Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 2 (2/8-2/14)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thank you so much, @reblazed! And And wow, you are doing fantastic!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thanks @macchiatto ... I think my body is so surprised that I'm taking care of it after 70 yrs of abuse that it's rewarding me ... ;)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    :smiley: ! And you deserve every reward @reblazed!! We all do!! You've done so well with this woe! I'm so happy watching your progress, along with the many others here!! Keto On! :smiley:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I wanted this to be a brief update...But...
    So if you aren't in the mood for grousy drama, feel free to skip this mess.
    I'm still not back down to my goal weight, but I'm hopeful I'll get there next month. That's not the whiny part. :lol:

    I got my supplements for Chronic Fatigue in. They are giving me some more immediate energy if I space them out right, which is good, but I'm still tired. I won't get full benefits unless I sleep. My eye conditions make that very hard however. I can't really take the sleep supplement I ordered. I have to be able to wake enough to monitor eye-dryness all night. And sometimes, even though I do, have TWO humidifiers in the room, and apply ointment and drops 5 or 6 times a night, I still get my eyelids plastering themselves to my eyeball and ripping the cornea away. It's like having a newborn all over again, except some of the wakings result in severe pain.

    I've been trying not to whine about my petty issues as much lately. So many people deal with so much more dire issues than me. But I just found out that the prescription to treat my eye condition is so expensive that I get to choose between providing for my children and getting treated. Due to a high deductible, we'd have to pay all $6000 of the cost out-of-pocket. If I don't get treated, over time I could lose sight due to scarring, and I'm already exhausted from being up dealing with my eyes every night only to still get recurrent corneal erosions (Google that garbage. Not fun stuff.) when my eyes move during my sleep cycle. I'm not in a very good place right now. I'm trying to not flip out, but it isn't working. For those of you that pray, I could use a little of that right now.

    We plan; God laughs. :disappointed:

    I'm just so angry and sad right now.

    I'm trying to think furiously now on what to do. Would it be less expensive to go to a medical doctor and try to see if this is hormonally related in some way, and if so, getting that straightened out? Sometimes chronic dry eye is caused by hormonal imbalance. I'm of the age (37) to start experiencing perimenopausal symptoms. I just don't know where to turn. This is going to wipe out our tax refund and part of our savings. We have only one income and live as low-expense as possible. I just don't know what we are going to do. And I don't know how much longer I can deal with the effects of the eye condition untreated. without going mad.

    All I want is my body to make freakin' tears at night.

    Sorry to unload. I'm freaking out, and DH isn't out of bed yet so I haven't told him the bad news. He's going to flip his lid. I went low-carb and lost all this weight to get healthy so I wouldn't burden my family with poor health caused by me eating myself to death (all the conditions associated with diabetes and long-term obesity). And now I'M GOING TO ANYWAY FOR SOMETHING ELSE over which I had no control.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    @baconslave , I don't know if this suggestion will help, or if it would be prohibitively expensive, but some years ago my ophthal. put plugs in my eye drainage ducts to help keep moisture on the front of my eyeballs. I had very dry eyes too. This may be something to look into?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited February 2016
    fangirlish wrote: »
    @baconslave , I don't know if this suggestion will help, or if it would be prohibitively expensive, but some years ago my ophthal. put plugs in my eye drainage ducts to help keep moisture on the front of my eyeballs. I had very dry eyes too. This may be something to look into?

    The dr put those in last week. They don't appear to be helping any. :disappointed:
    They were just under $300.
  • randomventures
    randomventures Posts: 25 Member
    @baconslave just a thought, a traditional remedy for sore, red, dry eyes and conjunctivitis is chamomile tea compresses. Make a mug of tea with 2 teabags, cover the mug whilst it's steeping and cooling. When cold, take the tea bags out and place them on your closed eyes for 10 mins. Refrigerate the rest of the tea. 3-4 times a day soak 2 cotton wool pads in the cold tea and use them as you did the tea bags. You have to make fresh tea every 24 hours. I've used it with patients for all manner of eye complaints including corneal ulcers and abrasions, dry eye and conjunctivitis. If you are into using herbs, you may have heard of fennel or eyebright for eye issues - avoid them, they're too drying for the condition you describe. Hope you get some relief.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    My last weigh in was 187.6. Didn't weigh in this morning, but yesterday was the most carbs and sugar I've had in several weeks. Long story short, I got asked to do some extra things prior to the State competition I was judging at, which led to me forgetting to grab my snacks and getting myself a keto coffee to help me start my morning. I let myself eat what was readily available, which led to too many peanut M&Ms and realizing that I would probably feel not great today. Honestly, I'm not bad...but I feel like I have a brick in my lower intestine and I'm not hungry at all, so this morning has been strictly coffee and I'm probably only going to have one meal today, though just thinking about food doesn't appeal to me.

    The good news....I should have MUCH MORE control over my days ahead and the ability to be more prepared and able to avoid excess carbs and sugar. I may opt to aim for as low of carb intake as I can handle this week....I feel like I need the "detox".

    The other good news was that I ran into people that I hadn't seen or talked to in a long time who complimented me on my weightloss and efforts (I post a lot about my journey and exercise on FB). The compliments were from people I hadn't expected, but it was so thoughtful and encouraging and made me realize that while I'm not where I want to be yet, that it's still successful because people can see the change. It was a MAJOR NSV!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @baconslave, I'm so sorry for your struggles!! Some suggestions for the expense side of things: contact the pharmaceutical company to check on discounts, and or assistance with co-pays that may be available, your state department of health might (I stress might because of budget cuts) offer some assistance to help with medication costs, or sometimes doctors can get samples and coupons from their pharmaceutical reps. I hope you find a solution that leads to proper treatment for your eyes! It sounds exhausting, on top of being painful!! Hugs hun!

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Ohhh @baconslave that sucks!! I'm so sorry. I don't blame you at all for complaining; that is rough. :( Keep us posted; I hope you're able to get adequate treatment, maybe some patient assistance, etc.

    Feb 14
    SW: 153.4/150.6 for keto
    CW: 130.2!
    GW: 128ish

    I had to estimate calories and carbs today b/c our Valentine's date night was at an independent Indian restaurant. AMAZING chicken makhni, and also had a wee bit of rice and garlic naan. Overall though as far as I can tell, calories were under and carbs were still around 30 net since I ate very few the rest of the day.

    No exercise today.
    As for my sleep goal ... need to work on that one!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 14

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 214.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Drat that lying scale! It says I am up 3 pounds this morning. But it may not be lying because I did some overindulging this past week. On to this week and renewed effort!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    1. Minimize restaurant trips and food waste.
    2. In bed by 10:30 pm 5 days a week.
    3. Drop 3-5 lb this month.
    5. Re-double my new employment finding efforts. Send out at least one resume by Saturday and two over the weekend.

    Only one restaurant visit this weekend, so I'm doing good there.
    I've had some really early nights because I had some really early mornings, but I can't fall asleep before 11... need to work harder on that
    And now... drum roll... I dropped to 155lb at this morning's weigh-in. That is 4lb since I started this month's challenge, and over my original 3lb goal. New goal would be to drop 2-4 more lb in the next four weeks. If I could get to low 150's, I'll be thrilled. Also, 155 puts me at less than 10lb of my weight loss goal of 148 lb.
    I sent out one resume this weekend (because that were all the jobs that were available) and re-wrote my resume and sent it out to a staffing agency. Holding my fingers crossed.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    And now... drum roll... I dropped to 155lb at this morning's weigh-in. That is 4lb since I started this month's challenge, and over my original 3lb goal. New goal would be to drop 2-4 more lb in the next four weeks. If I could get to low 150's, I'll be thrilled. Also, 155 puts me at less than 10lb of my weight loss goal of 148 lb.

    Congrats! I LOVE hearing about other people meeting their challenges and closing in on their goals.

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Congrats, @Lillith32!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Congrats to all of you who have had such nice losses!

    @Baconslave- Most drug companies have programs set up to help defer the cost of high cost medicines- especially for those who would have to pay out of pocket. Talk to the doctor and see if there is some way they could help you.
    Hang in there, my friend.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Thank you guys!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    FEB 15
    Cals and carbs were both right around target today.
    No exercise.
    Stayed up way too late last night. MUST go to bed by 10:15 tonight!! I've been dragging all day.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 15

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 214.4
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    This sounds absolutely awful. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Insomnia doesn't exactly make something like this any easier to deal with.

    I'm sure you've already tried it, but I just read today (on an author blog I follow, totally unrelated) that hot compresses can help. I also like the idea of the chamomile, seems like they could be combined.

    Hope you get some relief soon (hugs)