oz of water a day
    -Not too worried about exercise this month; just trying to get carbs under control.
    -Eat at induction until I hit 200 lbs; then do two more weeks

    Yesterday I went over my calories and macros because I had a few cookies and a cup of apple cider yesterday at a work thing. :neutral: But I just logged it, drank a bunch of water, then went about the rest of my day as if nothing happened. So while it sucks that I didn't meet my goals yesterday, I am actually pretty proud of myself for not saying "screw it" and just eat like crap the rest of the day because of one little slip up. I honestly think that's why I keep regaining weight! Today is much better and I got some nice herbal teas to sip on.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I suppose I'll join in, since it's good to see an active group around here. :)

    Original Weight: 224.4 12/4/2015
    CW: 220.8 this morning, 12/9
    GW for Dec 31: 215 (roughly 2 pounds a week)
    Final GW: 145-150 (haven't decided yet)

    December Goals:
    • Eat below 20g of carbs every day, including Christmas (I'm seriously done messing around)
    • Eat 1500 or less calories each day
    • Drink 128 oz of water a day
    -Not too worried about exercise this month; just trying to get carbs under control.
    -Eat at induction until I hit 200 lbs; then do two more weeks

    Today's check in/background:
    Last Friday, 12/4, I decided that this is absolutely ridiculous that my pregnancy weight has stayed around. I have been on Atkins induction ever since, eating less than 20g carbs per day (no net carbs). I gave birth on 8/30 and lost 15 pounds of my pregnancy gain within the first week, but I'm stuck at 15 above my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 50 pounds with MFP back in 2011. I consider those to kind of be the "glory days" of MFP because I had a lot more active friends and I'm trying to get in that groove again. I have the best luck with low carb and I focus a lot better when I'm on it. I just returned to work full time and I have to be on top of my game, holidays be damned. If I can do it now, the rest of the year should be a breeze!

    I've been a little tired and sluggish some days, but I honestly haven't had too many carb cravings. I think the tiredness might have more to do with being a new mom to a 3-month old, lol. I love eating fat and hope that this "honeymoon" period continues. :-D Today I was down 3.5 pounds and hope to see even more next week. Wednesdays are always a good weigh in day for me (kinda weird), so I'll stick with that for now.

    Sorry for the long intro and rant, but I had a lot of backstory! I hope everyone is having a fabulous day :)

    Yeah, that'll do it. laugh-3ff5b739666df39e8e8c585376f8614c.gif

    You can definitely do it. Be patient with yourself. Your hormone levels are still sorting themselves out. Just Keep Calm and LC On, and I'm hoping you get some good rest and have a good rest of the week.

    Soooooo....Happy Thor's Day!

    I did the iodine patch test to check for iodine deficiency which can cause chronic fatigue symptoms. You paint a thick 3in square. If it's still there in 24hrs, your iodine levels are good. If not you are deficient to some degree. If it disappears in less than 12, you are very deficient. Well, it took me about 7hrs. So I'm working on getting my iodine up by topically applying it. There is very little chance of overdose with this method. Since your skin won't absorb what it doesn't need. We shall see if this improves things even a little. I need to remember not to do this before bed. Last night I did the patch test, and I did not sleep well at all. Worse than my usual keto-sleep.

    Anyway, the scale whooshed off another 2lb overnight. I'm back down to 150.6 which is still above my goal weight. But who the heck cares? I'll sneeze. That'll take care of it. :lol:

    Wed, 12/9:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: 30min of busting my *kitten* shooting hoops check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 49/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! Lower cal non-strength day :smile: check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul: