Leslie Sansone February 2016 Walk Challenge



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Alex729 wrote: »
    I'm stepping in at the end of the month, but I'll be sure to be on time for March's challenge!

    I have logged 48 miles of WATP dvds for the month of February so far. I skipped a week due to surgery, so I should have had closer to 60 miles.

    I probably have an addiction to her dvds as I own over 20 of them :blush: And I just purchased her Miracle Miles 5 DVD set as well!

    Welcome to the group!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    3 miles at the park this morning.
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    Alex729 wrote: »
    I'm stepping in at the end of the month, but I'll be sure to be on time for March's challenge!

    I have logged 48 miles of WATP dvds for the month of February so far. I skipped a week due to surgery, so I should have had closer to 60 miles.

    I probably have an addiction to her dvds as I own over 20 of them :blush: And I just purchased her Miracle Miles 5 DVD set as well!

    Welcome...I guess you DO have an addiction to her dvd's....that is a good thing!
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    edited March 2016
    Feeling kinda down today, will catch up with walking tomorrow at 5am.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I forgot to spot my end results for the month.

    My monthly stats so far.
    Feb. Week 1 - 15.6 miles.
    Feb. Week 2 - 14.43 miles.
    Feb. Week 3 - 14.93 miles
    Feb. Week 4 -16.58

    Total - 61.54 miles, Hit my goal and got just a smudge more.
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    36 Miles with Leslie today
    116 Miles with Leslie total

    34 Miles outside today
    90Miles outside total

    206 Total Miles ~~~ Goal 125~~~ MADE MY GOAL!!!!! wow!!! didn't see that coming! Feels good to be able to walk the dogs again outside! Guess I should bring up my goal for next month.

    Great job everyone!!!!

    Keep walking!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    edited March 2016
    February Goals:
    105 miles
    10 over 10,000 steps

    Week 1 - 25.2 miles (3/10)
    Week 2 - 15.2 miles = 40.4 total
    Week 3 - 28.1 miles = 68.5 miles (6/10) and 8 days to go YIKKES!!! 36.5 miles to go so 4.6 miles per day.... oh goodness!!!

    Feb 22 - 2.5 miles
    Feb 23 - 3.3 miles
    Feb 24 - 3.2 miles
    Feb 25 - 5.1 miles - 11285 (7/10) YEAH!!
    Feb 26 - 5.4 miles - 11911 (8/10)
    Feb 27 - 3.0 miles
    Feb 28 - 5.1 miles - 11404 (9/10)
    Feb 29 - 5.3 miles - 11863 (10/10)

    total 101.4 miles missed matching last February by 3.6 miles...

    Wow - made my 10 over 10,000 steps.

    Brenda - you are absolutely right - retirement can't come soon enough!!!
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    I didn't make my goal of walking 30 miles in February. Instead I walked 27 so I missed by just a little bit! The good news is I walked 27 miles that I wouldn't have walked if it wasn't for this challenge and I lost 6lbs so I'm very happy about that.
    Congratulations to everyone who met or exceeded their February goals! Way to go, guys! And congratulations to everyone who made progress of any kind towards their walking goals. It can only get better! See you on the March challenge board :)
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    Goal 3.5 miles/day or 101.5 for the month.

    2/1-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles-3.0 total miles
    2/2-Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=6.5 total miles
    2/3-Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=9.1 total miles
    2/4-Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=12.9 total miles
    2/5-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=15.3 total miles
    2/6-Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=16.4 total miles
    2/7-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=18.8 total miles
    2/8-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles= 21.5 total miles
    2/9-Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles= 25.2 total miles
    2/10-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=28.2 total miles
    2/11-Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=32.0 total miles
    2/12-Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=33.1 total miles
    2/13-WAH-3 mile weight loss walk=3.0 miles=36.1 total miles
    2/13-Vivofit tracked 1.0 miles=37.1 total miles
    2/14-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=41.1 total miles
    2/14-Vivofit tracked-1.1 miles=42.2 total miles
    2/15-Vivofit tracked-3.4 miles=45.6 total miles
    2/16-Vivofit tracked-3.1 miles=48.7 total miles
    2/17-Vivofit tracked-3.8 miles=52.5 total miles
    2/18-Vivofit tracked-3.1miles=55.6 total miles
    2/19-Vivofit tracked-2.6 miles=58.2total miles
    2/20-Vivofit tracked-1.2 miles=59.4 total miles
    2/21-Vivofit tracked-1.1 miles=60.5 total miles
    2/22-Vivofit tracked-3.6 miles=64.1 total miles
    2/23-Vivofit tracked-3.3 miles=67.4 total miles
    2/24-Vivofit tracked-3.1 miles=70.5 total miles
    2/25-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles!=74.5 total miles
    2/25-Vivofit tracked 1.0 miles=75.5 total miles
    2/26-WAH 5 miles Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=80.5 total miles
    2/26-Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles-82.2 total miles
    2/27-Just Walk-Tone Every Zone-all of it!!! 3.0 miles=85.2 total miles
    2/27-Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=86.7 total miles
    2/28-Just Walk-Walking Off the Pounds-3 Miles=89.7 total miles
    2/28-Vivofit tracked-1.8=91.5 total miles
    2/29-Vivofit tracked-2.5=94.0 total miles!

    94 is better than I thought I would end up with, but well short of the goal. :noway: Anyway, I'll see everyone in March and hopefully, improve!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    willtry08 wrote: »
    I didn't make my goal of walking 30 miles in February. Instead I walked 27 so I missed by just a little bit! The good news is I walked 27 miles that I wouldn't have walked if it wasn't for this challenge and I lost 6lbs so I'm very happy about that.
    Congratulations to everyone who met or exceeded their February goals! Way to go, guys! And congratulations to everyone who made progress of any kind towards their walking goals. It can only get better! See you on the March challenge board :)

    Congrats to you!