Team 8 - Amazing Race



  • hncall01
    hncall01 Posts: 152 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! Hope everyone is doing really well! Excited to be going to Ireland!! Hope this week goes well for everyone!!
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    Today starts my week of "spring break" so I will have plenty more time to get to the gym! My goal is at least an hour a day this week so hopefully I'll help out a little more than week one! But being off also means I'm going to have more time to eat snacks... Gotta stay strong!
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    So aggy. Week one I did horribly logging everything in my workouts roadblocks and food. Def missed out on points but making it priority from this week on to make sure everything gets logged. New week definitely time to push harder
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    Today's plan: work 6 hours, run 2.5 miles plus half mile each way warm-up/cool-down, make fish with lemon, rice and veggies, create a dance for a concert tomorrow ( :neutral: ) and grade papers leisurely .

    What actually happened: work 8.5 hours, scratch the run, Wendy's for dinner, create this dance and frantically grade papers until bed time. I am feeling so stressed right now and I feel like I am dropping the ball everywhere! Anyone else sometimes feel like you're drowning?

    Yes that was me this weekend and I forgot to log some stuff but hoping for a better week lol
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    kaitkolo wrote: »
    Today starts my week of "spring break" so I will have plenty more time to get to the gym! My goal is at least an hour a day this week so hopefully I'll help out a little more than week one! But being off also means I'm going to have more time to eat snacks... Gotta stay strong!

    I'm currently trying to look up some healthy simple snacks to try.. Snacking is definitely my problem
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Anyone else feeling the burn on day 14(ish) of the squat challenge?
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Okay, so just when I thought I knew what was going on, I don't see where to log this weeks stuff?? Is there a new spreadsheet that I don't see??
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Well finally home after a visit to sin city for soccer/vacation... hoping the walks/sightseeing helped to offset some of the treats this week. After the flight home and time change back to east coast then unpacking, stripping beds, washing clothes and general clean up, I just want sleep! Tomorrow starts the real adventure for me. Goal for next week is to have more intense times which may mean a bit less of minutes. (Had to do the slower walks to keep fresh legs for the games..). Will review the next trip and all details tomorrow. Just gonna enjoy the zzzzzzzzs tonight!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Sorry guys tonight was another late night at school with a choir concert that I choreographed and school is crazy. I just got home so give me a few minutes and I'll add this week's dates to the same spread sheet we used last time. Just scroll down.
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Well I'm officially off work now for 3 weeks so using the time to focus on me, my family and following the plan 100%. I've struggled since Friday (unsure of the trigger) but back on it 100% and aiming for 2lb a week off over the nxt 3 weeks! A lot of people at work have commented on how much weight I've lost especially from my face so that has spurred me on and I have a holiday to aim for!!
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member
    When do we find out which team is winning? Xx
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning Team :) I really didn't feel like working out last night, but being on the amazing race saved me! I was accountable, so I dragged myself downstairs and got in 63 minutes! I walked on treadmill, did a body weight circuit and continued with the dumbbell challenge. So thankful for this group!!!
    Have a wonderful day!!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Melodie will post the winner once all the team scores have been finalized, but my goodness have you guys looked at our spreadsheet!? 6DeDe6 worked out an amazing 825 minutes this week! Sandkp and Ahollowed were both over 400. That's awesome guys. Great job! Let's keep it up.
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey :) can someone log my mins..
    3/14-30 mins
    3/15- 40 mins
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Yep got it!
  • Ahollowed
    Ahollowed Posts: 22 Member
    I've been doing terribly as far as eating gors these last two days but I've been rocking the exercising. Today we went to the zoo. It's a 1 1/2 mile walk each way. Plus i had to drop my other kids off at the theater so in total i ended up walking 8.5 miles! Will work on the diet portion tomorrow.
  • AnnmarieSimmons
    AnnmarieSimmons Posts: 51 Member
    Morning all,

    I haven't had a great start to the week, work has been very busy the last few days, but I am going to make sure I get some exercise in the rest of this week,,,, going to push myself to do something everyday! ( I can try )
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning! This is an 8 week challenge, and not all of the 8 weeks are going to be perfect for everyone. If you had a bad day or so, that's ok. Use this challenge to help you get started again the next day. Just keep going!! :)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Happy Thursday Team 8!! Hope you are all having a great week....together we can do this....make yourself something Irish, I made beef stew last week and froze a bit so will be having that for lunch on Saturday. The nutrition challenge is super easy, if you are eating healthy at all, having something colored is a no brainer. If you have a bad day or a bad meal, just get back on track and know that it happens to every single one of us!
  • bex_2016
    bex_2016 Posts: 32 Member!! What day of the week do we officially weigh in? When is the cut of day? Apologies but I'm new to these challenges x