Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • RoseInBloom
    RoseInBloom Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to MFP but do have something to contribute. My Significant Other and I completed Dr. Davis' Wheat Belly 10 Day Detox about a month ago and are staying true to his recommendations. He is a cardiologist but has studied nutrition extensively. (His book is available on amazon.com, hard cover or kindle) He recommends 45 net carbs/day divided evenly among 3 meals. I do not think his reliance on nut meals, seeds and nuts would be for you as they are generally considered to aggravate diverticulitis, but you certainly can eat some carbs. I would limit them to vegetables, not breads and grains.

    My SO does not need to lose weight, but the grain-free diet has improved his short term memory and has given him a lot more energy. (He no longer falls asleep in his chair while watching TV!) However, I have 45 lbs. I want to drop, and since I am 71, I think it is now or never--and I really would prefer NOW! I lost a couple of lbs. during the detox but then stalled. I really think I need to count calories, so that's why I joined MFP, so I could track them. I know my resting metabolism burns 1825 calories/day, so I am aiming for 1500 calories.

    Let me know how you fare.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Welcome Rose, and hi Ellen, welcome back !

    I don't know anything about diverticulitis, but do know that I sure wouldn't want to eat 45 net carbs per day, I'd gain weight for sure.

    I'm a bit tired. I've had a busy day at work, and never take a break...stupid me. I'm at hour 49 of my hopefully 72 hour fast. I just had a large mug of beef bone broth with a bit of butter in it, yummy. It should hold me out until tomorrow. I must try to get to bed early again tonight...couldn't get to sleep last night. This sometimes happens when fasting, just too much energy.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Thanks, Rose, and welcome. I read "Wheat Belly" when it first came out and dropped wheat and grains immediately. I still didn't lose weight, but I did feel better. I've been wheat and grain free, with very few deviations, until recently when the doc put me back on grains, bread. I gained weight like mad and have now dropped them again. I've been eating a few vegetables, but very small amounts. I like them, but I'm not convinced that they're necessary.

    Kitn, I've thought of you so much all the while I was reading Dr. Fung b/c you've been doing exactly what he's writing about. Hope you get a good night of sleep and are rested tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome back!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh it's so good to have you back Ellen, thank you! I'm at hour 52 right now and no hunger. My weight went up at Christmas, so I'm still trying to get back to my pre-Christmas weight. After quite a rapid weight loss early Fall, I feel like I'm at the same weight now for 3 months. I must keep doing my twice weekly fasts! I believe there are so many health benefits to fasting. I must look up Dr aging.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    ELLEN!! So wonderful to see you!!! Diverticulitis can be tough to endure, and overcome! So sorry you've been so ill, and then lost the battle with the carb demon for a while! It is so good to see you back here and taking over your food choices! What could cause diverticulitis on the LCHF woe? Nuts. They don't digest completely, and can get stuck (and become infected) in little outpouchings in the colon, called "diverticulum". Seeds, especially like strawberry seeds, can do the same. Ugh! Couple of tough ones for me to need to stop! Best of luck with that!

    I'm tired tonight, but wanted to pop in and say hello!! Hugs!!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Oh it's so good to have you back Ellen, thank you! I'm at hour 52 right now and no hunger. My weight went up at Christmas, so I'm still trying to get back to my pre-Christmas weight. After quite a rapid weight loss early Fall, I feel like I'm at the same weight now for 3 months. I must keep doing my twice weekly fasts! I believe there are so many health benefits to fasting. I must look up Dr aging.

    Aw, such a warm welcome--thank you! Yes, read Dr. Fung again. It seems to me like he has done such a good job of explaining the whys and wherefores of fasting. Getting 'stuck' for 3 months isn't fun, and I hope getting back on track gets the loss going again. You're looking great though---you inspire me!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    ELLEN!! So wonderful to see you!!! Diverticulitis can be tough to endure, and overcome! So sorry you've been so ill, and then lost the battle with the carb demon for a while! It is so good to see you back here and taking over your food choices! What could cause diverticulitis on the LCHF woe? Nuts. They don't digest completely, and can get stuck (and become infected) in little outpouchings in the colon, called "diverticulum". Seeds, especially like strawberry seeds, can do the same. Ugh! Couple of tough ones for me to need to stop! Best of luck with that!

    I'm tired tonight, but wanted to pop in and say hello!! Hugs!!

    You make me smile, Karla---thank you, too, for such a warm welcome! Nuts. Yes. I hadn't eaten any just prior to getting sick, but I bet there could have been something stuck in there for a while and that eventually caused the problem. I avoid them now, along with the seeds. Some doctors don't rule them out, but I'm not taking any chances. Thanks for reminding me; I bet it was almonds that caused the trouble. It's hard to chew them enough to really disintegrate them, and I used to eat a lot of them.

    You're looking great these days, btw! And you sound so healthy and full of life---yay for all your hard work and sticking to it! You had such a long, rough patch, but it was worth going through it and coming out a winner! Thanks for being an encourager, not only to me but to everyone on this forum! Hugs back to you, Karla!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Ai don't really want to start a disagreement over nuts and seeds but I have had diverticulitis for 5 yrs. When I asked my Dr about eliminating nuts and seeds he said that that info is an old wives tale. There is no evidence that they cause a flair up nor any data to support the restriction. I eat them as a regular part of my diet without incident.

    It can't hurt to eliminate them but don't stress over it.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    OMG. I'm having such problems with MFP. I have not been able to locate this thread, and thought I lost you ladies. Could not find you on my laptop. It almost seems like the threads are located in a random order with no telling where to find topics you want to check in on.

    My last comment should have read Dr Fung, not aging. I'm having to rely on using my phone a lot more if I want to get onto MFP, but it makes my typing suffer.

    I don't feel well today so far. My body really enjoys the fasting, but doesn't seem to want to eat again afterwards. Mind you, I did have increased carbs yesterday, so that's likely to blame. I almost feel a hangover effect from the food I ate. It has to be the food since I drank no alcohol last night. I drank some Kombucha this morning, to try to get my tummy feeling better, and TMI, but I am now running to the bathroom, getting rid of whatever my body didn't like. I have a headache and nausea along with it. I can't be getting sick..., that just doesn't happen anymore. If I am "sick" these past few years since quitting sugar and grains, it is usually due to anxiety due to stress or a physical, ergonomic injury, not because I have a bug. Hhmm.

    So I completed a 71.5 hour fast on Friday. Broke my fast with sparkling wine, which I wouldn't recommend, but supper was at my mother's place, so control over the menu was not an option. A glass of wine and a bowl of chilli that I threw grated cheese on to. My mother is a good cook, but believes in low fat, so I found that it was not fatty enough for me. I did eat a few beans in the chili too, so that might not have agreed with my digestion either. I resisted the urge to put butter on it and just ate whipped cream later at home to try to correct my macros. Ugh. I was planning to get right into another fast after that, but experienced hunger by mid afternoon yesterday, which was weird. So I ended up eating. My conclusion is that it is best if I don't up my carb intake. That produces hunger and cravings to become evident. Feel crummy today. I will eat sensibly tonight to try to get back to normal. A nice fatty ground beef/ pork meat sauce with my own sugar free tomato sauce from garden tomatoes, heavy on the meat and light on the sauce. Not sure if I'll make spaghetti squash to go with it yet. And a bit of Parmesan on top.

    I went for a lovely walk yesterday and if I feel better later, I'll try to get out again today. I'm still trying to get back down to my pre- Christmas weight, but at least most of my puffiness is gone, and I can see my shape changing slightly again. I aim for a total of 2 hours walking during the winter. This can be challenging if the weather is bad. The most I can do on the treadmill is 20 minutes, so that means I need to stay motivated to jump on that darn thing 6 times per week in order to log a measly 2 hours. It's so boring ! But if I can get out, it is so much more enjoyable and I log more minutes but also can feel more muscles getting a workout when walking through the snow. I can really feel my legs and buttocks, but also my torso firming up, as well as my upper body. It is so weird, but it looks like my shoulders are broader. I've always been heavier on the bottom, but it looks like I am achieving a more balanced upper to lower body ratio somehow. Not only does this woe make us look slimmer, I feel that it is transforming us into what we should have looked like all along. We are changing the composition of our bodies and mind, changing the way our bodies function in so many ways. I must stay committed to completing my journey because the suspense is killing me. I can't wait to see what I might look like when the last 40 pounds comes off.... Or even 30, I won't know when I am done until I get there I suppose. I want to see what a "normal" BMI looks like and also want to see what my body might be able to do physically.

    I know it's unrealistic to hope to reach my goal by summer especially since I've been stalled for 3 months, but even if I can lose 20 more pounds by July I will be happy. My nephew will be getting married July 2, and I want to be able to buy a killer dress for the occasion. It might be more realistic to attempt to reach my first goal of a normal weight by September, my two year anniversary of taking charge of my health, and my end goal by the end of the year. I'm in no hurry now. It took me all my life to get so heavy and unhealthy, so a long recovery may be healthier and lasting.

    I think that's it for now ladies. I will likely do another fast during my work week again. That always makes me feel better but I'll plan to end my fast with some Keto comfort food like scrambled eggs with butter, something gentle on my tummy. Have a great day and week ladies!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Yes it's been a struggle to find this discussion. I finally realized if I hit the little bell symbol at top of page it has last post here & then I can get into it. Frustrating to say the least.
    So I tried fasting for longer than 24 hrs yesterday & managed to hit the 39 hrs mark. Pretty pleased with that. I had 3 different appointments Friday for my abdominal issues & ate way too much junk & carbs as a result. So Friday night at 9:00 pm had last food & didn't eat til noon today. Had a few moments where I thought hunger might get the best of me but just pushed on through. Had a BPC at 9 last night (coffee, butter, & coconut oil) and nothing else except black coffee, water, & Diet Coke (only 1) the rest of the day. I'm not lacking energy or any other ill effects so am happy with how it all turned out. Have 10 more days to fit into clothes for our trip. Am not even looking at anything til next weekend & will pack then.
    I finally finished 2 dressers for my guest bedroom & have the baseboards painted (should really do those when not on walls, lol). Just have to fix a few holes in the walls then I can paint them & start putting room back together. Then on to the next room in my disaster of a basement. At this rate it may be all cleaned up & reorganized by 2020.
    Hope everyone had a good weekend & that next week brings great things. Hugs.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Just quick check in.
    Hope you're feeling better Janice.
    Not sure why this thread keeps getting buried so deep we can't find it, but sure would like to keep it alive.
    Welcome back Ellen. Hope you're feeling better, too. My FIL struggled with diverticulitis & I sure feel for you.
    Hugs all
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Way to go on getting the dressers done Kathie.

    I'm still battling headaches on and off this week. I think my tummy distress was due to trying some of those black bean noodles. Oh yuck, why did I buy another pack of them before trying them ? I think I'll only be able to tolerate a tiny portion. I ate less than a half portion, but that was too much.

    I had wondered if my neck was out of alignment, but I've seen Dr Randy and should be OK. It could be stress now for the headaches. It was so hard to tell if it was inner ear related on the weekend. Maybe a combination of everything. My headaches are often inner ear related, and also result in tummy upset and digestive issues.

    Today I have burning eyeballs and feel tired and headachey, so I guess it's possible that I might simply be getting sick. My back is sore too, but more achey, no injury has occurred. I'll try to get to bed earlier today. I've had some personal stress lately and feel down, so that might be an invitation to illness, who knows.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello all! Yes to the thread disappearing! There has been so much new activity in the group (which is awesome to see!!) that we keep getting buried under the new stuff! I've been amazed with it and watching so many people succeed with this woe is fun!! :smiley:

    Kathie, love the report on your redecorating! I imagine baseboards are tough to paint when still on the wall! Makes me hurt to think about that! :neutral: Congratulations on the fast! I hope you achieved the results you desired!

    Janice, so sorry you have been feeling so bad! I hope the crud goes away quickly! Your fasting is so great! I think you should write a book about your success with it! So many people could benefit from your experience, imo! Hugs!

    I have been recovering from a higher carb (14gm) snack I had allowed into my day! More headaches, inflamed abdomen, just feeling blah is beginning to improve! I have returned to my carnivore woe. I felt better there. I'm still learning, too, that the addition of any carbs affects me negatively!
    I have been working on the planking and am having great success with building some strength gradually, without causing pain! I've become encouraged to continue the process until I'm able to add regular aerobic exercise without pain. My neck hurts when I walk for exercise, so I know that jogging is out for now. So, I've been doing some bike riding. I only ride a half mile, but it's not a flat surface. It is slowly getting easier, but leaves me sore for a few days after. So, I'm only riding about once a week right now (got to start somewhere right?!) , but plan to build on that too! I really like that I do feel like exercising! :smiley:

    Work has become frustrating for me. I don't work enough to remember every little detail (d¡¡¡ paperwork!!) making it hard for me to be an effective team member. I've worked 3 days in the last month. Two days at one facility, and one at another (that I haven't worked at since before Christmas)! How do I learn what I need to know with this kind of situation? I love being a nurse again, and having contact with patients, but learning what each doctor wants (we have approximately 30 different doctors), with each specific patient type, plus certain things done when a certain age, or sex.........I don't know if I will ever learn it all at this rate! I figured up last night that I've only worked a total of 18 days since I began on November 6th, that includes a four day orientation! So, instead of thinking about myself as dumb, I blame it on the lack of continuity! I can't be expected to remember all of it when I'm not there enough! I don't think the schedule is going to change anytime soon either. I'm not sure if there's an answer, just putting my frustrations out there! :blush:

    Hope you all have a marvelous day!!
  • randomventures
    randomventures Posts: 25 Member
    Good evening/morning/afternoon ladies, fabulous thread! Though I'd introduce myself, I'm Lisa, professionally a medical herbalist working primarily with peri and post menopausal women. Well in practice most of my workload is about supporting women on LCHF, herbs take a second place and deciphering advice given by the NHS. Personally I'm 48 yo and by my own reckoning 6-7 years into peri menopause.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Welcome to the group @randomventures ! This is a great group of ladies ! I love what you do for a living, especially supporting LCHF. Theer is so much misinformation out there, but we are the living proof that eating this way allows our bodies to work much better.
  • randomventures
    randomventures Posts: 25 Member
    @Kitnthecat thank you, great to be here! So much misleading info out there and yes it's about finding out what works for you rather than doing 'what they say you should'.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all you seem to all be doing wonders. But I haven't heard of anyone diabetic here. That's what you have to do when your diabetic. Go low carb high fat. I'm working on it. But I believe my diatisean won't agree with what i'm doing. But I want the weight off.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario

  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Linda, hope you are staying warm up there in Ontario. I just found this group today, had no idea it existed, but I wanted to chime in as I saw you asking about diabetics. I was diagnosed type 2 about 20 years ago. I had been mostly lowcarbing for many years, then kind of not being as serious about it for a while. I did get back very strong on the bandwagon over 4 years ago with my LC way of life, and lost over 88 lbs within the first 6 or 7 months then stalled a long time, eventually losing about 30 more lbs and now in another stall I'm trying to break, but I'm ok if it takes a while to get the rest off. I wanted to reassure you though, I was able to get off insulin and metformin with this way of life within that first 8 months. I still test but it made a huge difference cutting the white stuff from my diet. My dr was not a believer, most of them aren't, but I made her a believer within the first 6 weeks of taking control of my health issues. If I can do it, anyone can. The main thing is making this a way of life, it's not a diet, and if you look at it as a diet, you won't succeed. Be strong and do it for yourself and for your kids, and grandkids if you have them. During the past several years, I went through a horrible divorce, thought I would die of heartbreak as we were married 35 years and he was my one and only, but people are not always who you think they are, even after that long. I was always an emotional eater, and I haven't been perfect but it is a process, have had some serious health issues unrelated to weight or diabetes, but you have to just keep going. The only person who can change your life is you, and you are worth it.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Okay, after 54 pages and some 1300+ posts, I think it's time to give you ladies a dedicated group, that way all the awesome stuff in here doesn't get lost.

    I've already created it, but I'm on my phone right now and won't have access to a computer until tomorrow, so I can't really get a link right now, but it's the "low Carber daily - ladies over 50" group and should show up under the new groups list. It's a private group, like this one, just FYI.

    If you'd like to elect a mod, or if someone wants to volunteer for it, just let me know and I can promote that person. Mod duties in these groups are pretty light, so there's not a ton of responsibilities unless you want to do special stuff.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Just a question @Dragonwolf ... Do we have to re-ask to be added if we are already a member of this main group? I'm afraid I'll never find it as I don't check in all that often (hellowwww '1 day streak' for the 500th time, lol).