Introduction- looking for accountability partners who have a sense of humor :)

Hi there! Renee here, looking for accountability partners with a sense of humor. Of course getting healthy is serious business, but it doesn’t mean we cannot laugh along the way 


  • verno00
    verno00 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi. I need some accountability too. I was trying to think of a funny response that would ensure my participation offer acceptance, but my brain is in overload for my first day back to work. In fact, I'm probably in trouble right now for posting this during working hours. But don't worry, I'll talk my way out of it with tears and limping. That usually works.
  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    verno00 you're awesome!!!!!!
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    I have no sense of humor at all. I am entirely too serious for my own good, yet people continually send me friend requests after reading my profile and talking about how funny I am. I do not understand this, but people are often strange. I do accept most friend requests though, unless you're a stalker. You aren't a stalker, are you?
  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    Matt you're in! You're safe, my stalking days are over.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Okay, I'm holding you accountable. Are you?
  • linton100
    linton100 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2016
    im holding you all ....wait what are we doing? 47 now and i cant remember a dam thing....add meeeeeee
  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    I love it! you guys rock!
  • kickstandup
    kickstandup Posts: 33 Member
    So, this was my last post and now I just came across your thread. PLEASE feel free to add me.

    "I am determined to get my stride back that I had when I first started this journey, and I realized that when I started this, it was FUN! Seems to me that the more serious I got, the less I wanted to do this and the more I resented having to get on here and log everything. At the same time, I went from losing weight at a solid pace to gaining back half of the weight I lost. So, it's time to find the fun in all of this and to enjoy the journey rather than resent it. Here we go peeps, let's knock this thing out of the park and have a little fun along the way!"
  • verno00
    verno00 Posts: 22 Member
    So, Booklyn_gal Renee, what are the next steps? I haven't done this social media accountability thing before. I'm like a fragile flower bud.

    oh - we probably need to commit to something, right?
    #1) I will consider stalking Graymanstole
    #2) I promise to brush my teeth tonight, not dink wine, and do minimum 20 ball pass crunches.

    Is that how this works?
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    Everything sounds fine except the 'not drink wine' part. What are we, animals?!
  • marvinq42
    marvinq42 Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2016
    Humor? What's that?

    Feel free to add me as well!
  • Nease269
    Nease269 Posts: 21 Member
    you guys are awesome! Maybe you can help me find a sense of humor. Add me please....
  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    Here's what I'm thinking- (and for the record when I start thinking it gets dangerous, you've been warned) we all add each other and every other post something in your news feed. I like the committing thing, but I'm not very good at commitment, unless of course it has to do with finishing off a good bottle of wine or making my husband miserable for a day.

  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    verno00 wrote: »
    #1) I will consider stalking Graymanstole


  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    So, this was my last post and now I just came across your thread. PLEASE feel free to add me.

    "I am determined to get my stride back that I had when I first started this journey, and I realized that when I started this, it was FUN! Seems to me that the more serious I got, the less I wanted to do this and the more I resented having to get on here and log everything. At the same time, I went from losing weight at a solid pace to gaining back half of the weight I lost. So, it's time to find the fun in all of this and to enjoy the journey rather than resent it. Here we go peeps, let's knock this thing out of the park and have a little fun along the way!"

  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    linton100 wrote: »
    im holding you all ....wait what are we doing? 47 now and i cant remember a dam thing....add meeeeeee

    you're still with us buddy :) ?

    I'm turning 47 in a few months and I'm with you on the memory thing- luckily I have two kids born on the same day this month or someone was going to be forgotten! Here's a chuckle- my oldest is and my youngest; 27 & 9.
  • verno00
    verno00 Posts: 22 Member
    Love the Silence of the Lambs reference... and I am currently a size 14, so I have to look out for that buffalo Bill guy and his van all the time lately.

    Brookly_gal - Great work not forgetting those birthdays - That's an automatic gold star in my book (even if they are on the same day).

    BTW - For those that are holding me accountable - I totally...
    1) Brushed my teeth last night. Flossed too. My dental higiene is just amazing.
    2) Didn't drink wine (which I prefer red, so thats another bonus to my pearly whites)
    3) Did my 20 ball pass crunches, but I could have done much more - so I'm thinking I'll commit to 60 -80 tonight on top of the ball.

    Tomorrow, I kick off 2016 training sessions with my trainer Mac. I <3 Mac, but he can't be with me 24/7. I need to take some accountability of where I've gotten myself and take some action to get where I truly deserve to be.
  • brooklyn_gal_11228
    brooklyn_gal_11228 Posts: 14 Member
    Great job!
    Though I didn't floss, I had the wine and the only mac I love is with cheese!
  • verno00
    verno00 Posts: 22 Member
    You're funny :)
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    Can I get in on this? I too enjoy wine, flossing, and the occasional stalking. I speak fluent sarcasm, and enjoy long walks on the beach. I am a recovering slacker, and could use all the motivation I can get! :)
  • rainbowgirl331
    rainbowgirl331 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
    Renee here...Can I join too? I just made a Rum cake. That helps lose weight right? Renee....great name by the way....
  • simplycidalia
    simplycidalia Posts: 46 Member
    Forget these amateur clowns. I'm what you're looking for. I'm so funny, I not only make other people laugh, but I also slay myself. Now that's talent ;)

    And funny is not funny enough until someone pees themselves. Preferably someone else, but whatevs. I'll take comedic incontinence in any form.

  • mystcfolly
    mystcfolly Posts: 19 Member
    I was a wonderin' if I could get in on this here accountability thingamajig? I am not really all that funny, but I can laugh. I always need a laugh.

    I'm 46, but in April I'll be 40-too old to remember what I had for dinner last night. My oldest child is 26 and my youngest is 16. During the holidays though, they both appeared to be toddlers. Regression happens when my kids get together.

    Anyone who wants to add me, I'll accept, mostly because I'm needy and greedy. And I'm not a stalker at this time of my life. I just don't have the stamina to stay obsessed like that anymore. Pinkie swear.
  • Drama74
    Drama74 Posts: 27 Member
    Can I join this?! My fitbit (which a work colleague recently told me I should attach to my dog) once started tracking my sleep while I was having sex. Bloody mortified.
  • chrisp1312
    chrisp1312 Posts: 1 Member
    Ooh! Ooh! (wildly waving arms) Can I join? I definitely have a sense of humor and am occasionally considered funny by my friends (that would be "funny like a clown funny" and not "funny like 'what's that smell...'" It's important to clarify). I'm definitely NOT a stalker (and I'm not sure why this is being addressed - "stalker" wasn't in the prerequisites). I'm 46 and finally putting myself towards the top of my list of priorities and could definitely use some positive reinforcement
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    I want in on this funny MFP thingy!

    I don't know many jokes but my life is certainly hilarious. :)

    Side question: Is lurking the same as stalking? If it is, I'm definitely a stalker. (hangs head)

  • CoryBIsMe
    CoryBIsMe Posts: 74 Member
    I'm mildly amusing unless I'm drunk, then I think I'm hilarious. Pretty sure that counts somewhere. If losing weight isn't fun then I got fat for nothing. Let's make it count!
  • JenDetermined
    JenDetermined Posts: 38 Member
    I would love to be held accountable. It seems that I can not lose my last 15. I have done the ultra impossible and gotten a beagle to lose weight without actual Armageddon happening first, but me....nnnooooooo. Not so much. Oh, and I only stalk food. That being the issue. :(
  • JenDetermined
    JenDetermined Posts: 38 Member
    Oh dear. Seems the other thing I can't do is figure out how to friend someone from this page. I need remedial assist. :s
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Oooh, late to the game, but I'm all in for humor, snark, and a bit of weight loss and fitness along the way!