Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)



  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    1. Under 30 net carbs daily/50 net special occasions (Daughter turns 21 on Valentine's Day) ✔
    2. Exercise of some sort 3-4 days each week with one of those being outdoors if possible. ✔
    3. Pay more attention to budget and meal planning. Last month there were too many meals out. ✔
    4. Do something relaxing each day like reading or coloring. ✔
    5. Clean and organize the house better. Implement a daily chore list. * not much progress. Hopefully I'll get a little housekeeping done this evening.

    I'm down a pound this week after a three week stall so that's a bonus!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Back to one pound above my lowest, 187.8! Carnivore is right for me! Despite feeling like I have a cold (sinus drainage and sore throat) I feel so much better without the carbs from the veggies! Happy Sunday everyone!
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    With today being the end of February's weekly check in I figured I would touch base. I was good about my fitness goals for last week. I didn't hop on the scale this morning, but it was a ROUGH day yesterday. The competition I judged at had me there from 7:30am to 8pm. I planned snacks for myself for a "typical" competition day, this was not, and unfortunately the competition director was new and provided food offerings that were that of a "poor college student's diet"....nachos, greasy pizza, cup o'noodle, fruit snacks, chips, pop. I requested fruit and ate from the veggie tray for most of the day, but I required protein or something more substantial from what I I caved and ate some pizza. My stomach hurt later on that night and this morning I was VERY aware I ate things I shouldn't have. I have one more LONG day of judging ahead of me, and am hopefully that because it's the State competition, that there will be MUCH better options for lunch! However, still planning to bring some more options for myself, just in case.

    Hopeful for a better week ahead! Planning a run this afternoon, which I am VERY much looking forward to!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I am settling into coconut carnivore and am pretty happy with it. My BG is settling down a bit and my appetite is a bit down - needed for weight loss for me.

    I am having a hard time adjusting to cooking more meats. I try to make enough for two days and maybe a lunch but hubby is cutting back on carbs (to moderate or lower carb) and two of my kids must be gearing up for a growth spurt because the leftovers are barely enough for one person. I think our meat consumption is easily twice what it was 6 months ago. Thank goodness we are butchering half a cow next weekend!

    My 8 year old is my bottomless pit. We were at my mom's for pizza last night and he ate a bunch of nuts and nachos, an entire 12 inch pizza and three cookies, and e still wanted more. Part of it was the novelty of junk foods that Grandma provides, but wow, can he put it away. And he is the only one with washboard abs in the house. LOL

    I was a good carnivore and had cheese, pepperoni and tea.... Gotta still have tea and coffee. LOL I am really stretching the definition of what a carnivore is. :D
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    FEB 7
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 133.6 (Grr scale.)
    Original GW: 133. Current GW: 128ish/24% BF.

    Cals: I just pre-logged dinner/evening. Going to 1540 cals today IHO the Super Bowl. (I've been aiming for 1350-1400, but toying w/the idea of going up to maintenance and recomping.)
    Carbs: 26 net.
    Exercise: More moving around again today. Back is slowly getting better. I'm going to go for a longer walk tomorrow and maybe try some gentle stretching.
  • bnichelle3
    bnichelle3 Posts: 6 Member
    bnichelle3 wrote: »
    Hope im not too late!

    1. Logging everyday
    2. 20g net 92 pro 1898 kcal
    3. Start day earlier ( i work nights)

    Keto newbie and 3lbs down since feb 1 :)

    Happy Superbowl Denver Fans!!!

    Checking in
    1. Logging: check 7 days straight on MFP + personal food log( to remember recipes)
    2. Macros: fat fattt i love fatttt!! Haha including my one day of falling met all! Was worried i was getting too much protein but im right on track && down my first 10lbs yipppieeee
    3. Eh, still a process getting about 6hrs of sleep. Including a local hike in my routine this week i will keep you all posted!

    How did your first week of challenge go???

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Pre-logging be darned. :tongue: Went another 100 cals over, but 30gm net carbs so I'm OK with that.

    Oh and re sleep goal ... I did get a good amount of sleep the past few nights. Up a bit late tonight though. Need to go to bed soon!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 7

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 216.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Not a full check in, but did stray from plan last night due to "the game" combined with socializing. Not my strongest suit and plan to work on my skills in this area. Would have been fine if I hadn't been asked to make a last minute run to the store for missing food item. As a guest I couldn't say no, and had a "feeling deprived" moment at the checkout. Not gonna beat myself up, but just taking note of how vulnerable I am in these situations, and also notice that I don't even seem to try to stand my ground, I just give in. Now the consequences... not a big setback, but still feel something like having ruffled feathers. Only human, but perplexed as to why I can't seem to get a handle on this particular behavior. Had a good time overall though. And being more social is also part of my new life plan. So half win, half lose was my score for the night!
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Whee - another pound down for the first week of February! That's a total of 6.8 since January 1st, so nice and consistent weight loss so far. Unfortunately, I did not ride the bike at all this week, but I did a bit of walking with a friend. 3 laps around our office building twice a day. The goal was to do 20 minutes 3x a week on the bike, but I think that the walking (four days out of five) was probably about the same amount of effort.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Still not excelling at listening to my hunger cues. Ate a lot, socially, this weekend. All low carb, most ZC, but still in direct defiance of my stomach which said it was perfectly content.

    Was extremely tempted to weigh myself this morning, to "assess the damage" of the weekend, but convinced myself it wouldn't be worth anything without context. :P

    I've eaten more veggies than usual as a result of making recipes. I had gotten chorizo last week so I made a quiche-type dish with that and onions, peppers, and eggs. And I was eating the last of the Szechuan beef which had spinach and erythritol. Plus unrolled eggrolls with cabbage. I still have a bunch more cabbage so I'll probably make some bacon and beef 'crack slaw' as well, rather than waste it.

    There's also carb creep from the smoked sausage I made yesterday. I'm sure I don't want to know my totals, but I do think I'll enter the chorizo recipe into MFP. There's a difference between not tracking and not knowing.

    Feeling cravey after the weekend. Wanted to make LC brownies and ice cream. Wanted to make almond flour bread.

    Now I figure I'm not in Ketosis because of the excess protein I've been consuming. Not sure what that means for my cravings. Going to try and hold out (with a little help from dark chocolate squares) until the sharks swim back out to sea, and then evaluate from there.

    Husband is having a really hard time. He says he wants to eat 'Keto' but he wants to dial the carbs down, rather than cut them out and add them back in. He's never tried the latter and I really feel like he'd have a better time. He's never gotten below 80g of carbs per day, and never gone more than a month without a cheat day, and I feel like he's straddling a razor wire fence doing it that way. He's one six-foot walking craving, and he's miserable, and he ends up eating burger king anyway. (I offered to make him a cheeseburger yesterday and he said "no, I'm having texture issues" and then he ate a cheeseburger from Burger King... so there's a total mental disconnect going on...). I'm trying to leave him alone about it, and let him come around to everything on his own. But if my mom and I have a conversation about keto it gets him all irritated, so it's as bad as if I start critiquing him about stuff directly. I'll have to make an effort to, if my mom asks me a question, take her out of earshot to have the impending discussion. Problem is she will interrupt our activities constantly to make ketocentric comments. She knows I'm proud of her, I don't think she sees how it increases my husband's struggle.

    Mom says her IBS seems to be better. Still no relief on the Fibro front, but she says maybe it's just taking longer for her neurological damage of two decades to repair. Glad she's giving it time! She certainly doesn't hate the nightly rib eye! She's way better at eating to her satiety, but as I've mentioned I think she's got appetite-suppressive effects from one medication or another so I'd prefer to see her eating more. At least she drank the butter sauce from the scampi I made her on Friday! And she says her weight has been over 115 lbs for three days straight, so she's feeling better about that. I have her eating a lot of Boursin and steak and at least one ballistic coffee per morning. She bought a bunch of veggies on Friday when she picked up the shrimp, so I guess she wants some veggies back in her diet! Asparagus with her steak tonight. Last time I ate asparagus I felt the little fiber warriors in there kicking up my gut, so I'll pass and stick to steak and goat cheese.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2016
    @glossbones - Did he eat the bun too? I went through BK with my son over the weekend. Smelled so good. I had a hamburger but did not eat the bun!

    2.8.16 Checking In
    SW 187
    CW: 147.0 - YEA!! Finally hit the 40 lbs. gone mark. I got within .5 and bounced back up over the holidays.
    1st GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)
    Carbs- great weekend.
    Exercise - No.
    Calories - Nice job. I did have 5 buffalo wings for the Super bowl, but that was my only splurge.

    Supposed to be a snow day today in Massachusetts. So far, I'm at work and nothing yet. Will probably leave early when it starts coming down.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    My goals have been to lose 5-10 lbs, and i've lost 3.5 pounds so far this month; Yoga twice a week before work... well, I did one day last week but I'm aiming for two days this week and to finish our home gym this month and we did take a bunch of stuff to goodwillt his week so that's a step in the right direction!!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    @glossbones - Did he eat the bun too? I went through BK with my son over the weekend. Smelled so good. I had a hamburger but did not eat the bun!

    2.8.16 Checking In
    SW 187
    CW: 147.0 - YEA!! Finally hit the 40 lbs. gone mark. I got within .5 and bounced back up over the holidays.
    1st GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)
    Carbs- great weekend.
    Exercise - No.
    Calories - Nice job. I did have 5 buffalo wings for the Super bowl, but that was my only splurge.

    Supposed to be a snow day today in Massachusetts. So far, I'm at work and nothing yet. Will probably leave early when it starts coming down.

    Congrats on the 40 lb mark!! I can't wait to get there (because it's pretty much my goal)!

    Husband not only ate the bun, he ate the large fries, the small onion rings, and drank the large cherry vanilla coke. Yeah. He doesn't cave in to Burger King and then not go to town on his old comfort foods. :/

    Our snow has already started down here in Connecticut. Can't decide if I should stick around work and hope it stops and the roads get cleared by the end of the work day, or if I should leave now and risk the slickest roads but the least traffic.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    2/5-2/7 summary:

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day. No, I only recorded 56 ounces on Friday and 48 ounces on Saturday. Yesterday I recorded 64 ounces, though.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day. YES! 39, 50, and 45 total carbs, respectively.
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week. Not once. *sigh*

    SW: 236
    2/1: 176.4
    2/2: 174.6
    2/3: 172
    2/4: 170.6
    2/5: 172.2
    2/6: 172.2
    2/7: 174.2
    2/8: 176.2 (this is not good!)
    3/1 Goal: 170
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Oh Mami you reminded me. I surpassed my 5K step goal three days in a row (Fri - Sun) so I'm upping my goal to 6K today. Of course now I'm back to work and the weather will keep us in tonight so I may have to get on the elliptical to get there. But that's not a bad thing!

    I also plan to start weight training again today. I'll use the LHS Ketovangelist outline, and do body weight core work on alternating days. Warm up / cool down will be 5 minutes on the elliptical before and after.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm gonna celebrate a new low of 186.6, from last low of 186.8! (It's the little things right?) Despite this sinusitis crud interrupting my planking efforts I feel good!! Carnivore is the way for me! Why would I stray from it? The WANT for something else? Boredom? (Not really, I love meat!). Not 100% sure why I added veggies that led to adding the protein bar, but am glad they are out of my rotation! The really best part is that the protein bars are still in the house (hubby eats them, and can handle the excess like I can't)!! Before LCHF I would have had to eat them all, and insist they not be allowed back in the house! Huge accomplishment here that I'm very proud of! Now, to get well so I can continue my exercising efforts!! :smiley: Hugs everyone for your struggles, and accomplishments too!!
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    SW: 197.6 (12/29/2015)
    CW: 179.4 (2/05/16)
    1st GW: 150
    ideal GW: 140-150
    Ultimate goal and my whole reason for doing this: stay in ketosis to ward of dystonic tremors and epilepsy (tremors are gone and no seizures as of yet)

    I had a goal of keeping under 20 carbs this week as well as exercise at least three times. I've been under 20 all week and have gotten into a rhythm with keto. I went to the gym on Monday and Wednesday and I am hoping to get there again tomorrow. I will add another day next week of doing something or another. Maybe hiking.

    I'd like to start planking and doing sit-ups each morning before hopping in the shower. That's doable, right? Right.

    I forgot I wanted to do planks and situps! I'll start today when I go to the gym and do it again tomorrow morning. I'm going to start swimming with the kiddo tomorrow evening. Looking forward to the cool water!
    I've lost 3 lbs since last week. Even if this pace doesn't keep up, I'm still happy with no seizures and no tremors. Once might even say ecstatic!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    1. Minimize restaurant trips and food waste. If a restaurant can make it, so can I, and Starbucks is becoming a bad habit lately. No more than two trips a week excluding Sunday breakfast and coffee stop.
    2. Better sleeping habits - In bed by 10:30 pm 5 days a week.
    3. Drop 3-5 lb this month. Usually I am not about weigh goals, but I want to see 155 lb or less on the scale in mid March, because I would love to wear a really skimpy outfit to a music festival I am heading to.
    4. Re-double my new employment finding efforts. Send out at least one resume a weekend.

    1. Ok, I went to a restaurant only once this weekend. We did go get coffee twice, but I am letting my Sunday cup of 'Kevlar' coffee from our local roaster (who happens to be good people, as well) a free pass.
    2. I was sick most of this week, and I went to bed at 6:30-7pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Yep. I sleep it off.
    3. I am avoiding the scale as the shark is in town. However, I bought some pants from the thrift store to wear to work, two pairs in size 4 and one in size 2 (!!!).
    4. Dang it, I knew I forgot to do something over the weekend. I'll have to get an extra resume or two out on Friday.
  • organic_homestead
    organic_homestead Posts: 31 Member
    The goal that I actually started in January is to get back on my weight lifting workouts but this time make room for proper warm-ups. And to continue with my PT exercises. A hip injury set me back last year.