my fitbit steps wont show on mfp app??



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    edited March 2015
    Periodically today, Fitbit has been giving various "sorry maintenance issue is preventing connectivity, try again later" messages on my iphone and the web site. At one point it did show steps but they were from yesterday about the time I was checking today, as if a backup of data had been going on. But later today that cleared up.

    MFP food data base has gone brain dead, doesn't recognize foods that were used as recently as yesterday and earlier today. The servers are being over worked again is my guess. Issue on iphone and MFP website.

    It is technology folks, and it gets messed up at times. Very frustrating but they will get synched eventually, they always do.

    And when synching isn't happening, it is just a matter of waiting for your data to get processed, if you reset you go back to end of the line, so will only take longer. From MFP support earlier this month about these issues:

    If you have previously been receiving a regular update, and these issues recently started for you in the past few days, we recommend NOT trying to troubleshoot, as if you do unlink and relink this will put you at the end of the line for syncing (which is currently a long line). Instead, we recommend waiting for the systems to catch up and return sync on their own.

    The problem we are currently facing could cause sync to be extremely sporadic, you may instantly see sync at one point in the day, then it may be hours or even days until you see it again. We realize this can be extremely frustrating and for this we sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as we work on getting the system back to normal.

  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    My app doesn't have a check in

    Check In is under My Home on the browser. The Android phone app doesn't have the same page (I don't know about the iPhone app).
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    I.figured it out thanks
  • erikadawngetfit
    erikadawngetfit Posts: 2 Member
    Seems I'm having problems too. I've walked 11000 steps exerice in mfp shows 0. I've also noticed if mfp happens to update exercise it won't do it til late at night. It's now 433pm I've walked 11k exercise zero
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Seems I'm having problems too. I've walked 11000 steps exerice in mfp shows 0. I've also noticed if mfp happens to update exercise it won't do it til late at night. It's now 433pm I've walked 11k exercise zero

    It's broken right now.
  • erikadawngetfit
    erikadawngetfit Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you Nancyn795 I was afraid it was user error. :)
  • jaynemaemorley
    jaynemaemorley Posts: 2 Member
    I too thank NancyN795 - what a bummer! And I bet the data is lost for history purposes too. Just hoping someone did not decide this should be part of the over-priced premium package. So sad to see the site heading that way. I would have much more respect for under armor if they simply enhanced the site and didn't play the premium game.
  • tmichelleyoung
    tmichelleyoung Posts: 1 Member
    I just fixed my steps not syncing on your app go to more on the bottom right hand side, then to steps, and make sure that mfp is syncing steps with fit bit, somehow my fitbit got disconnected. Took me over an hour to figure this out..
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    MFP has had these premium improvements in the works prior to UnderArmor buying them. Focus groups were last year.

    This isn't related to premium - it's related to huge increase of users without foreplanning system sizes.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Mine seems to be working again.

    I'm not surprised that Under Armour is adding a premium version, but I doubt they'll put any of the current features behind the pay wall. I suspect that many users would abandon MFP if integration with devices such as Fitbit were limited to the premium package. I don't think they'll do that.

    I just did a search and here's a paragraph from the announcement of MFP being aquired by Under Armour:

    "In the meantime, please rest assured that your experience with MyFitnessPal will not change. Our products, services and team will remain the same. MyFitnessPal will still be free to use, you own your data and Under Armour will never sell it to any third parties. We will also continue to sync with your wearable devices and fitness apps."
  • amandajunk
    amandajunk Posts: 1 Member

    It is good that on desktop you can see it under the "check in" tab but it should be consistently synching with the steps counter on the home screen of the app. Hey MFP - do you have a bug ticketing system?
  • DoubleEcho
    DoubleEcho Posts: 1 Member
    I just want to point out that 1 year TO THE DATE MFP is having this exact same issue. Coding issues perhaps? :smiley:
  • betsy329
    betsy329 Posts: 61 Member
    DoubleEcho wrote: »
    I just want to point out that 1 year TO THE DATE MFP is having this exact same issue. Coding issues perhaps? :smiley:

    your's aren't showing up either? lol
  • AlisonH1993
    AlisonH1993 Posts: 4 Member
    There's a bit of a problem with this today it seems! My food log from mfp won't show up on fitbit today, but it has everyday before that
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    edited February 2016
    There's a bit of a problem with this today it seems! My food log from mfp won't show up on fitbit today, but it has everyday before that

    They had an outage today (i.e. MFP had a problem communicating with Fitbit). As far as I can tell, it's fixed now, although it may not have caught up for everyone.
  • butterflyladykmr
    butterflyladykmr Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone having issues again today? First my calories weren't logging over to fitbit now mfp is showing 0 steps for the day. Grr this is getting frustrating
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Yes, there seems to be new issues. I'm getting duplicate adjustments - one is right, the other is wrong, but I can only delete the one that is right.
  • TheColorBug
    TheColorBug Posts: 2 Member
    I have an issue today too. I didn't walk much (around 2,500 steps), but it's still coming up as 0. Usually a re-sync or a delete/reinstall works for me, but not today. I think it might have to do with their update too. I just downloaded the update earlier this morning and I'm fairly convinced that's why.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Don't blame an app update unless you have good reason. First, check to see if both the mobile app and the website are misbehaving. Or ask whether other people who are having the problem use the same platform you do. For instance, I suspect you have an iPhone, because my Android app hasn't had an update. But, I'm having problems, too. The symptoms are slightly different on my phone app than on the website, but both are messed up.

    So, don't blame the app, just blame MFP. (My Fitbit dashboard looks fine, with all the MFP meal summaries correct.)
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    Disconnect fit bit from mfp then reconnect from Fitbit site

    Have done this half a dozen times today... Nothing...