Team 4



  • NicoleMallette
    NicoleMallette Posts: 30 Member
    Another productive day , on my way to reaching my goal. Ty to team 4 as you help me to be a bit more accountable . Today I did the 2arm challenges and walked for 1hr 45 min.
  • violet0ann
    violet0ann Posts: 72 Member
    shaunie126 it took me quite a while to get use to logging everything too. If you have a smart phone, the myfitnesspal app helps me a lot. especially the bar code scanner its a lot quicker than searching by hand, I can just scan it. I haven't found a item yet which hasn't been in the database using the scanner.

    I tried to make to make pita bread today but they ended up as flat bread, but still were nice and I had them with pawns for lunch.
    I did my 2 30 mins run/walks today and 10 mins doing the arm challenge.

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Well.....I felt guilty for not being able to get my exercise in this morning and I didn't want to let the team down so I forced myself to workout this evening. :p
  • shaunie126
    shaunie126 Posts: 33 Member
    Today I had my Greek yogurt. I did 10mins on the bike. I'm feeling better ☺ and even if we don't win this challenge I feel it had put me on the right track to living healthy
  • misstori4
    misstori4 Posts: 15 Member
    Way to go team!! Summ72: you're hard core! Shaunie126: Me too; it is amazing how so little can make you feel better.

    Eating greek yogurt right now, and putting my food in my diary now. I actually lifted some weights today. I haven't done that in a while.
  • NicoleMallette
    NicoleMallette Posts: 30 Member
    Was a walking kind of day today. Started off walking to work 20 min. Then a walk at lunch with a gf. Walked home. Then had a 2 hr walk with an old friend and my puppy. Great way to have a visit,
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Shaunie126 we are all winning if we are getting healthy and making good decisions. This is my first time joining a group on MFP and it is amazing how motivational and supportive everyone is and I am fighting this fight for not only for myself but for you all. I have struggled with weight for a long time and the only time I have ever done good is when I have support and motivation.

    Thanks Everyone for being on this team!

    Have a great Friday.
  • lexy4774
    lexy4774 Posts: 5 Member
    had to take a couple of days off of the squat challenge as i was suffering for knee pain but back at it this morning, determination to keep motivated with all your support, thanks guys!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hey Team - sorry, I have been MIA on the posting. Its been a really hectic week. I got my exercise in, but didn't have time to do more than log my exercise.

    I did great on the nutritional challenge. I eat greek yogurt most mornings, so it was a gimme for me. I add the berries and the flaxseed that Sheri had us start on the previous challenge, so it ends up a really healthy breakfast.

    I'm still on the arm challenge, but I don't know how much longer I can hang. Those numbers go up fast. I'm struggling with the pushups already and doing a couple extra every day is just not gonna happen. I wonder if we can repeat some days till we're ready to move on?

    And finally - the Momma Mia dance. I did it. I waited till my husband was working in the garage, and then put it on. I'm sure I looked like a complete idiot - but it was fun :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I am love, love, loving all the positive energy and words of support and encouragement on this team! Sorry I had to take yesterday off; not feeling like myself. A little better today...we'll see what I can do. Keep up the great work!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Well, I was supposed to run on the treadmill tonight, but my body didn't feel like running. Instead I went for a 39 minute walk and spent 20 minutes doing the dumbbell challenge and some squats.
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!! happy weekend! :smile:

    @shaunie126 you are so right girl, eventhough we dont win the challenge we are definitely winning by turning our lives around and getting into healthy living. i am so proud of everyone!!! how friendly and supportive. you guys are the bomb :D
    @misstori4 how do you like lifting? i'm a cardio person, i struggle with lifting weights lol i try though, i like kettle bell, and i only use 5-10lbs.
    @NicoleMallette thanks for the add girl, and for the support, you are doing so great!
    @summ72 yay girl way to go on still getting workout in, i do that all the time. i feel lazy, then finally dragged my behind because if i feel guilty if i don't lol
    @lexy4774 sorry your knee was hurting, glad to know you are feeling better now and back at it, woop woop! you are gonna be stronger!
    @simbersea i started doing the arm challenge but i didn't even finish the first day, it was harder than i thought lol good job on doing it, hang in there i am sure you got this! the mama mia was fun as well, i did it at work lol.
    @HASWLRS sorry you were not feeling so good, great job on the walk though and for doing the dumbbell and squats challenge. hope you feel better. i did not do any of them today. i ended up sleeping, going to the concert, then go directly to work. i am sooo exhausted right now. burned some calories dancing and jumping around though hahaha

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Well I didn't get outside and enjoy this cool, but sunny, spring day, but I did go to the gym. I did the run I was supposed to do yesterday; 35 minutes running, 22 minutes walking. Ruffa, I hear you about the arm challenge...I don't do push ups either (at least not yet!). That is why I am doing the dumbbell challenge. I started with one rep, now on the second go 'round I am doing two reps. I only have 5 LB hand weights, which is okay to start. I would love to get to the point where I need heavier weights.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    57 minutes on the treadmill, roughly 20 minutes doing the dumbbell challenge and squats for a total of 77 minutes today. Met my son for lunch, got a new pair of running shoes (last year's model so a great price!)...having a wonderful day! May it be infectious!
  • NelsonKatelyn
    NelsonKatelyn Posts: 120 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA! Just got done at the gym. It's been a busy past few days! I'll update my minutes on the spreadsheet soon. It's so much easier for me to keep up with it all during the week because I'm at a computer all day at work. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • shaunie126
    shaunie126 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey guys ☺ Today after work I did 60mins on the bike. I'm happy with every victory. And I walked by myself at the park. Thank you all for your support. Yesterday I had a Greek spinach pie and tonight as my late night snack I'll have the Greek yogurt☺
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Sounds like you had a great ride and a great week, Shaunie! No worries, Kate...we knew you were still with us! What kind of exercise is everyone going to do today?
  • shaunie126
    shaunie126 Posts: 33 Member
    Way to go Team 4! I think I understand this challenge more now ... I got confused with the different challenges but the main this is just record your minutes doing any exercise.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Hey, Shaunie. I like your new profile pic.....we can see your face! Great smile!
  • shaunie126
    shaunie126 Posts: 33 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hey, Shaunie. I like your new profile pic.....we can see your face! Great smile!

    Awe Thanks