Team 4

CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member


  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    Hello! Let's do this!
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    Hi team 4. Do we have a name yet? I added most of y'all . some I couldn't search, probably was misspelled.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi and welcome to Team 4! I am a little behind the eight ball as I didn't log in last night. Sorry. Okay.... The most important thing about being on a team is working together to achieve our common goals and offering support and encouragement to one another along the way. This is not "just" the team leader's role; it is for everyone to be supportive of everyone! We can make this a great experience if we work together.

    My name is Lisa. My username stands for my goal of becoming a "Healthy And Sexy Wife" and then my initials. I will be sending out friend requests to all of you so we can stay connected. You should also consider sending out your own requests to the other team members.

    I don't think many of you participated in the Winter Blast Challenge, but for that challenge we came up with team names. A couple possibilities that came to mind in keeping with the "spring" theme are Spring into Action or Spring Soldiers. PLEASE think up some names and post them here and we can come up with a consensus. (They don't have to be spring related!)

    In the meantime, while we wait for the Amazing Race to start, how is everyone doing with the squat challenge?!

    So, to echo the sentiment of @ryblueeyes above, let's do this!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi Team
    I'm Karen, and I was part of the Winter Blast Challenge and happy to move into the Spring Challenge. These help keep me motivated when I'm inclined to skip the gym.

    Looking forward to some fun races!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I like this idea, Karen. Leave a short introduction once you've found this thread. If we get to know each other a little bit, we will feel more like a team.
  • babybuddha1993
    babybuddha1993 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Shelle. I'm a biology student from Texas. I'm excited to be a part of this team & this challenge. I did Day 1 of the squat challenge today. Good luck everyone! We're going to do great!! <3
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    I'm Kate. I'm an accountant at a private college in WV; 27 years old with a 2 year old son. Recently I joined a 24-hour women's only gym close to my house. I've been TRYING to make myself a morning person and get up early to go workout before work. But that's a lot easier said than done lol I tend to get in more late night workouts than early mornings. It's a work in progress!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Nothing wrong with working out at night, Kate! Whenever it fits into your schedule! No one has thrown any team name suggestions out there yet...don't be shy!
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    Also, is anyone else struggling with the fact that it is currently Girl Scout cookie season?!?! My niece is a GS, so of course I ordered them a couple months ago when she was first taking orders. Well they came in last week....and they are calling my name from the kitchen pantry lol
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I love your enthusiasm, Shelle!
  • violet0ann
    violet0ann Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jenny. I'm a computer programmer and I'm 28 from the UK,
    I have hypothyroidism which is gladly now being treated. I'm trying to lose a lot of weight to be able to do things which I can't currently like going to rock festivals and particularly loose a load of weight so i can enjoy my 30th birthday in 2017 with my family properly on a holiday.
    I've been using a fitbit since January to push me to do more exerciser and doing the NHS couch to 5k pod casts to increase my exercise during the week at lunch and in the evening after i finish work since January, also I'm trying to start to go to the gym once a week at the weekend too. feel free to add me if your on there too.

    I had a couple of ideas for names Spring Swans or The Wild Flowers
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I was part of the winter challenge and lost 17lb it has helped me to keep motivated throughout the journey
  • NicoleMallette
    NicoleMallette Posts: 30 Member
    Hi team !!! Excited to get started. I've stared the squat challenge (rest day ) This is my first time joining a challenge Love Jenny's idea for our team "wild flowers".
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Ruffa 28 years old, i work as a Hotel night auditor so my schedule is pretty much upside down, i get off at 7 am, so i do my workout either in the morning when i get off work or at night before i go to work. my SW was 150lbs, CW is now 132lbs and GW is 125lbs. i want to be toned and healthy.

    I am almost done with the pre assessment, i just have to find out my 1.5mile time, which i will probably do later today. i am also done with days 1,2,3 of squats challenge, today is the rest day. :smiley:

    I saw a team name UNDER THE WEATHER lol sounds fun haha does not sound like spring though lol
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    I made it to the gym this morning! It was such a struggle to get there though lol I made it there at 6:15. Getting out of my warm bed is hard, but the guilt of NOT going to the gym is even worse!

    Happy Friday everyone!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Way to start your day, Kate! Anyone else been to the gym already?
  • babybuddha1993
    babybuddha1993 Posts: 12 Member
    I like the name The Wildflowers too. :) I skipped pilates class today to study, but tomorrow morning I'm going to outdoor yoga with my sister. I'm going to make No-Bake Chocolate Energy Balls to take with us. They are 100 calories each, but I feel they're much healthier & cheaper than other options downtown.
    How is everyone else doing? Best wishes!!!
  • babybuddha1993
    babybuddha1993 Posts: 12 Member Here is the recipe in case anyone wants it :) If you make 20, I think they have about 100 calories each.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Skipping pilates to study is perfectly acceptable! I've got two sons in post secondary and as a parent footing the bill, it is also expected! I did outdoor yoga when we were in Florida in January and I really enjoyed it! Have fun with your sister tomorrow, Shelle! I just came back from a 40 minute walk on the treadmill. I am doing something like a C25K and today was a walk day. I am on week 5. There is a fun 5k in town on April 1st that I would like to do, and hopefully run the whole thing. (It's probably been a year and a half since I last ran a 5k straight). I was also thinking about team names and trying to use "Team 4" as a theme. I came up with Team Fourmidable". I am not opposed to the The Wildflowers, I just had this idea so I put it out there. There are many who haven't chimed in yet. We'll wait until the end of the weekend to make our final decision.
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    Hi Lisa! i went to the gym after work, i did an hour zumba and ran 2 miles after :smiley: Wildflowers sounds good as well by the way :)

    i started c25k before but never finished it, how is it working for you? i am sure you will enjoy the 5k in april