Determined December: Week 3 Challenge Check-In (12/15-12/21)



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Thursday Summary 12.16

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 149.0
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned: Yes
    Meals planned: Yes
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes

    Well, not so sure that pound was just water after all. It did not seem to Whoosh, even after being on my best for the past 3 days. Well there's always today and the weekend to autocorrect.

    Funny, When I finally broke 150 and got into the 140s. I was soo excited. My mood was positive and feeling great. I broke out some of my old clothes that I was starting to fit back into. On cloud 9! Having stalled for the last 3 weeks between 147 and 149 has really bummed me out. I'm still at the same weight that brought me so much happiness, but now it feels dumpy again. It isn't really a stall, it was me not staying with the basics, splurging a bit, getting lazy after my new "success". Lesson is that it doesn't just happen, there's a cause and effect to this. I still have a lot more to go before I'm done with this rework. Big gym night, workout plans tonight! Meals planned, so I'm good to go. One more week. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member

    Thurs 12/16:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Slinging dem weights check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 48/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes.check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Week 3 haul:

    What do you do when the round of antibiotics for your UTI doesn't work? facepalm_by_kynquinhe.gif

    Took the last one this morning. Still have it. Thanks for the expensive FAIL, dr.

    I was back down to 151, then sausage and baking soda (desperate to make the UTI leave) nudged me up to 152 this morning. Bah.

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW 8/3: 195
    SW Dec 1: 159.0
    CW: 156.6
    GW for December 31: 159 or below, shooting for 157

    I feel like I've built myself a nice bit of wiggle room for next week's festivities. Ideally I won't gain much, I've been trying to "break" 157 for a while now. Only 11.6 lbs to my ultimate goal weight :)

    @baconslave. Not sure what to do in that case. Did the doc take a urine sample and actually test to see what kind of bacteria are causing the uti? Definitely call the docs office and let them know; could be a strain of bacteria that just needs stronger abx to get rid of it. Hope you find something that works soon!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @baconslave, Different antibiotics work for different bacteria. If you haven't had a urine culture, you may need one to be sure you're getting the correct antibiotic for the bacteria that's causing your problems. Many times the doctors will order a "broad spectrum" (meaning it covers many different bacteria) antibiotic, but, it obviously didnt cover what's causing yours.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Mfp chopped off my post!

    @baconslave, your doctor's does need to know that the antibiotic didn't help you. I would suggest calling the nurse/assistant to see if anything can be done without having to pay for another appointment (fingers crossed for you there!). It's sad, but most will make you see them again (it's their income, right?!). Feel better hun!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Mfp chopped off my post!

    @baconslave, your doctor's does need to know that the antibiotic didn't help you. I would suggest calling the nurse/assistant to see if anything can be done without having to pay for another appointment (fingers crossed for you there!). It's sad, but most will make you see them again (it's their income, right?!). Feel better hun!

    They did a test in the office, but I'm not sure if it was a culture or just the dip-stick. They just said I tested positive, which leads me to believe it was just a urinalysis stick. If I'm still experiencing symptoms on Monday I'll call. They are a walk-in clinic, but they aren't open Saturdays.

    I had such a stressful day. I took my 2 older kids for a shot/check-up. I had all the kids with me, and my oldest passed out right after she got hers. So I'm having to mother-hen her, corral the littles, and go back and forth to the other exam room where ds was. The littlest little was a hyper lunatic. Mercy. Then I had to take them to Walmart briefly. Madhouse is what that place was.

    I did not get to exercise today. And a starving-momma-bear nuts binge derailed my calories today. Carbs were still ok though. But I'm just starving today, and I want to eat more. I'm chewing gum now to keep me out of the kitchen.

    No time for exercise either. It was time to make supper by the time we got home, and I'm killed from not sleeping well last night and just being my new-usual-tired self.

    So here's the debacle that today turned out to be.

    Fri, 12/118:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: No time fo' dat.
    At or Under Carb Level: 41/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Nope.
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Week 3 haul:

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @baconslave, many girls will pass out after immunizations (especially the hpv vaccine). Is scary, but actually normal. You should always tell them about that experience when getting any future injections. They can take precautions to potentially help with that.

    Hope you get a chance to rest!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Oh my goodness.
    Total carbicide tonight. For the first time since starting keto six weeks ago.

    I was at DH's work Christmas party. I realized there was almost nothing keto-friendly to eat. Celery, spinach salad ... there was some sort of creamy chicken pasta but there was very little shredded chicken to pick out of the pasta. So I ended up eating probably half a cup of pasta. Also some sort of dip that seemed to be made of cream cheese and cheddar so I ate some of that with the celery sticks. I toyed with the idea of not eating the pasta but I didn't want to get hangry on just celery and spinach. :/
    I also brought a sugar-free cupcake (9 gm net carbs) so I was OK with that one, but ugh. I feel sick.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @baconslave, many girls will pass out after immunizations (especially the hpv vaccine). Is scary, but actually normal. You should always tell them about that experience when getting any future injections. They can take precautions to potentially help with that.

    Hope you get a chance to rest!

    It was so weird. Because she is the "iron-stomach, blood don't faze me, grotesque, don't need no pain meds" kid. She didn't even have the HPV one yet. We're waiting a little on that. She just had the TDAP booster and the meningitis one. Seriously, she was fine. Not stressed or freaked at all. And then she had the shots, 20 sec later she was out. I looked at her as soon as the nurses stepped away and saw the signs. I mean, I KNOW this kid. I'm with her 24/7 just about, and I have been since birth. I walked over to suggest she lay down. Good thing I'm such a helicopter parent. I caught her. My oldest son (11) had the same ones, and he was fine. He's the squeamish, freaks-out one. Go figure, right?

    I didn't even entertain the possibility. I have about zero pain-tolerance, and I can't look look at the needle going into my arms or watch the blood fill the vial in bloodwork. I've never passed out during shots though. My sister either. And DD13 never has before. It took her about 30/45 min to feel better enough to get up and move around. Poor thing. :disappointed: Well at least I know now. Every day is a learning experience with 4 kids. Good grief! Always something. :lol:

    I did get a little sleep last night but was still up having to got to the stupid bathroom...
    And I got leg cramps...what on earth? I took mag AND put on some magnesium oil DH got me as an early Christmas gift. Both before bed. Apparently I didn't put on enough.

    macchiatto wrote: »
    Oh my goodness.
    Total carbicide tonight. For the first time since starting keto six weeks ago.

    I was at DH's work Christmas party. I realized there was almost nothing keto-friendly to eat. Celery, spinach salad ... there was some sort of creamy chicken pasta but there was very little shredded chicken to pick out of the pasta. So I ended up eating probably half a cup of pasta. Also some sort of dip that seemed to be made of cream cheese and cheddar so I ate some of that with the celery sticks. I toyed with the idea of not eating the pasta but I didn't want to get hangry on just celery and spinach. :/
    I also brought a sugar-free cupcake (9 gm net carbs) so I was OK with that one, but ugh. I feel sick.

    Ah, boo! Well, it happens. As I can attest. Sorry you are feeling icky. I hope you are doing better soon. I almost always either eat before or bring a bag of nuts or a few Slim Jim minis just in case I end up in that situation.
    But like I said, crap happens and we get surprised sometimes. Like that time when DH's brother invited us over for dinner. The one time I didn't pack my emergency snacks! He deep-fried a turkey. And I figured he'd at least have some veggie available. He made stuffing, put carby junk and crackers in the green beans, made sausage balls with a boatload of bread crumbs in them , mashed potatoes, and had a bout 3 desserts and a mountain of rolls. I looked in their fridge. They had no lettuce or anything healthy. I ended up with a plate of turkey and nothing else. I got some weird looks, but he and his wife said nothing. Next time they invited us over, though, they made a bag of broccoli/cauli mix. The flavorless steam-in-the-bag kind, but hey, I found the butter and seasoned salt and made magic out of them. :lol:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks, @baconslave! That's good idea for next time. The way the dishes had been described, I thought there would be big strips of chicken to pick out and I was naively optimistic about the many appetizers.

    Here's the crazy thing though. I think my net carbs were still around 50-something (higher than my norm) and this morning I tested very positive for ketones and the scale was down 0.6 lbs from yesterday! I actually met my DietBet goal for Jan 31! I was very pleasantly surprised, especially since I had kind of plateaued for almost a month after my first two weeks of keto. The past week or two the scale seems to be making up for lost time. I'm so thankful for all the support, encouragement and hearing others' experiences on here.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Omg! I could feel it! Scale down to 186.8!!! That makes 3.2pounds lost in December, so far!! It can be done!

    Exercise is going good now. Am mainly walking (work is on my feet for 7-8 hours, so I count that as exercise too), yet still riding the bike once a week. I can tell that I'm finally building some stamina!!

    Rock on everyone!!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    This week was good on keto except for my one night out where i broke out carbwise. Caloriewise. too, for that day. C'est la vie! Just goes to show that I am not one of those people who can have a planned - or unplanned - indulgence. I am good at getting right back up on the horse, though, and thank goodness for that. Still hoping my Monday weigh in will be okay - once the water retention subsides. One more comment on this: even including all three of my slips since Oct 31, I have done amazingly well for the duration of this challenging holiday and birthday season. And managed so far to lose 8 lbs. as well. So, not perfect... but, still pleased.
    Activity level remains increased through job and night out. For now, I am satisfied with the level and may still be adjusting to it as I find myself going to bed earlier and sleeping longer. So acclimating to the new increased activity and pacing/fueling my energy is now the order of the day. No need to burn out.
    Holiday blues are for the moment in the background. Keeping busy, downplaying the festivities while focusing on personal hobbies and projects is where I'm good for this year. One more hard week to get through and since my dance club is having a new years bash, I guess I have a place to be - with friends, dancing, and loads of fun. I might just make it! I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good this weekend!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Weekend Summary 12.18-12.20

    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 149.2
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: yes
    Exercise as Planned: YES
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes

    Hoot! Actually got in a 2 mile run this morning. Lots of walking over the weekend. Went to a Christmas party on Saturday. Too many wine calories and apps. desserts. Ug. To her credit, the hostess did also have a lot of LC foods which I appreciated. Loin, Salmon, Crab Legs, Cheeses, Oh sooo good along with a few not so good temptations. I made up for it on Sunday with lots of exercise and one small lunch. Wasn't hungry after all the food on Saturday. Still on the up according to the scale!

    Congratulations @Karlotta you are rocking it! Thanks for the motivation. This week and next week should be sweet. I've survived all the holiday parties that were going to be troublesome. The rest should be easy. I'm cooking Xmas, so it's in my court now.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Week three check-in

    1.Under 30 net carbs. Christmas Eve/Day 50 net. +7
    2.Light exercise at least 4 days a week as RA permits. Epic fail!
    3. Try one new recipe each week. +1
    4. Stop oversleeping on work days!!! +3
    5. Lose 2 pounds. Lost 1 lb. this week +1
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member

    Sat, 12/19:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: Strength check.jpg
    At or Under Carb Level: 46/50g total check.jpg
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yup check.jpg
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Sun, 12/20:
    Water: 120/120oz check.jpg
    Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
    Logged Food: check.jpg
    Exercise as Planned?: No. We shopped for about 2hrs. But I wouldn't call that exercise.
    At or Under Carb Level: 65/50g total. Damn peanuts...
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Again...peanuts
    Planned Day Ahead:check.jpg

    Weekly Trees of Christmas Awesomeness Collected:
    Week 1 Haul:

    Week 2 Haul:

    Week 3 haul:

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yesterday I went over calories a little (only 23 gm net carbs though) but I finally got my appetite back after having bronchitis so I didn't mind.

    Looking back at weigh-in entries, I am definitely seeing what you all meant about weight loss patterns and patience paying off. This has never happened to me before (patience paying off in weight loss; any time weight loss stalled for more than 2 weeks, trying to wait it out never paid off) but a snapshot of my pattern of weight change and mental state since starting keto: ;)

    11/2 sw: 150.6
    11/17: 142.0 (wow, yay, this WOE is awesome)
    12/1: 142.6
    12/10: 142 (after losing and gaining the same 2 lbs for almost a month, getting worried and and antsy)
    12/21: 137.2

    So after a lull, my body made up for lost time and the scale pleasantly surprises me every morning the past 11 days. I did do a couple egg fasts that seemed to help.

    1 lb under final DietBet goal, 4.2 lbs to my own goal; I can't believe it!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Bleh. Since I last posted, I have gone down that holiday slippery slope and now I'm face down in crappy takeout food. Not expecting any sympathy, just posting here to keep myself accountable and maybe seeing everyone else's success will help me out.

    If I can't get my act together this time of year, then I'll just be using the "it's a celebration" excuse the rest of the year! It seems like there's always a birthday, baby shower, football party, retirement, etc....but only I can control what I put in my month.

    Went to Costco yesterday and loaded up on some of my favorite low carb staples (bacon, cheese, heavy cream, etc). Onward and upward.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @SelfHelpJunky been there so many times. And for me I have found that sharing about it helps; that accountability helps motivate me. Sounds like you have a good plan going forward though! Good for you for staying accountable and arming yourself with the staples you need to get back on track!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I'm happy to say most of my goals are coming along well. Unfortunately I've been down for the count with some pretty relentless sickness. Double ear infections (one of them near rupture) and a sinus infection. So naturally my exercise goal is not even close to being met. I'm hoping to pick it up next week if all is well. I'm still tired this week, which is annoying...and I'm a little nervous that although the antibiotics are done my ears still hurt some. Hopefully it's curing itself the rest of the way.
    I'm down in weight to lower than my monthly goal and my calories and carbs have been pretty good. This past weekend was a little off because it was my birthday, but I was still really good compared to the past. I'll call that a win.
    The only negative (aside from the workout lacking) is that I feel like I'm really annoying with my low carb needs. We've been having to eat out quite a bit and almost everything we would've had for lunch before becomes a hassle because of the bun issue. I know you can just get a burger, no bun or whatever but it's kind of turned in to "I don't know where you want to go because I don't know what you want to eat....then I don't know and it turns into a hassle. I need to just start saying "Wendy's" and getting something that works. It'll be easier if I can just be decisive and skip the ping pong. I just suck at making the call. I digress, just sort of rambling.
    Still, overall, I feel pretty good being low carb.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @Deena_Bean. Good steakhouses and Japanese raw bar w/ sashimi are my fav. go to places. Hope you feel better with your ear infections. Ug! I had a slice of my b-day cake on Dec. 13th. Packed everyone up with to go slices.

    Monday Summary 12.22
    SW 11.30.15 148.2
    CW: 149.0
    GW 144 (1.1.2016)

    Water: OK.
    Logged Food: YES
    Exercise as Planned: YES
    At or Under Carb Level: Yes
    At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes

    So far, so good this week. The scale is being stubborn, but I'm doing the right things. Feeling pretty strong with all my exercise I've been doing. While the scale is stalled, my slacks today feel really loose! Yoga today at noon, then a run tonight. Can't wait to get out of work today!