Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Oh yea, and he joked about me putting him in "Four Shades of Grey" lol! I didn't even think about it! Would have been funny with a grey tie too! Ha!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Lol Karla ! That's so cool that he is embracing your woe. I think of @FIT_Goat re: gas too. Isn't that funny ? It is absolutely true however, that our digestion notices when we eat off plan.

    I am always amazed at how my digestion gets turned back on after a fast. I completed another fast, this time 68 hours. Almost immediately afterwards, I can hear and feel my digestion starting to come back to life after being calm and silent while fasting. Little gurgles, nothing major. But it is so noticeable after the silence within. Silence in the tummy and in the mind and emotions for me too. I always feel calmer, with more even emotions. Midway through a fast, my energy will increase and a feeling of emotional well-being will arise, sometimes experiencing elation.

    The only trouble is, that it is December, so my fasting regimes only serve to allow me to maintain my weight, getting me back to my same weight after indulging in pleasures such as dinner out with my kids, or the work Christmas party. It's one daughter's birthday on Wednesday, then Christmas of course. I do want to be able to indulge in a few treats within reason, so the fasting in between occasions is good strategy for me.

    Well Ladies. I've finished with my presents, and just need to deliver them. I need to get them out of my living room so I can clean, and polish the furniture etc, set up my little Christmas tree and get ready for my family to come to my house for Christmas dinner. I think there will be 11 of us this year. Each year differs according to which of my nephews will attend and which ones bring their girlfriends or children. Any number over 10 gets to be a tight squeeze, and I've had as many as 15 here, so 11 should be just fine.

    This time of year is joyous, but can be quite sad for me too. I have long suffered from feelings of inadequacy at this time of year. And with the death of my grandmother ( Baba) at Christmas years ago, and the death of my beloved Dad 2 years ago on Dec 27, Christmas is a struggle for me. It helps to be the one in charge of the dinner, bringing everyone together. Christmas can feel like a time of loss for me.

    So what I do is to surround myself with the parts of Christmas that bring me joy. Like listening to the choral classical Christmas music that I am listening to right now. Like staying away from the mall completely, and choosing to purchase only fair trade gifts that mean that no one was exploited in the process of making the gifts. Like making some of the gifts that I give. Like giving to the food banks and agencies where I live so that others can enjoy some of the pleasures I am able to. And also trying to stay within budget so that I don't face financial hardship as a result of trying to meet societal and familial pressures of what constitutes a proper Christmas. It can be such a busy time of year, so I try to make some time for myself....this is hard for me because my tendency is to just keep working !

    I hope everyone is enjoying the spirit of the season, and hope everyone has the holiday they wish for. Take care Ladies !
    love, Janice
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hehe! I love this side effect! I believe he is amazed at how sensitive he is to carbs now too! He can finally see what they were doing to him (and me through him, phew! Lol!)!

    Janice, I'm so fortunate, blessed, to not have any losses of close family during this time of year. I do understand the struggle to remain joyous when the grief is there too! I still have all of my immediate family here to celebrate with! Your lengthy fasting intrigues me. I have been trolling the IF group trying to learn more. I want to fast longer than 18:6, which is apparently what I've been doing anyway, so I've learned. I believe I could benefit from that feeling of well being you describe! I like purchasing gifts from small business owners as much as possible too! I try hard to keep money, and tax dollars, at a local level, instead of giving it to the big businesses. I love Christmas music! It seems to trigger relaxation for me!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    So glad to be known for my lack of farts. Lmao

    If course, it is better than being know for too many farts. It is true though, the gas goes away and everyone is happier.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    WOW Karla....you look amazing and hubby doesnt look to shabby either,lol!!! What a handsome couple! Even better that you are both aromatic....in a good way!!! hehehe.
    I totally second the lack of farts on this woe! A distinct if unusual NSV!

    Your christmas actually sounds idyllic Janice......you are keeping it in the spirit that it should be! Try not to feel sad about those you have lost but celebrate their lives and everything they have brought into christmas by way of memories or traditions! There is so much my mother did when I was little, that I carried on and now my sons do too.

    Im on tentahooks now......grandbabys due date is....thurday! Can you believe it has gone so quickly??? Doesnt seem anytime since I was proudly announcing the pregnancy!! Ill let you know when theres any news.

    I seem well and truly stuck at the moment...meds increasing my appetite which I am trying to ignore....havent lost anything for months now but.....at least I havent put anything on. Sadly no new loss of inches like Karla but I guess thats my great age. My stomach fat sits like an external whoopy cushion!!! With out the sound effects,lol.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You've left a mark @Fit_Goat! Lol!

    @Jane! So excited for the arrival of your grandbaby!! It doesn't seem possible that enough time has gone by yet! I'm on pins with you! The only thing I recommend about the scale issues is to hang in there! Hopefully the hunger is just an adjustment to the medications, and will ease off soon! I understand the external whoopy cushion too, and have quickly made spanx my friend, lol!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Im on tentahooks now......grandbabys due date is....thurday! Can you believe it has gone so quickly??? Doesnt seem anytime since I was proudly announcing the pregnancy!! Ill let you know when theres any news.

    So excited for you! I am also waiting to hear about a friend's baby. She did IVF at age 40 and was able to get pregnant the first time out. She was due Dec. 6th, so a week over now! What a wonderful Christmas blessing!!!

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Just checking in and reading up once in a while.... btw, just a friendly note: if you guys can resize your pictures before posting it prevents HUGE files from making the forum page too large to fit on a computer/tablet screen. Thanks! :)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    I come bearing great news for me. I finally got a job at Huntsville Hospital. I've been trying for years to get on there. Cardiology I, day shift, hopefully Fri, Sat and Sun. My old job had become such a burden on my heart I hated to go in. Wishing all of you a blessed holiday and great new year.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm so happy for you Karen!! That's wonderful news!!

  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    This has been a tough two months. I lost my older sister in November and my Mother in Law in December. I am ready for good changes. Hopefully Christmas with my family will be fun and peaceful.

    I haven't gained but I haven't lost either. I plan on just making it through to New Years Eve then making January a month of food discipline. It seems impossible to do otherwise when its just one party after another for a week.

    I also found that it is much easier for me to stay on program if I don't drink at parties. I am not sure if I should give it up or just practice not making bad decisions. What works for you? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and the Happiest of New Years,

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm so sorry for your losses Sue! I can imagine the grief!
    I choose to not drink at parties, and be the designated driver instead. I have yet to experience alcohol consumption while surrounded by food, and don't plan to. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everyone!! I've been too busy to properly post to the thread here for several days! I'm taking a few minutes to do so now!

    I've been dabbling in IF for the past couple of weeks. It's sort of turned into a 20:4 thing now (this past week) and I've seen a 3.2 pound loss the past two days! I'm down to 186.8!!! The way things have been going lately I don't believe I will ever see the 190s again!! Bring on the 170s!!!

    Hubby has remained lower carb and has now lost 14 pounds, and feels good! This is wonderful too! I told him years ago that I wanted to be able to sit on his lap one day. Haven't made it yet, but am getting there!

    My original goal weight was 180. I've known for a few months now that I can do better than that! My new goal weight is 160, which will get me to a normal BMI! I'm striving for that now (though will celebrate 180 with a wonderful filet mignon!)! Knowing I will get there is a wonderful feeling!

    I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!! Take time for yourselves during this super busy time!!

    PS: I apologise for not knowing how to properly work this forum, and post pictures! I've looked for instructions everywhere, without any luck. Even looked for tutorials on you tube, without success! Any guidance is appreciated! I'm always on a Kindle, if that makes a difference! Thanks!! I'm hoping to learn it all one day!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hello everyone......I have been a bit slow in letting you know but its been mad!!

    Yes! I'm a granny to a beautiful little girl who has been named Alexandra! My dil said...she looks like you!!! Poor little mite,lol, but when I saw a photo of my son holding her WOW, she is the spitting image of him so I guess by default...me. ;) I have been getting daily pictures and a couple of video's. Last night I watched one and she has a very red upper lip and nostrils so I guess she has a cold....she is only 8 days old! Either that or its something else. I saw her wearing just a vest thingy and leggings...she looked cold ( they live in Slovakia and its very cold and snowy) and I mentioned that but cant imagine they would let her be cold!!!! I was disturbed all night about those 2 things....lol...Grandma has kicked in immediately! Mind you....last tuesday I think I spent 90% of the day with tears pouring down my face!!! I would never have thought I would be so affected! God knows when I will actually get to see her and hug her.....Chris has to come here for work on 17th Jan and was hoping to persuade Tinka to come with the baby too but the last time I asked he said no way she would agree so......

    I am so sorry for your losses Sue and send sincere wishes for a good Christmas and happier New Year.

    Brilliant news Krazy.......so happy for you after all your hard work this year! Next year should be more peaceful and restful for you!!!!

    Janice I really hope that this year with all the changes in your life and achievements this year that christmas will be different too and a much happier occasion for you.

    Karla.....well....what can we say! You are such a wonderful example and an inspiration to anyone. So happy your hubby is onboard too. It makes a huge difference! I have always been blessed that hubby has always joined me and supported me even though he doesnt need to lose weight. Look forward to seeing the next photo of you actually sitting on hubbys lap!!!

    My weight is stuck still....no gains no losses. I know I am eating a bit more and thats including the protein bread at breakfast but I feel I need this to keep my bowels working well until I am a good way post-op......dont want to get constipated and buggar up the prolapse repair so I am fairly happy just to stay where I am until the new year. Seeing the Cardiologist next week so that will be 'interesting'. We will see what his mindset is!!! He claims to be into prevention so.....
    Wishing you all a very happy holiday time and an even better new year.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello Ladies, I won't stay long, but just wanted to say hi. I have completed a massive amount of work at work and have been feeling quite burnt out. I am now off work, trying to relax while getting the house ready for Christmas dinner. I am enjoying the simpler things about Christmas that I enjoy. I've been listening to a lot of classical and choral Christmas music and that has brought much joy and calm. I also have been watching the rabbits who live under my deck. I shovelled their entrance out the other day after the snow fell, and I see that they have dug out the rest. I like to think that they are nice and cozy living under all that cedar wood and that they are also free to get out and explore. My yard is cross- crossed with their tiny tracks.jsw53wddyv03.jpeg
    Also , I have done very little Christmas decorating and refuse to litter my home or my mind with the more commercial aspects of Christmas that are forced upon us from all around us. I have not stepped foot in a shopping mall for instance. But I do have a little Santa that my Dad carved out of wood and he sits on my window ledge with other handcrafted artifacts. Enjoying things like this around me, allows me to remember my Dad and the true nature of Christmas. Simple and pure, peace and love. Merry Christmas everyone!e9qtbx8p0des.jpeg
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi all!

    @Jane! I am so happy for the addition to your family! I believe "granny mode" is automatic and out worries become new. I'm sure they are keeping her warm. I imagine if it's cold outside (which it apparently is) that they keep their home warm. I love your worry though. Typical grandma, lol! Hang in there! Plus, maybe there's a way for you to travel (once fully recovered of course) to get that baby love for yourself (I hope!). Just can't imagine the desire to love on that baby! Me! Wow! I'm amazed everyday at my success (feels weird saying that!)! I haven't been successful with any woe (including weight loss surgery) before, and is a definite adjustment dsily! Hugs! I hope your recovery is continuing to go well, despite the stents!

    @Janice! I've embrace simplicity this year when it comes to Christmas. I don't subscribe to making out the credit cards and have been fortunate to purchase all Christmas without them (two years in a row!). I love the handcrafted wants that your dad made! What a treasure!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Sorry to end so abruptly! Hubby needed help with a "hunny do".

    I am amazed, daily, with what this woe has done for me! The benefits are too numerous to list now! My advice is to make the choice to stick with it. It takes making that choice for yourself. You all deserve the benefits too! Knowing that carbs, of all types, will make me hurt is a wonderful motivator. I've tested myself with minimal carbs, and have experienced the old headaches, and body aches... it's truly no fun now, after not having it for a few months!

    I have worked the past two days (yay!), and I work tomorrow. I feel like I have found a missing part of me! It's wonderful!

    I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Karlottap this has been such a positive year for you. So proud. Waiting for mine to start. Gonna try an egg fast and see what happens. Just enjoying being at home for a couple of weeks before starting my new job. Love and kisses to you all.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi Karen! So happy you've scored the new position you wanted! It's great that you have some time off that will have you ready to go! I hope the egg fast works well for you! Let us know how it goes!

    I am having serious issues with one sister about my weight loss! I believe there has always been an unspoken competition over who is the smallest (sister's do that!). I sense hostility from her (jealousy). It's like she is mad at me for doing well! She has been successful at losing weight the sad way, but has never maintained it (read sustained), and always regains everything, plus some, after returning to eating the same carbage she ate before (I've done it many times too!). Right now she is in the cycle of regaining the weight she worked hard to lose months ago! I believe she, and the rest of my morbidly obese family, are just waiting to find me heels up into a bag of chips! They don't understand. So, I get awful comments thrown out at me like "you only live once" as they dive into whatever carbage they are eating. I'm hoping they will all soon realize that I'm not going back to eating those foods. I try my best to ignore the comments, and keep on doing my thing! It's not always easy though! It's great to be able to leave it here, and get it off my chest!

    My hubby got me a couple of nice, size L, tops from Cabelas, that fit!! I've never been able to wear anything from there since their sizing is cut small! Plus, I got a Victoria's Secret gift card (never shopped there and didn't realize how gosh darn expensive they are!) for $100! My mil got me a bathrobe (size L! So exciting!), so now I can donate the size 3x I've still been using! Son got me a beautiful red scarf (red being my favorite color, if you can't tell by the profile picture, lol!)!

    New Years eve will be the next challenge for me! Tradition, with friends, alcohol, and food is staring me down! I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to handle this one! I will be glad when these holidays of overindulgence (a word?) are behind me!

    Hugs everyone, and Happy New Year!!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    It sounds like most of us had a positive holiday experience. I know I did although in retrospect I wish I had been more discerning about my food choices. All I can do now is put the wheels back on the wagon and get going. I've gained back 6 pounds. I keep telling myself that if it went on quickly it will come off quickly. I hope that isn't wishful thinking.

    I really love the progress made by so many. It is possible to turn one's life around and get out from under the misery that out of control eating causes. You all rock! And I thank you for the motivation that your journeys give to me.

    I wish you all happiness and success in 2016
