Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Woke up again with less pain and still using a tighter notch on my belt (so I haven't gained anything). If this is how every Friday is going to be, I am totally for it! Plus, I'm excited to have another day to go straight home after work! Woo!

    So I've been tracking consistently and honestly for over 30 days straight... and MFP just sent me a "welcome to MFP" message. ??? MFP is either very confused or on a VERY delayed schedule. haha!

    Looking forward to a weekend of catching up on sleep. Not looking forward to the catching up on chores part, but I'll make it through. Got my to-do list and can't wait to get it done so I can play. Currently obsessed with GW2 (an online RPG that's beautiful and got a great story).

    Last night I woke up around 2 am and rolled onto my back and fell immediately to sleep. So maybe there is hope of me learning to sleep on my back.

    Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Glad the pain is down and the sleep is up!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @quzzdragon water activities are definitely awesome for your knees. I also have dodgy knees and anything other than low impact activities are a no go zone and even then i have to watch what I do. I'm looking in my area for an aqua zumba class to go to. I think it will connect with my gym routine just nicely.
    I'm glad you are getting less pain and that belt is still a notch tighter. Things are going great for you. Completely understand about the wanting to get things done so you can play. I'm a bit of a pokemon freak and hang out for my weekend when i can play.
    I'm wondering if mfp had a bit of a moment this week cause I also got a welcome to mfp email too and this is my 40th consecutive day.
    Anyway really happy things are going well for you and that you have some via post PT options to look into. Keep fighting the good fight hon.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow I'm glad someone else likes to play games too. It sounds like you're doing great. I'm going to search for water Zumba I know it would help with my knees. Happy Friday
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Belt notches are always a great NSV - like a gift that keeps on giving :smile:.

    Hope you're having a great weekend, with lots of sleep (and GW2) !
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    So there was a problem with my other account, it got deleted, so now I have to start from scratch! :( Really annoying, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I can tell this is helping, so I'm going to stick with it!

    Unfortunately, that means that the last few days I haven't been tracking or logging in, so... Let's catch up!

    Hubby has a test tomorrow so he's not sleeping well - can't wait for that to be over. Had food poisoning on Monday, so that was fun. Better now, but that was a day of pain for both of us. Also meant I had to miss aqua therapy on Monday. But my knees are feeling SO much better, I can definitely tell the therapy is helping. I just hope that when I'm done (next week is my last week) that my knees stay feeling this way and don't slip back into painful habits.

    Had a LOVELY revelation yesterday and again this morning. Yesterday I put on pants that I bought at my heaviest and they literally fell off my bum. They were fairly loose when I bought them (had to be to get the length I needed) but now I can't wear them! They don't have belt loops, so I'll have to take them to mom's sewing machine and put some darts in them if I ever want to wear them again. Woo! THEN! This morning I put on pants that used to make me muffin-top like crazy, and I needed a belt to feel comfortable! They don't fall off (which is good - I need something to wear) but I don't muffin-top anymore! That was a great feeling!

    So the therapy is helping my knees and this site and all of your support is helping my weight loss which is making the rest of me feel great and also helping my knees.

    Hope the rest of you are doing well too - I'm rooting for you!
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Way to go on those victories. I get so sad. When I regained all my weight I must have regained 90% in my tummy/bottom. I tried a few times to slip into pants that I wore when I was 20lbs heavier, and the muffin top was enormous, thats even if I can get them up and or zipped. It just makes me more depressed, like how could this be????

    It's so good to hear your progress...keep pushing forward!! Awesome Job!!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I know what you mean. Don't get discouraged! Try to think of them as goal pants. And when you get back into them, go out and celebrate. Dance (even if it's just around your living room) and shake your butt in them - 'cuz it's going to feel great! I still muffin-top like crazy in my pants from a few years ago, but not muffin-topping in my current pants is a small but great victory. and you can bet I was dancing around this morning when I realized!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That's awesome! I'm looking forward to fitting into some of my pants from a few years ago. I'm pear shaped, so if I can get pants over my thighs and hips, the waist is usually too big. I almost think I'd rather muffin top than not even be able to pull pants up. lol
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I love that you danced around. That is what I'll do too. Before January I went down a size but it was curvy jeans from regular jeans. But it was still one size down. I was so happy. Can't wait till I can go down a size again. HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Got home today and realized that my account is back!!!! That means I don't have to re-type all my recipes, or lose all my data!!!! Doubly exciting day!!!

    For those of you lovely people that I've had a chance to re-add on my back-up account, I'll probably delete that one now... thank you for putting up with my frequent and annoying friend requests :tongue:

    In other news - made an amazing chicken/ricotta/spinach dinner tonight. Went over my calorie limit by about 150 calories, but TOTALLY worth it. That thing was so tasty. Hubby said "Wow hun, this is restaurant grade!" Thank you Proper Tasty on FB for the wonderful idea.
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm glad everything worked out with your account. And that dinner sounds AMAZING!!!!!! Is the recipe in your diary?
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    It is, and it's also here: http://tiphero.com/hasselback-chicken/
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Hubby passed his test!!!! That means we can finally sleep a full night again. Yay! It also means a special treat of London Broil tonight. I've never tried this recipe, but I'll let you know how it turns out. Trying an asian style steak cut thin and put over salad. I've opened up my diary for friends, so if you want to see what I'm eating/cooking, you can.

    Went for a walk last night to calm hubby's nerves and we happened to walk by Walgreens. We found a whole bunch of post-Valentine sales on chocolate (the little ones I can bring to work for a snack) along with an at-home TENs unit I was going to buy. Then we realized we had gone walking without our wallets. Sometimes we fail at being adults :lol:

    Weird thing happening with my account - I can't comment on Threads that I haven't previously commented on. I'd love to go out and encourage other people I see on MFP, but I guess I'll have to wait until that's fixed.

    I'm officially wearing pants that three months ago dug into my sides so hard it was painful - and now they're ever so slightly snug, but not uncomfortable. Just glad I didn't throw away clothes. College jeans here I come!

    Combining these pants with my knee pain being so low it's almost non-existent, AND hubby passing, AND the weather getting beautiful... I just want to hug the world. It's amazing how much just having less knee pain is effecting my general mood. I hope all of you suffering from knee/joint pain experience this relief soon.

    Sending hugs and encouragement to all of you!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Congrats on the NSV! What's the text you are talking about?
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    So the salad turned out to be higher calorie than I was expecting - the dressing and marinade had sesame oil in it and that brought it up a lot. I added the exact measurements to MFP, then subtracted about a cup and a half from the overall liquid because I had about that much (maybe more) of the marinade left over. I burned my leeks, but otherwise it was delicious! Leftovers for lunch today. :)

    Have friends from out of town visiting this weekend so I know I'm going to go over my calories. Trying to plan my meals ahead - should help, but I know we'll drink and snack. Luckily one weekend won't kill me or make me gain back the weight I've lost so far. (I'm talking about eating 1500 calories instead of 1200 - nothing too extreme).

    @50extra what do you mean text? You mean my MFP thread problems? So I click on a random thread that I want to comment on. I scroll to the bottom of the screen, and there's no comment box. The only threads I see a comment box on are ones I've previously commented on - like this one. Weird. Haven't heard from MFP yet, but hopefully soon.

    My therapist upped the difficulty of my exercises last night and BOY am I feeling them today. Especially in my hips. I never realized how weak they were until I started PT. Added weight and resistance during PT and added more reps for at-home PT.

    I'm using a tighter belt loop today! It's a little bit tighter than I usually wear my belt, but the next loop out feels too loose. I guess I'll just have a mini-muffin-top from a too-tight belt and enjoy the fact that it's a tighter loop. Woo!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Sorry test not text
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Ah! He took one of the CompTIA+ IT tests - Security+. He's been studying for months and months and it's finally over. :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Oh well that's great news
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Definitely fell off the wagon this weekend (had some friends visiting from out of town) but I'm going to get back to it starting tomorrow. I made a TON of food (mostly slow-cooker stuff) that I'll have leftovers for at least all week, possibly longer. All depends if I can convince hubby to keep eating the same two meals all week :p

    Last week of PT coming up here. Then back to the dr. on the first. AND I have an interview on Tuesday. My job is OK but the growth potential is really minimal and... not really what I'm looking for. Hoping to find a job where I get to spend some time with people instead of in a cube. I feel a little guilty because I've only been at my job for 3 months, so I feel like I'm not giving it my all, but at the same time being there longer won't change what options I have. I have a bad habit of trying to please everyone and ending up miserable, so I'm trying to do this for me.

    Anyway, hope everyone had a lovely weekend. More tomorrow :)