Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi @GrannyMayOz
    I had to join this forum! My name is Disa and I am 5'7" and turn 57 years old in March! When I turned 55 I was 170lbs, 38% body fat and a size 16 pant. Single and depressed!
    In my younger days I was alway slender, athletic, bicyclist, rock climber, hiker, gardener.
    So I decided to buy a small home elliptical and become a low fat vegan. Lol
    Then I met my spouse Brian. He is 61, formerly a competitive martial artist, body builder and a small frame. But he was encouraging and loved my spirituality and art. He was also Paleo. Lol again
    So I switched, now I am a size 6-8 pant 142. Lbs and 28% body fat.
    Goal is 125 lbs and 18% body fat.
    By "accident" I stumbled onto this forum in MFP. I've been logging and keeping track of my diet (on MFP, which helps a lot) and exercise pretty religiously, yet I've been stalled and in the last month my weight was going up! I hit 136 last August.
    Thank God I wandered over this way. I saw the words Ketogenic Diet, and had to research it. Wow, I can see now where I made some mistakes with my macros. I am encouraged that I will meet my goal.
    I am happy to find others over 50, because it IS harder to lose the weight after menopause, and because of other creeping health issues.
    I am not so encouraged by 20-30 somethings who's weight falls off and muscles build so easily.
    In the last year of regular strength training I have cured a 3 year frozen shoulder, worked around my arthritic feet and knees (beginning RA) and am seeing some muscle gain.
    I feel I'm getting younger now and reversing some aging issues.
    I take homemade kefir and Kombucha, germanium, and some other supplements which help a lot.
    I am so happy to have found the final key in the diet plan... (Everyone but me on both sides has diabetes, and many family members have passed from it or heart disease).
    Looking forward to getting to know some of you!
    P.S. I reading backwards I see someone wrote missing May??
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I feel much more confident that I will be able to achieve my goals now that the new year has become more mature. I dislike the notion of having all goals and plans laid out by Midnight Jan 1, when self improvement is an ongoing process. I felt too much pressure weeks ago, but now feel much better about the whole thing and can move on. The weight is coming off, and I feel happier in general, more in control, so that's good.

    I know this sounds odd, and just typing it makes me feel like a teenie bopper again. But I have been a huge fan of David Bowie since junior high, and have most of his music and have followed his career all my life. So his death a few days ago hit me pretty hard. His intelligence, his sense of style and his art have enhanced my life, and I will miss him. He will continue to impact the art and music worlds of course. As someone who was always artistically inclined, I have related to him in many ways beyond listening to his greatest hits, and there is still more to discover. Always searching, always allowing the creative process to continue, right up until death. He inspires me so much. So I have spent a great deal of time this week listening to much of his music, and just enjoying and reminiscing.

    Nice to meet you too! I know what you mean about David Bowie.... We are kindred spirits. His passing was pretty hard for me too. I absolutely LOVED him and his music, creativity.
    Rock on!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Welcome! Oddly enough, I'm listening to Bowie right now at work, absolutely in awe. I've brought a small retro Teac steep to work along with some CD's. My inner Bowie has definitely come out!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    May has been gone from this forum for several months now and many of us miss her.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    We certainly do miss our original poster of this thread, and the many who've come and gone too!

    Welcome Disa! Is awesome to see you here! Ketogenic diet has changed my life in so many positive ways it's too many to list at this point! Read everything you can find about the keto woe! Many complain of feeling terrible, but that can be prevented when electrolytes are kept in check! I can't stress that enough! Also, getting your fat grams high enough for satiety is super important! It's a wonderful wol that I will follow forever!

    Hi Maggs! KCKO!

    I've had a couple of doctor visits this week that I'm going to make a new thread for! Seeing the changes through a cat scan is pretty cool! All it took was making the choice! Love you guys!
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks so much @Karlottap .... Glad she's ok.
    I am devouring everything I can about the Keto WOE. I love a good research project and am understanding the process. On my third book and tons of blog sites. Thanks for the reminder about electrolytes :)
    Loved Bruce Fifes Coconut Ketogenic Diet book and now I am on Keto Clarity. I found a couple of great calculators. On is for calculating ketones in your diet, without a blood, breath or urine tester.
    Pretty cool.
    And this one is also cool... http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com
    Lol I spent hours on them yesterday. :)
    @Kitnthecat going to dance to Bowie for some cardio today! Fun... Gene genie away!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks @disaberry for the flexible ketogentic link ... very interesting.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies! I have been fasting today again. It feels so good to be back in practice again! I am in my 47th hour since I last ate at supper time on Tuesday, and I am trying to decide if I should eat today or wait until tomorrow. I'm not sure yet. I'm not particularly hungry, although I could eat. I'll wait and see how I feel later.

    I usually enjoy my fasts, as you know. My energy level usually increases as I go. I had energy to spare today, accomplished a lot at work. And yes, I danced to more Bowie, or even jogged on the spot to his more techno album "Earthling", lots of great rhythms there. I worked standing up for quite a while, while doing some light aerobics or just keeping myself moving to burn more calories. Sure felt good. I also ran around our 5 storey building, making excuses to go talk to staff, just do that I could climb more stairs and get fitter.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    Thanks @disaberry for the flexible ketogentic link ... very interesting.

    You are welcome, yes I like it because I can plan my days food on MFP and then check the meal and then also the days end. So when I am making a meal and it is, say mildly ketogenic, if I add more MCT or coconut oil or butter, cheese, maybe less meat, etc. I can bring my meal up to strongly ketogenic. Of course I am a bit of a geek about this. :)
  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    You too @Kitnthecat !!! Have a great energetic day!!!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all you seem to all be doing wonders. But I haven't heard of anyone diabetic here. That's what you have to do when your diabetic. Go low carb high fat. I'm working on it. But I believe my diatisean won't agree with what i'm doing. But I want the weight off.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh, another Canadian! I'm in Winnipeg!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Janice, so glad you've gotten back into the fasting swing of things!

    @LinCharpentier , I'm very fortunate to not have ever been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes! Both of my parents are, so I am sure I was headed that way. I'm so glad you're here with us! Read everything you can to help you learn about this way of eating! It's wonderful, and gets very easy when done correctly! Read the Launch Pad at the top of the group forum page too!

    For my Canadian friends, I'm so sorry for the terrible tragedy your country faced today! The pain of senseless violence affects all of us! Hugs!

    For my U.S. mainland, eastern folks! Stay home, and stay warm! Prayers for safety for all!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone has hunkered down for the storm. Yes Karla, the school shooting has been an awful blow. For something like this to happen in such a remote spot is unfathomable. It has hit really close to home for us, as many in our small community have friends & family in La Loche. Saskatchewan is such a sparsely populated province that no matter where you are, you're always running into someone you know or who knows someone you know.
    So Monday is my baby's 21st birthday. Wow, has time flown! Don't know what I'm feeling yet. Hubby surprised us with a holiday to Maui to celebrate (just her & I). We leave Feb. 11 & return Feb. 21. I can't wait! Thinking LCHF might falter a bit cause of all the fruit, but am determined to stay strictly on track til then. Not looking forward to swimsuit shopping, but just keep telling myself that I'm in a far better place than I was even a year ago, let alone 6 yrs ago which is the last time I bought one.
    Stay safe everyone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Kathie! Ooooh! A trip to Hawaii! How wonderful! I hear that they give away pineapple, so yes, fruit will be plentiful! I hope you, and your 21 year old have a blast! Wow!

    We don't hear many Canadian news reports, where I am, so, when I heard about the shooting my heart immediately went out to each of you!! It seems that we have way too many, here in the states! I can say that the puzzlement never goes away, nor the shock over them! It doesn't get easier, and we haven't grown "used to" them either! All I know is, mental health needs aren't being met, and it's affecting the reasoning of far to many who go untreated! There isn't an answer, since there aren't any funds to provide needed treatment. It's set up a terrible, seemingly unending (which likely is unending :neutral: ) cycle!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all
    Yes senseless shootings. Even if the funds were available do you really in your heart of hearts think it would change anything. Those that do the shooting are sick and yes they need help. But they have to come forward and ask for the help.

    I found that out myself I come to realize I need help with my diabetese I didn't want to admit it. Didn't want to look like a whimp but last week I did admit it. And now i'm getting help with it all getting more attention. And that's something else I don't care for I might be taking time away from someone who needs it more than I do.

    Well hope you are all doing well with your hard work with low carbing.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope all is well with everyone.
    The first 2 wks strictly back to LCHF was great. Lost 4 lbs, felt good, & no dreaded "keto flu". But now I seemed to have stalled again, darn it. No losses in past 10 days. What's up with that? I did experiment on the weekend with the LC tiramisu someone had posted ( it was great!). Only had 2 pieces (1/2 serving each) & weight was up 2 lbs next morning. So, the cheese? Almond & coconut flour? Don't know. LCHF is definitely helping me spread my cooking wings a bit. I've done Alfredo sauce on meat as had no sour cream for stroganoff, different types of sausages/smokies, all kinds of chicken recipes, & multiple LC desserts. I think I'm going to increase coconut oil & butter in BPC to 2 tbsp each & see if that helps. Noticed on a few posts that some say MCT is the way to go, but difficult for me to obtain in my rural location. Hubby is sure I can't live on bacon every day, but I sure can, lol.
    Have a great day, hugs.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hello old friends and new----I feel sheepish about checking in since I've been away since October. My hospitalization threw me for quite a loop. Following doctor's diet orders for eating carbs was like lighting a raging carb fire and I ended up gaining everything I had struggled so long to lose. I finally went back to reading Dr. Fung for hours and hours, and that was a huge education and encouragement to step away from what my own dr. had told me. Then, out of an urge to see what was happening with all of you on MFP, I went online and found a kind note from our lovely Jane. (Thanks again, Jane!) So here I am once more.

    I've dropped back down to minimal carbs and along with fasting 18-24 hours a few times, I've lost 4 lbs. I've told myself that I am going to be more relaxed about this and just do what's good for my body/health, not necessarily for losing weight. I think weight loss is definitely a part of it, but somehow the angle of my goal is different and less intense. I've been walking every morning for a half hour and enjoying it. I'm learning a ton from reading/re-reading Dr. Fung's articles and I think I'm 'getting it' a lot more than I did before. My house smells like a bone broth factory, and drinking it is very helpful during my fasts.

    I still have questions about why I had the diverticulitis attack while on LCHF. My doctor would say that it's b/c I wasn't eating carbs and I need them Every Day Without Fail. I don't think that's true, but I still would like to understand the cause of the attack so I can avoid another one. If that happens, I'm in serious trouble. Do any of you deal with diverticulitis? I haven't been able to find much about it in relation to LCHF.

    So glad to read that you're all doing well and faithfully encouraging each other. I missed you all!

  • RoseInBloom
    RoseInBloom Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to MFP but do have something to contribute. My Significant Other and I completed Dr. Davis' Wheat Belly 10 Day Detox about a month ago and are staying true to his recommendations. He is a cardiologist but has studied nutrition extensively. (His book is available on amazon.com, hard cover or kindle) He recommends 45 net carbs/day divided evenly among 3 meals. I do not think his reliance on nut meals, seeds and nuts would be for you as they are generally considered to aggravate diverticulitis, but you certainly can eat some carbs. I would limit them to vegetables, not breads and grains.

    My SO does not need to lose weight, but the grain-free diet has improved his short term memory and has given him a lot more energy. (He no longer falls asleep in his chair while watching TV!) However, I have 45 lbs. I want to drop, and since I am 71, I think it is now or never--and I really would prefer NOW! I lost a couple of lbs. during the detox but then stalled. I really think I need to count calories, so that's why I joined MFP, so I could track them. I know my resting metabolism burns 1825 calories/day, so I am aiming for 1500 calories.

    Let me know how you fare.