Fitbit Challenge 2016



  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Myth: Carbs will make you gain pounds, period.

    Some people equate carbohydrates with weight gain because they bind water and can lead to bloating. You’re not truly getting bigger, but it can sure feel like it. The other reason people may see carbs as a nutritional adversary is because they can be so easy to overeat, which actually can lead to added pounds. To avoid that sneaky trap, fill your diet with complex carbohydrates like vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. “They often contain fiber and many vitamins and minerals, unlike simple carbohydrates found in white rice, refined sugar, sodas, and candy.(Self)
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Myth: Carbs will make you gain pounds, period.

    Some people equate carbohydrates with weight gain because they bind water and can lead to bloating. You’re not truly getting bigger, but it can sure feel like it. The other reason people may see carbs as a nutritional adversary is because they can be so easy to overeat, which actually can lead to added pounds. To avoid that sneaky trap, fill your diet with complex carbohydrates like vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. “They often contain fiber and many vitamins and minerals, unlike simple carbohydrates found in white rice, refined sugar, sodas, and candy.(Self)
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Beverly
    Start weight: 178 lbs
    Goal weight: 145 -150 lbs
    Sleep: 8 hours
    Daily steps: 10,000
    Weekly weight loss: 1.5 lbs
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    Weekly Update: Fourth Weigh In Day of the New Year

    Name: CJ
    Starting Weight: 158.4 (Jan 1st)
    Current Weight: 151.8
    Goal weight: 125.0
    Sleep: Goal 7.5 hr (averaged exactly 7 hours 30 mins this week!)
    Weekly or daily steps: Last week I had 77,483 steps, and currently only have 52k so far this week. Need to up this!
    Calories burned: Last week I had just under 15k calories burned for the week, and currently at 10,744 so far this week
    Weekly weight loss: Lost 1.8 lbs this week, down 6.6 lbs from the 1st
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member

    Name: Logan
    Starting Weight: 256.6
    JGoal Weight: To begin with 200, but ultimately down to 165
    Current Weight: 244.8 (I need to weigh myself)
    Sleep: Averaging over 8 hours this week--not having to do my 90 minute commute the last couple of days is helping!
    Daily Steps: Averaged 7,826 last 7 days.
    Weekly Steps: 54,782
    Calories Burned: Average last 7 days is 2,866.
    Weekly Weight Loss: 1.8 pounds this week--11.8 pounds total (so far)!

    Starting Weight:256.6
    Goal Weight:To begin with 200, but ultimately down to 165
    Current Weight:239.9
    Sleep:Averaged 6 hours and 48 minutes
    Daily Steps:Averaged 8,864
    Weekly Steps:62,047
    Calories Burned:Averaged 2,890
    Weekly Weight Loss:4.9 pounds (16.7 pounds total)

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Trying is Succeeding

    The best intentions don’t mean nearly as much as a actually trying, even if it means failing. Going after your goals may be tough, but trying can result in a BIG victory. The decision to try takes courage, which can be tough to come by sometimes. How many times have you longed to do something worthwhile but couldn’t quite make yourself take that first step? It’s important to remember that success isn’t always found in the goal you’re pursuing. You can be a success just by trying. You gain by learning, you gain by growing, and you gain by being just a little closer to your goal than you were yesterday.
  • Lizzie7436
    Lizzie7436 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Lizzie
    Starting Weight: 232.6
    Goal Weight:My first goal weight is 200 and then 150
    Current Weight: 232.6 ( just joined MFP)
    Sleep:7 hours
    Daily Steps: I try for 7500 but depends on how much I sit at work but I do walk at lunch
    Weekly Steps: 50,000
    Calories burned : Will show on next week's check in since I just joined
    Weekly Weight Loss:trying for about 2 pounds
  • Sunshine41784
    Sunshine41784 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just found this thread. Hope it's not too late to join in! I signed up with a nutrition counselor to help provide me with a plan to achieve my goals. I have a pretty high body fat % for my size, especially considering my BMI is in the normal range. Hopefully watching what I eat and focusing on my activity goals will help me bring that fat % number down.

    Name: Stephanie
    Starting Weight: 160 ( January 8th)
    Goal Weight: 135
    Current Weight: 157
    Sleep: 7-8 hours goal - last week average 8 hr 1 min
    Daily Steps: 10kgoal - last week's average is 6,067
    Calories Burned: 2,300 goal - last week's average is 2,068
    Weekly Weight Loss: .5 to 1 lb goal
  • Sunshine41784
    Sunshine41784 Posts: 3 Member
    My nutrition counselor gave me a good tip for getting in extra steps throughout the day. This may not work for everyone, but when I'm at work and need to take bathroom breaks I walk to the farthest bathroom (which means going across the office and up to the 3rd floor). This gives me an extra 275 steps and 3 flights of stairs each time I have to pee. It's not much on it's own, but it adds up.
  • klelk2
    klelk2 Posts: 400 Member
    I would love to join in!

    Name: Keylee
    Starting Weight: 240.5
    Goal weight: 155
    Weekly or daily steps:
    Calories burned:
    Weekly weight loss:
  • sarahmichelef
    sarahmichelef Posts: 127 Member
    Monday 1/18 - Sunday 1/24 (per fitbit and my records)
    Name: Sarah
    Steps: 68,108
    Calories out: 17,395
    Calories in: 14,130
    Weight Delta: +1 (I did not eat well this week and my calories consumed is probably a low estimate.)
    Workouts: 1 snow shoveling, 45 minutes of ice skating, 2 spin classes, 1 arms / abs workout, 1 purposeful walk

    Just noticed visible effects of the ab and arm work I've been doing which more or less negates any annoyance at the weigh-in.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I'm so rubbish I keep forgetting to check in -
    Name: Cari
    Starting Weight: 13 stone 2lb
    Current weight: 12 stone 8lb
    Goal weight: 9 stone 7lb (or thereabouts)
    Sleep: aiming for 7-8 hours
    Weekly or daily steps: 10,000 per day
    Calories burned: 2245 per day
    Weekly weight loss: 1-2 lb a week

    Actual stats for the week from Fitbit
    Sleep average: 7:55 a night
    Weekly or daily steps: Weeks total steps: 84,397 (daily average 12,057)
    Total distance: 34.94 miles
    Total Calories burned: 16,119 (daily average 2,303)
    Weight loss this week: 2lb
    New CW: 12 stone 6lb
    Total loss: 10lb

    I'm a bit miffed with myself as all my averages have dropped this week, but the weather here has been pretty shocking, and I keep trying to go out for my lunchtime walks only to be faced with rain and wind so strong i'm getting blown all over the place. Roll on summertime!
  • izzy214 wrote: »

    Welcome all fitbit users. This is a challenge to help get you motivated to get up off the couch and get moving. Its a new year and you have your fitbit and no excuses for not using it. I just got my
    second fitbit( I first had the flex and then received the Surge for Christmas and decided it was to big and bulky and exchanged for the Charge HR and the Aria scale). I am ready to start the challenge Monday January 4th 2016. I thought it would be great to start a challenge.

    To make sure you get started off on the right foot, please post your weight on the same day each week with your progress and as often as you like with support and or tips on weight loss.

    Starting Weight:
    Goal weight:
    Weekly or daily steps:
    Calories burned:
    Weekly weight loss:

    I will post daily tips and highlight your weekly progress. Lets make this fun and a real challenge, we can do this.

    Izzy :)
    izzy214 wrote: »

    Welcome all fitbit users. This is a challenge to help get you motivated to get up off the couch and get moving. Its a new year and you have your fitbit and no excuses for not using it. I just got my
    second fitbit( I first had the flex and then received the Surge for Christmas and decided it was to big and bulky and exchanged for the Charge HR and the Aria scale). I am ready to start the challenge Monday January 4th 2016. I thought it would be great to start a challenge.

    To make sure you get started off on the right foot, please post your weight on the same day each week with your progress and as often as you like with support and or tips on weight loss.

    Starting Weight:
    Goal weight:
    Weekly or daily steps:
    Calories burned:
    Weekly weight loss:

    I will post daily tips and highlight your weekly progress. Lets make this fun and a real challenge, we can do this.

    Izzy :)

  • I'd like to join too please? I'd it's not too late :-/

    Name: Mandi Charles
    Starting Weight: 12st 6
    Goal weight: 10st 6
    Sleep: 6-7hrs daily
    Weekly or daily steps: 3.5K
    Calories burned:
    Weekly weight loss: 2-3pounds
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited January 2016

    Myth: Carbs will make you gain pounds, period.

    Some people equate carbohydrates with weight gain because they bind water and can lead to bloating. You’re not truly getting bigger, but it can sure feel like it. The other reason people may see carbs as a nutritional adversary is because they can be so easy to overeat, which actually can lead to added pounds. To avoid that sneaky trap, fill your diet with complex carbohydrates like vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. “They often contain fiber and many vitamins and minerals, unlike simple carbohydrates found in white rice, refined sugar, sodas, and candy,”
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
  • jmedee21
    jmedee21 Posts: 2 Member
    Im late but I want to join!

    Name: Jamie
    Starting weight: 150.6 lbs
    Current weight: 149.2
    Goal weight: 135 lbs
    Sleep: 8-9 hours
    Daily steps: 10,000/day
    Calories burned: 2000/day minimum
    Weekly weight loss: 1lb
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member

    Starting Weight:256.6
    Goal Weight:To begin with 200, but ultimately down to 165
    Current Weight:239.9
    Sleep:Averaged 6 hours and 48 minutes
    Daily Steps:Averaged 8,864
    Weekly Steps:62,047
    Calories Burned:Averaged 2,890
    Weekly Weight Loss:4.9 pounds (16.7 pounds total)

    Name: Logan
    Starting Weight: 256.6
    Goal Weight: To begin with 200, but ultimately down to 165
    Current Weight: 238.6
    Sleep: Averaged 8 hours
    Daily Steps: Averaged 8,272
    Weekly Steps: 57,909
    Calories Burned: 19,099 (average 2,728)
    Weekly Weight Loss: 1.3 pounds (18 pounds total)
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    gfit123 wrote: »
    gfit123 wrote: »
    Name: Gigi
    Starting weight (Jan 11): 159.6
    Goal weight: 139
    Sleep: 7 hrs
    Daily steps: 7500
    Calories burned: have to figure this out
    Weekly wt loss goal: 1.5-2.0 pounds

    Current weight: 157.0
    Sleep avg: 6.54 hrs
    Daily steps avg: 14564
    Calories burned avg : 2362
    Weekly wt loss: 0.6

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member

    Make it a game.
    One of the best aspects of many wearable trackers is the ability of users to connect and compete with friends, holding you accountable for your daily activity. Get a better body while taunting your friends— what’s not to like. Says Park, CEO of Fitbit: “Fitbit users with friends tend to be far more active than those without—27% to be exact. When you start adding social elements and friendly competition like being a part of a leaderboard, cheering, taunting, and direct messaging, activity increases.” (TDB)