Movie Popcorn

Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
I'm liking this WOE for sure and find it easy. I have a movie night with a friend that we do every 6 weeks or so and was wondering about having popcorn. Do any of you during your weight loss phase have the movie popcorn or do you bring an on plan alternative? Or nothing? Thanks!


  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I bring a coffee to the theater these days. Corn products are a serious binge-trigger for me. Tortillas, taco shells, popcorn.. I just can't trust myself.

    In *theory* you could have like, half a child's small popcorn. But corn is not a great way to use your carb allotment for the day, and you may find like I do that there is danger in having certain snacks.

    If you must have something crunchy at the theaters, look for the baked cheese snacks (100% cheese) at the grocery store. They're expensive, but if you're considering forking money over for popcorn anyway...
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    When I was going to the movies semi-regularly, I used to bring my own snacks... usually some toasted coconut with stevia and a little cinnamon, some whole raw almonds and pumpkin seeds. Crunchy and satisfying.

    I haven't been going out much recently, so next time I go I might indulge and get a small bag of sweet and salty.... honestly, it just depends on your goals and how easy/difficult you're going to find it to get back on track after indulging.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Love popcorn too much and would eat ridiculous amounts, so this is another 'emotional' eating thing that I lay aside.

    I've brought in pork rinds, pepperoni, sliced and weighed cheese, or weighed nut portions, or because I'm keto adapted simply eaten nothing and been fine.
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    Also, I forgot about those baked cheese things. I'm going to pick some up at lunch. I have a long way to go to get back to where I want to be and I don't want to derail things so early.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Either bring my own snack, but they search bags now, or just have water. The couple of times I indulged in anything with corn created pain for me,
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Popcorn is a serious problem for me. Best not to start. String cheese and pistachios are my go to snack.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I used to buy coffee, but I find I don't really have a problem not eating/drinking for 2 hours while I watch a movie. I don't really like snacks anyway, but my kid does. I bring some for her just because of the price and the nutritional stats.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    popcorn is addicting i could sit and eat a whole container if i let myself

    so NOOOO popcorn for me LOLOL
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I don't snack at the movies. I just bring water. :)
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    No popcorn for me. Would do some nuts or seeds instead.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    fludderbye wrote: »
    popcorn is addicting i could sit and eat a whole container if i let myself

    so NOOOO popcorn for me LOLOL

    Me too! It's just too good and has associations with being at the theatre! Sneak in your own low carb snacks!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2016
    So weird that is a topic today as we may go see a movie tomorrow!

    I love (unbuttered) movie popcorn, and that is the only food I refuse to give up when I go to a movie. I have had it once since I've been Keto, and lo and behold, it did not come back to bite me the next day by rearing its ugly head on the scale or on my knees! Granted, I did not overdo it, planned it as my only carb for the day, and it was the first time I ever exceeded 20 grams of carb.

    The popcorn was excellent, and the best part was that when I had had my fill, I was finished. I can remember the time when my hubs and I would get that bucket refilled, and I would continue to munch until my lips and mouth were tingly from the salt! With this woe, I fill up fast, and that is a good thing. If it were in the house, I would have a very tough time not eating it. Yes, @carlsoda it is very addicting!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Andee…I use popcorn as my ONLY allowed higher-carb food…~1 time a week (usually on a movie night at home too) I make my own Orville's brand, eat the whole serving of 7 cups, I do add melted butter. (gotta have the butter!)

    I end up with 30-40 carbs..and for me it is a delicious, filling treat that is worth the carbs. I recently switched to a higher carb count per day, staying under 100, and mostly at 70 , before it works with my diet. and keeps me from other diversions.

    MOVIE popcorn you pay for…maybe… can taste great..AND if it doesn't cause you to lose control after with cravings ..why not? I'm guessing it has no real butter.

    Life is short…PLAN for your social and carb allowance every 6 weeks, and have a great time!
    you can always try ONE time without it, see how it feels, then decide.


    You COULD make your own popcorn at home, and smuggle it in, yes? but it would be cold by then. boohoo
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    NewSue52 wrote: »
    Popcorn is a serious problem for me. Best not to start. String cheese and pistachios are my go to snack.

    Another good one.
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    Andee…I use popcorn as my ONLY allowed higher-carb food…~1 time a week (usually on a movie night at home too) I make my own Orville's brand, eat the whole serving of 7 cups, I do add melted butter. (gotta have the butter!)

    I end up with 30-40 carbs..and for me it is a delicious, filling treat that is worth the carbs. I recently switched to a higher carb count per day, staying under 100, and mostly at 70 , before it works with my diet. and keeps me from other diversions.

    MOVIE popcorn you pay for…maybe… can taste great..AND if it doesn't cause you to lose control after with cravings ..why not? I'm guessing it has no real butter.

    Life is short…PLAN for your social and carb allowance every 6 weeks, and have a great time!
    you can always try ONE time without it, see how it feels, then decide.


    You COULD make your own popcorn at home, and smuggle it in, yes? but it would be cold by then. boohoo

    I was thinking of using this as a higher carb treat, but my food log tells me I'm sitting around 40 carbs a day (is that high?). I thought I was doing better than that, then things sneak in on me (I'm looking at you Chik-fil-a cobb salad, no dressing last night and guacamole!)

    I think it may be cheese crisps for me tonight and popcorn reserved when I've been eating like this longer?
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I try to avoid snacking when watching tv/movies. That mindless eating is part of what got me into trouble. If I'm at a movie during a time when I must eat to fulfill my protein goal, I'll pre-pack that food knowing that I must eat it for nutrition, not for a supplement to the entertainment.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I no longer want to eat at the movies either. However locally they pop with coconut oil and top with real butter. I could nail two containers in two hours at one point in time but BMI was 35.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    UK TV show had an experiment with 2 groups of movie goers who were given buckets of stale popcorn. Despite it being stale, those who were given bigger buckets ate 30% more than those with smaller buckets. If you choose to induldge, I suggest a small serving size.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sunflower seeds in the shell work well as they are both salty and time consuming to eat. They are my tv goto snack. A entire Frito-Lay bag (the ones you find at the gas station at 2/$1.00) has one net carb.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Popcorn is a fav. My wife and I go to the movies all the time. We often go more than once per week and usually have popcorn. Since changing to this woe I find it makes me feel sick although to be honest I pretty much always felt sick eating half a bag of popcorn and washing it down with diet pop. What I do now is bring some nuts (salted) and buy a bottle of water. I will take a handful or two of my wifes popcorn and have a couple of sips of her pop. I find that is enough to give me a little treat and the nuts fill me up so I don't have any more. Kind of the best of both worlds and the carb count is negligible.