Introduce yourself here!

jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
Hi all,

My name is Jess and I'm 24 years old. I'm from Australia but am living in Slovenia this year. I have done the 30 Day Shred before with great results. I was part of a community like this on MyFitnessPal and it was great motivation. We were all so proud of each other.
I'm doing the shred again because I'm coming back from injury and I think it provides a great fitness foundation :) I'm living with a friend and we are doing it together!


  • jessjphillips
    jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
    Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Hi - I'm Sara.

    I have done 30DS a couple of times before. I take medication that causes weight gain so I have a lot of weight to lose and as a working Mum not much time to workout. I like 30DS for getting me going in the morning.

    I haven't worked out for months so I'm going to start slowly and will probably need to modify a lot to start with!
  • jazzypratt
    jazzypratt Posts: 27 Member
    Hello! This is exactly what I'm looking for! I have had the 30 day shred for years time to get serious. Looking forward to starting this right after work. Thank you!
  • tweety4bonnie4
    tweety4bonnie4 Posts: 40 Member
    My name is Pat. I had VSG surgery on Dec. 21 st 2015, and as to date I have lost 47 lbs. I am only allowed to eat 500 calories a day right now. My surgeon is watching me very closely. I'm very happy with my results and I know my having this surgery was the best thing I could have done for myself. I have 31.2 more lbs. to go to get to my goal. I wish everyone all the best of health in 2016.
  • farmgirl1677
    farmgirl1677 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everybody! My name is Megan. I am from Illinois and weigh 224lbs. My goal is to be down to 199lbs before my DD high school graduation in May. I have started the 30 day shred before and saw results quickly, at least in inches lost, but when I exercise the bottom of my feet start hurting so bad I have to stop and then I get frustrated and quit. Hoping being part of a group will keep me motivated to keep going. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! :):)
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    My name is Tammy and I am 5'1" and currently weigh 155.5. I have don Shred in the past and loved it and saw inches drop so quickly. I swear I dropped an inch in my waist in the first week. I am trying to drop 20 pounds by watching my calorie intake and getting my 10,000 steps in a day. It's very slow going so I decided I wanted to do Shred again.

    I love the workout but am nervous to do it because I broke my arm in 6 places last year and it is still very weak. I am not sure if I can do push ups at all on it. But oddly I had a dream last night of doing pushups so I am taking it as a sign and plan to start Shred today. :) (yeah I'm weird like that).

    Thank you for letting me join. Please call me out if I do not keep up with you guys.
  • yoursingingrealtor
    yoursingingrealtor Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Alexia and I live in Canada. I am on the 7th day of the shred and hope that it is ok to join. I have never done it before and only heard about it a couple weeks ago. I am 5'8 and currently weigh 201.5 pounds with a goal of reaching 160 pounds by the end of the year. I also really want to have a fairly chiselled physique. Particularly my arms. Looking to stay motivated and also want to help others stay motivated others as well. Call me out please when You don't hear from me. Best of luck to everyone.

  • eliza2811
    eliza2811 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Helen. Live in Derby, UK. Will be starting tomorrow. A little late because I've getting over a cold. Hoping to lose anything :) Doing Slimming World also. 5ft 3ft and weighing in at 11st 3lbs. Too heavy for my height :'( Good luck to everyone doing it xx
  • ctoavs76
    ctoavs76 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine. I started day 1 level 1 yesterday. I'm wanting to do the 30 Day Shred before I get my sinus surgery on April 4th. The doctor said I will have to take it easy for at least 3 weeks once that's done. I have lost 22 pounds since November and would like to lose 24 more.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    My name is Chandra. I am 43, 5'4"" and 176 lbs. I just gained back ten pound and lost all my momentum after a month of eating processed foods and slacking on my workouts. This comes after doing 60 days of 30 Day Shred, eating mostly green smoothies with protein powder and lean protein, and losing 40 lbs. My demise was a result of switching to Ripped in 30 which was way too difficult and not designed like 30 DS as far as goals and starting a new job in a convenience store which did not allow me to make my smoothies and exposed me to too much junk food. I put in my notice for that job which will end at the end of this month and I am going back to eating green and shredding today. Nothing is more important to me than this lifestyle and maintaining it. I'm not going back to 205 lbs and an all day sugar binge months on end. I am taking back control today.
  • saraspring7
    saraspring7 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, great timing! I'm Sara and am currently staying at home with my fourth and youngest child, who just turned a year old. I lost all my pregnancy weight and then some after my oldest child was born 12 years ago. I was on the right track to lose after baby#2 eight years ago, but unexpectedly fell pregnant with #3 six years ago. I gained approximately 40 pounds with #3 and lost all but the last 20ish lbs. I never got motivated enough to get back to my preferred weight. Now I'm fed up with being overweight and started back to counting calories this past week. I'm about to do day two of the Shred and I'm really motivated and excited! Day #1 was difficult, but not impossible. Starting weight since counting calories on 3/2/16 was 165. Current weight as of this morning is 161. Goal weight is between 140-145, although my ideal weight is 135.
  • sibyl3
    sibyl3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey There! I am a little late to this party, but I am looking at giving this program a try, starting tomorrow (Monday). I am a mom of 3, aged 10, 7 and 6 months. I used to be very skinny (effortlessly) and never thought I would be the size I am now! I never really got back to myself after my first pregnancy, and it has gotten worse as time has gone by. I used to be super-active, but with separated abdominals, zero core strength, a lot of extra weight around the middle, and no energy, I'm hoping this program will be gentle enough to help me build some basic strength, but hard enough that I notice some progress. I'm hoping to be the next inspirational story/before and after photo for this program.
  • atorka11
    atorka11 Posts: 2 Member
    Zdravo! My name is Jerneja, I am 40 years old. I am 98kg and this is too much for me because I am only 160cm. I would like to be 75kg and I hope that I will be able to achieve this because Jess and I work out together, which is great motivation to get me started! Good luck everyone!
  • paquitoBoston
    paquitoBoston Posts: 38 Member
    Hi My name is Radhika, started the program yesterday. I am 29 years old. 70 kg and only 145cm. I have started the shred a few times but always gave up within the first week, mostly because fo laziness. I hope to finish the 30 days this time and manage to stay within teh defined calorie limits. I have a long way to go!
  • avam82
    avam82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm already a couple of days in, and doing 30DS again for the third (?) Time now. It's worked well for me in the past, and I'm doing this to get me back on track and back on the path I was on about two years ago when I was active, energized, and in great shape. I am 33 y/o, 5'1" and 152 lbs. I'm from the US - Southern California, but I'm living in Seoul now. I miss having easy access to year-round veggies and plenty of safe running spots outside. It's been a little discouraging here, but I'm ready to break out of my funk.
  • k8ball3
    k8ball3 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm a few days late in joining, but also a few days will be Level 2, Day 3. I hope it's okay if I join for the motivation, support & accountability!!
  • MissyOlivePants
    MissyOlivePants Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm a 44yo mama. I'm 5'2", 176lbs and live in Florida. I'm a mom to 2 young kiddos, and want to be healthy, active, & around when they're grown! I've been lazy & pretty inactive when it comes to exercise. Eating healthy is pretty easy for me, but keeping my portion sizes smaller takes work. My goal is to get to 130lbs, gain some muscle, and just be over all healthier.
  • jessmeowww
    jessmeowww Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! My name is Jessica, I live in Florida. I'm 26, and had my first baby 8 months ago today. I'm a full time Mommy, and have been struggling with finding time to work out like I used to before being pregnant. I have done the 30 day shred before, and it really jumpstarted me into my weight loss goal 2 years ago. Prior to having my son, I made it down to 140lbs and I was extremely happy with how toned I was becoming. At the end of my pregnancy, I weighed in at a whopping 215lbs. I am down to 180, and I have been stuck here for about 3 months now. I'm hoping starting this will give me the jumpstart that I need! Looking forward to having everyone here to help motivate and be motivated by!
  • AnikaNck
    AnikaNck Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm a little late joining this party, but I hope you don't mind.
    It's my first time doing 30 day shred as of today I'm on level 1 day 4. It's really making me realize that my arms are in terrible shape. I'm in my 20s 5'9" and currently weighing 173.6lbs down from 181.2lbs 24 days ago. I'm excited to see what this workout will do for me.
  • candyfat
    candyfat Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone, I just started the challenge today. I lived and I realized how out of shape I've gotten. My name is Candice. I live in Minnesota. After 1 1/2 years of dealing with chronic pain, I had surgery on NYE. I'm 5'6 and I'm down to 164 lbs. from 174 lbs in 6 weeks. I'm hoping the 30 day will give me the boost I need to drop the next 10. I look forward to the motivation and support!