Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 2 (2/8-2/14)

baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
Challenge blurb. :+1:
Let's show some love to ourselves by selecting a goal that is going to further your health in some way, whether it be physical health or even mental health.

You could make sure your electrolyte levels are better.
Or commit to more exercise.
Or decide to forgo a bad habit you KNOW is hampering your health from being what it could.
Or start a good habit you've been putting off.
Or simply continue to focus on whatever health-conscious New Year's Resolution you made for last month.

You decide.
Love your health by "sprinting," (focusing hard and giving your all) for the whole month. It's only 29 days.

I've got a thread stickied to the top of the group so you can find the weekly challenge threads, even if they are buried in the feed.

How are you going to show the love this week?


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I haven't been doing very well at all.
    I'm just so tired all the time. My eye issues are manageable. But I don't sleep well. I wake up tired. I'm tired all through the day.
    I'd rather just be in bed sleeping right now.

    I had a big, nasty cheat weekend for my youngest son's birthday after being above 50g for the week to see if being out of ketosis helped the dry eye or fatigue. It did not. But I'm 11lb over my goal weight now. Le sigh...

    So back to obsessive calorie counting and keto until the scale goes back down. Whether or not I am constantly ravenous. And ignoring the tired as usual.

    I've stopped coffee altogether starting today. I don't know how long that will last. Who knows. It does nothing for me. It's like the caffeine doesn't exist. I'm having BPC-esque green tea this morning.

    I haven't eaten yet so I'm about to go break the fast.
    Hoping to force myself to do a workout for the first time in 2 days.
    I ordered some supplements that are supposed to help with Chronic Fatigue. It was $100. I'm at the end of my rope. Because I need a second handful of vitamins and supplements to go with the first fistful I take every morning. :wink:

    It's cold here, and we are expecting snow.

    No more excuses, Whiner McWhinyPants.

    It's Day 1 all over again.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hang in there @baconslave! This time of year could be a trigger for your chronic fatigue! Hopefully time will make it pass too! Hugs for you dear! Be gentle with yourself, because you deserve it!
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    I will commit to more exercise this week. I will not look forward to my bed after I get home from work only to channel surf for hours on end. I will get out of the bed and find a video online and do it.

    I will stick to one breve this week and not one a day.

    I will call my Mom to tell her I love her and wish I can hug and kiss her because life happens.
    The three youngest of five was raised in foster care. Ages 12, 9, and 5. I have struggled over the years to let go the abandonment issue but my kids are 23 and 18 and I am 44 time to let go. I forgave her years ago.

    I am down 17 pounds. Stared low carbing on Jan 3, 2016. Did it before but never stuck to it like I am this time. Decided I needed a life change and not a fad diet. 100 carbs a day has me losing and I get chocolate here and there. :) But if I eat one more EGG for breakfast I am going to puke. I have looked for other no egg breakfast with little luck. Any ideas.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    I will weigh tomorrow morning and see where I'm at....figured the scale would show water weight gain with the carbs I ingested this weekend, so we'll see what tomorrow shows.

    This week's goals:
    *Run 2-3 times
    *Weight training 2 times
    *No alcohol this much as I may want some this coming weekend!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Some of the stress from last week and the cold that laid me out disappeared, so here are my goals to which I am re-committing with renewed strength:

    1. Minimize restaurant trips and food waste.
    2. In bed by 10:30 pm 5 days a week.
    3. Drop 3-5 lb this month.
    5. Re-double my new employment finding efforts. Send out at least one resume by Saturday and two over the weekend.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    So sorry to hear you are struggling bacon slave. Just hang tight. I am always feeling hungry, too - even doing keto. I try not to dwell on it and totally enjoy what I do get to eat! Hope the fatigue is seasonal. If not, just reduce activity level til it works for you. It is what it is.
    I'm plugging away at socializing/managing unplanned eating situations. And not very good at coming out on top at the moment. I'll keep at it. Not a lot of progress on the scale. Kind of stepping back for a week to settle down, refocus, and then get right back on the horse..
    bbl friends. carry on.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    This week I am continuing to avoid cream (but not cheese or butter because I eat them in relatively small amounts), I'm adding back in a few veggies to see what happens, and I'm adding in exercise (weights, elliptical, and body weight).

    That's going to be too many changes to see what might affect my size reduction goals, but I think I'll be able to tell how I react to each in general (stomach aches would be the veggies, not one of the other two, for example, while soreness or pronounced muscle lines will be the exercises).

    I'd like to wake up earlier and with more energy, but with the exercise I suspect that won't happen during the first week.

    My husband's been feeling nauseated by most of the keto food, so he brought up the idea of doing a dairy free experiment. I was planning to do one for the first two weeks of March but I told him I'm up to try it whenever. Maria Emmerich has a ton of recipes to get it going.

    Argh, @baconslave I really wish I could do something to help you out!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @baconslave BP chai tea is nice. I like it with a bit of extra salt and cinnamon. Hope things turn around for you.

    @wrknonmedaily Good for you. :)
    I go with BPC or leftovers for breakfast. I got a bit sick of eggs too and haven't had any for breakfast for weeks.... still have bacon though. ;)

    @glossbones Could your hubby's electrolytes be off? That can cause nausea sometimes.

    I am still focusing on coconut carnivore. I'm not really worrying about counting calories right now. Funnily enough my appetite is dipping so I think I am getting back into a deficit. It's easier to not eat in the evenings again too.

    My BG and FBG are getting better the longer I am carnivore. I am happy with the lower numbers but annoyed as well since it looks like my body wants to eat this way. I do enjoy some veggies, they are a great carrier for butter, sauces and cheese, so I was almost hoping coconut carnivore wouldn't work for me.

    My continued bastardization of a carnivore diet included some cocoa, peanut butter, coconut oil fat bombs last night. Meh. Close enough to carnivore for now. ;) I feel good and that's the main thing.

    LOL I still can't believe I am trying carnivore. My 10 year old self would be shocked. I never liked much meat as kid.
  • marise51
    marise51 Posts: 65 Member
    If I want to start a low carb diet, what are the best links to check out. Not sure a ketosis means. Greenhorn here but I have to bust out of this weight gain that won't come off.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    marise51 wrote: »
    If I want to start a low carb diet, what are the best links to check out. Not sure a ketosis means. Greenhorn here but I have to bust out of this weight gain that won't come off.

    Try that link.
    Read the Low Carber's Guide first. This is the quick start guide.

    Then read about Net Carbs, Skinny on Fat, the Scale is a Lying LiarPants, and then other topics. Recipe links are found if you scroll to the bottom of that thread.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I sure got an awful withdrawal headache from no caffeine even though it doesn't give me a buzz! :angry: WTF is that?

    On the chance that it's adrenal fatigue as well, I'm decreasing the intensity and frequency of my workouts. I'll just have to pick longer, more gentle cardio for awhile.
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    @baconslave BP chai tea is nice. I like it with a bit of extra salt and cinnamon. Hope things turn around for you.

    I liked it pretty well. I'll try cinnamon next time.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    @glossbones Could your hubby's electrolytes be off? That can cause nausea sometimes.

    His sodium at least, I'm sure. He takes a daily chelated magnesium glyconate, but he keeps turning his nose up at foods with proper levels of sodium and fat. And he drinks a lot of water.
  • jennifermcclanahan50
    But if I eat one more EGG for breakfast I am going to puke. I have looked for other no egg breakfast with little luck. Any ideas.[/quote]

    I get that too, and just eat lunch food for breakfast!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited February 2016
    @baconslave sorry for the recent frustrations.

    FEB 8 summary
    SW: 153.4/150.6 for keto
    CW: 134.6 (up 3 lbs in the last several days :tongue: )
    New GW: 128-130

    Calories: Under
    Carbs: 21 net
    Exercise: 23-min brisk walk (recovering from hurting my back)
    Sleep: Stayed up WAY too late last night. Must do better tonight!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 8

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 216.0
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey everyone, I just saw this challenge and planning to join, my current situation is stress, I have a coming practical exam that has 3 sub exams so my carbs have been high the last 2 days, so my focus in this challenge would be following my low carb meal plan. Good luck everyone!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Happy Mardi Gras everyone! Remember not to give up chocolate, with Valentine's coming up this weekend. ;)

    Ugh, yesterday got totally thrown off by the water supply at work running out. The water delivery scheduled for yesterday never showed up because of the snow (I assume). I had a killer headache and an awful mood when I left yesterday and neither went away before bed time. I had cramping in my legs before bed, too.

    I had been planning to exercise last night, but with the dehydration I wasn't about to throw that in and risk that I'd feel dead today.

    So this morning I stopped at the store on the way in and got a 2.5 gallon tapped water bottle. The water delivery will probably come in this morning, but I wasn't taking any chances. I'm fasting again today. Maybe. I'm not hungry now (though to whomsoever is sick of their eggs, pass 'em my way please), but I do have lunch I can eat if I want it.

    I need to run out and get coffee from the roasters at lunch, and I think I'll stop at the market across the street from there and see if they have braunschweiger. If not, I'll probably just give up and get liverwurst. And I'll get the goat cheese that my husband really liked scooped up with bacon last time (seriously, I got that goat cheese for ME, and he ate it all!).

    So I found out last night that my mom has been taking SIX gummy vitamins a day (three different kinds, 2 per dose). There, alone, is 12g of HFCS. No wonder she's not feeling the benefits of keto! So (after I observed her taking them last night) she said she's not going to take them anymore. I tried to convince her she's getting everything she needs from her food except maybe Magnesium, D3, and K2, but she was still fixated on "not enough vegetables." I read her the stats on the major nutrients and how they're just as, if not more, available in meats. I really don't think she got that. It took her three months to come around to fat, though, so maybe I shouldn't assume she's hopeless here, either. But I'm waiting for her to mention scurvy...

    I'm curious to see if she'll start having carb cravings now that we're eliminating that sugar hold out.

    I did have asparagus last night, and it didn't make me feel crazy bloated like it did last time, so maybe it was something else that time. Actually that's not true, I was feeling quite overfull at bedtime with belching and such. Anyway, the asparagus was wrapped in bacon so I hoped it would protect me.

    I need to stop at the Vitamin Shoppe to get the above-mentioned supplements, but it's in the opposite direction from the roasters, so that'll have to wait. Mom can take my powder packet of prenatal vitamins if she's really worried about it.

    I haven't weighed this month but in general I feel like I'm gaining again. I want to try eating more vegetables as a delivery mechanism for butter, and back off on the super high protein meats, get my protein mostly from cheese. Basically I want to return to the fundamentals of keto, rather than ZC. Bacon, eggs, avocados, butter. That braunschweiger if I can find it.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I know I posted a .1 pound loss yesterday, but wanted to post my scale reading this morning! Yesterday's total was 186 pounds, and today's is........(drum roll please, ..............) 181.7!! Really?!?!?! It happens when we least expect it! I have been sick the past few days, and expect a rebound, but can't help but be excited over it! My original goal weight was 180. So, I'm so close I can smell it, lol! I did reset my goal to the 160s a few weeks ago, but can you say, "Happy Dance?" I've been dancing around, on cloud nine all morning!

    Carry on! :smiley:
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/8 summary:

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day. Check. I filled my 32-ounce bottle 2.5 or 3 times, I can't remember which.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day. Yep. 39g total carbs, 26g net carbs.
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week. YES!!!! I finally did it!!!! Although I should point out that I was standing still scrubbing a pan at the sink when my FitBit alerted me to reaching my goal, which tells me some of those "steps" may not have actually been steps. But I did it. And then today I forgot to put my FitBit back on after my bath, so I definitely won't be reporting having met my step goal tomorrow. :pensive:

    SW: 236
    2/1: 176.4
    2/2: 174.6
    2/3: 172
    2/4: 170.6
    2/5: 172.2
    2/6: 172.2
    2/7: 174.2
    2/8: 176.2
    2/9: 176.4 (this is very very not good!)
    3/1 Goal: 170
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    I know I posted a .1 pound loss yesterday, but wanted to post my scale reading this morning! Yesterday's total was 186 pounds, and today's is........(drum roll please, ..............) 181.7!! Really?!?!?! It happens when we least expect it! I have been sick the past few days, and expect a rebound, but can't help but be excited over it! My original goal weight was 180. So, I'm so close I can smell it, lol! I did reset my goal to the 160s a few weeks ago, but can you say, "Happy Dance?" I've been dancing around, on cloud nine all morning!

    Carry on! :smiley:
