Ja-new-ary(ou) in the making: Workout Check-in



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Gym was crazy busy tonight so everything was out of kilter and I felt very discombobulated! Still, I managed a reasonable workout with what I could find.

    SQ 5X5 @65kg ready to try moving up.
    Ohp 5x6 @25kg
    DL 2x5@55kgs had to use the biggest fixed barbell I could find.
    Wide lat pull downs 3x8@ 37.5kgs
    Close Grip Bench Press 5x8@30kgs

    Then 20 mins kettlebells.

    Not perfect but not too bad.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    y'all are awesome

    that is all

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Untamed Strength

    Bench - worked up to 1x9 100lbs reps to failure.
    Assisted Dips
    Pendlay Rows 3x5 95lbs

    Was hoping to do more than 8 reps on bench, well 9 reps work.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Sunday - ICF workout 'B'

    15 min warmup
    squats: 72.5kg - 5x5
    dl: 85kg - 1x2
    ohp: 27.5kg - 2/3/2/2/2
    row (-10%): 45kg -5x5
    close grip bench: 22.5kg - 3x8
    curls: 17.5kg - 8/6/5
    cable crunches: 23kg - 3x10
    decline crunches: 15kg - 3x10
    25 min steady state cardio/5 min cooldown

    Tuesday - ICF workout 'A'

    gym was absolutely rammed - had to modify/omit a couple of exercises, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten home before 8pm.

    squats: 75kg - 4/5/5/4/5
    bench: 35kg - 5/5/4/4/4
    row: 55kg - 5x5
    shrugs: 30kg - 3x8
    db curls: 16kg (8kg each) - 7/6/5
    good mornings: 20kg - 3x10

    all this took me over an hour and a half, so i skipped out on cardio, didn't bother with cable crunches and switched hyperextensions for goodmornings.

    I hope my new gym has more equipment - last night was a mess! half the time I was just waiting/looking for weights.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @bluefish86 I feel your pain. My last two workouts have been messy for similar reasons.

    Did kettlebells this morning before work. A pyramid workout so:

    4/8/12/16/12/8/4 @8KG as circuits on each of the following :

    Goblet squats
    One arm press

    Then 6x20 seconds Russian twists.

    May only have been 20 mins but boy was I ready for my shower!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Last night was a very long workout session and busy. Went to bigger gym at 10 pm and there were over 20 people there. Thinned out by the end but still. Did lifting then around 70 minutes of cardio which I followed up with 15 minutes in the sauna. Quite tired by the time I got back home after 1 am.

    64 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x8 @ 80 - felt easier at bigger gym not in rack
    db fly 4x8 @ 25
    one db row 4x10 @ 35
    seated row 4x10 @ 80 - 90 was too heavy, different handle attachment too
    lat raise 4x8 @ 15 - challenging but a tad better
    cable bicep curl 4x9 @ 60
    face pull 4x10 @ 60
    tricep ext 3x8 @ 90, 1x10 @ 80 - increase was a little too much so did a set at previous weight

    Then warm up and cool down walks with 60 minutes of running in between. I like going in the sauna except the whole swimming suit part. Two guys were in the pool goofing off around that time too, splashing each other and doing who knows what out there, just being noisy. Still, might try sauna tonight after work. Doing lifting very soon but might go use the rower for some late cardio.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,149 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 110
    Sumo squats-5X5X 95
    BP-1X5X 50/55/60/65, 5X5X 70
    BR-5X5X 75

    I am still working on regaining energy and building back up to my max weight for each lift.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session
    Bench 1x15 30, 1x15 32.5, 1x10 32.5,1x8 32.5,1x10 30kg
    Db bench 1x8 14,4x12 12 kg
    Incline db bench 4x12 10kg
    Db bicep curl 3x15 10kg
    Single arm row 3x15 12kg
    Lat pulldown 2x15 33+, 1x15 33kg
    Triceps extensions 1x10 10, 2x15 7.5kg
    A better session - still managing progressive overload even if weights not going up adding sets.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Tried out the gym before work for the lower body hypertrophy day at the small gym. Then after work went and used the rower for a little cardio at big gym. Only a couple of people mid-day at small one but fair amount a the night time session in the big gym. Would have used the sauna too but forgot swimsuit at home.

    65 - Lower Hyper

    front squat 3x8 @ 95 and 1x8 @ 110 - 95 went well, 110 a tiny bit better, back twinged just a tad on last reps
    curtsy lunge 3x8 @ 90 - slight increase and a challenge but getting better at these
    good morning 3x10 @ 90
    leg extension 3x9 @ 90 - different with the extension/curl machine
    rdl 140 3x8 - calluses ached
    sumo deadlift 3x5 @ 175

    Gym owner was showing a woman how to use the lat pulldown part of the cable system when I was near the end of the workout doing the sumo deadlifts. I've seen him a couple of times so far but not much interaction, which is fine. I do my stuff and that's what I expect to get out of going.

    Late night cardio was just 35 minutes on the rower.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,149 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-11X10X25, 11X7X30

    I am still in the process of increasing the weight to the 30 pound kettle bell. I am becoming amazed at the tightness and muscle definition in my legs, glutes, abs and arms even since I just switched up to the 30 pound this week I can see a definite difference in body contour. I believe it is from the kettle bell work out and not the StrongLifts because I have deloaded in that workout. Whatever it is I definitely am not going to change anything only continue to increase weight and reps.

    Question for everyone, I woke up this morning with cramp intermittent twinges pain on the left side of my ribs I thought that maybe I was having heart issues. Has anyone experienced something like this?
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    ICF A for me tonight. Thought I wasn't able to get onnthe squat rack.so did barbell lunges instead, then the rack came free so I did squats too. My poor legs...it was tough!!

    Anyway... Worked up to the following :smile:

    SQ 5/4/3/5/4 @67.5kgs given the lunges I had already done, I'm pleased with this and can build on it.
    BP 5X5 @40kgs these were tough today but I maintained form.....just!
    Row 5X5 @40kgs
    Standing curls 3x8 @20kgs first time I've got all reps at that weight
    Shoulder shrugs 3x8 @30kgs need to increase weight next time
    Triceps extensions 3x 8@21kgs
    Hyperextension 3x10 @10kg
    Hanging knee raises 3x10

    And my bonus lunges 1x16@ 20kgs 2x 16@25kgs before I saw the rack become free

    Also....Did 3 quite good negative pull ups. My best attempt so far!!

    @fanncy0626 you are definitely inspiring me.to do the kettlebells on rest days! No idea on the cramps so best to get checked out just to be safe.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    @fanncy0626 I did have something like that once, and I think I did it doing rows? Long time ago now, though. I don't want to tell you to ignore some thing that feels like a heart attack, though!!


    Squats: 5x5 @ 75.5 kg
    Bench: 4x5 @ 32.5 kg 1x5 @ 35 kg
    Rows: 4x4 @ 22 kg dumbbells

    All good!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    @fanncy0626 yikes, I hope it's nothing, but if you are worried about heart stuff definitely best to get checked out.

    I really didn't feel like doing my workout yesterday, but I went out for a work lunch and then had a big dinner so thought I better make use of the extra calories.

    SQ: 5x5 at 38kg
    OHP: 5x5 at 21.5kg. Actually felt pretty good on these, I'm hoping I can break through 22.5kg in a couple of workouts.
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 1x5 at 70kg. I love deadlifts
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session
    DL 1x15 50, 2x10 60kg just not feeling right
    Front squat 1x10 30,3x10 32.5,5x5 35kg
    Leg extensions 3x15 15kg
    Hammy curls 3x15 15kg
    Leg press 1x10 50,60,70 3x5 75kg
    Oh press 3x10 20kg

    Reasonable session surprisingly quiet compared to most nights this week.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Did 24 mins kettlebells this morning then had a very blustery walk to work.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Yay! Felt so good to use my muscles again :smiley:

    Squats, bench and rows - all felt good, but my AMRAP sets weren't quite where they should have been, but that's to be expected after being sick.

    My weight is holding steady...glad I didn't lose any weight...3.5lbs to gain before I can start to lose the fluff - while I loved how my arms and back looked in the mirror today, the backs of my legs don't look so hot :neutral:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,149 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    0HP-2X5X 45, 1X5X 50, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 140
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    been on the bench all week due to a bad pinch/impingement i somehow put in one hip. however, it turns out i can press and deadlift even if i can't squat. and honestly, really, right now i can't squat. i really need to just wait for all this to calm down before i even try it again.

    trainer day: press 55, deadlift 140. felt really good to attack a few genuine working-weight lifts and actually execute them. my week by myself has been a lot of wandering around and being tentative because my si was another hot mess and i was so terrified of crossing that lumbar-injury line.

    i also did my pullup negatives. note that: they were pullups, not chins. no biceps to help me this time. and a small thing, but a thing: trainer guy's bar is WAY high. when this started, he'd stack me six inches of 45's on a chair to jump from, but i don't need them now.

    so i'm still a long long way from real pullups and still very happy just playing in the little-kid's sandbox with my negatives, but still i am 6 inches closer, i guess.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    @canadianlbs any progress is good progress when it comes to pull ups. And yes, pull ups are so much harder than chin ups!

    I played basketball on Wednesday night after about 5 weeks off. My quads are still suffering from DOMs. Continuing with Stronglifts today anyway.

    SQ: 5x5 at 39kg. I feel like I'm really noticing my glutes a lot more now, so perhaps the little adjustments I have made have been good.
    BP: 5x5 at 28kg. Mentally it's been nice to deload and feel good on this lift.
    BR: 5x5 at 34kg.

    @kimiuzzell solid effort with the kettlebell, they give a seriously good workout.

    @fanncy0626 how is your rib/chest? No other issues?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited January 2016
    ninenines wrote: »
    pull ups are so much harder than chin ups!

    i knowwww, and i'm so excited. because i'm not gonna say they were easy and i just barely squeaked my chin up to the bar to begin each of them . . . but i did them two weeks ago, and they were for sure easy-er. **

    i really really hope the rib thing's in the past and i can get back to them. because nothing i've done has added so much upper body/back/lat strength as fast as they did. i'm convinced they're the reason why my ohp went through the roof last summer, once mr trainer had cleaned up my form.

    ** oh, also there is the fact i'm 5 pounds or so lighter than last time i tried. but that's not significant, right? :p