How much have you lost?



  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Seriously, try Magnesium supplements (the "magnesia" in Milk of Magnesium). It is safe, an important mineral many people are low on, and best more constipation EVER. I take 500mg morning and night of Magnesium Oxide; it isn't expensive and it literally has changed my life. Obviously, I cannot recomment it enough.

    Thanks for the tip! I do kow someone else that swears by the Magnesium, so I will definitely keep that in mind.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Are you getting enough fiber?

    Yes - I also figured out how to add the fiber to my log on mfp here, too. You can even run reports that will show you trends! I know it is from the phen/top because I have never had a problem. My goal is to find the right balance of foods to eat so I go on my own, so I am making progress. I drink so much water. I do great for several days and then stop and then I get anxious and I think that contributes to it as much as anything - then Saturday rolls around - I am at home and relax and all is good. My guess is I just need to lighten up - physically and mentally - LOL !!
  • I've been on it for a while, since October 2012. I'm 35 y/o and this is my first time taking it. According to my doc, that amount of time on it is ok and I trust him. I've lost 67.5 lbs! I know I could do better if I was more strict on myself, but I skip work outs here and there, and yes, occasionally enjoy a piece of cake! :happy: I weighed much more than you...started @ 266 and am now 198, but I feel so much better! I have a long way to go, but this diet pill has been a blessing for me! :love:

    What exercises are you doing? Ive lost 5 in the last week and a half but I dont feel like its coming off fast enough. Any suggestions? Im 237 now . My first goal is to get to 200, and then go from there.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    What exercises are you doing? Ive lost 5 in the last week and a half but I dont feel like its coming off fast enough. Any suggestions? Im 237 now . My first goal is to get to 200, and then go from there.

    How fast do you want to see it come off? 5# in a week and a half is like one half pound a day - that is a big calorie deficit! In my opinion, of course, LOL. I am feeling very lucky to be losing an average of 2 pounds a week and I keep waiting for it to slow. I really do not want to lose faster than that because I think it will make me more susceptible to gaining the weight back. I know my biggest challenge will be to learn how much to eat to maintain, not gain....
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I've been on it for a while, since October 2012. I'm 35 y/o and this is my first time taking it. According to my doc, that amount of time on it is ok and I trust him. I've lost 67.5 lbs! I know I could do better if I was more strict on myself, but I skip work outs here and there, and yes, occasionally enjoy a piece of cake! :happy: I weighed much more than you...started @ 266 and am now 198, but I feel so much better! I have a long way to go, but this diet pill has been a blessing for me! :love:

    Congrats on your weight loss! That is fantastic!! Good to know about the time frame of taking the meds...are you on only the phentermine or do you take anything else with it? Thanks!

  • What exercises are you doing? Ive lost 5 in the last week and a half but I dont feel like its coming off fast enough. Any suggestions? Im 237 now . My first goal is to get to 200, and then go from there.

    How fast do you want to see it come off? 5# in a week and a half is like one half pound a day - that is a big calorie deficit! In my opinion, of course, LOL. I am feeling very lucky to be losing an average of 2 pounds a week and I keep waiting for it to slow. I really do not want to lose faster than that because I think it will make me more susceptible to gaining the weight back. I know my biggest challenge will be to learn how much to eat to maintain, not gain....

    ok so maybe Im not doing so bad. Thank you for your encouragement.Started walk at home video last night and worked my butt off. Felt great! Congrats on your weight loss BTW Im proud of you!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    I think I have a Walk at Home video - thanks for the reminder!!!
  • Im 22, after struggling with my weight my whole life i finally was given phentermine 37.5mg. ive only been taking it about a month but so far i have lost a good 20lbs on it? the first two weeks i was eating great and exercising and i was losing a lb or two a day and still felt amazing, since then i can deffinatly say ive been slacking, and im dissapointed but im going to get my second months worth tomarrow. i was wondering though if anyone has noticed that it wares out after half the day now? i guess ill inquire about taking two a day possibly. other than the dry mouth and occasional mood swings i love it though.

    Im just over my 3 week mark and have lost 12 lbs. I have seen the change. I get real tired in the afternoons and Im hungry!
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    Hi there,

    How are you doing? I have been MIA, but did not realize I had not posted for soooo long. Are you only taking the phen? Still getting tired? What did you decided to do?

    I have been on the phen/top combo since end of July and have lost 20# - I am always interested in others' journeys and see how they are doing and find out their do's and dont's...

    I hope you are doing well and hope to hear from you.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I have been on it for two months, and I have lost 20 pounds. I am 5'1 and am at 142 now. This is not my first time taking it, so I knew what to expect. This is much more weight than I have lost before on Phen. Reason being that I am working out a lot, and plugging my calories in here. It makes a world of difference to know how much I actually eat!
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I have found All Bran cereal and eating a few tablespoons of milled flaxseed to work wonderful for constipation!! :)
  • jessicadougherty86
    jessicadougherty86 Posts: 5 Member
  • 14 lbs in 3 weeks absolutely no side effects.....I have more energy less cravings and I want to exercise constantly now. blood pressure as of friday 120/80
  • I am taking 30 mg a day. I started June 12th. I've lost 27 pounds on phentermine in three months from 287 to 260 in addition to the 10 pounds lost in the 6 months before starting phentermine so a total of 37 pounds for the year. My height weight was 297 pounds.

    Even on phentermine it is incredibly slow. My doctor says it is due to PCOS and insulin resistance. He plans to take me off of it after the holidays and said he didn't recommend more than 6 months at a time on it. I lose maybe 1-2 pounds a month with diet and exercise alone due to my health and it is a nightmare but since starting phen it's been 1-2 pounds a week. I tried everything from low carb to just calorie counting. Low carb was the one I tried the most because everyone says it is the best for PCOS women but I did not lose weight very easily sticking to a 20g of carbs diet despite what people told me. Right now moderate carbs under 100g a day (although can be in the 75 g to 125 g range depending) and keeping calories under 1400 is working along with the phentermine. I think I do need to watch carbs but not to an extreme extent. I eat a lot of veggies and some fruit.

    I had some side effects the first few weeks but none currently. My blood pressure was 110/70 at my last visit. I don't always feel like I need to take it every day lately and it may potentially be due to starting Wellbutrin last month. I feel like I am no longer craving bad foods like sweets as much so it is a lot easier to stick to a calorie limit.
  • Anyone taking more than the 37.5 phentermine I didn't take it today and I wont take it for 2 more days to see if it works better like this I do cardio 40 min. On treadmill and ab machine and leg extensions a total of 1 hr. In gym I have lost only 11pounds since mid August ,Dr. Says I am doing good I want better results no more than 1500 calories dailry any tips, I start protein drink tomorrow
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been taking phentermine since January 2014. I have lost about 70 pounds (my next weigh in at my docs is next week). It was the best decision I ever made, to start seeing my doctor. With the phentermine, myfitnesspal, diet and exercise my life has changed! I have about 20 more pounds I would love to lose and then it's working to maintain my weight. I eat lots of fiber, all-bran cereal in the morning, and drink lots of water to minimize the dry mouth and constipation that comes with taking phentermine. I also use a fitbit zip to monitor my activity levels. Good luck to everyone!!
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    I think I'm starting week 7 on Phentermine (37.5). I've gone from 243 lbs to 228 lbs, something like 2.5 pounds a week and I'm tickled. :)

    I'd worry if I was losing more than that much in a week because I don't think it'd be healthy for me.
  • babyyybear
    babyyybear Posts: 2 Member
    I have been on phentermine 37.5 for about 3 weeks. I have lost 21 lbs in this time. I have completely changed the way I eat, i get in about 12 to 15,000 steps a day, and do a lot of walking. I have stopped drinking alcohol and have just become more aware of what I put into my body. About 4 years ago I lost 70 pounds working out and eating well. I've kept it off but developed thyroid problems which has made it hard for me to lose weight. I had been stuck at the same weight for about a year and decided to try phentermine. I know it gets a bad rap, but everyone's different. I've only had dry mouth and no other side affects, which I'm happy about. A lot of people say it doesn't help you change your lifestyle but honestly it has very much helped me. Although I'm never hungry, it has helped me make smaller healthier meals to eat throughout the day and I don't have any cravings at all. I'm extremely happy with my results so far, I'm about 18lbs away from my first goal, then onto the next!! Lots of luck to all who have decided to try phentermine. It only helps to see and try things out for yourself as everyone will always have something negative to say (unfortunately)
  • ldh5086
    ldh5086 Posts: 1 Member
    I started phentermine 30 mg a week ago in addition to a weekly shot of lipotronics. I do circuit training 4 times a week and run on 2 of my off days, eat a 1200 calorie diet and have cut out most of my carbs. I've lost 6 pounds in the first 7 days! I've tried diet and 5 days a week exercise before with absolutely no luck, but with phen I'm finally seeing some movement. My goal is to lose about 25-30 pounds, so I feel like I'm making great progress!
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    edited February 2016
    Feel free to friend me!

    I went from 162 to 120 in eight months on Phen. Then I gained 20 pounds back, in a heartbeat!

    I asked my diet doctor if I can take Garcinia Cambogia along with it. She said it is also a stimulant, but as long as I don't have problems it's okay. I never thought anything over the counter could work. The brand is 1234 if you're interested.

    This is just like the early days of Phen. I dropped 4 pounds in a week taking that stuff.