anyone cleaning eating and have 50lbs to loose?

mrskeehn Posts: 9 Member
Hey there, Im a busy mama to 5, and Im seeking for some accountability partners. Id love to weigh in on the same day and be accountable to logging honestly. if anyones looking for a buddy add me please!! together we can do this. thank you!!


  • aquil3838
    aquil3838 Posts: 2 Member
    hello mrskeehn we are all in need of support. I just end a 60 day challenge with a wonderful group of women. I'm still working out but with an accountability partner you tend to work harder. I'm here for you and will check on you daily. Will also share some week to week meals that aren't hard to prepare b/c with 5 you need quick and easy. Also the meal plan the entire family can enjoy. My grandkids went from eating cookies and candy to celery and peanut butter. Good healthy snacks.
  • deanna4815
    deanna4815 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello MrsKeen I am looking to loose 60 pounds, mother of 4, I would love to join you on your journey ....I can add I only like to weigh myself every 2 weeks but if you need that accountability partner to check in I can assist
  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    You can add me. I have more than 50 to lose but I did lose 50 pounds last year to clean eating so I'm doing the exact same thing again this round.
  • EastWindSong
    EastWindSong Posts: 1 Member
    You are speaking my language! I am looking to loose a bit more than 50 pounds, and I know I need an accountability partner as well. Please add me to your list as partners in this journey together.
  • Lmonroe04
    Lmonroe04 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello MrsKeen. I am new to the group and also need to loose 50+ pounds. I am just starting on my journey and would love to have an accountability partner to keep me on the right track. Please add me.
  • lydialove1113
    lydialove1113 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!!! I am soooo looking for an accountability partner! I lost 50 + pounds 2 years ago and gradually gained it all back! In excited about starting again!! Please add!!
  • Jennfeuer
    Jennfeuer Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a working mom of a 23 Months old who needs to loose 70lbs. Please add me!
  • annleg83
    annleg83 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not a new mom, but I never really lost the weight after my 2nd (who will be 26 this year). I just started back up with MFP and have 60 pounds to lose. I'll send you a request :)
  • mrskeehn
    mrskeehn Posts: 9 Member
    Can you guys add me... ?? Please !! For every person it makes
    Me go back and re sign in gah!
  • klankton76
    klankton76 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love for people to add me! I can use all the help I can get while I'm getting back into this. I've been out of the way of much movement and put on more pounds than I would like as I have battled a back/SI joint issue for the last two years. Finally gave up on fixing it and got off the pain pills and my PC has me on a nerve medicine that doesn't make me feel bad and actually gets rid of the pain so I can get out and work for this.

    I never had to exercise as a teen (I was an active, athletic, always doing something person), and never had to watch my calorie intake all the way through my early 30's. So this is all new to me. I was the girl that could put away a whole large pizza, breadsticks and some ice cream by myself and maintain around 125. Well now my body doesn't work like that. I've got a desk job (no more waitressing for 8-12 hours a night in the bar without a break on my feet lifting trays full of drinks over my head and working my way through crowds) that doesn't really help with the desired weight thing. But they put in a nature trail behind the building I work at a couple of weeks ago, so I'm warming up walking around the buildings then hitting the nature trail after I'm warmed up. It's closer to hiking than walking. So I think that's helping.

    I weigh every day. It helps me stay on track to be good about not eating a bad breakfast. I also plan to start doing the meal prep thing. I'm hoping I don't get overwhelmed. I've never been an organized person so I think this will be a challenge for me.

    And now that I've written a book, I'll go...

  • I'd love to have a group with a same day weigh-in. The accountability will let me love my progress and focus on changes that may need to be made along the way!

    Please add me.
    URMYSUNSHINE927 Posts: 1 Member
    YES!!! Please add me.. I'm new to this and need to lose 50lbs. I need motivation and help with challenges.
  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am new to this group and new to "Clean Eating" can anyone clarify what this consists of??? I am 58 yrs old.....a in need of losing about 45 biggest challenge is myself as I struggle with being consistent.....with my eating habits .....exercise....the other biggest issue is that I have fibromyalgia which is my cross to bear for NOW as I know I will feel better if Incan only loose weight!!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I'm a 46 year old grandmother who needs to re-lose 40+ pounds. I gained a bunch of weight back, but looking to go back to what works for me... tracking on MFP and eating clean the majority of the time.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • imblanchard1
    imblanchard1 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me in I need to lose 60 lbs. and need support.
  • estathebesta
    estathebesta Posts: 5 Member
    Hi to all , i need to lose 50 lbs so count me in too. Looking forward to this. I lost 40 lbs last summer through clean eating and exercise, but gained it all back and then some when i went back to old habits, i now intend to implement this as a way of life for me and my family.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    47 yr old mother of three here. I had 40-50 lbs to lose to start out and now down almost 25 lbs (weigh-in is on Monday) and I have about 15-20 lbs more to go. I've lost the weight over the last 60 days by weighing and measuring all that I eat and eating as close to one ingredient foods as possible. No fast food or processed foods.
  • granny_2013
    granny_2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am also trying to lose 50 lbs. I had lost about 50 lbs 6 years ago, but have gained most of it back. My weigh in day is Mondays, also. I would love to be accountable to someone beside myself. So please add me also. I am also trying to lose my weight with clean eating and excise. Looking forward to the journey with all of you!

  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    Count me in! for the count down to better health!

  • Sakismom
    Sakismom Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I have 45-50 pounds to lose. I started my journey this morning and will be weighing in on Sundays. I am following The Wild Diet which is a clean eating, Paleoish plan that looks like I can live with forever. Add me!