What's your dessert policy?



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:

    Could you cut back to small, low carb sweet things that are 100 calories or less? A square of dark chocolate, or a cookie sized crustless cheesecake won't set you back hundreds of calories.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:

    Could you cut back to small, low carb sweet things that are 100 calories or less? A square of dark chocolate, or a cookie sized crustless cheesecake won't set you back hundreds of calories.

    Cheesecake is my weakness lol I try and stay far away. I have some dark chocolate in the fridge which I haven't opened yet because I don't trust myself to eat just 2-3 squares. But it's mind over matter, I just have to be stronger than that annoying voice in my head!!
  • marlamp10
    marlamp10 Posts: 26 Member
    I have a dessert every night, unless I just don't feel like it. My desserts are more like fat bombs, honestly. Favorites are
    - SF jello made with a cup of HWC (orange is so yummy)
    - Pumpkin cheesecake mousse (mostly cream cheese and HWC) or
    - an ounce of cream cheese melted with a square of 85% dark chocolate and a packet of Truvia.

    I draw the line at lowcarb breads, cookies, cakes, or anything made with nut flours or flaxmeal, because they can stall me if I eat them too often. I'm planning to have flour-based desserts on special occasions, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, or birthday. But otherwise, I'm sticking with the stuff that, so far, doesn't bog me down.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Ooohh Fat bombs! I made a batch of 12 peanut butter cups, 200ish calories each, and polished the lot off in 2 days :flushed:
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited December 2015
    lithezebra wrote: »
    In my mind, I'm allowed to have one real dessert a week. In reality it only happened on Thanksgiving.

    Every other week I have this for a dessert:

    In a bowl:
    1 serving of sugar free jello
    Sprinkle: 1/8 cup salted roasted pecans
    Sprinkle a tiny amount of dark chocolate chips
    Then top with extra creamy Reddi Whipping cream

    It takes so good, caution though...the sugar free jello has a lot of artificial sweetener in it and may cause cravings.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting
    / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
  • marlamp10
    marlamp10 Posts: 26 Member
    Ooohh Fat bombs! I made a batch of 12 peanut butter cups, 200ish calories each, and polished the lot off in 2 days :flushed:

    LOL! I know what you mean. I really can't handle the little candy-like fat bombs--I just go through those like Reese's cups. My fat bombs have to have VOLUME.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Except an occasional chia pudding, in 2 months of this WOE I have had one day where I had dessert. That day I had a slice each of 2 cakes:

    I made the cake I described above for a bake off at work and one of my team made a vegan cake with no eggs, no sugar, no flour. His cake had a lot of cashews and almonds and was 5 layers and took 6 hours to make, with a recipe in Polish. His won 3rd prize.

    Nuts are my go to replacement for if I get hungry between meals. I mention this as for some folk that is when they look for a dessert of sorts.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    nicintime wrote: »
    Dessert is the devil.

    For me. For now.

    Eventually I want to make low carb cheesecake or some such, but that will be a ways away.

    Yesterday I had plain yogurt with 40 grams of mashed up raspberries and no artificial sweetener. A little bland, but I was doing it more for gut health than flavor.

    I still drink diet soda, and one of those after a meal seems to satisfy the sweet tooth.

    Ain't addiction grand?!?!?!?!

    I'm an addict too! I think I will tackle my diet coke addiction after I'm at goal weight.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:

    Could you cut back to small, low carb sweet things that are 100 calories or less? A square of dark chocolate, or a cookie sized crustless cheesecake won't set you back hundreds of calories.

    Cheesecake is my weakness lol I try and stay far away. I have some dark chocolate in the fridge which I haven't opened yet because I don't trust myself to eat just 2-3 squares. But it's mind over matter, I just have to be stronger than that annoying voice in my head!!

    It's actually been shown that "willpower" is, at best, a finite resource. Take willpower out of the equation (that is actually a big reason why LCHF works for so many people -- the mechanisms of action take a lot of willpower out of the equation).

    In short -- stop keeping trigger foods in the house, and as I said earlier, abstain entirely from all forms of sugar for 4-6 weeks to break the habit and make new ones.

    Yes, it's going to suck for a few days, but it's only a few days. You will live through it.

    Also, ignore all the haters that say crap like "everything in moderation" or "it's okay in moderation" or whatever. If you are eating hundreds and thousands of calories worth, then you are incapable of "moderation" (which is a pretty meaningless word, anyway) on at least this thing, and at least until you make a drastic change. (In my opinion, the "everything in moderation" is more often a cop-out to justify maintaining old, harmful habits than anything else.)

    You're doing this for your health, remember that. And no, not having the sweets all the time is not going to damage you, especially if you make sure to drop the "can't" mindset. Do not say "I can't," to things. Say "I choose not to." Say "I choose health over sugar."
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Very wise words, @Dragonwolf. My husband frequently asks me if I can have something on my "diet". I tell him I CAN have anything I want, but I choose not to have it.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I have dessert every single night after dinner. It's like I HAVE to have something sweet straight after. I'd love to get away from from this habit as it would save me hundreds of calories every day!! My willpower seems to be nonexistent on this one thing :disappointed:

    Could you cut back to small, low carb sweet things that are 100 calories or less? A square of dark chocolate, or a cookie sized crustless cheesecake won't set you back hundreds of calories.

    Cheesecake is my weakness lol I try and stay far away. I have some dark chocolate in the fridge which I haven't opened yet because I don't trust myself to eat just 2-3 squares. But it's mind over matter, I just have to be stronger than that annoying voice in my head!!

    It's actually been shown that "willpower" is, at best, a finite resource. Take willpower out of the equation (that is actually a big reason why LCHF works for so many people -- the mechanisms of action take a lot of willpower out of the equation).

    In short -- stop keeping trigger foods in the house, and as I said earlier, abstain entirely from all forms of sugar for 4-6 weeks to break the habit and make new ones.

    Yes, it's going to suck for a few days, but it's only a few days. You will live through it.

    Also, ignore all the haters that say crap like "everything in moderation" or "it's okay in moderation" or whatever. If you are eating hundreds and thousands of calories worth, then you are incapable of "moderation" (which is a pretty meaningless word, anyway) on at least this thing, and at least until you make a drastic change. (In my opinion, the "everything in moderation" is more often a cop-out to justify maintaining old, harmful habits than anything else.)

    You're doing this for your health, remember that. And no, not having the sweets all the time is not going to damage you, especially if you make sure to drop the "can't" mindset. Do not say "I can't," to things. Say "I choose not to." Say "I choose health over sugar."

    That's some straight talk right there. Totally agree based on my experiences.
    Very wise words, @Dragonwolf. My husband frequently asks me if I can have something on my "diet". I tell him I CAN have anything I want, but I choose not to have it.

    My husband and friends always say it like that too. I'm always like, it's not a matter of can i have it... I don't want it.
  • Standsfast
    Standsfast Posts: 77 Member
    I am now in the @Dragonwolf camp: "abstain entirely from all forms of sugar for 4-6 weeks to break the habit and make new ones." I keep looking at the liquid stevia in my refrigerator, thinking I should just get rid of it. Anything sweet, artificial or not, sets me off. Again.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Wise words dragonwolf. I have never had a sweet tooth. Always hated melon, especially water melon (too sweet). Finding out I needed to eat low sugar (no fruit, no startchy veg, no sugar added etc) I now realise how much sugar we get just naturally occuring in food, leave alone the added stuff.

    Much easier to say no completely as then there is then no decision and no will power issue. Simple, I can not eat it, so eating it is not an option.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Thank you for the kick up the butt @Dragonwolf :) . I will kick this dessert habit!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Love Dragonwolf's reply.

    And for me it really does help to focus on the yummy foods I can have (bacon, avocados, cheese, etc.) than what I'm choosing not to have. Sometimes what I really crave is strong flavor of some sort and more and more now my desire for a "treat" is quenched by a dill pickle or something like a cube of pepper jack cheese rather than feeling like I must have sweets.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm with @Dragonwolf too! It's not easy for just a few days to break the desire, then, the strength you will gain from it is better than any willpower that people talk about!

    My niece made the comment, while cutting herself some birthday cake, "You only live once". I know it was for me to hear, but I made no response or even acknowledged that I heard her. My family really thinks I'm depriving myself, and they can't get it that those foods cause me pain so I avoid them without even an inkling of desire for them! I know they're waiting for me to go back to eating the same carbage that they do, but it's not happening!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited December 2015
    My dessert policy just changed, because I'm going to make chocolate cheesecake using no-effective-carb xylitol as a sweetener. From now on, I'm having dessert for breakfast!

  • Brownilocks
    Brownilocks Posts: 30 Member
    Thinking I really need to go on a sugar fast- as some of you have wisely suggested!

    I don't know what set this binging off, but it's really getting the best of me. Maybe it's the holidays coming up, and everyone offering me chocolate and sweets. Maybe it's me thinking I've been good for so long, (and the cravings HAVE reduced very significantly), that I can handle just one of everything and anything....

    It's funny how if I can refrain from touching 'insert nutritionally awful and addicting food here, it has no power over me. It may look and even smell amazing, but I don't need it, or even want it. It's just when I get a taste of it, especially when I'm alone that everything falls apart, and I eat until 1. my belly aches, or 2. there's no more left.

    I'm so affected by the social pressure to eat unhealthy foods, even if it's just a little pressure.. I know I have to change this and just not care if they think I'm weird, or too conscious about my body. The most important thing is that I make myself happy at the end of the day, and lately, that's just not been happening.

    Right now, I hate sugar with all my heart. It's beginning to really negatively affect my daily life. I'm so upset with our society and all the terrible influences it contains.

    But enough of my ranting- thank you all for the support and tips! It's good to hear your stories and to know I am not alone :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @Brownilocks, I definitely relate to this part: "It's funny how if I can refrain from touching 'insert nutritionally awful and addicting food here, it has no power over me. It may look and even smell amazing, but I don't need it, or even want it. It's just when I get a taste of it, especially when I'm alone that everything falls apart, and I eat until 1. my belly aches, or 2. there's no more left."

    I've struggled with that at times, too. It's gotten easier for me over the past month or so. The other night I managed to bake chocolate chip cookies for DH (previously one of my kryptonites) and not touch them.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    I'm with @Dragonwolf too! It's not easy for just a few days to break the desire, then, the strength you will gain from it is better than any willpower that people talk about!

    My niece made the comment, while cutting herself some birthday cake, "You only live once". I know it was for me to hear, but I made no response or even acknowledged that I heard her. My family really thinks I'm depriving myself, and they can't get it that those foods cause me pain so I avoid them without even an inkling of desire for them! I know they're waiting for me to go back to eating the same carbage that they do, but it's not happening!

    LOL That would be the perfect response back too. "Yes, you only live once." ;)

    I've actually said that to people when they ask about my dietary changes. I'll only live in this body once, and I want to enjoy the last 40 or so years in it so I made my changes now before it's too late... Hopefully. ;)