Newbie to group - Restarting LCHF after long hiatus



  • monmyrunmommy
    monmyrunmommy Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you everyone for the awesome support!!! ((hugs)) I really appreciate it. I will up the salt (I'm eating lunch now and sprinkling salt as I type
  • SoosannahK
    SoosannahK Posts: 238 Member
    I'm three days in and j just want to thank you guys for the advice. So far I've only had had minimal carb flu symptoms, a mild headache and fatigue, (much different than last rim I did this) but despite drinking a ton of water my body feels really swollen like I'm retaining a ton of water and my legs and joints are achy from it. I'm hoping it'll pass soon.

    I'm really proud of myself though for making it and sticking with it. I haven't felt like cheating or drinking.

    So glad to hear from you! I have seen you closing out your food diary every day on my feed. I agree with the salt part. I think the hardest thing for me to wrap my mind around this WOE is all the salt and fat which is definitely taboo out there in the other world. The fat part I have down pat, I still struggle with the salt. I always carry bullion cubes with me to have in a pinch because I still forget to add salt some times. I got some of the pink Himalayan salt in the grinder and keep it in my line of sight. I try to add salt in when I am cooking. I find on days that I drink more water than normal, usually work days, I can get a little woozy headed so I just have some broth and that does the trick. Thankfully I believe my body has finally found its balance. Hope you find yours soon. Please do keep us updated.
  • monmyrunmommy
    monmyrunmommy Posts: 18 Member
    Question. How long should I continue supplementing to reduce carb flu? I'm sure there's not an exact cut off but is it when I'm fat adapted? Or is there another point in the process when I should think about removing the supplements? Thanks!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Some are able to stop extra sodium once adapted. For me, I have had to continue the supplements (but I do have absorption issues from weight loss surgery). Once adapted ( 2-4weeks) you can see how you feel. If you don't need it, wonderful, if you begin to feel crappy, continue supplementing. This woe is all about finding what works for you! All of the advice is amazing, but each one of us need to use it to find our balance, where we feel best!

    So proud of your early success, btw!! You ROCK!
  • monmyrunmommy
    monmyrunmommy Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you!! It's been going well. I just have an internal motivation that I haven't had in years. I just know, deep down that this is my time to make a real change. I haven't had many cravings and really haven't felt the desire to give up.
  • monmyrunmommy
    monmyrunmommy Posts: 18 Member
    ( Lol. It cut off the rest of my post. )

    I'm just so ready to live the life I want and stop watching it pass me by. I'm even more excited that my Hubby has decided to join me in this process. Although he will not go super low carb right away because we are focusing on foods to heal his high blood pressure first. I'm just so happy that he's ready to make this change. :)
  • rosanna88_
    rosanna88_ Posts: 32 Member
    I'm ready to start a low carb/paleo lifestyle for the first time... i hope i can do it!
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome @RosannaS88 ! Have you read any books or websites on low-carb? There is a lot of great info here. Be sure to check out the stickies at the top of the form.
  • SoosannahK
    SoosannahK Posts: 238 Member
    Question. How long should I continue supplementing to reduce carb flu? I'm sure there's not an exact cut off but is it when I'm fat adapted? Or is there another point in the process when I should think about removing the supplements? Thanks!

    I am 12 weeks in and still do it at times, especially if I feel woozy headed, I know I need some salt or broth. It isn't an every day thing, but I am a fan of broth so I will have a cup just because usually a few times a week.

    Glad you are doing well and motivation is still going strong.