Total or net?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yep. Magnesium, chia seeds, probiotics and to a lesser extent, veggies, all keep me super regular... Like within 10 minutes of getting up each and every morning.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yep. Magnesium, chia seeds, probiotics and to a lesser extent, veggies, all keep me super regular... Like within 10 minutes of getting up each and every morning.

    Seriously JEALOUS!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Mfp edit error. Last post needs a smiley and maybe a devil but wont save that nor my thankyou text so trying this: thanks so much to @nvmomketo @sabine_stroehm and @Christine_72 for inspiration to keep trying combinations until my body finds one that works. Lowering carbs from net 50 to net 20 this week.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    lol @SamandaIndia , I'm the queen of constipation. It's taken me a loong time to find the right combination. I used to have 6tbs of metamucil everyday, that stuff sucks!

    You'll get there, different strokes for different folks :flowerforyou:
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    lol @SamandaIndia , I'm the queen of constipation. It's taken me a loong time to find the right combination. I used to have 6tbs of metamucil everyday, that stuff sucks!

    You'll get there, different strokes for different folks :flowerforyou:

    You are a braver woman than I. Benefibre yes but metamucil - OMG Yuck. Dr did give me a substance that could help. Safe to say too effective to use! Thxs for flower- will continue the journey knowing it may not get fixed in short term
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, all- First, I just want to thank baconslave and Fit_Goat and the rest of the mods for organizing the Launch Pad and gathering all the low carb resources into one place. I am sure this took a lot of effort and I am sure I'm not the only one who is appreciative!

    I read the entry about total vs net carbs and found it very interesting. I am embarking on Atkins (with a few modifications), and I'm while I'm not too keen on stuff with sugar alcohols, I do want to make sure I'm getting adequate fiber, because (TMI) I've had trouble staying "regular" on low carb in the past.

    So I am not looking to start a debate, but I just wanted to ask some of the more veteran folks what their experience has been with total vs net carbs. Did you find that you lost more or faster with one or the other? Or did it not make a difference?

    Sorry if this has been posted before! Just wanted to get some perspectives. Thanks in advance! :-)

    I go by net carbs because I love veggies with my healthy fats and proteins. There are several sites online along with Facebook groups you can join. The first sites that come to mind are and You can also check pinterest for lots of information boards. I've been eating keto (low carb high fat) for about 3 months and have lost 15 pounds.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mfp edit error. Last post needs a smiley and maybe a devil but wont save that nor my thankyou text so trying this: thanks so much to @nvmomketo @sabine_stroehm and @Christine_72 for inspiration to keep trying combinations until my body finds one that works. Lowering carbs from net 50 to net 20 this week.
    Definitely try different kinds/formulations. I tried a few before I found that Magnesium Complex from Amazon (which has both citrate and oxide). I've tried fancier formulations, but always return to that one.
    I wish I had found it 30 years ago! I too am the queen of constipation, and docs could never figure out why. Now I have at least ONE (usually several) BMs a day. I've been taking magnesium now for about 10 years, and haven't had to increase the dose or make any changes. Good luck!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited December 2015
    Cheese. Cheese will slow things right down for me. It's my solution to too much magnesium. LOL. Cutting back on cheese (sob) can help some people.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Cheese. Cheese will slow things right down for me. It's my solution to too much magnesium. LOL. Cutting back on cheese (sob) can help some people.
    Cheese is definitely what put the breaks on for me a couple months ago. It just started out of nowhere. Then I realized that I had been eating a bit more cheese than normal. I apparently have a delicate balance to maintain to keep things moving. I had gained about 5 pounds in a couple days and felt miserable! The first time it happened I tried more coconut oil and coffee and I finally responded to an Americano at Starbucks! I guess I needed the stronger espresso! But then things started going right back to being slow again. And started gaining weight with each day again. I combed over my food diary and noticed the increase in cheese and cut that back some, and then started taking higher dose of mag oxide. I added one 250mg tablet each night until it made a difference. I found that I had to take 4 of them to solve an already existing issue but if I take 2 every day, I seem to be able to keep it from occurring along with keeping an eye on cheese intake.
    I was also told about high dose vitamin c at that time but I didn't have any so I had not tried that. Just yesterday I bought some and started on 4000mg a day just for its many benefits I've been reading about.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I think I will try 20g net. Most of that will come from chia seeds which I just bought, and some green veggies. We will see how it goes!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Great warm pudding: 30 ml coconut milk with 10g chia seeds. Stirred, zapped in microwave for 30secs, add cinnamon, stir again. Eat.
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    BTW for those of us who are math challenged. I posted a hack that can be used to get MFP to calculate net carbs. The directions are easy to follow. I've been using it since October with no negative results. Here is the website