ABC show "My Diet Is Better Than Your Diet"



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    OMG I had to watch this show after reading all the posts! I appreciate that the blue plate guy wants to focus on the mind and hopes that the body will follow, I know I could use some emotional support with my eating habits, but this is a competition! You need to do more than sleep on purple sheets LOL. I think he wrote a blog post titled 20 Things to Help You Control Your Emotional Eating and decided to turn it into a "diet program". I think the Clean Mama annoys me the most though, she's just a bit of a drip. Wiping the floor with your foot is no better than eating off blue plates, IMO.


    No joke about the floors. You know what else gets them clean and exerts energy? Using a industrial wet mop. THen again I don't have any carpet so I do the whole house and that is a workout! lol

    Those things are heavy! I have one.
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    Me too, with the squeegee bucket and all. I mop all my floors once a week (kitchen gets the shark steam mop every night) and using that huge sopping wet mop is a work out. I have to take breaks.
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    Actually not as bad of a show as I was expecting. The "task-erciser" was doomed from the start & was just entertaining for the sheer lack of focus on anything with the inevitable failure. Taj seems to be the most interesting/complex character on the show.

    Like most everyone here, I'm looking for Abel to be victorious but I think the "food swap" dietician is going to be the main competition. The new "nutrient timing" trainer seems like he is a sophisticated version of your "gym bro".

    The no diet guy seems a lot smarter than most people think; I mean he's using psychology to make lifestyle alterations to his client. To me, the no diet guy is extremely strategic in attacking Jeff's biggest lifestyle issues & motivation (sleep, overcoming his negativity, & emotional aspects like being around for his daughter' wedding).
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I finished the first 6 episodes, they are the only ones on Hulu, and can't wait for number 7. It's a surprisingly decent show, when it comes to diet shows.

    I am worried about the guy doing the wild diet. I fear he's going to die. Not from the diet, but the other contestants look like they want to kill him every time he weighs in. :lol:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    Actually not as bad of a show as I was expecting. The "task-erciser" was doomed from the start & was just entertaining for the sheer lack of focus on anything with the inevitable failure. Taj seems to be the most interesting/complex character on the show.

    Like most everyone here, I'm looking for Abel to be victorious but I think the "food swap" dietician is going to be the main competition. The new "nutrient timing" trainer seems like he is a sophisticated version of your "gym bro".

    The no diet guy seems a lot smarter than most people think; I mean he's using psychology to make lifestyle alterations to his client. To me, the no diet guy is extremely strategic in attacking Jeff's biggest lifestyle issues & motivation (sleep, overcoming his negativity, & emotional aspects like being around for his daughter' wedding).

    Task-ercise! Snort...please. I have 4 kids and was obese. Taskercise doesn't cut it.

    Oh I think Jay is very smart. Still loopy though. But maybe he just knows how to play the game or maybe the show is just highlighting the quirky to make a good TV program. And it IS very important to nix those bad habits, toxic life situations, and dysfunctional emotional relationships with food, otherwise they are still there and will land you back where you started. So, that is DEFINITELY smart strategy. Perhaps there is more work on the kitchen component than they are showing us with Jay.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited January 2016
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I finished the first 6 episodes, they are the only ones on Hulu, and can't wait for number 7. It's a surprisingly decent show, when it comes to diet shows.

    I am worried about the guy doing the wild diet. I fear he's going to die. Not from the diet, but the other contestants look like they want to kill him every time he weighs in. :lol:

    I particularly like how the trainers and the host (even though he overacts every word in the extreme...ick. Shaun, PUHLEASE! You are killing me!) emphasize fitness and health as the end game. Not just pounds on a scale and fitting into swanky clothes. It's a lifestyle, and I think they are trying to push that a little. Which I think is great.

    Who wouldn't be jealous of eating burgers and bacon? I don't get to eat near enough red meat. I drooled over Kurt's car-box, too.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Oh interesting...I'll have to look it up. I don't have cable tv but maybe I can find it on my apple tv??!!

    I watch it on hulu - no cable here either. It's such a guilty pleasure show. I watched all of the episodes last weekend in a binge watching session. :)
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    Task-ercise! Snort...please. I have 4 kids and was obese. Taskercise doesn't cut it.

    Bingo. I'm always on the go, constantly cleaning (4 kids = lots of messes) and still fat. The task-ersize woman was nuts.

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    While I don't see myself actually watching the show (my life is too busy to watch TV for the most part), I am waiting with baited breath for the updates from you guys. #TeamAbel
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Oh interesting...I'll have to look it up. I don't have cable tv but maybe I can find it on my apple tv??!!

    I watch it on hulu - no cable here either. It's such a guilty pleasure show. I watched all of the episodes last weekend in a binge watching session. :)

    You can find them on youtube. I dont' have Hulu.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    While I don't see myself actually watching the show (my life is too busy to watch TV for the most part), I am waiting with baited breath for the updates from you guys. #TeamAbel

    Yeah I've been trying to get the chance to watch Ep 4 for a week and a half. Sigh...Stuff just keeps coming up.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    OMG, I don't know whether to hate or love you guys. These updates made me pull it up on YouTube. I just started episode 2.

    I have to say, my two favorite parts were the look of terror on a couple of the experts' faces when the host mentioned that the contestants could drop them, and their looks of total disbelief at the first weigh-in when they revealed Kurt's weight loss and huge blood pressure improvement.

    And is anyone else sickened by the sight of the HFCS in that first challenge? *shudder*

    On a different note, I'm a bit annoyed at the fact that they've got all the women just in their sports bras in a bunch of the stuff, while the guys are in t-shirts. Like, with the weigh-ins, I understand it, and the guys took their shirt off when they actively weighed in, but the challenges (at least the first one) and the introduction? Why?

    And holy cow, Jay is nuts. That Cheshire cat look when he announces that he's "moving in," is creepy as hell. I'd have been like, "dude, if I didn't know you, I'd be getting my rifle right now..."
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Also, I wouldn't be surprised that if Jeff decides to drop Jay, he's going to try to pick Able up as his trainer, based on his reaction to Able's little motivation speech on Kurt's week 2 weigh-in. :lol:
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    Actually not as bad of a show as I was expecting. The "task-erciser" was doomed from the start & was just entertaining for the sheer lack of focus on anything with the inevitable failure. Taj seems to be the most interesting/complex character on the show.

    Like most everyone here, I'm looking for Abel to be victorious but I think the "food swap" dietician is going to be the main competition. The new "nutrient timing" trainer seems like he is a sophisticated version of your "gym bro".

    The no diet guy seems a lot smarter than most people think; I mean he's using psychology to make lifestyle alterations to his client. To me, the no diet guy is extremely strategic in attacking Jeff's biggest lifestyle issues & motivation (sleep, overcoming his negativity, & emotional aspects like being around for his daughter' wedding).
    I actually agree that he is working his client in the way he feels works for his client by using psychology along with some psychology theories about color, mood and marketing. It really does have a certain amount of validity I think. I think if I knew him in real life I would actually think he was pretty awesome. lol
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I finished the first 6 episodes, they are the only ones on Hulu, and can't wait for number 7. It's a surprisingly decent show, when it comes to diet shows.

    I am worried about the guy doing the wild diet. I fear he's going to die. Not from the diet, but the other contestants look like they want to kill him every time he weighs in. :lol:

    Definitely concerned about Kurt's safety! Two weeks in a row he thinks he had an off week and wouldn't have much of any loss and BAM BABY!
    He better watch his back!
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    While I don't see myself actually watching the show (my life is too busy to watch TV for the most part), I am waiting with baited breath for the updates from you guys. #TeamAbel

    We really aren't doing the show justice on all the great details of their experience. It's quite entertaining. :smile:
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Also, I wouldn't be surprised that if Jeff decides to drop Jay, he's going to try to pick Able up as his trainer, based on his reaction to Able's little motivation speech on Kurt's week 2 weigh-in. :lol:

    I'm assuming they can only choose from available trainers. ??? Interesting though.
    I wonder who else is on the list as an option??? Ooooooh! Could there be future seasons with different trainers?!?! More low carb guru's??? Someone officially Keto???!!! That would be freakin' amazing!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    OHHHH, now I'm so curious. I must look it up on YouTube when I get home. :-)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    V_Keto_V wrote: »
    Actually not as bad of a show as I was expecting. The "task-erciser" was doomed from the start & was just entertaining for the sheer lack of focus on anything with the inevitable failure. Taj seems to be the most interesting/complex character on the show.

    Like most everyone here, I'm looking for Abel to be victorious but I think the "food swap" dietician is going to be the main competition. The new "nutrient timing" trainer seems like he is a sophisticated version of your "gym bro".

    The no diet guy seems a lot smarter than most people think; I mean he's using psychology to make lifestyle alterations to his client. To me, the no diet guy is extremely strategic in attacking Jeff's biggest lifestyle issues & motivation (sleep, overcoming his negativity, & emotional aspects like being around for his daughter' wedding).
    I actually agree that he is working his client in the way he feels works for his client by using psychology along with some psychology theories about color, mood and marketing. It really does have a certain amount of validity I think. I think if I knew him in real life I would actually think he was pretty awesome. lol
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I finished the first 6 episodes, they are the only ones on Hulu, and can't wait for number 7. It's a surprisingly decent show, when it comes to diet shows.

    I am worried about the guy doing the wild diet. I fear he's going to die. Not from the diet, but the other contestants look like they want to kill him every time he weighs in. :lol:

    Definitely concerned about Kurt's safety! Two weeks in a row he thinks he had an off week and wouldn't have much of any loss and BAM BABY!
    He better watch his back!
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    While I don't see myself actually watching the show (my life is too busy to watch TV for the most part), I am waiting with baited breath for the updates from you guys. #TeamAbel

    We really aren't doing the show justice on all the great details of their experience. It's quite entertaining. :smile:
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Also, I wouldn't be surprised that if Jeff decides to drop Jay, he's going to try to pick Able up as his trainer, based on his reaction to Able's little motivation speech on Kurt's week 2 weigh-in. :lol:

    I'm assuming they can only choose from available trainers. ??? Interesting though.
    I wonder who else is on the list as an option??? Ooooooh! Could there be future seasons with different trainers?!?! More low carb guru's??? Someone officially Keto???!!! That would be freakin' amazing!

    If I had to guess, I'd say they have to be available (not sure it'd stop me from trying, at least). I hope there are more low-carb people on the list they have to choose from. It'd be fun to see someone like Dave Asprey or Robb Wolf come up.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »

    On a different note, I'm a bit annoyed at the fact that they've got all the women just in their sports bras in a bunch of the stuff, while the guys are in t-shirts. Like, with the weigh-ins, I understand it, and the guys took their shirt off when they actively weighed in, but the challenges (at least the first one) and the introduction? Why?

    I was wondering if I was the only one thinking that. It really broke my heart because I know how utterly humiliating that must feel. Why they have to shame the women that way I don't know. It really makes me sad. Not to mention the fact that it makes it harder to get a good workout in when you feel comfortable with what you're wearing.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Out of the USA here but loving the drama captured here. Maybe youtube or alternate may share a glimpse... too late today. Will look tomorrow. Train wreck!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Agh! Curse you all! LOL. I went and found it on youtube after looking at your discussions about the show. I watched the first couple of episodes and am hooked. So funny. Some of those trainers/experts would have drivin' me batty. Some of the stuff they say sounds like pure fiction. LOL those contestants have more patience than I.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Oh interesting...I'll have to look it up. I don't have cable tv but maybe I can find it on my apple tv??!!

    I watch it on hulu - no cable here either. It's such a guilty pleasure show. I watched all of the episodes last weekend in a binge watching session. :)

    You can find them on youtube. I dont' have Hulu.

    Youtube seems to only have to episode 4. It's a good start, but does leave you a bit behind.